July 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 19 WAR VETERANS WILL BE HONORED AT STATE FAIR Wednesday, August 22, Is Set Aside as "Veterans' Day" at Annual Exposition Wednesday, August 22, is set aside as 'Veterans' Day," at the Illinois State fair at Springfield, and under a big canvas pavillion, fitting ceremonials will be conducted, according to an an- nouncement issued by the management of the fair. In this connection, the director of agriculture of Illinois, Stillman J. Stanard, has issued the following: "The Illinois department of agri- culture invites the veterans of all wars to be their distinguished guests on the occasion of Veterans' Day of the Il- linois State fair, Wednesday, August | 22. "This patriotic feature of the fair was first adopted back in 1916, by the order of Len Small, then president of the state board of agriculture and now governor of Illinois. "This provision then included only veterans of the Civil war. In the pres- ent invitation, this fitting courtesy is extended to include the soldiers, sail- ors and marines of the war of the | Rebellion, the war with Spain, and | the World war, and Illinois is proud to show its appreciation of the service and the sacrifice of these history mak- ers of all wars." Program The program for Veterans' Day, sub- ject to such alterations as conditions may demand, follows: Capt. John B. Inman, past national commander-in-chief, Grand Army of the Republic, presiding. Col. John M. Tipton, Officers Re- serve corps, assistant chairman. Officer of the Day--Capt. Henry B. Davidson, past Adjutant General, G. A. Assembly--Bugler, Arthur Gibson, boy scout. Presentation of massed colors--Color bearers--G. A. R., John Underfanger; United. Spanish War veterans, C. A. Byers; American Legion, Forrest Burke; veterans of foreign wars, Thomas C. Cunningham. Invocation--Rev. Francis S. Mazir, Chaplin, 130th Infantry. Address of welcome, Stillman J. Stanard, director of Agriculture. Military band selections, and ad- | dresses by the commanding officers of | the various military organizations will follow. Albert M. Carter, of Zeigler, commander of the American Legion, department of Illinois, will represent that organization. Hon. Len Small, governor of Illinois, will be introduced by Carlos E. Black, Adjutant General of the Illinois Na- tional Guard. Regimental reunion will be arranged through Henry B. Davidson, command- er Stevenson Post, G. A. R, 121 N. Glenwood avenue, Springfield, IIL GIVES CARD PARTY FOR VETS A committee of Kenilworth women took its usual trip to Great Lakes last Monday. At that time, a card party for all the disabled soldiers able to play, was given by the Red Cross members. Twenty women went up from Kenil- worth. It was stated that this sum- mer there are fewer disabled veterans than ever before. The committee is always glad to receive donations of the latest magazines and good reading matter, it announces. Miss Paisley Ball, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Y. Ball of Indian Hill, has returned from Minneapolis where she was in the bridal party of one of her classmates. Paisley also has a house guest. + A camel covered a mile in 3 minutes 'The War Song" is a new title for Guild to Resume Art [40 seconds in a camel race held at | the play in which George Jessel will try Exhibitions on Oct. 2 rie Africa. over a tlirce i | to repeat the success he had in "The Beginning Oct. 1 with a luncheon at | hig, Zan, over 5 ares irk nel | 122% Singer." The authors are Mr. which there will be a speaker related | eighth mile course. The winning camel | Jessel himself, Samuel Spewack and to the opening exhibition, whatever | covered the course in 12 minutes. | Mrs. Spewack. form that will take, the series of ex- | hibitions of art, sponsored by the Uni- versity guild, will be resumed with the new season. This announcement is made by the chairman of the art committee, Mrs. Charles H. Dennis. The majority of the displays have been arranged for, she reports, and it is expected that by another week the complete series will be ready for announce- ment. The coming season's showing will open the third year of exhibitions Custard A Th . sponsored by the guild. They are and French I$ €reils a . 4 UV hung in the ballroom of the Orrington Vanilla Kr hotel and are shown for periods of IN HYDROY , | Ye H several weeks each. They include dis- Ice Cream = p71).{1) 4 Agency eédr our U)1{4 plays of the work of artists of Chi- , { cago and vicinity and other places. TASTE IT! One long, cool sip of Bowman's Milk and you will understand its popularity among the fastidious housewives of Winnetka. For never have you tasted a sweeter, fresher milk -- a milk so definitely superior in flavor. This deliciousness is the direct result of our extreme care in bringing it from farm to you. Bowman inspectors stand guard at every step. Modern methods and scientific control assure its reaching your table as rich, as sweet and as delicious as when taken from the cow. But taste it! Only by tasting can you know how good Bowman's Milk really is. Telephone Wilmette 55 or order from the courteous Bowman milkman who passes your door. It's a move you'll never regret. BowMAN DAIRY COMPANY MILK \ = ® The Milk of Superior Flavor