June 16, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 57 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE 63 BOARD AND ROOM TEACHER PRIMARY GRADES, MUSI- cian, 21 yrs. old, Protestant, wants per- manent Nursery Governess Position. 2 yrs. Univ. Loves Children. A-1 Ref- erences. Address Wilmette Life A-38. 60 TN38-1tp WRITE BLACKBURN COLLEGE, Carlinville, Illinois for competent maids, cooks, and governesses for the sum- mer. State wages and conditions. 60LTN38-1tp VERY PLEASANT, NEWLY DECOR- ated room with board for 2, in priv. family. Tel. Winn. 621. 3 63T15-1tc WILL ROOM AND BOARD MEN. Close to transp. 545 Provident Ave. Tel. Winn. 2795. 63T15-1tc WANTED CHILD TO BOARD DURING summer months. C. S. preferred. Write Wilmette Life A-37. 63LTN38-1tc EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday. Understands all washing machines and mangles. Evanston ref. Ph. Douglas 5988. 60LTN38-2tp SIT. WTD.--BY A STUDENT FOR THE summer to care for baby. Good ref. Ph. Winnetka 2844 after 6 P. M. 60LTN38-1tp WANTED--BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. 60LTN34-tfc WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LAUN- dress, work to do at home, will call for and deliver. Good ref. Ph. Wil- mette 2623. 60LT37-2tc THOROUGHLY EXP. .COMPETENT woman desires position as housekeeper. Write Wilmette Life A-32. 60LTN38-1tc EXP. INFANTS' NURSE WILL CON- sider permanent post by day, hr., or week. Thoroughly comp. Best local ref, Tel. Winn. 3118. 60TN15-1te EXPERIENCED COLORED MAID; gen. hswk., no washing. Good cook, steady, good ref. Call Glencoe 29. 60TN15-1tc 4 COLORED GIRLS FOR GEN. HSWK. Winn. ref.; Jordan, 451 East Oakwood Blvd., Chicago. 60T15-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS OR cleaning. Good ref. Ph. University 9548. 60TN15-1tp NURSE WITH BEST trustworthy & reliable. Tel. 60T15-1tp HIGH SCHOOL GIRL WANTS TO TAKE care of children. Tel. Winn. 1468. 60TN15-1tc GIRL WANTS GENERAL HOUSE- work. 1715 Forest Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3945. 60LT38-1tc LAUNDRY AND CLEANING BY THE day. Ph. University 6637. 60LTN38-1tp EXP. INFANTS' local refs., Winn. 2494. EXPERIENCED 2ND. GIRL WANTS position. Tel. Winn. 1264. 60T15-1tc SITUATION WANTED--MALE CHAUFFEUR Willing to do some other work. T,ocal references. Tel. Winn. 2644. 61 61T15-1tp CHAUFFEUR WITH BEST REFS, also willing to do hswk. and gardening. Will go out of town if necessary. Ph. Oakland 6385 or 3941. 61L/TN38-1tp WORK BY HOUR AND DAY, CLEAN- ing, window washing, gardening, yard work or serving. Ph. Wilmette 3970. 61LT38-1tc YOUNG MAN DESIRES POSITION AS houseman, gardener and assistant chauffeur. Ph. Wilmette 3464. 61TN15-1tp || SIT. WTD.--COLLEGE STUDENT DE- sires pos. for the summer. Can drive car, mech. inclined. Write Wilmette Life A-41. 61TNL15-1tp JOB & GARDEN WORK BY THE DAY or week. Address Talk A-44. 61TN15-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., etc. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc HAVE YOUR BASEMENT WHITE- washed. Williams. Ph. University 1299. 61LTN38-1tp SITUATION WANTED BY CHAUF- feur. Good ref. Write Wilmette Life A-29. 61LTN37-2tp EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Winn. 2864. 61LTN34-tfe 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--1 OR 2 ROOMS WITH OR without light housekeeping. Close to transp. Ph. Wilmette 1913. 66LTN38-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE ROOM WITH PRI- vate bath for 2 men. Opposite Indian Hill Golf Club, near transp. Ph. Ken- ilworth 1160. 66LT38-1tp WELL APPOINTED LIGHT HOUSE- keeping and sleeping room. 1% block to all transportation and stores. Phone Glencoe T70. 66TN46-tfc NEWLY DECORATED ROOM WITH available garage. Nr. transp. Tel. 'Winn. 951. 66T15-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS ki FOR SALE--HOUSES ' New Building SHERMAN MANOR APARTMENTS EVANSTON N. E. COR. SHERMAN AVE. & MAIN Here in South Evanston's most con- venient location, you will find well-ar- ranged apartments of 3 rooms--consist- ing of a large living room with roll- away bed, chamber, "dinette and kitch- enette. All apartments have outside rooms which provide an abundance of light and air. Ample closet space. Schools, churches and shopping facili- ties within immediate access. Electric- al refrigeration included in moderate rentals. See these apartments today. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square University 2600 67LTN38-1tc FOR RENT--ONLY ONE LEFT, 5-RM. modern apt. Roll-away bed, frigidaire, near transp. Low rent. Franklin Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. 67LTN38-tfc 68 FOR RENT--FURN. APTS. ROOMS FOR RENT, CHEAP, 3 BLKS. from station. Tel. Winn. 2331. 66TN15-1tc FOR RENT--COMFORTABLE RM. FOR Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1468. 66TN15-1tc PLEAS. RMS. FOR RENT. CONV. TO Hubbard Woods or Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 1582. 66T15-1tc LARGE ROOM FOR COUPLE OR light housekeeping, very reas. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 66T15-tfc 3 LARGE ROOMS... ALL CONVENI- ences, close to transp. Ph. Glencoe 1008. 66LL.TN38-1tc 2 CHOICE ROOMS, SINGLE OR SUITE, east side. Ph. Wilmette 1940. 66LT38-1tc FOR RENT--AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or tenant eve- nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. 68LTN38-tfp FOR RENT -- BEAUTIFUL HOUSE- keeping suite fully furnished. Bxtra large sleeping porch, attract. grounds. Conv. residential location. Ph. Winn. 2664. 68T15-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. APT. IN PRIVATE home. Large porch and yard. Ph. 'Wil. 866-M. 68LTN38-1tc TEL. WINN. 68TN15-1tp 3 ROOM FURN. APT. 112--819 Oak St. ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED, COME and see. 731 10th St., Wilmette. 66LT38-2tc COOL, LIGHT, PLEASANT ROOM, NR. station. Tel. Winn. 415. 66L/TN38-1tp NICE ROOM FOR RENT. TEL. WINN. 1687. 66T15-1tc ROOM SINGLE OR Call Glencoe 1328. 66TN15-2tc FOR RENT----1 double. 67 FOR RENT--APTS. New Building THE CHAUMONT APTS. EVANSTON N. E. COR. GROVE ST. AND CHICAGO AVE. Facing Raymond Park 3 & 4 RMS. WITH 1 & 2 CHAMBERS You will appreciate the large, airy rooms that characterize this unusual building which is approximately a copy of a structure erected centuries ago in old Blois in the heart of the Chateau district of central France. Spacious living rooms and chambers with com- plete dinette and kitchenette equipment. The decorative appointments are de- cidedly out-of-the-ordinary, and will | appeal to those who wish cheerfulness and the real luxury of a home. Bath- rooms are of generous proportions with colored tile and showers, lighting fix- tures are all specially designed, a liberal number of base plugs provided. The living rooms are equipped with wood- burning fireplaces and have wall beds for that extra guest. Electrical re- frigeration included in the attractive rentals. Inspect these apartments to- day--agent on & TV QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. Fountain Square University 2600 67LTN38-1tc LIVE IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING 2--3--4--5 room apartments in the Lindencrest Bldg., 500-16 Fifth St., Wil- mette, for immediate occupancy. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 67TLI37-4tc DESIRABLE LARGE 4 ROOM FLAT. H. W. heat. 2nd floor, rear deck porch, rent reas. Near transportation. 840 Center St. Phone Winn. 265. 67T14-tfc 63 BOARD AND ROOM FURN. ROOM WITH BOARD FOR gentleman. Tel. Winn. 2371. 63TN15-1te FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67LTN33-tfc "*floor. 700. FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES 1 YEAR, 7 RM. HOUSE, GARAGE, slpg. porch. Completely furn., grand piano, Kelvinator; nr. schools, transp., beach. 625 Willow rd. Tel. Winn. 662-J. T0TN15-1tc FOR RENT--ATTRACTIVE SIX ROOM house, furnished. Sun porch and sleep. porch. Gar. Winn. 1781. 70T1-tfe 7 FOR SALE--HOTUSES NORTHBROOK 5-RM. BUNGALOW, LOT 177x150, NEAR school, $5,500. Terms, $500 down, $45 per mo., including interest. Nearly new b5-rm. stucco bungalow, all improvements in. - $9,000, $1,200 down, balance small monthly payments. New 5-rm. home, large, light rooms. Space for 2 more rooms on second floor. Small down payment, balance like rent. : Attractive shingle ivory finish, landscaped $750 down. VACANT 55x135--%$1,375--$275 down. 50x150--$1,500--$300 down. 75x100--$1,500--$750 down. 66x300--$2,500. 