¢ 7a WINNETKA TALK April 7, 1928 Cla oe 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES 77 FOR SALE--HOUSES 99 ANTIQUES ssified | = ; FOR OC aOR DOCTOR Oniet--Preity--Fast Side [SPECIAL ANTIQUE, SALE Advertisements town. Immediate possession. Winn. | 6 ROOM BRICK & CLAPBOARD HME. BUY NOW POR Jong, jouw, AND -tf 3 blocks to e Lake. eautifu eep cottage. a an- 2 Lab lot. Priced to sell quick at $17,000. finished. $83 ro 328 ready to uss Side chairs, anket chests. et mahogany (Continued from Page 73) 74 FOR SALE--CO-OP APARTMENTS QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Empire dining room chairs, corner 714 Elm Street Winnetka 2198 cupboards, odd tables, large, solid, 69 FOR RENT--HOUSES 77T5-1tc| cherry gateleg tables and chairs, solid, Wilmette SHERIDAN ROAD HOME IDEAL 9-ROOM FLOOR PLAN; SUN and breakfast rooms; 4 master cham- bers, 2 baths; servants' quarters, 2 rooms and bath; 2-car heated garage, attached; beautifully landscaped lawn. Owner will lease for 3 years at $350 Per Tonin, For inspection see or TIGHE REALTY CO, Realtors 1420 Sheridan Rd. Phone Wilmette 2671 69LTN28-1te FOR RENT UNLESS YOU INSIST UPON THE modern house we have a finely lo- cated 9 room, 2 bath, lovely yard and garage house which will be redecorated for you on a three year lease at $175 per month. DUDLEY BRADSTREET Realtor 522 Center St. Phones Winn. 806--875 69T5-1tc FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED. Most attrac. 2 or 3 room suite with bath and 2 extra lavatories. Large living porch, breakfast room, kitchenette ar- rangements. Convenient and desirable location. Address Talk B-663. 69LTN28-1tc GLENCOE, 690 GREENWOOD AVE. $8 rms., 2 baths, H. W. heat, oil burner, gar., large lot, fine hedge and trees, 2 blocks to sta. and school. 2 yr. lease, $150 per mo. Call Glencoe 561 for ap- pointment. 69LTN28-1te FOR RENT--8 RM. STUCCO HOUSE, sleeping and dining porches. Att. gar. Hot water heat--oil burner. Conv. to transp. and school. Ph. Wilmette 1468. 69LTN28-1tc 934 ELMWOOD, WILMETTE. 9 RM. modern house, 2 baths, 2-car garage. Newly finished, open for inspection. Stanley K. Gage, 932 Elmwood Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2216. 69LTN28-1tc 6 RM. HOUSE, GARAGE, SUN AND sleep. porches, 2 baths, nr. schools and transp. Reduced rental to des. applic. 525 Birch St., Winnetka. 69LTN28-1tp FOR RENT--FURN. OR UNFURN. AT- tractive log cabin, 6 rms., 3 glazed and screened porches, 2 baths, double garage. Ht. water ht. Ph. Winn. 146. 69LTN28-1tc FOR RENT--GLENCOE--7 RMS, 1 bath; H. W. ht. Facing park; 1 blk. Skokie club and schl. Fine nbrhd. $135. H. P. 2418. 69LTN28-1te TO REFINED ADULTS. 5 RM. AND gar. Near lake. $100. Winn. 1630 eves., Sat. and Sun. 69LTN28-1tc 9 RM. HOUSE, EAST SIDE, NEAR transp. 1036 Forest Ave. Wilmette 2736. 69LT28-1tp 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE SIX RM. house, furnished. Sun porch and sleep. pch. Gar. Winn. 1781. 70T1-tfc 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES FOR RENT--OFFICES 2ND FLOOR, Fourth & Linden, Wilmette, opposite "L" terminal depot, 1, 2 or 3 rooms, good location for a doctor, $15, $25 and $35. Wilmette Realty Co. AGENTS 513 Fourth St. Wilmette 192 73LTN28-1te FOR RENT--SMALL STORE NEAR "IL" terminal depot. Living quarters in rear with kitchen and bath. Excel- lent location for notion's or home-made candy store. Rent $85 per mo. Wilmette Realty Co. AGENTS 513 Fourth St. Wilmette 192 7T3LTN28-1te OFFICE. 2ND FL. $25. RM. 13 545 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka 545. 73TN5-1tp FOR RENT--SHOPS AND OFFICES. G. F. Gonsalves. Winnetka 62. 73LTNS8-tfe MODERN STORE FOR RENT. EAST side Winnetka. Excellent location. Stop Look Investigate 3000 Sheridan Rd. THIS ULTRA MODERN APARTMENT home. Ideally located at the cor- ner of Sheridan Road and Well- ington Avenue, with a permanent view of the lake and Lincoln Park. Give up the upkeep worry of a big house and live in this beautiful home with all the modern conveniences. 