12 WINNETKA TALK March 31, 1928 CUT FLOWERS Potted Plants -- Spring Stock -- Perennials Floral Designs ~ Greenhouse on Dundee Road, near Hohfelder Lane, Glencoe - FRANK WINTER Phone 1256 Glencoe Upholstering & Cabinet Making Antique Furniture Repairing a Specialty High Grade Refinishing Box Spring Mattresses Made and Renovated Furniture of All Descriptions Made to Order ALL THE WORK IS DONE IN OUR OWN SHOP Complete Sample Line of Imported and Domestic Fabrics JOHN A. ODH Est. 1908 933 LINDEN AVE. HUBBARD Woops PH. WINN. 235 Postpone Art Theatre Production One Week The date for the opening of the "Cricket on the Hearth" at the Chi- cago Art theatre has been changed from March 31 to Friday, April 6. Without a doubt, "Cricket on the Hearth" will be the best thing the Art theatre has ever given. This is assured by the presence of Ivan Lazareff, famous artist of the Moscow Art theatre, in the leading role. His acting has been called perfect by such critics as Burns Mantle of the N. Y. Daily News. A. R. Gould, 322 Forest avenue, was elected first vice-president of the Traf- fic club of Chicago at the club's an- nual meeting at the Palmer House March 27. The Traffic club was or- ganized about twenty-one years ago and has 1,800 members. Special | Easter Offerings We are now showing the advance styles for milady-- just the things that will be worn in the Easter Promenade. Ensembles Printed Crepes and Chiffons ~ for Daytime Wear ITT Hats That Typify the Easter Mode Lingerie -- Costume Slips The Pauline Shop 917 LINDEN AVENUE HUBBARD WOODS I CO Tn Ladies' Sport Shoes Quality Never Disappoints E are now showing a new Sport Shoe for Milady. This new shoe is of two-tone tan leather, and has a most comfortable crepe sole. T hese shoes have appearance, comfort and will give in- definite wear. Yes! We Also Do Repairing WINNETKA SHOE STORE H. Luensman 804 Elm Street Telephone 694 Winnetka Camp Fire Sparks The Otyokwa Group of Camp Fire Girls, with their guardians, Mrs, J. M. Winscott and Miss Katherine Adams, took a short hike Thursday afternoon, March 22, and finished by going through the Waterworks' plant, and the Water Tower. The group then went to Henrietta Boal's for a baseball game and supper, followed by games around the fireplace. It was a happy occasion, one which the girls will long remember. The afternoon was in charge of Henrietta Boal and Harriet Daughaday, who made all the arrange- ments for the group. The Litahni Camp Fire Group, Mrs. Philip Fisher and Miss Allison Koch, guardians, had their Birthday Cere- monial Thursday afternoon, March 29, at the home of Mrs. Fisher. This group has been working for the 1928 Camp Fire Birthday Honor. This honor involves service, and this year it has been in connection with the Needlework Guild of America. The girls and the Red Cross have been working for weeks on garments to be sent to these organizations and have also been fulfilling the other re- quirements as a group for the winning of this honor. After the Ceremonial there was a waffle supper and games. The group is as follows: Eleanor An- derson, Virginia Dunlap, Hope Free- man, Betty Maddox, Mary McFad- zean, Marjorie Nelson. Helen Stults, Jane Sweet, Carmen Wilson. A Parents' Night is to be given by the Camp Fire Girls as a whole, Fri- day evening, April 27. There will be a Food Sale Saturday morning, April 14, in Community House. At the meeting of the Camp Fire Council, held Tuesday afternoon, March 27, the following Camp Fire Girls successfully passed their tests for the rank of Woodeatherer (the first rank): Florence Nelson, Grace Erickson. Virginia Johnston, of Miss Mildred Olson's group; Henrietta Boal and Leslie Wilson of Mrs. Winscott's group. The Birthday Month in Camp Fire is March. Chicago Camp Fire Girls celebrated this sixteenth birthday of the organization with a Pageant and Grand Council Fire at Orchestra hall, Friday evening, March 30. A large group of Winnetka Camp Fire Girls attended. : LOSES FATHER BY DEATH Mrs. Walter O. Wilson of 760 Bry- ant avenue was called to Chicago Monday evening by the death of her father, Charles C. Curtiss. The death was caused by advanced age. for each and --FUEL OIL-- The exact grade Immediate Delivery 'Winnetka Coal-Lumber Co. Telephone Winnetka 734-5-6 every burner