14 WINNETKA TALK June 30, 1928 As a Rule--"Health Is Wealth" For that restful feeling try Battle Creek Baths Swedish Massage and Hydrotherapy Phone Wilmette 941 | 1159 Wilmette Ave., Wilmette, IIL. New Scouts welcomed into North Shore Scouting during the week end- ing June 23, 1928, are: Donald Rahn, Troop 8, Wilmette; Walter McGuire, Troop 22, Glencoe; James H. Tibbetts, Troop 45, Lake Forest; David Tibbetts, Troop 45, Lake Forest; Duncan H. Reeds, Troop 52, Deerfield. Kodak Prints of Sparkling Clearness Almer Coe & Company are now pro- ducing glossy prints of unexampled clear- ness of detail, of definition, of light and shadow, by a new and exclusive process. Have your next prints made by the new glossy process. There is an Almer Coe store near you down town-- no additional charge for glossy prints. Motion picture apparatus, films and supplies Almer Coe & Company Scientific Opticians » a Hk it IR Continuing Our Summer Clearance This is a radical clean-up of our entire stock of choice summer merchandise. Costs and profits have been forgotten. ~ Our summer stocks must be cleared to . make room for incoming fall merchandise. Here is an opportunity to purchase at cost and below exquisite ; Dinner and Evening Gowns i Day Time and Afternoon Dresses Hats and Club Frocks Coats and Suits We suggest an immediate visit to our shop while selections are most complete. Patricia Gown and Bonnet Shop | 507 DAvIs ST., EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 1918 WE me gx = De 3 SS / MAKES ANNUAL REPORT TO WINNETKA COUNCIL (Continued from Page 3) the construction of this improvement; the ordinance has therefore been passed by the Village council and the matter is now in court. The special assessment proceeding for additional mains in this district, which has been held pending to per- mit the installation of both water mains and sewers at the same time, is also awaiting confirmation. Ready to Widen Center The pavement of Center street from Elm street to Tower road was considered at several public hearings, and after definite assurance from the County High- way department that state aid to the ex- tent of 30 feet would be given, it was decided by the Board of Local Improve- ments to proceed with the improvement, and an ordinance has been passed em- bodying a plan for a 40-foot concrete pavement from Tower road south to Spruce street and a 50-foot pavement from Spruce street to Elm street. No definite action was taken during the year with reference to the pavement of Center street from Winnetka avenue south to the Kenilworth limits, pending a definite decision by the Village of Ken- ilworth as to the exact location of this street south of our boundary. Considerable study was given during the year to the widening of streets in the Elm street business district, west of the tracks, a recommendation having been received from the Plan commission that pavements on these streets should be widened to 40 feet, to relieve traffic congestion. This problem was still be- ing considered by the Street, Drainage and Forestry committee of the council at the close of the fiscal year, but subse- quently a President's estimate has been ordered by the Board of Local Improve- ments for this improvement, with widen- ing of Elm street and Chestnut street, adjacent to the Horace Maun school prop- erty, eliminated. Favor Elm Improvement A study was also given to the widen. ing of Elm street east of Lincoln avenue and of Lincoln avenue from Elm street north to Pine street, based on a recom- mendation made by the Winnetka Plan commission. Since the close of the fiscal year, public hearings have been held, and a decision has been made to institute proceedings for the widening of Elm street as far east as the east line of the Masonic temple property on the south side and as far as Arbor Vitae road on the north side; also for the widening of AS a a a a a oe Complete Beauty Shop Marinello 4 4 4 1 4 4 ) ] (J 1 Guild | Registered Shop 4 ) Phone Winnetka 822 MERI Sh Jb 2 a alrite ether cle dhmizaloccbcedty. Lincoln avenue to the north boundary of the business district, on the west side. The construction of an alley improve- ment at the rear of the business prop- erty on the west side of Linden avenue from Tower road to Merrill street was considered by the Board of Local Im- prevements, and an ordinance has been passed and a petition filed in court for the construction of this alley, with a 16-foot concrete pavement; it was de- cided that this alley should not be ex- tended at this time from Merrill street to Scott avenue, under agreements received from the property owners in this block that no permanent improvement would be constructed in the alley space for a period of ten years. Would Extend Elm South A recommendation was received dur- ing the year from the Plan commission providing for the extension of Lincoln avenue, east of the railroad from Elm street to Oak street, and then diagonally southeast to Maple avenue, which recom- mendation is now under consideration by the Streets, Drainage and Forestry committee. The improvement of the dangerous and congested intersection of Tower and Green Bay roads was studied during the year and a special assessment proceeding is now in court, providing for the widen- ing of this intersection with an ade- quate concrete pavement. On petition of property owners in the vicinity of Locust road between Pine street and Westmoor road, special assess- ment proceedings have been instituted for the ccnstruction of a bituminous ma- cadam pavement at this location. Several other minor improvements for sewers and water mains were also in- stituted during the year. Progress on 'Separation' Through the interest and activity of President Tenney, it is possible to re- port very definite progress on the grade separation problem, by the organization of a committee of representatives of the north shore municipalities from Evans- ton and Highland Park inclusive, which committee has held a number of meet- ings resulting in the establishment of a definite policy of procedure and the employment of Francis X. Busch as gen- eral counsel and Walter A. Shaw as engineer. It may be anticipated that the next year will show very substantial progress in this matter. After careful study by the Finance committee, and on its recommendation, early in the year, the council approved a comprehensive financial program for guidance during the next five years, in order that all questions involving public improvements and the expenditure of pub- lic funds for municipal service may be determined on the basis of their relation- ship to the ultimate financial condition of the Village government. This pro- gram is predicted on the theory that ordinary municipal service should be limited to the revenue derived by the Village from general taxation and from other similar sources, properly applicable to regular corporate activities; and that any revenue derived from the operation of our municipal electric utility should be allocated to particular public improve- ments which could not otherwise be se- cured without a sacrifice of bonding pow- er, reserved for ultimate requirements. Establish Pension Funds As required by state statute, pension funds for both the police and fire de- partments were established during the year, and legally constituted ' pension boards were appointed or elected to handle the administration of these funds. On recommendation of the Winnetka Library board, an ordinance providing for the issuance of $75,000 general obligation bonds was enacted and at a referendum (Continued on Page 56) Assurance - - - - fur trade. Furrier Tel. Univ. 4900 710 Main St. It comes from knowing where to look for and obtain what is desired. To desire fur garments distinctively remodeled with care under the personal supervision of the designer . . . em- bodies our 28 years of experience in the We Clean, Remodel and Repair C. M. KROGER Est. 1900 Evanston