3000 Sheridan Road is being sold on the 100% co-operative plan to families of social and financial standing. Our repurchase agreement guarantees satis- faction. If after three years you are not entirely satisfied with your home, we will repurchase it from you. This is the ideal place to live, having all conveniences necessary to real home life, only 15 minutes from the loop on Chicago's lovely North Side shore line. Payments are made on the rental pur- chase plan from income. Estate protec- tion plan of insurance is given at our expense. Here is a partial list of the many features to be found here. Canvassed Walls Tile Bathrooms Frigidaire Stone Fireplaces Large light airy rooms Ample closet space Yacht harbor district Gymnasium Putting Green Children's Playroom A brokerage department specializing in trades and sales has been installea for your convenience. If you are interested in a trade, call or see Mr. Green of our brokerage dept. 3000 Sheridan Sales Co. Phone Lake View 3000 CHICAGO, ILL. T4LTN28-1tc FOR SALE--HOUSES South East Glencoe A CHARMING COLONIAL HOME, SIT- uated on a beautiful landscaped lot 143x150. The first floor contains liv- ing room, sun parlor, dining room, pantry, kitchen. Second floor has 4 bed-rooms, two baths, extra lavatory, sleeping porch. Third floor, maid's rm. 77 and bath, two storage rooms. Hot water heat, Newport magazine feed boiler. Garage to match house. This is offered now at $42,000. Walter P. Smith & Co. 332 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 TTLTN28-1tc $5,000 Less Than Cost BRAND NEW BRICK ENGLISH COT- tage on superb lot in choicest south- west location among distinctive homes. 3 bedrooms; 2 colored tile baths; brick garage. Gas hot water heating plant; all walls and ceilings celotexed ; weather stripped; all closets cedar; range and ice box included. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 254 TTLTN28-1tc A $55,000 House in Highland Park for Possibly $40,000 SOLID BRICK; 7 BEDROOMS; 3 baths; hot water heat; almost an acre of ground a stone's throw from lake. Mahogany trim; immense trees; per- fect ravine. The house you have been dreaming about. HEINSEN REALTY CO. 720 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 254 TTLTN28-1tc FR SALE--7-ROOM STUCCO HOUSE, Lot 75x160, 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, en- closed porch and sun room, hot water heat with oil burner, automatic water heater. Price $20,000. 1412 Scott Ave- nue, Winnetka, Illinois. Telephone 'Winnetka 1682. 77T4-tfe Highland Park Bargain NEW 6 RM. BRICK AND STUCCO house, 2 baths, toilet and lav. on 1st floor. Open porch, 2-car garage. $16,500. Write Wilmette Life B-664. TIT/TN28-1tc LEAVING THE VILLAGE, MUST SELL my new home. 5 rms. and sunroom, real fireplace, H. W. Heat, 2-car gar. 100 ft. frontage, newly landscaped, N. S. and N. W. Sta. and car line. Write Wilmette Life B-636. TTLTN28-1tp ATTRACTIVE STUCCO HOUSE, HUB- bard Woods. 7 rms, 4 bedrms., 2 baths, sunporch, heated sleeping porch. Oil heat. Attached heated garage. Lot 50x187. $25,500. C. Lang, Winn. 1194. TTLTN28-1tc 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH- brook; H W. heat, 1 bath, l-car ga- rage, lot 50x140. $9,300, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wil. 3774. TTLTN28-1tp A MODERN 6 ROOM STUCCO HOUSE. Garage. Corner lot. East side. A rare bargain. Inquire 565 Elder lane. Tel. Winn. 882. 77T4-tfc FOR SALE--SCREENED CANVASSED house 10x12 ft. with floor. Ph. Wil- mette 771 for appt. TTLTN28-1tc match. 8 rooms full of rare old things at remarkably low prices. OPEN-9 A. M. to-9-P,. MM. AND SUNDAYS 808 Washington St. EVANSTON ; Bl S. of Main St. & 1% bls. E. of Ridge 99LTN28-2te AM SELLING MY PRIVATE COLLEC- tion of rosewood and mahogany pieces. Bedroom set of Dutch marquetry. Rosewood bed and dresser. Duncan Phyfe table. Other pieces. Also drapes, Oriental rugs. Mrs. D. Smith, 321 Kedzie St., Evanston. Tel. Greenleaf 4475. 99LTN28-4tc CURLEY MAPLE, CHERRY, MAHOG- any, walnut and pine furniture, dishes, coverlets, hooked rugs, etc. Reason- ably priced. Thelma V. Oberlin, 318 N. First St., DeKalb, Ill 99L.TN28-1tp 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. COMPLETE FURNISHINGS. ROYAL Saruk rug, 9x12.6. half price. Eureka vacuum, new $35.00. Fine bedroom furniture, chifforobe, art chairs, day bed, etc. Ph. Glencoe 1169. 100LTN28-1te FINE COLONIAL SOLID MAHOGANY dining table, sideboard, 6 chairs, all in splendid cond., $200. Also baby's bath table, nursery chair, rocking seat, baby scales. Tel. Winn. 459. 