WINNETKA TALK June 23, 1928 | ROAD BUILDING IN COOK COUNTY SETS FAST PACE Gross Point Road Is Listed Among Highways to Be Improved Soon University 1024 Wilmette Announcement of the continuation of 3700 the massive highway widening and building program of Cook county was made to President A. J. Cermak this week by Superintendent of Highways George A Quinlan. No county in the United States has attempted to pursue as large a road building program in any one year as is now under construction and being planned for the next few road building months. Southern Suburbs Celebrate With Western avenue south of Blue Island ready to be opened, with big celebration by the southern villages of Cook county participating, on June 19; with the Belmont-Addison connec- tion completed; with Northwest high- way and Euclid avenue widened, an- nouncement is made of an additional massive plan. On June 30 contracts for the build- ing of forty-foot pavement on Mil- waukee avenue north, Halsted street south, and Lake street west will be ready for letting. These will be sub- mitted to Chairman William Busse and the roads and bridge committee for action. Plan 40-foot Highway Plans for the 40-foot Southwest highway will also be submitted to the board on that date and plans for the widening of the River road, Northwest highway, Dixie highway and Halsted street will also be submitted. On July 5 another batch of plans for improved highways will be submitted. | Among these will be the paving of Harrison street from First avenue to the countv line. President Cermak has been working on this improvement for more than two and one-half years and this is the first step in making of | Harrison street a main east and west | | thoroughfare. Gross Point Road Included - Other roads in this batch of plans | are: Ashland avenue-Wood street; T BME Dce road; Gross Point road; Hillside he New Hose Shades: avenue, Willow Springs road; 26th ° ji | street, Chicago Heights; 26th street, Riverside. "Many of the roads in Cook county London Gray Misty Morn are tied up by construction," declared President Cermak in commenting on INCORPORATED the program. "Many drivers are in- convenienced, but I hope they will en- to be found in an exquisite new dure it for the sake of the miles of picot-topped, double-hemstitched Sn di for stocking of sheer chiffon, at $1.95 2 automobilists to try our side roads on a pair. pleasure jaunts leaving the main high- ways for those who have to travel over The woman who is particular about details of her dress is very them on Sundays and holidays © We > 7 § | may find it necessary to issue an order particular inderd about the shade of her stockings. It must be restricting slow moving vehicles, such new--and it must harmonize in some effective manner, with her fas trucks, from the main highways costume. 8 Bl | during the construction periods, so Bl that traffic congestion may be pre- These two new shades--the newest gray and the newest tan-- @ B| vented to some extent." are to be of importance this season. GRADUATE FROM CORNELL . : Edward Scheidenhelm, son of Mr. Other shades in these same hose in- and Mrs. E. L. Scheidenhelm of 704 clude White Jade, Honey Beige, At- Lake avenue, Wilmette, was graduated mosphere and White. Monday from Cornell university with a degree of Bachelor of Arts. John B. Mordock, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingrain Hose in Evening Tints, $2.95. Mauve, silver, flesh pink, T. Mordock of 645 Maple street, Win- gunmetal, nude, and mauve taupe. netka, was graduated at the same time with a degree of Bachelor of Science Lord's--First Floor. from the College of Engineering. The 1912 alumni of Northwestern university held their reunion dinner Saturday at the Georgian hotel. Mrs. s MN fl | Richard G. Breeden was in charge of arrangements.