4 July 14, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 55 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE 67 FOR RENT--APARTMENTS HE FOR SALE--HOUSES Ri FOR SALE--HOUSES NIN WIN NETKA RELIABLE LIVE AVAIL YOURSELF OF A GOOD BUY : QC IN WILMETTE. WE ARE OFFERING i 3 { E--SUN AND SLPG. WILL CARETAKERS OF i S-room Dis, in Fe jLindencrest this opportunity because it |6 Pa ir at fir; gool loc. oi wri i 4 - + g. n-a-door eds, e aths, . 4 . 9. ry your home. Tel. Winn, 797 lh showers. Ready for immediate md really is one! ; In Winletka. oe ear i 4p pane, : In South West Winnetka on| Priced at $13,000 for quick sale direct Goob GArDENER AnD cHAURFEUR | QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. b tifull coded lot| from owner Tel. Winn. 1430 or 230. wishes perm. position. Ref. Can do | 424 Linden Ave. wimette 460] 2 Peautiiully wooded 'o LINZ 1te hswk. Gary, 31 Ravinia Terrace. High- land Park. 61TN19-1tp WINDOWS, POLISH FURN.,, Drive, wash cars, garden work. 1552, 61T48-tfc CHAUFFEUR AND HOUSEMAN. N. S. ref. Tel. Highland Park 1584. 61TN19-1tp EXP. GARDENER AND HOUSEMAN. 75¢ an hour. Ph. Winnetka 2764. 61. TN42-1tc EXPERIENCED GARDENER WANTS work by the day or week. Winn. 2864. 61LTN34-tfc _ 62 SIT. WTD.--MALE AND FEMALE COLORED COUPLE DESIRE POSITION with priv. family as, cook, houseman, _ chauffeur and all around man. N. S. refs. Ph. Highland Pk. 1471. L. Durant. 62L TN 42-1tp EXP. COUPLE WANT DAY WORK. N. S rfs. Ph. Greenleaf 5983. 62L'TN42-1tp COL. CPL., COOK, CHAUF., HSE. MAN. Best ref. Oak. 0868. 62LTN42-1tp 63 BOARD AND ROOM CLFAN ete. Winn. EXCELLENT RM. AND BOARD FOR man. 545 Provident Ave.,, Winn. 2795. 63T18-2tp 65 WANTED--BOARD AND ROOM WANTED--ROOM, BATHROOM AND board on 1st floor for elderly couple. Tel. Winn. 1739. 651'19-1tp 66 FOR RENT--ROOMS FOR RENT--ROOM IN MOD. APT. IN Hubbard Woods, with priv. family. 1 blk. to trains. Refs. exchanged. Ph. Winnetka 3169. 66LTN42-1tc LARGE FRONT BEDRM. WITH FIRE- place and 3 windows. Also bedrm. with large sleeping porch. 910 Elm "St. Tel. Winn. 2336. 66T19-1tc FOR RENT--FURN. ROOM, PRIVATE fam. Gentleman pfd. Tel. Winn. 1686. 66T16-tfc FOR RENT--3 ROOMS FURNISHED. Call Winnetka 112. 66T19-2tc PLEASANT NEWLY DECORATED RM. Single, $5, double, $8. Tel. Winn. 621. . 66T19-1tc LARGE PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT, suitable for 1 or 2. On Elm St, nr. transp. Tel. Winn. 2468. 66T19-1tc NICE FRONT ROOM WITH BATH. Tel. Winnetka 3019. 66T19-1te FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, NR. transp., for lady or couple, kitch. privil- eges. Tel. Winnetka 1167 or 278. $ 66TN19-1tc FOR RENT--LARGE, COMF. ROOM, for 1 or 2. Ph. Winnetka 1769. 66T19-1tc FOR RENT--3 ROOMS. KITCHEN priv., near transp. Ph. Glencoe 1008. 66L.TN42-1tc LARGE, LIGHT, WELL-FURNISHED rm., near lake and trains. Garage. Ph. Winnetka 1543. 66L.TN42-1tc ROOM FOR RENT--CLEAN & COM- fort. 1% blk. to transp. 722 Elm St. 66LTN42-1tp FOR RENT--PLEASANT ROOM IN. Priv. home. 1240 Central Ave. Ph. Wilmette 3486. 66LTN42-1tp LARGE, COOL, PLEAS. FRONT ROOM nr. station. Tel. Winn. 415. 3 66LTN42-1tc 67 FOR RENT--APTS. NEW APARTMENTS Reasonable Rentals $60 AND UP 2 and 3 rooms Lg. light rms. All have bedrms. Rolla- way bed in liv. rms. Good closet space and elec. refrig. furnished. SMITH & BROWN 736 Elm St. Phone Winn. 142 67T19-1te 6TLTN40-tfc FOR RENT -- FINE 4 AND 5 ROOM «modern apt. Roll-away bed, Frigidaire, near transp. Low rent. Franklin Bldg., 526 Center St. Ph. Winn. 382. 67TLTN38-tfc FOR RENT--2 ROOM KITCHENETTE apartment, steam heat, janitor service, near transportation. Call Wilmette 1800. 67TLTN33-tfc 4 RM. APT. OR FOR SALE 8 RM. HSE. ; 2 garages, all mod. improv., nr. transp. Reas. terms, Tel. Glencoe 331. 67LTN42-1tp 2 RM. APT., INDIAN HILL APTS. SUB- let immed. until Oct. 1. Winn. 1800. 