100T5-1tp MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SET-- table, nine chairs, and buffet. 234 Cen- tral Ave., Highland Park. Phone High- land Park 2206. 100LTN5-1tp 78 FOR SALE--VACANT FOR SALE--DEERFIELD LOT 60x136. 3 blks. to trans. or will trade for used car or nome. Address Wilmette Life B-654. T8LTN28-tfc FOR SALE--100 FT. ON 16TH ST. south of Wilmette Ave. in Wilmette. Call owner Wilmette 1432. T8LTN28-1tc 60x160 LOT FLORA PLACE NEAR RAVINIA Call Winn. 1334. T8TN5-1tc FOR SALE--ACREAGE BARRINGTON ACRES WE SPECIALIZE IN CHOICE TRACTS at low prices. Large estates and small places 5 acres and up. Our properties are located in the very best sections and are most beautiful with woods, hills, watercourses, etc. You should see what we can do for you, either home- owner, golfer, investor or subdivider. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square Univ. 2600 79T5-1te FOR SALE--20 ACRES BETWEEN Glenview and North Brook in town of Northfield. Very reas. Call Wilmette 1432. TILTN28-1tc 84 ON Park. 79 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES vader P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 788 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 84T5-1tc 89 WTD. TO RENT--HOUSES 8 ROOM HOUSE, 2 BATHS. H. W. heat. Garage. Near transportation. 2 or 3 yr. lease. $125-$200 a month. Ph. Winn. 3034. 89T5-1tc 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES GLENCOE BARGAIN Hubbard Woods section. Close to trans- portation and schools. 6 spacious Jooms, 1 bath. H. W. heat. Garage. Wooded lot. Priced to sell $17,000. Only small amount of cash required. Available May 1. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TTLTN28-1te GREAT BARGAIN 6 RM. SUN PARLOR, H. W. HEAT, l-car gar. Cape Cod Colonial, frame 2 yr. old. 1810 Elmwood Ave. Ph Write Wilmette B-656. T3LTN28-1te Wilmette 534. TTLTN28-1tc TWO OR THREE ROOM FURNISHED kitchenette or very small house from July 1st to Sept. 15th. Write M. W. S., 4721 Drexel Blvd., Chicago or phone Winnetka 1428. 90T5-1te WANTED TO RENT--FURNISHED house June 15th to Sept. 15 in Win- netka. Must have four bedrooms. $200 per month. Phone Lake View 0386. 90T5-1te 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GDS. FOR SALE--GAS STOVE IN GOOD condition. $7.00. Ph. Wilmette 2345. 100LTN28-1tc MAHOGANY UPRIGHT PIANO AND bench in good cond. and a bargain. Write Wilmette Life B-661. 100LTN28-1te WALNUT DINING SET, TAPESTRY seats, practically new. Reas. Ph. Wil- mette 3600Y2. 100LT28-1tc COMPLETE FURNISHINGS OF 9 RM. house. Bargains. 1036 Forest Ave., Ph. Wilmette 2736. 100LT28-1tp FOR SALE--PORCH SET & LEATHER rockers. Ph. Glencoe 854. 100. TN28-1te FOR SALE FISCHER GRAND PIANO. 730 Lake Ave. Ph. Wilmette 2156. 100LTN28-1te ICE-BOX--125 LB. CAPACITY. GOOD condition. $25. 785 Locust. Winn. 100TN5-1te 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GDS. WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices tor same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emmerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN5-tfc 102 FOR SALE--MISC. LADIES' AND MEN'S READY-TO- Wear Garments. Also complete house- hold furnishings. Buy direct and save 20% on dollar. Call Winn. 2645 be- tween 8 and 12 A. M. and 8 and 10 P. M. Ask for Miss Sexauer. 102T5-4te FINEST BLACK DIRT APPROX. 3 CU. YDS. DELIVERED $7 North Shore Garden Service Ph. Glenview 181-J-1 or 141-J 102LTN25-4te COLONIAL CORNER CABINETS. MIR- ror backs. Glass shelves. Sacrifice at $40 a pair. 330 Green Bay rd., Glen- coe. 102T5-1tp CLARK JEWEL ENAMEL STOVE, Lorraine reg. nearly new. Seeger re- frig., furn., etc. Bargains. 839 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 1214. 102LTN28-1tc FOR SALE--CHEAP--WHITE ENAM- el ice-box; gray baby carriage, Eng- lish style. Glencoe 1131. 102LTN28-1tc BACK YARD SUMMER HOUSE 10x12, copper screens, instantaneous hot water heater, gas stove, all reas. Ph. Wil- mette 2546. 102LTN28-1te FOR SALE--PORCELAIN LINED ICE box, $8. Ph. Winnetka 1080. 102LTN28-1te BICYCLE, VERY GOOD COND. CALL for janitor, 794 Elm St. 102L'TN28-1tp MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 75