April 7, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 73 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS 67 FOR RENT--APTS. MAID, WHITE, GENERAL HOUSE-|I AM TRYING TO FIND A POSITION [| LARGE, LIGHT, WELL-FURN. RM. work, good cook, best wages. Ph. Win-| for a chauffeur and gardener who was| near transp. Garage. Ph. Winn. 1543 Evanston netka 192. 56TN5-1te in my father's emplqyment for 10 66LTN28-1tc yrs. He is a careful driver and abso- EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR lutely dependable. Age 45, white, has | FOR RENT--FURNISHED ROOMS BY Apartments general housework. No washing. Must a wife and boy 14. Call Mrs. Dnengen week or month. Phone Wilmette 2399 like children. Winn. 1253. 56T5-1tc | Winnetka 1809. NB-1tc | Sor ages 66LTN20-tfc | 914 Sherman Ave., 1 rm. ........$ 52.50 WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- | EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR WISH- | FOR RENT--2 RMS. IN NEW HOME, 1320 Shicegy Ave, 2 rms. ........ 65.00 work. 4 in family. No laundry. Winn. | ing permanent position. Ref. furn. 15 well furnished. Call Wilmette 1373 5 Chicago Ave., 2 rms. 2271. 56T5-1tc yrs. on N. S. 5 yrs. last place, also or 280 mornings. 66TN5-1tc | 2110 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. MAID, WHITE, MUST BE GOOD COOK. New country home west of Winnetka. Tel. Wil. 207. 56TN5-1te YOUNG WHITE MAID TO ASSIST with housework and help with -chil- dren. Phone Glencoe 380. 56TN5-1te EXPERIENCED NURSE-MAID, WHITE. Protestant. Must have good refer- Winn. 2616. 56T5-1tp MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking. $18. Ph. Winnetka 1623. 56TN5-1tc MAID--WHITE FOR COOKING AND 1st floor work. Ph. Glencoe 1039. 56TN5-1tc WANTED EXP. WHITE MAID FOR gen. hswk. from now -until Apr. 20th. Ph. Wilmette 1276. 56 LTN28-1tp ences. 57 HELP WANTED--MALE good ref. at Packard Motor Car Co. Ph. Wilmette 812-R. 61TN5-1te EXPERIENCED MAN WITH NORTH shore ref. as houseman, gardener, clean- ing, etc. Write Thomas Robinson, 3805 'Wentworth, or phone Boulevard 0556. 61TN5-1te GARDENER, 13 YRS." EXP. IN GREEN- house, hotbed and garden. Good refs. from N. S. and abroad. Can drive any car. John Ramsey. Ph. Glencoe 770, Bm. .9. 61LTN28-1tc MAN DESIRES WORK CLEANING calcimine ceilings and wallpaper or washing paint. Can make like new. By the job. Ph. Wilmette 911-J. 61LT28-1tp WORK BY HOUR OR DAY--CLEAN- ing, window washing, gardening, yard work, or serving. Winn. 1657. 61L/T28-1tc Evanston. WANTED--MAN, SINGLE OR MAR- ried to do yard work and general out- side work, also take care of cars and drive if necessary. If married, wife to do second work. Call 370 Chestnut St., Winnetka, Sunday afternoons be- tween 3 and 5 or Ph. Winnetka 419. 5TTN5-1te MAN FOR SMALL PLACE, TO DRIVE car and take care of yard and garden. References required. Write Talk B-658. 5TLTN28-1tc COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR, WILLING to help as houseman. Refs. required. Phone Winn. 229 for appointment 5TLTN28-1tp WANTED--EXPERIENCED GARDEN- er 2 days a week. Ref. Ph. Winnetka 2422. 