March 31, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 37 Soph Girls Take Inter - Class Meet in New Trier Pool The New Trier High school girls' inter-class swimming meet was held Tuesday, March 27. The meet was won by the sophomores with 33 points, juniors second with 27% points, fresh- men third with 84 points and seniors fourth with seven points. The seniors, who, as juniors, last year won the swimming championship, fell down this year as there were only five on their team, and only two swam in the meet. Brower was individual winner with 18 points--having won first place in the twenty yard crawl, forty yard free style, twenty yard back stroke, and second place in the crawl stroke for form. Tencher and Johnstone tied for second with ten points each, Martha Tencher having won second place in the forty yard free style, and twenty yard back stroke, and third in the side stroke and crawl for form. Ruth Johnstone annexed her points by winning first place in both the crawl and side strokes for form. Julia Crossley was fourth with 6% points. Following are the teams and a sum- mary of events: Seniors: Wray, Mayer, Gerlach, Leffingwell, Fraser. Juniors: Klewer, Burke, Cooke, Johnstone, 'Tencher, M. Forrest, Etzbach. Sophomores: Smith, Anderson, Mc- Cann, Jean Crossley, Julia Crossley. Bruns, Samson, Braylock, Brower, J. Forrest. Freshmen: Boddie, McLaren, Wil- cox, Adler, Brown, Norman, Simon, Boyleston, Ketcham, Garner. Summaries : Medley relay--won by freshman--swim- ming: Norman, McLaren. Boddie. 20 yard crawl--won by Brower; M. [ ADVENTURE ISLAND GREEN BAY FISH CREEK CHARLES A. KINNEY WINNETKA, ILL. | Building Eskimo kayaks, row boats, and sail boats in the camp shop; cruis- ing among the islands in Green Bay, camping and exploration trips on the mainland; building cabins, shacks and tree houses in the woods; horse back riding along the miles of forest trails; swimming and diving; nature hikes, woodcraft, camp music, and pageantry are some of the activities of this unique camp. Adventure Island is limited to forty boys, seven to fourteen. Seventh season. Trained councilors, one to each four boys. Nine hours' drive from Chicago. CHARLES A. KINNEY, Winnetka, Ill Telephone Winnetka 914 S.. the Houses on the Village Green COLISEUM MARCH 31st to APRIL 7th How a house should be planned, built,decorated, equipped and fi- nanced. How to improve old homes. Admission 50c Opens 8 pm Saturday, March 31st Thereafter Fo 11 pm a y and Sunday - Forrest, second; Leffingwell, third; Mec- Laren, fourth; time 11.5 seconds. 20 yard breast stroke--won by Wray; Burke, second; Julia Crossley, third; Norman and J. Forrest, fourth; time 15. Side stroke for form----won by John- stone; Jean Crossley, second; Tencher, third ; Julia Crossley, fourth. Relay--won by sophomores--swimming: Brower, J. Forrest, Julia Crossley, Sam- son; time 57.2. Crawl stroke for form--won by John- stone; Brower, second; Tencher. third; McLaren, fourth. 20 yard backstroke--won by Brower; Tencher, second; Julia Crossley and M. Forrest, third; time 16.5. 40 yard free style--won by Brower; Tencher, second; Julia Crossley, third; McLaren, fourth; time 28. Black Hills to Be Mecca for Tourists This Year _ Fifteen million dollars will be spent in the Black Hills by tourists this summer, it is estimated by a survey based on the growing business of the last few years and the largely multi plied number of requests for informa- tion that are coming in this spring to railroads, newspapers and other sourc es of information. The focusing of the nation's atten tion last summer on the mountain oasis where the President and Mrs. Coolidge spent the warm months is one reason for the increased interest. The low rates made by the Chicago and North Western Railway which make the Black Hills more accessible financially as well as in the matter of hours and miles, is another contribut- ing factor. These rates, it is just an- nounced, will go into effect the first of June. Springfield, Illinois, ranks second of the cities of the United States in the reduction of cost of food stuffs during 1927. 1209 WASHINGTON AVE. th So :: 11447 Start the Spring With a Freshly Painted Car 7 S-- ~~ [INT We are prepared to restore to your car the velvety newness with which it came from the factory. Robert W. McIntyre Finest Auto Painting and Trimming PHONE WIL. 684 ITT Does this School teach modern art? The New and the Old Can we a splendid start. They draw--not mechanically. learn to really draw in this School? What does your course in design embrace? So run the ques- tions of those who inquire. We, here in the Evanston Academy of Fine Arts, realize fully our responsibility to the aspiring young boy or girl. Shall we teach him to draw as it was done when we first were students? Aca- demic, solid, with thorough understanding of ana- tomical form, composition and value--or shall we only stress design and color as many think that modern art is? We do both. Even now we are proud of our results. In two months we feel that we have made They are not copying by rule or in an unfeeling manner but they are learning to draw the figure intelligently, sometimes without the model. Our aim is that they should be able to draw, to ex- press themselves and that the drawings should look like the model. But also, they are being taught the new, beautiful solid ideas that are in modern art so that when they enter the world of art, professionally, a few years hence, they may be equipped to fill the need of their time. Instruction largely individual. Enrollment any time, day or evening. Visitors are invited The EVANSTON ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS CARL SCHEFFLER, Director Carlson Building Tower, Church and Orrington Telephone Greenleaf 1674 (Hun a AL ELLE CLLRLERURLRLLLRLLTRRUREY" UUARLRVABLLRUAARAARANSANAANDANERIAREDEIDLNERDUEEREDSERMAAMEARULUALARMALRLALLRLARLARLARMALABI ARAL ALLLLLLRRSBERBLALTIL ILS,