Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 31 Mar 1928, p. 55

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WINNETKA TALK March 31, 1928 54 Cl ifi d 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES rl FOR SALE--HOUSES 99 ANTIQUES assitie OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT. RAPP |6-RM. STUCCO. NEW FURNACE, LOT | AM SELLING MY PRIVATE COLLEC- . building, Winnetka. Apply Mr. Rapp, 60x125, driveway, 32 ft. paved st. con- tino of rosewood and mahogany pieces. A dv ertisements Winn. 1870. 73TNL4-5tc | venient to transp. 3 glazed porches, Bedroom set of Dutch marquetry. gas range, modern. 500 cap chicken Rosewood bed and dresser. Duncan BO or Sone O% price coop--over 0 best layers, all tools, Phyfe table. Other pieces. Also drapes, . § enter o: innetka. very complete. 4000 cash, balance Oriential rugs. Mrs. F. D. Smith, 321 (Continued from page 53) 788 Elm st., or Phone 162. 73T4-1tc } convenient. 5 Walter Avenue, North| Xedzie st, Evanston. Tel. Greenleaf Brook, IlL TILTN27-1t 4475. 99LTN27-1t 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES i FOR SALE--HOUSES : 2 FOR SALE--7-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, | 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. GLENCOE, 690 GREENWOOD AVE. 8 rms., 2 baths, H. W. heat, oil burner, gar., large lot, fine hedge and trees, 2 blocks to sta. and school. 2 yr. lease, $150 per mo. Call Glencoe 561 for ap- pointment. 69LTN27-1tc 934 ELMWOOD, WILMETTE. 9 RM. modern house, 2 baths, 2-car garage. Newly finished, open for inspection. Stanley K. Gage, 932 Elmwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2216. 69LTN27-1tc FOR RENT OR SALE--9 RM. COLON- ial, central east loca. Living room 16x28. 2 floor, 4 bedr., bath. 3 floor, 2 bedr., bath. Rent $200 a month. Write owner Talk B-648. 69LTN27-1tp FOR RENT--8 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, sleeping and dining porches. Att. gar. Hot water heat--oil burner. Conv. to transp. and school. Ph. Wilmette 1468. 69LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--7 RM. HOUSE, 4 BED- rooms, large lot, gar., near Hubbard Woods depot. $135. F. A. Reid, 954 Lin- den Ave., Hubbard Woods, Ph. Winnet- "ka 1300. 69TN4-1tc 6 RM. HOUSE WINNETKA. SLP. AND sun pchs. 2 baths, gar. wooded lot, near tansp. A-1 cond. $135. Tel. Glencoe 114. 69LTN27-1tp TO REFINED ADULTS. gar. Near lake. $100. eves., Sat. and Sun. 5 RM. AND Winn. 1630 69LTN27-1tc 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT--NEW 6 RM. FURNISHED house 2 baths and att. 2 car garage. Possession now until Oct. 1st. Ph. Win- netka 2309. T0T4-1tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE SIX RM. house, furnished. Sun porch and sleep. pch. Gayr. Winn. 1781. 70T1-tfc 5 RQOM BUNGALOW, FURNISHED, for summer months. Tel. Winn. 1659. TOLTN27-1tc 72 FOR RENT--GARAGE FOR RENT--GAR., SHOP AND WARE- house, also flat in front, % block east of depot on street car line and paved alley. A. C. Wolff. Ph. Wilmette 183 or 1724, T2LTN27-1tc 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT THE FUTURE OF THE TERRITORY recently annexed to Wilmette is as- sured and the future of the person or persons in business now established and growing with the territory is like- wise assured. To the right person, we can offer for rent a corner store in an excellent location and on terms that cannot be duplicated 90 days from now. For detailed information see J. 11. SCHAFFER & CO. 803 Ridge Avenue Wilmette Ill. Wil. 364 T3LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--OFFICES 2ND FLOOR, Fourth & Linden, Wilmette, opposite "L" terminal depot, 1, 2 or 3 rooms, good location for a doctor, $15, $25 and $35. Wilmette Realty Co. AGENTS 513 Fourth St. Wilmette 192 T3LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--SMALL STORE NEAR "L" terminal depot. Living quarters in rear with kitchen and bath. Excel- lent location for notion's or home-made candy store. Rent $85 per mo. Wilmette Realty Co. AGENTS 513 Fourth St. Wilmette 192 T3LTN27-1tc FOR RENT--STORE ON WEST ELM St., Winnetka. Finest location. No food business considered. May 1st posses- sion. Write Winnetka Talk B-650. 73T4-1te SOUTH EAST GLENCOE A CHARMING COLONIAL HOME, SIT- uated on a beautiful landscaped lot 143x150. The first floor contains liv- ing room, sun parlor, dining room, pantry, Kitchen. Second floor has 4 bed-rooms, two baths, extra lavatory, sleeping porch. Third floor, maid's rm. and bath, two storage rooms. Hot water heat, Newport magazine feed boiler. Garage to match house. This is offered now at $42.000. WALTER P. SMITH & CO. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 TTLTN27-1tc 0 REDUCED $7,000.00 FOR 2 WEEKS ONLY A beautiful home with 9 rms, 5 bdrms, 3 baths, 2 sleep. porches, heated garage, HW heat with Oil. Built for a home by owner. Gounds Extensively landscaped. Buyers See This P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 788 Elm St. 'Winn. 162 77T4-1tc North Shore's Best Buy CHARMING NEW BRICK RESIDENCE near lake, east side, having 7 large rooms & heated sleeping porch, solari- um, breakfast room, 2 tile baths & lavatory, electric refrigeration, venti- lating system, very latest features, large lot. Owner advises to sell. Terms arranged. See CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Phone Winnetka 2032 TTLTN27-1tc UNUSUAI, OFFER IN THE HEART OF EAST KENIL- worth. Living room 17x30 feet. 4 bed- rooms, bath and lavatory on 2nd floor. Bedroom and lavatory on 3rd floor. 2 car garage. Enclosed front porch. Priced low for this exclusive section at $24,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm Street Winnetka 2008 WILMETTE CHARMING BUNGALOW on east side; "IL," 2 elec. lines, 2 R. R. stations all within 5 blocks; grade and kindergarten school two blocks; living room 38x 16; dining room 13x12; kit- chen 12x10; sun room 13x11; roomy closets and bedrooms; built-in book cases; most modern plumbing; H. W. heat; oil burner; Rudd H. W. supply; garage on paved alley; inquire 812 Oakwood Ave. TTLT24-tfc Lot 75x160, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, en- closed porch and sun room, hot water heat with oil burner, automatic water heater. Price $20,000. 1412 Scott Ave- nue, Winnetka, Illinois. Telephone Winnetka 1682. 77T4-tfe LEAVING VILLAGE--WILL SELL 7 rm. stucco, with extra lava. on 2nd, toilet on 1st. Breakfast rm. Glazed Sun porch. Oil heat. Southeast loca., conv. school, transpor., lake. 272 Pop- lar St, Winn. 427. TTLTN27-1tp 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH- brook; H. W. heat, 1 bath, l-car ga- rage, lot 50x140. $9,300, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wil. 3774. TTLTN27-1tp A MODERN 6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. Garage. Corner lot. East side. A rare bargain. Inquire 565 Elder lane. Tel 'Winn. 2 77T4-tfe FOR SALE--VACANT INVESTIGATE THIS GREATEST BARGAIN IN SHERIDAN Road vacant. Lot 82x160. East front near the new Shawnee Club and bath- ing beach. Four blocks from "L" ter- minal. The last available piece of Sheridan Road frontage at less than market value. A rare chance to secure fine home site or a profitable invest- ment opportunity. SMITH & BROWN, INC. 334 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 93 7T8LTN27-1te 78 SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA FOR NORTH SHORE CLEAR RESIDENTIAL VACANT Every building site with panoramic view of ocean, mountains, Mission Val- ley and historic old Spanish mission-- Only property of its class left intact in San Diego--Value $35,000--Will Divide. Fine opportunity for contractor--Best climate in TU. S. Population doubled since 1920. Would consider trade for North Shore House or vacant--Address Winnetka Talk B-646. T8LT26-2tp FOR SALE--CHOICEST 172x150 FOOT lot in Winnetka. Fine trees, wonder- ful neighborhood. Near schools and transportation. $11,000. Phone Win- netka 1470. T8LTN27-1tc SELLING OUT COMPLETE FURNISHINGS OF HSE. Among these bargains, there is a Royal Saruk rug at 3% price. New Kitchen stove, day bed, etc. Call Glencoe 1169. 100LLTN27-1te BABY GRAND PIANO. DINING ROOM and bedrm. sets. Desk. Radio. Mangle. Stove. Lamps. Electric train set. Printing press. Rugs. Curtains. Dishes. Very cheap. Winn, 969. 100 TN27-1te 150 LB. BOHN SYPHON REFRIG., 36 in.,, Simplex ironer, bed, chairs, sani- tary couch, tables and mattress, etc. 739 9th St. Ph. Wilmette 1607. 100LTN27-1tc FURNISHINGS AND EQUIPMENT OF 7 rm. apt. Also grandfather clock. 1705 Ridge Ave., Evanston, apt. 5. By appt. only. Phone Greenleaf 4239. 100LTN27-1tc FOR SALE--VERY CHEAP--NEARLY new overstuffed davenport, three cush- ions. Inspection Saturday or Sunday. L. J. Longini, 524 Provident Ave. Ph. Winnetka 1382. 100LTN27-1tc COMPLETE FURNISHING OF 8 RM. house. Piano and bench §50. Reas. Leaving town. 1109 Forest Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3174. 