5TLTN28-1te 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE TEACHERS - STUDENTS FULL OR PART TIME. GOOD PAY for field work with Literary Guild. Our best seller for Apr. 1st "Bad Girl," by Vina Velmar. More than 40,000 are now members. Call Suite 921, 410 So. Michigan Ave., Chicago. 58LTN28-1tc SIT. WANTED--FEMALE 60 DAY WORK--CLEANING, LAUNDRY, or permanent place as maid. N. S. refs. Mrs. M. Woods, Douglas. 5734. 60L/TN28-1tp POSITION DESIRED AS GOVERNESS or caring for children by the hour. Am also a good seamstress. Mrs. Miller, 'Winn. 2978. 60LTN28-1tp WHITE WOMAN--COOKING OR TEM- porary work. Call Highland Park 2883. 60LTIN28-1tp COOK, COLORED, CAN TAKE FULL charge. 2 yrs. last place. University 7060. 60L/T28-1tc WANTED WASHING AND IRONING. Mrs. Nelson. Ph. Wilmette 1431. 60LTN28-1tp COLLEGE STUDENT WANTS GARDEN or housework, or odd jobs during Easter vacation, all next week. Call Winn. 1264. 61T5-1tc BOY 15 YRS. OLD WOULD LIKE ANY kind of general work, raking or' cut- ting grass. Ph. Wilmette 2623. 61LT28-2tc COMPETENT CHAUFFEUR, COL- ored. Willing to do house work. Call Drexel 3778. 61TN5-1tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER HAS 3 days to spare. Ref. Ph. Wilmette 1391. 61T5-1tp MAN WANTS WORK BY DAY. WIN- dow washing and housecleaning. Refs. Ph. Glencoe 898. 61LTN28-1tc CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN,, etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc EXPERIENCED CHAUFFEUR AND houseman. Also wait on table. Ref. Phone Glencoe 713. 61T5-1tp JOB AS GARDENER 2 OR 3 DAYS A week. Good references. Winn. 525-M. 61T5-1tp 62 SIT. WID.--MALE & FEMALE COMPETENT, REFINED WHITE couple, middle-aged, wants position of responsibility as housekeepers or care- takers. Write Talk B-659. 62LTN28-1tp WHITE COUPLE DESIRE WORK, wife as cook, man as chauffeur. Leo Kleinhurd, 621 May St., Waukegan, Ill 62L/T28-1tp WHITE COUPLE AS COOK, 1ST- class; chauffeur and gardener. Must be steady pos. Refs. Talk B-655. 62LTN28-1tp EXP. COL. COUPLE DESIRES POSI- tion in private family. Winn. refs. A. G. Scott. 467E-40th St. Drexel 0088. 62TNL5-1tc 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS TRAINED NURSE WILL CARE FOR aged couple in their own home. High- land Park 2274. 60LTN27-tfc LAUNDRY, CLEANING AND EXTRA meals. Call University 5569. 60LTN27-2tp WANTED -- FULL OR PART TIME bookkeeping. Ph. Wilmette 3218. 60LT28-1tp EXP. LAUNDRESS WISHES WORK by the day. 155 Prairie Ave. Wil- mette. 60LT28-1tp YOUNG WOMAN TO LOOK AFTER children or housework afternoons. Ph. Winnetka 1224. 60T5-1tp EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS laundry work and cleaning by day. Also serving. Phone Winn. 3026. 60TN4-2tp WANTED--WASHING TO TAKE home. Call and deliver. Ph. Wil. 1351. 60TN3-3tp ROOMS IN THE NORTH SHORE Montessori School, 761 Cherry St., 'Winnetka. Suitable for classes or eve- ning entertainments. Apply to Miss Dorothy Sears. Tel. Kenil. 163. 66T46-tfc IN PRIVATE HOME, A LARGE AT- tractive room with adjoining dressing room, lavatory, and bath. Convenient and attractive surroundings. Address Winnetka Talk B-664. 