April 7, 1928 WINNETKA=TALK 75 102 FOR SALE--MISC. HALF OF OUR S8-GRAVE PLOT IN the N. S. Cemetery. Ideal location. $450. Write Wilmette Life B-660. 102LTN28-1te FOR SALE--GIRLS' BROWN SUEDE spring coat, size 11-12. Good condi- tion. Also girls' tricycle 5-10 yrs. Ph. Wilmette 879. 102LTN28-1tp 103 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WANTED--CLEAN WHITE RAGS, 10c per lb. 1232 Central Ave. Wilmette. 103LTN14-tfp WTD.--BICYCLE, GOOD CONDITION for 9 yr. old boy. Ph. Winnetka 66. 103LTN28-1tp 105 MISCELLANEOUS HOOKED RUGS Unusual assort. Reas. priced. Old glass, walnut chest. Quilted bridge favors. Ph. Glenview 203. Warren, Glenview borders, Glenview. 105LTN28-1tc OTICE WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 470217 WINNETKA PARK DISTRICT, A Municipal Corporation, VS. JOHN O. BARBER, JOHN KIEWIK, AND ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS, by order duly entered in the above entitled proceedings, having directed that as to such de- fendants as are shown by the affidavit filed in said proceedings to be non-resi- dents of the State of Illinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be un- known, and the defendants designated as "All whom it may concern," the Clerk of said Court cause publication to be made in the Winnetka Talk, a secular newspaper published in the Winnetka Park District, County of Cook and State of Illinois, containing notice of the fol- lowing matters: Notice is hereby given of the pendency of the above entitled proceedings insti- tuted by the petition of the Winnetka Park District, heretofore filed in the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, designated General Number 470217 in said Court, praying for the ascertainment of the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or dam- aged for the making of the improvement hereinafter described, and for the ascer- tainment of what property will be bene- fited by the making of said improve- ment, and the amount of such benefit. The Commissioners duly appointed by the said Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, to investigate and report the just compensation to be made for the private property to be taken or damaged for said improvement, and also what real estate will be benefited by said improve- ment, and the amount of such benefit to each parcel of land assessed, duly made a special assessment to raise the cost of said improvement, and filed their said report and assessment roll in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said Cook County, Illinois, on the four- teenth day of March, A. D. 1928. Thereupon a summons issued out of said Court against the defendants above named, and the defendants described as "All whom it may concern," returnable in said Court at the County Court House in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the sixteenth day of April, A. D. 1928, as is by law re- quired, which proceeding is now pending. The total cost of said improvement, as shown by the estimate of the President of the Board of Local Improvements of the said Winnetka Park District, and the report and assessment roll of said Com- missioners, is the sum of Fourteen Thou- sand, Five Hundred Eighty-seven Dollars and no cents ($14,587.00). Now unless you, such defendants as are shown by the affidavit filed in said pro- ceedings to be non-residents of the State of Illinois, or whose residences are shown thereby to be unknown, and the de- fendants designated as "All whom it may concern," shall be and appear before the said Superior Court of Cook County, II- linois, at the County Court House, in the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, on the sixteenth day of April, A. D. 1928, and plead, answer or demur to the petitioner's petition, or ob- ject to the report and assessment roll of the Commissioners: aforesaid, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as con- fessed, and a judgment entered in ac- cordance with the said report and assess- ment roll and the prayer of said petition. The following is a description of said improvement, and includes a description of the lots, blocks, tracts and parcels of land sought to be taken for the said im- provement. That Lot Nine (8) in Barber's Sub- division of a part of Block Twenty-six (26) in John C. Garland's Addition to Winnetka, being a subdivision of the North One Hundred Twenty (120) Acres of the Southwest Quarter of Section Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty-two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat of said Barber's Subdivision, recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, on the seventh day of September, A. D. 1927, as Document Number 9770868 ; Also, Lots Twelve (12), Thirteen (13), Fourteen (14) and Fifteen (15) in Kiewik Park Subdivjsion of part of Block Twenty-six (26) in John C. Garland's Ad- dition to Winnetka, being a subdivision of the North One Hundred Twenty (120) Acres of the Southwest Quarter of Sec- tion Twenty-one (21) in Township Forty- two (42) North, Range Thirteen (13) East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat of said Kiewik Park Subdivision recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook County, Illinois, on the thirteenth day of September, A. D. 1927, as Document Number 9776299; All of the hereinabove described lots, tracts and parcels of land, being within the Win- netka Park District, County of Cook and State of Illinois, be condemned by the said Winnetka Park District for use as a public park, and that the said lands when so condemned be improved by clear- ing, grading, plowing, harrowing, raking, rolling, planting and seeding with grass seed, planting trees and shrubs, construct- ing concrete block meter vault, water service connection, water pipes, sprinkler hydrants, and removal of all surplus ma- terials, including the cost of engineer- ing services, all labor and materials, and all other expenses necessary to construct said proposed local improvement, all with- in the Winnetka Park District, County of Cook and State of Illinois. Dated at the City of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, this fourteenth day of March, A. D. 1928. SAMUEL E. ERICKSON, Clerk of the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois. 5 FREDERICK DICKINSON, Attorney for Winnetka Park District. T2-4tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 471367. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, having ordered that a local improve- ment be made, consisting of the con- struction of a six (6) inch internal diam- eter cast iron water pipe in the westerly parkway of Center Street, from and con- necting with the existing six (6) inch water pipe at or near the south line ex- tended of lot five (5) in Barber's Sub- division of a part of Block Twenty-six (26) in John C. Garland's Addition to Winnetka, northwesterly in said park- way for a distance of three hundred twenty (320) feet, including a fire hy- drant, water gate valve, valve vault, connections to existing water pipe, fit- tings, trenching, pipe laying, backfilling, testing and removal of all surplus ma- terials, all within the Village of Win- netka, County of Cook and State of Illi- nois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improvement accord- ing to the benefits, and a special assess- ment therefor having been made and re- turned to said Court, General Number 471,367, the final hearing thereon will be held on the sixteenth day of April, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense, Said ordinance provides for the collection of said assessment in eight (8) annual installments, with interest thereon at the rate of five per cent (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, March 30, A. D. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the Presi- dent of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illi- nois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County. Illinois) to 1nake said assess- ment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. Cook County, Illinois, 1928. T4-2tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. GENERAL NUMBER 471,368 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED, that the Vil- lage of Winnetka, Cook County, Illi- nois, having ordered that a local improve- ment be made, consisting of the con- struction of an eight (8) inch internal diameter, vitrified, salt glazed, tile pipe sanitary sewer in the westerly park- way of Center Street, from and connect- ing with the existing sewer in said Cen- ter Street at its intersection with -the center line produced from the est of Elder Lane; thence southeasterly in said parkway to a line ten (10) feet south of and parallel with the north line of Lot Eight (8) in Country Day Subdivi- sion of part of Block Twenty-five (25) in John C. Garland's Addition to Win- netka, including manholes, house slants or Y junctions, connections with exist- ing sewer, trenching, pipe laying, backfill- ing, and removal of all surplus exca- vated materials, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said Vil- lage having applied to the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said improve- ment according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Gen- eral Number 471,368, the final hearing thereon will be held on the sixteenth day of April, A. D. 1928, or as soon thereafter as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hear- ing and make their defense. Said or- dinance provides for the collection of said assessment in six (6) annual in- stallments with interest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Cook County, Illinois, March 30, A. D. 1928. HARRY I. ORWIG, ; Person appointed by the Presi- dent of the Board of Local Im- provements of the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Illi- nois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assess- ment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T4-2tc VILLAGE OF WINNETKA IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS General Number 471821 SPECIAL ASSESSMENT NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PERSONS INTERESTED THAT the Village of Winnetka, Cook County, Tlli- nois, having ordered that a local improve- ment be made consisting of a connected system of storm sewers, including an open ditch to be lowered, to be construct- ed in Hibbard Road, Hamptondale Ave- nue and easements, Gordon Terrace, Pri- vate Drive (otherwise known as Auburn Road) and easements, and Chatfield Road, including all excavation, trench- ing, tunnelling under tree roots, shoring, bracing pumping, pipe-laying, backfilling trenches under existing pavements with sand, backfilling all other trenches with earth, flushing backfill with water, con- structing concrete end wall, concrete manholes, concrete catch basins and con- nections to existing catch basins, ad- justing existing sanitary sewer serv- ices and lead water pipe services, dis- connecting storm sewer services from the sanitary sewer and connecting same to the proposed storm sewer, lowering open ditch along the west side of Hibbard Road from Willow Road to Pine Street, protecting all existing improvements, re- pairing pavements, sidewalks, parkways and other existing improvements where damaged, removal of all surplus exca- vated materials