June 30, 1928 WINNETKA TALK SPORTS PROGRAM TO FEATURE FOURTH HERE (Continued from Page 1) Fifty yard dash, girls, 12 to 15, clusive. One hundred yard dash, boys, 14 to 16, inclusive. Twenty-five yard backward race for married men. One hundred yard dash, open, champ- ionship of Winnetka. One hundred yard relay race, and son, (son 10 years or under). One hundred yard relay race, and son, (son 11 years and over). One hundred yard relay race, in- father father father and daughter, (daughter 10 years or un- der). One hundred yard relay race, father and daughter, (daughter 11 years and over). Committees Frederick W. Copeland is general chairman. The various committees serving with him, follow: Finance committee--H. A. de Windt, M. K. Meyer. Athletic committee--Charles H. Matz, Darrell S. Boyd, M. L. Greeley, Jr. S. Edwin Earle. 3 Entertainment committee -- John XK. Coolidge, Norman W. Harris, Marcus D. Richards, Richard P. 'Matthiessen. Grounds committee--H. IL. Woolhiser, Harold Bohnen, Samuel S. Otis, Arlan W. Converse, R. H. Schell. Prize committee -- Robert S. Laird, Morris C. Allen, C. P. Hanly, George N. Buffington, Morris K. Wilson. Program committee--Edwin R. Keeler, William T. Bacon, W. W. Robson, E. G. Sutcliffe, L. M. Williams. Track and field officers: Judges--Dar- rell 8 Boyd, Alfred Brittain, Jr., Barret Conway, Dain D. Fuller, Henry K. Lane, F. T. Richardson. Clerks of course--John L. Dole, S. Ed- win Earle, Lloyd A. Faxon, Paul Starr. Starter--Frank Whitney. Announcer--Charles H. Matz. Custodian of prizes--Robert H. Wallace. : MARRIES Miss Margaret E. Leonard of the Leonard Shoppe, 795 Elm street, Win- netka, was married on Saturday, June 23, to Walter Allen Stehle of Chicago, at the Orrington hotel in Evanston, in the presence of eighty guests. After a honeymoon in Colora- da, Mr. and Mrs. Stehle will make their home in Oak Park. Joseph B. Coambs, Jr., 142 Church road, left on Friday, June 29, with Crilly and Melburn Butler, for the I, Bar T ranch, where he will spend a week, and then take a pack train for a fortnight's trip through Yellowstone Park. On his return, he will meet his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Coambs, and will spend some time in Colorado, returning to Winnetka with them later. [lll Mu Charles Aspenwall of 1195 Tower road, who has been in Kansas City the past ten days on business, will return to his home this week-end. a Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, 304 Melrose avenue, Kenilworth entertained a few guests for tea Sunday evening. There's a satisfaction in knowing that your comfortable old shoes can be rebuilt and made like new at the-- ANNEX SHOE REBUILDER 3 Carlton Bldg. SWIMMERS PROGRESS Coach Edgar Jackson Teaches Begin- ning, Advanced Classes at New Trier Natatorium Swimming classes at the New Trier High school natatorium are making rapid progress under the direction of Edgar B. Jackson, swimming coach at the school. A gallery of spectators is present each day to watch the swimmers and those who are learning to swim. Classes have been arranged to suit the needs of all ages and private in- struction is given to those who desire it. The instruction, is arranged so that pupils may enter at any time and progress just as fast as they are able. At present the ages run from three to fifty-five years. Although the teaching of beginners is empha- sized, advanced swimmers and divers also find a group to suit their par- ticular needs. Each year accidents happen to chil- dren and adults in the township who are not prepared when the boat tips, when they slip from the pier, when they step into a hole, or when a swift current catches them unawares. The school board at New Trier, realizing that such accidents happen frequently each year, decided to provide oppor- tunity for instruction in swimming under the supervision of a swimming coach who has had over twenty years experience. The New Trier natatorium is a fil- tered, sterilized, tile-lined lake of wa- ter twenty-five by sixty feet. It s tested daily and is tempered to suit the needs of those who are beginners. A campaign is on to develop fami- lies of swimmers in the township and the slogan which has been adopted 1s "Be at home in and around the water." Mr. and Mrs. Emil C. Olson of 1000 Vine street, had as their guests for the week-end, Miss Ruby Tapenthien and R. Ott of Milwaukee. --0-- Mrs. H. Edmund Sheerer is expected to return today to her home at 250 Poplar street from a trip to California. dedi WHAT IS MORE APPROPRIATE for any occasion than flowers? They cheer invalids and convales- cents with their beauty and fra- grance, and are equally fitting for anniversaries of all kinds. Send flowers to your friends when they can enjoy them. We give our careful attention to each order. bd Aa tissues fina leita dinates at Flowers by Wire DESIGNS -- DECORATIONS Ilg's Florist Established 25 Years CENTER ST. AT PINE TEL. WINNETKA 313 VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VV VY YY VYYYVYYYY vv vv Vv VvVvY v ih ddadmin WW RT rare = OMEONE has said that the best to be had is always the most economical, regardless of price. Surely nothing is more extravagant than low quality. But here's a market where the highest quality costs no more--there's a double advantage. All we ask is that you drop in--or telephone your order-- and find out about Peters Quality for yourself. eters Market Meats of Quality 734 Elm Street Phones 920-21-22 Isn't it Nice?-- that one can buy a complete Plumbing Job--Fixtures and Appliances of all kinds on Deferred Payments 2--Things you should Really Have--2 Gas Hot Water Heaters General Electric Refrigerators Tried and tested, not an experiment. A G. E. refrigerator should be in every home, Many styles and manufactures f rom which to choose -- as low as $60. Just Wait -- 2? ? VIC. J. KILLIAN, Inc. Plumbing Contractors 897 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods Tel. Winn. 908-09