100LTN27-1te BEAUTIFUL MULBERRY IMPORTED mohair davenport and chalr, good con- dition. Real bargain, 1040 Pine St. Ph. Winnetka 752. 100LTN27-1te FOR SALE---HOUSEHOLD FURNI- ture and window shades. 22 Prouty annex. Tel. Winn. 2256. 100LTN27-1te DINING ROOM SET. NEW SEEGER ice-box Kelvinator. Victrola and other choice pieces. Phone Glencoe 713. 100LTN27-1te OAK DIN. RM. SET--54 IN. TABLE, § chairs, very reasonable. Winn. 552-J. 100LTN27-1tp DINING ROOM SET FOR SALE. $30. 968 Elm St. 100LTN27-1te "RELIABLE" dition. $17. STOVE. Excellent con- Phone Winn. 1331. 100LTN27-1te LOT 185x160 FT. IN GLEN OAK ACRES elec., gas and water. $3,000. $500 cash. Ph. Glenview 181-W-2. 78LTN27-1tc 85 WANTED TO RENT--ROOMS GREATLY REDUCED HEAVILY WOODED LOT, 100x150 IN exclusive n. e. section of Winn., with completely modern 7 rm. shingle hse. 2 very large south porches, 1 on 2nd floor glazed. An excellent buy for any- one interested in a valuable piece of land and a comfortable home. Winn. 2207. 747 Lincoln Ave. TTLN27-1tp FOR SALE NEW 7 RM. BRICK AND stucco house, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, breakfast rm., H. W. Heat, frigidaire, attached gar., lot 50x200. Price $23,500. F A REID 954 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods 'Winn. 1300 TITN4-1te FOR SALE -- 655 LINCOLN AVE, Winnetka, fine English Cottage style solid brick hse. Large liv. rm., high oak ceiling, large dining rm., 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths, showers, extra lav., sunparlor, ete. Lot 50x200, 11% blocks, post office, and depot. A good style home for good style people. Price $28,500 to owner. Ph. Winnetka 2765. 77T3-2tc NEW 6 ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE. 3 bedrms., 2 baths, shwr. Metal weather strips. Plate glass windows. Latest decoras. H. W. heat. Fireplace. Tile roof. 2 car gar. Lot 50x189. Open 2-6 Sat. and Sun. 1143 Cherry, Winn. 1921. TTLTN27-1tp STORE IN HUBBARD WOODS. EX- cellent location. Near bank. May 1. Phone Winn. T3LTN27-1te FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. T3LTN8-tfc A SUNNY HOUSE Sunshine in every room, 67 windows on the first and second floors; 12 rooms, 3 baths, 2 car garage. Modern in every respect. Priced at $70,000. Will take less if sold within 60 days. Write Wil- mette Life B-651. TTLTN27-1te 2- OR 38 ROOMS FURNISHED, FOR light housekeeping. Must be reason- able. Tel. Winn. 2889. 85T4-1tp 2 RUGS, 8x10 AND 12x14, BARGAIN. 337 Sheridan Rd. Ph. Winnetka 2170. 100LTN26-1te SINGLE BED COMP. $3, LARGE polychrome mirror $3, large book case $5. 1096 Ash St., Winn. 100LTN27-1tp. OVERSTUFFED DAVENPORT; FIRE- side chair to match, $35. 389 Ridge, Winn. 1651. 100TN4-1te 89 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES SMALL HOUSE OR BUNGALOW. Wanted to rent from May to Septem- ber. Furn. or unfurn. Phone Winn. 1941. 89LTN27-1tc WANTED TO RENT--5 OR 6 ROOM FOR SALE--CHASE UPRIGHT PIANO $35. 1138 Scott ave., Hubbard Woods. Tel. Winn. 2321. 100TN4-1te TWIN BRASS BEDS WITH BOX springs, 2 china cabinets, Thor washer. Ph. Winnetka 613. 100TN4-1te ADAMS MAH. LIV. TABLE AND 100 se; + ; . ilmett ; house; must be yeas Phy Wilmette! "1b, rervie. Ph. Winmetin 1705, : 100LTN27-1te 96 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSHLD. GOODS WANTED TO BUY A 5 ROOM OR SMALL 6 ROOM HSE. in Wilmette. Convenient to North- western transportation. Give lowest price. Write Wilmette Life B-649. 96LTN27-1tc 99 SPECIAL ANTIQUE SALE BUY NOW FOR YOUR HOME AND cottage. Walnut chests $15 to $30 un- finished. $35 to $45 ready to use. Side chairs, blanket chests. Set mahogany Empire dining room chairs, corner cupboards, odd tables, large solid cherry gateleg tables and chairs to match. 8 rooms full of rare old things at remarkably low prices. OPEN-"9 A. M. {0 9 P.M, AND SUNDAYS 808 Washington St. EVANSTON Bl. S. of Main St. & 1% bls. E. of Ridge 99LTN27-2tc ANTIQUES 'AN WANTED TO BUY--SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Evans- ton, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfe ICEBOX IN GOOD CONDITION. Capacity 125 lbs. Tel. Winn. 2617. 101LTN27-1tc FOR SALE--MISC. 102 The Wilmette Woman's Exchange 1024 Lake Ave. open daily 10 to 5 Sat. 10 to 1 Curtains, linens and articles suitable for gifts and favors for parties always on hand. 102L'TN27-1tp FINEST BLACK DIRT APPROX. 3 CU. YDS. DELIVERED $7 North Shore Garden Service Ph. Glenview 80-R or 141-J. 102LTN25-4te CHILD'S PLAY HOUSE $25.00. PH. Wilmette 2921. 102L.T27-1te

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