and rubbish from the site of the improvement, all labor and materials, cost of engineering services, and all other expenses necessary to con- struct said local improvement, all within the Village of Winnetka, County of Cook and State of Illinois, the ordinance for the same being on file in the office of the Village Clerk of said Village, and the said village having applied to the Supe- rior Court of Cook County, Illinois, for an assessment of the cost of said im- provement according to the benefits, and a special assessment therefor having been made and returned to said Court, Gen- eral Number 471821, the final hearing thereon will be held on the twenty-third day of April, A. D. 1928, or as soon there- after as the business of the said Court will permit. All persons desiring may file objections in said Court before said day, and may appear on the hearing and make their defense. Said ordinance pro- vides for the collection of said assessment in ten (10) annual installments, with in- terest thereon at the rate of five per centum (5%) per annum. Dated, Winnetka, Illinois, D. 1928. HARRY I. ORWIG, Person appointed by the President of the Board of Local Improve- ments of the Village of Win- netka, Cook County, Illinois, (and such appointment approved and confirmed by the Superior Court April 6, A. of Cook County, Illinois) to make said assessment. FREDERICK DICKINSON, Village Attorney. T5-2te NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on the 14th day of April, 1928, an election will be held at the Horace Mann School in Winnetka, School District No. 36, in Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of voting "for" or 'against" the following propositions: . The proposition to issue bonds of District No. 36 to the amount of TWO HUNDRED. FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($215,000) for the purpose of building an addition to the Skokie School, which bonds shall be dated the first day of May, 1928, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 4%% per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be due and pay- able as follows: May 1,<1934 1... 00.00 $25,000 May 1, Wg 5,00 May LaT936 ou am 25,000 May 13937 ......... 5&0 25,000 May 1,"4838 ......... 84 25,000 May A, 599308... ....o. KL.4 25,000 May "1,:€1940 i oe. .......0 25,000 May 1, 1941... 0 a..... 25,000 May.l, 1942°« ool. a 15,000 2. The proposition to issue bonds of District No. 36 to the amount of EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($80,000) for the purpose of building an addition to the Hubbard Woods School, which bonds shall be dated the first day of May, 1928, shall bear interest at a rate not to ex- ceed 4% 9% per annum, payable semi-an- nually, and shall be due and payable as follows: May 1, .$10,000 May 1, . 25,000 May 1, . 25,000 May 1, 2945-0; Ldiieead 20,000 3. The proposition to issue bonds of District No. 36 to the amount of TWENTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($20- 000) for the purpose of purchasing a site lying immediately south of Edgewood Lane (formerly Prairie Avenue), ex- tended, and immediately west of Grove Street, extended, which bonds shall be dated the first day of May, 1928, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 4% % per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be due and payable as follows: May I; 945110 7 00 TK $ 7,000 May 3, 51946° =n 50 Los 13,000 4. The proposition to issue bonds of District No. 36 to the amount of NINETY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($90- 000) for the purpose of erecting a school building on a site lying immediately south of Edgewood Lane (formerly Prairie Avenue), extended, and immedi- ately west of Grove Street, extended, which bonds shall be dated the first day of May, 1928, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 4%% per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be due and payable as follows: May 1, 1946 $18,000 May 1, 1947 32,000 May 1, 1948 40,000 5. The proposition to issue bonds of District No. 36 to the amount of TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS ($10,000) for the purpose of completing an addition to the Greeley School, which bonds shall be dated the first day of May, 1928, shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 4149 per annum, payable semi-annually, and shall be due and payable as follows: May 1, 48 $10,000 The polls will be opened at 12:00 noon and closed at seven o'clock p. m. ted this thirty-first day of March, Board of Education, School District No. 36, Cook County, Illinois. ERNEST S. BALLARD, President. GERTRUDE C. LIEBER, Secretary. NOTICE OF ELECTION Notice is hereby given that on Satur- day, the 14th day of April, 1928, an election will be held at the Horace Mann School in Winnetka, School District No. 36, in Cook County, Illinois, for the purpose of voting for or against the fol- lowing propositions: 1. The proposition to authorize the Board of Education of said district to erect an addition to the Skokie School Building. 2. The proposition to authorize the Board of Education of said district to erect an addition to the Hubbard Woods School Building. 3. The proposition to authorize the Board of Education of said district to erect a school building on a site lying immediately south of Edgewood Lane (formerly Prairie Avenue), extended, and immediately west of Grove Street, ex- tended, in Winnetka, Illinois. The polls will be opened at 12:00 noon and closed at 7:00 o'clock p. m. peed this thirty-first day of March, 1928. Board of Education, School District No. 36, Cook County, Illinois. ERNEST S. BALLARD, President. GERTRUDE C. LIEBER, Secretary.