66LTN28-1tc CENTRAL HOTEL--LIGHT, OUTSIDE rooms for transients and residents. 629 Main street. Phone Wilmette 1080. 66 LT8-tfc IN QUIET WELL No other roomers, near Ref. req. Ph. Wilmette 143. 66LTN28-1tc FOR RENT--ROOM WITH BATH, IN private home. Transportation conven- ient. Lady preferred. Tel. Glencoe 1170. 66 TN5-1tc ONE OR 2 RMS. furn. home. transp. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES TO take care of children by day or hour. Call Winn. 2783. 60T5-1te GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. OR NURSE- maid. Good refs. Ph. Glen~oe 1417. 60TN5-1te WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 3% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe 770. 66TN46-tfc PLEASANT SINGLE ROOM. 910 ELM St. Winn. 2336. 66T5-1tc COMFORTABLE ROOM FOR RENT. Suitable for one or two. 549 Provi- dent, Ph. Wilmette 689. 66TL5-1tc EXP. CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSE man--also wait on table. Refs. Ph. Glencoe 713. 61TN5-1tp FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. CALL at 893 Cherry St. 66T5-1te 67 FOR RENT--APTS. Evanston Apartments 2 ROOMS 2541 Prairie Ave: ..ivviove cinveveee$355.00 3 ROOMS 2535 Prairie Ave. .... ......e.,,.. 65.00 4 ROOMS 2539 Prairie Ave. .......... ..70.00 & 72.50 724 Hinman Ave. ...._... +e: ....85.00 IB Main St Lo HRN GN 85.00 600 Sheridan Rd. ...... _..85.00 & 87.50 T1238 Maple Ave "Gio, 0 ¢ veee..90.00 820. Judson (Avert. li. Sl ihe end .00 560 Sheridan Sq. ...._ ...95.00 & 100.00 3404 Oak 'Ave. J.uviericosrsws rrarera100, 82214 Forest Ave. .. 1518 Oak Ave. ....cisrniwmoons 5 ROOMS 2539 Prairie Ave. ...... pn es 35.00 719 Hinman Ave. ........105.00 & 110.00 1002 Crain St. ...... ol vweveser ..126.00 746 Hinman Ave. i..... useless ...120.00 600 Sheridan Rd. _ ......120.00 & 135.00 570 Sheridan Sq. | ives se essa. 140.00 1100 Grove St. .... west lesen e140,00 1456Onki Ave: da. vile visa, 350,00 ola 160.00 & 175.00 0OMS 820 Judson Ave. ...... .eeoer.ssss.150.00 722 Hinman Ave. ...... o's a'viere «150.00 824 Forest Ave. ... ..165.00 1107 Lake St. $180.00 & Ra T4856 Oak AVE. oe icsvucivcronsesvnn 90.00 602 Sheridan Sq. vx ..cror i iey ...200.00 540 Sheridan Rd. ...... wah seth e iv 185,00 025 Michigan Ave. 3 ir ina 200.00 911 'Sheridan Rd. ........5. ve aioies'+ 250.00 7 ROOMS 1635 Hinman Ave. ........... ..185.00 1641 Hinman Ave. ......... ve ix 2190.00 OFFICES : 1718 Sherman Ave. ...... evesve..40.00 up STORES 2535 and 25411% Prairie Ave. ........50.00 1722 Sherman AVe, i... oops isions 175.00 WE INVITE YOUR INQUIRY Baird &Warner,Inc. 528 DAVIS ST. GREENLEAF 1855 6TLTN28-1tc 1519 HINMAN AVENUE Evanston (Just South of Davis) Beautiful 5, 6 and 7 room apartments in 7 story fireproof building, in the heart of Evanston. Appointed with marble wood-burning fire- places, incinerators, electric refrigera- tors, Otis elevators with uniformed operators. Doorman in attendance. Ga- rage in connection. Ready for Occupancy April 1st INSPECTION INVITED Rental office on premises Greenleaf 4250 67LTN28-1tc NEW APARTMENTS Concessions to May 1st 2 and 3 rooms Lg. light rms. All have bdrms. Rolla- way bed in liv. rms. Good closet space and elec. refrig. furnished SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 67T4-tfe FOR RENT--3 AND 5 RM. MODERN apts. Genuine Frigidaire, best location, reas. rent. Inquire at FRANKLIN BLDG. 526 Center St. Ph. Winnetka 382 67TLTN28-tfc APT. FOR RENT, 1ST FL. 3 RMS, water heat, bath, porch, gar Call Kenilworth 3219. 