67LTN42-1tp 5 ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT IN Humphrey bldg., 544 Chestnut St. Call Winn. 98. 67LTN42-1tc 4 ROOM APARTMENT FOR RENT. Eckhart"s Hardware Store. 67TN19-2tp 68 FOR RENT--FURNISHED APTS, FOR RENT--AT LOWEST POSSIBLE rate, for immediate occupation, cool, comfortable Orrington hotel apartment, summer or longer. Complete hotel service. Ice and electricity free. Kitchenette. Very large closets. Call hotel (University 8700) or tenant eve- nings (Greenleaf 4660) Apt. 536. . 68LTN38-tfp RM. WITH KITCHEN- Winn. 2424. 68T19-1te LARGE FURN. ette. Tel. 70 FOR RENT--FURN. HOUSES Owner Going to Europe FOR RENT--FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE, east side Hubbard Woods, 3 baths, sunporches, large wooded lot, gar. Oil- hot water heat. Will consider any period of rental up to a yr. lease, very attractive home at reas. rent. Avail- able at any time. Days call Winnetka 2400. Evenings call- Winnetka 2542. TOLTN42-tfc FOR RENT--FURNISHED 8 RM. HSE, newly decorated. Screened porches, fenced in yard. Close to transp. and lake. Ph. Winnetka 1028. TOL/EN42-1tc FOR RENT--NICELY FURNISHED 6 rm. house, screened porch. Close to transp. and lake. Reas. rent. Ph. Winnetka 1232. © TOLTN42-1te 2 FOR RENT--GARAGES NEWLY BUILT GARAGE WITH CE- ment floor, 3 blks. west of station on Elm St. Call at 1036 Oak St. or tel Winn. 2435. 72T19-1tc NEW GARAGE FOR RENT, 838 Cherry St. Tel. Winn. 1249. 72T19-1tp ---- "7 FOR SALE--HOUSES » Your Home in the Woods OVERLOOKING BEAUTIFUL ESTATE, very private and exclusive. Large grounds; close to schools and trans- portation; 5 large bedrooms and 2 sleeping porches; extra large living room and sun parlor each connecting by large arches providing wonderful entertaining space; 3 open fireplaces; library; butler"s pantry; Frigidaire. Offered at a real bargain with terms. If you are seeking a delightful home in a good section see Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 T7T19-1te WINNETKA EAST LOCATION 2 BLOCKS TO LAKE, LARGE WOODED lot, 8 room English tapestry brick, un- usually large living and dining rooms, breakfast nook, butler's pantry, lava- tory; large screened porch with awn- ing. House beautifully decorated on canvassed walls; imported fixtures and hardware, oil burner, Frigidaire, 2-car heated garage. This is a beautiful home in a lovely location at $41,000. Terms can be arranged. Crosby & McKendry 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 T7T19-1te setting back twice the or- dinary distance from the street, is this 10 room Eng- lish brick house which was built by the owner for his permanent home. But ours is a changing world and after one month's occu- pancy it so happens this property may be bought at a price which should neces- sitate no further advertis- ing. For further details or to in- spect, see Dudley Bradstreet Exclusive Agent 522 Center St. Phones Winn. 806-875 77T19-1te A SPANISH GEM SET HIGH, ON BEAUTIFULLY TER- raced lawn--Studio living room with marble floor--Beamed ceiling dining room. 3 fine sleeping rooms, 2 artisti- cally tiled bath rooms, breakfast nook in kitchen. H. W. Gas heat, elec. re- frig., stove, also electric laundry equip- ment. Near schools, stores, depot and lake, in East Winnetka. Price $22,000. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Bim St. Winnetka 2198 TTT19-1tc 239 RIDGE AVE. ATTRACTIVE COTTAGE-TYPE 7 RM- 2 bath-home. Open porch, 1 car ga- rage. Condition like new. Beautiful lot, 71x132 in the choicest part of the S. W. section. Owner will sacrifice at actual cost. $20,000.00 P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 1 Meyer's Bank Building, Phone 162 T7T19-1te Glencoe OWING TO DEATH IN FAMILY, A new clapboard Colonial home in Glen- coe must be sold. 6 rms., 2-car garage, H. W. heat. Price $19,000. Easy terms. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm Street 'Winnetka Winn. 1617 TTLTN42-1tc UNUSUAL OFFERING MOST ATTRACTIVE SHINGLE, 6 rooms, sun parlor, sleeping porch, din- ing porch, all rooms and porches are large, water heat, landscaped lot, 2-car garage and tool house, bargain, $18,500. W. G. STACEY & CO. 336 Linden Ave. Ph. Wilmette 308 TTILTN42-1te HUBBARD WOODS FOR SALE--ALMOST NEW 6 RM. house, 3 bedrms., 2 baths, lavatory, sun parlor, breakfast nook, kitchen & but- ler's pantry. H. W. heat with oil burn- er, Frigidaire. House is in wonderful condition. High, well wooded, land- scaped lot, 2-car garage. Price $18,500, which is less than cost. For inspection tel. Winn. 156. TTILTN42-1te CHARMING 6 RM. HOUSE IN FINE res. neighborhood in Glencoe. Conv. to schls. and transp. Best cond. thruout. $14,000. Tel. Glencoe 1330. 77N27-1tp FOR SALE--ON EDGE OF DEER- field. 6 rm. farm house, 1 acre, garage, $8,000. Cash, $2,000. No brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTTN19-1te 6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE AT NORTH- brook; H. W. heat, 1 bath, l-car ga- rage, lot 50x140--$9,000, terms. Call at 1937 Wilmette Ave. or phone Wilmette 3774. TILTN42-1tp FOR SALE--WEST OF GLENCOE, 6 rm. frame house. Lot, 150x400. Land- scaped, garage. $6,500, terms, no brok- ers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTTN19-1te FOR SALE--IN NORTHBROOK, MOD- ern 8 rm. house. 1 acre, 2 car garage, $11,500. Cash $2,500. No brokers. Ph. Wilmette 1582. TTTN19-1te 78 FOR SALE--VACANT Sacrifice in Vacant DESIRABLE SECTION OF WINNETKA. Corner and the adjoining lot, south front, size 115x180, will divide. Owner asking $85.00 per foot, but open to offer. OUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 WILL BUILD HOME FOR RESPON- sible party in Deettield a a PE ks to transp. rite mette hota o P T8LTN12-tfe po-- 9 ACREAGE & ESTATES LAKE AND DEEP CREEK FRONTAGE ON BEAUTIFUL LAKE WINNECONNE, 12 miles northwest of Oshkosh, Wis- consin, 146 miles from Winnetka, sixty acres at $400 per acre, facing south, as- suring a cool breeze off the lake when the warm winds blow. Or can sell enough for nine or eighteen hole golf HEINSEN REALTY CO. © EXCLUSIVE AGENTS z 720 Elm St., Winnetka Ph. Winn. 254 TILTN42-1te BARRINGTON 10 TO 100 ACRES ON NORTHWEST Highway at side road corner. Wood- land and hills, also spring fed creek on property. Reduced price to close out. Small cash payment. Easy terms. Make vour selection. OUINLAN & TYSON. INC. Univ. 2600 Fountain Square T9TN10-1te BUY A 5 ACRE TRACT I SPECIALIZE IN 5 ACRE AND UP tracts for highly restricted homes. Call F. Ward, Winnetka 2369 before selecting your home site. T9LT42-1tp -- 82 SUMMER RESORTS WAUNITA HOT SPRINGS GUNNISON COUNTY, COLO. Hotel $3 per day, American. Cottages for light housekeeping, $35 per mo. ming, golf, pool, riding horses, tennis, dancing, picnics, fishing and hiking. T.. P. Stitzer, Mgr. 821 TN33-14tp R RENT--SUMMER COTTAGE, Ro at Post Lake nr. Pelican Lake, north. Wis. Good boating & fishing; . Tel. Winn. 2878. Br. golf course. Te SOLTNA42-1te 90 WTD. TO RENT--FURN. HOUSES ANTED TO RENT--A FURNISHED Yr Must have 3 bedrooms. In Wil- tte or Winnetka. Close to transp. pe Oct. 1st. Less than $125 a month. Ph. Winnetka 2032. 90T19-1te ---- 96 WANTED TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED--SMALL 7 ROOM HOUSE, 2 baths. in good location. between Wil- mette and Winnetka, Will trade 3 or 6 apartment building in Edgewater, well financed. Write Wilmette Life A- 62. 96LTN42-1tp WANTED--A HOUSE. WILL EX- change choice residence vacant in Hol- lywood, Fla. Will add cash. Write Wilmete Life A-66. 96LTN42-1te WANTED TO PURCHASE 7 OR 8 RM. house, preferably with 2 baths. Write Wilmette Life A-65. 96LTN42-1tc MORE WANT ADS ON PAGE 56