50 ft. business lot cheap. ACRES colonial bungalow, lot. $9,000, Terms. 5 Acres wooded--$2,500 per acre, cash. 7% acres, central location. $2,700 per acre, cash. Five houses to be erected at once on 55 ft. lots, 21% blocks to station and stores. English, French, Italian and Colonial architecture. Living room, dining rm., kitchen and attached garage on first Two bedrooms and tile bath on second floor. $9,000, small down pay- ment and balance like rent. Plans may be seen at our office. Northbrook Realty Co. Sherman Ave. at Waukegan Rd. Northbrook 181 TTLTN38-1tc¢ A REAT, BARGAIN RED BRICK COLONIAL HOME AND garage on a completely landscaped lot 69x210. 1st floor contains living room, dining room, kitchen, sun porch, break- fast porch, flag stone terrace. On the second floor are 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, glazed and heated sleeping porch. 3rd floor has maid's bedroom, bath and storage room. The owner is leaving town and has reduced price to $26,500 WALTER P. SMITH & CO. 337 Park Ave. Glencoe 702 TTLTN38-1tc Winnetka BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM RESIDENCE ON wooded landscaped lot, only a few blks. from shops and schools. 3 bedrooms, huge sleeping porch, extra lavatory, oil burner. Everything a small family Sod desire. Just reduced to $18,- Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. Phone Winnetka 1617 TTLTN38-1te 1518 Asbury WINNETKA A new 6 rm. frame with 3 bedrms., very large living rm.; lav. on 1st fl.; gar. in basement. Deep lot, beaut. shrubs. $16,500--81,000 cash. E.E.StultsRealtyCo. 460 Winnetka Ave. Tel. Winn. 1800 TTLTN38-1tc FOR. SALE OR TRADE GLENCOE. BEAUTIFUL NEW 6-RM. Spanish home, tile roof, walls insulated, water heat, garage to match house with tile roof, pretty south front wooded lot 67 feet wide. $20,000, or will trade for Wilmette house near Elevated Sta- tion. W.G.8TACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 TTLTN38-1tc Worth Your Inspection COMF. 8-RM. HOME; OPEN PCH.; slp. pch.; 2-car gar.; good nbrhd.; 3 blocks to station. $14,000. Nr. Indian Hill Club; charm. 7-rm. Brick on % acre ground; hot water heat; ga- rage attached; $28,000. Heinsen Realty Company 720 Elm St., Winnetka. Ph. Winnetka 254 TTLTN38-1tc FOR SALE MODEST ATTRACTIVE CONVENIENT- ly located 7 rm. house in Winnetka. Can actually be purchased for $14,000. $2,500 cash "sufficient. Screened porch. slp. porch, modern bath, new hot air furnace. Lot 50x187. DUDLEY BRADSTREET 522 Center St. Ph. Winn. 806-875 77T15-1tc Unusual Offering ATTRACTIVE 6-ROOM HOUSE, ALL large rooms, large sun parlor, large dining and sleeping porches, tiled wall bath, water heat, landscaped lot, 2-car garage and tool house, choice location, transportation 3 blocks, $18,000. Im- mediate possession, key at our office. W. GC STACEY & CO, 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 TTLTN38-1tc FULLER LANE BRICK HOME ATTRACTIVE RED BRICK RESI- dence on a beautiful quiet street in East Winnetka. 7 spacious rooms, Sun room and Breakfast rooms. 4 airy bedrooms, 2 baths. Oil heat. 2 blocks to the Lake, 4 to Station and Schools. Easy terms. Price $35,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm Street 'Winnetka 2198 77T15-1te JUST REDUCED PRICE ON OUR 17 rm. home; 26 ft. living rm., fireplace ; corner cupboards in dining 'rm. conv. kitchen; ex. lav. on 1st fl.; Oil burner: garage; lot 50x187; 4 blks. from sta- tion, stores & school. Easy terms. Tel. 'Winn. 2251. TTLTN38-1tc OWNER MUST SELL. 5 RM. DUTCH Col.; real fireplace, hot water heat, 2-car gar.; 100 ft. lot newly land- scaped. $15,000. Ph. Wilmette 1326 evenings. TTLTN38-1tp FOR SALE--6 RM. FRAME HOUSE now under construction in choice part of Deerfield. For information call Winnetka 2643. TTLTN37-3tc FOR BEAUTIFUL HOMES ON NORTH Shore call Mabel T. Harney, Xenil- worth 1576 or address Box 363, Kenil- worth. TTLTN38-1tp FOR SALE IN NORTHBROOK. MOD- ern 8-rm. house, 1 acre, 2-car gar., near transp. $11,500. Terms, no brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTLTN38-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 58