67LTN28-1tc Simpson St, 3 rms. .. Elmwood Ave., 3 rms. 2251 Ridge Ave. 3 rms. .......... 1125 Davis: St, 3 ms: i..ciidiviee 2208 Sherman Ave., 3 rms. ........ 75.00 1116: Maple St. 8 rms. .. Ji 00d. 2 185.00 802 Seward St., 4 rms. .......... 70.00 1315:0ak Ave., 4 rms. "Luvs... i N5.00 1031 Dempster St., 4 rms. ...... ".. 80.00 1621 Ridge Ave. 4 rms. ..... - 95.00 2020 Sherman Ave., 5 rms. . 80.00 814 Mulford St, 5 rms. . . 85.00 727 Seward St., 5 rms. «v0: .90.00 1016" Main 'St., § rms. ............ 105.00 1125 Davis "St... 5 rms, ......« 10.00 1311 Oak Ave, 5 rms. ............ 115.00 1202 Maple Ave., 5 rms. .......... 150.00 1812 Sherman Ave. 6 rms. ...... 125.00 1009 Grove St. 6 rms. .......... 110.00 845 Ridge Ave. 6 rms. .......... 125.00 1605 Ridge Ave, 6 rms. .......... 150.00 1603 Ridge Ave, 7 rms. .......... 195.00 Smart & Golee, Inc. 1564 Sherman Avenue University 285 67TLTN28-1tc John F. Hahn, Inc. Offers Evanston's Finest Apartments KENISTON SQ. APTS. 900-12 GREENWOOD BLVD., 5 ROOMS with 2 (two) baths and shower. Gen- eral electric refrigeration. Vapor heat. All large rooms, fireplace in living rm., antique finish in living rm. and dining rm. Garage in connection. Ready for occupancy April 1st. Rental $145. Agent on premises. STONELEIGH CASTLE 826-28 Judson Ave. Inspect this unusually distinctive 6 rm. apartment with 2 wall tile baths and showers. Exceptionally large light rms. Antique canvas walls, electric refriger- ation, fireplace, 2 blocks from lake and transportation. Rental $215. Janitor will show. J Our complete list of apts. available now and May 1st mailed on request. John F. Hahn, Inc. 1617 Sherman Ave. Evanston, Ill. Phone Greenleaf 2700 67LTN28-1tc FOR RENT--MAY 1ST, 5 RM. MODERN flat, corner. H. W. ht. Garage if de- sired, East side. 2 blks. from R. R. sta. Write Wilmette Life B-662. 67TLTN28-1tc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 6TLTN2-tfe NEW ONE ROOM KITCHENETTE apt. over Garnet Store. Inquire Mr. Bennett, mgr. Garnet store, Glencoe. 67T5-1tc 6 ROOMS, 2 BATHS. ALL OUTSIDE light. $160 a month. Mrs. F. D. Smith, 321 Kedzie St., Evanston. Tel. Green- leaf 4475. 67TLTN28-tfc FOR RENT--4 ROOM APT. HEATED, janitor service. Ph. Wilmette 2399. 67TLTN27-tfc FOR RENT--4 RM. APT. FOR MAY 1st. Ph. Winn. 819. 67LTN28-1tp 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. FOR RENT--MAY 1--1 AND 3 ROOM furnished apartments. 726 11th St. Wilmette. Phone Wil. 992-M. 68LT28-1tc FOR RENT--HOUSES Rental Headquarters WE HAVE A LARGE LIST OF DESIR- able houses and bungalows for rent in Wilmette and other North Shore towns at prices ranging from $75 to $306 per month and upwards. SMITH & BROWN, INC. 334 Linden Ave. Phone Wilmette 93 69LTN28-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 74 69