July 28, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 37 people to vote, is to make them mad, ' and the acts of these public officials The Voters' Columr are making them mad. by Hoyt King First Scandinavian Ev. 20% REDUCTION Roy A. Thompson, pastor One by one Mr. Loesch and his aids 809 Chestnut ct., Winn. 2304 O . k are smoking out those of State's At- Sandal: Fie 20 1010 rn Sutday On ur Entire Stoc . 'e FR ct P : " be ® ay, July 29, : a. m., Sundaaj torney Crowe's official family who re-| 300 00 2-91 500 a. m. morning wor- 4 A. fuse help to punish the thugs accused | ship; 5:00 p. m. Young People's meeting ; For a limited time we are offering our artistic lamps, shades, of election frauds and political murder. | 7:45 p. m. closing exercises of summer draperies, furniture, wrought iron, etc., at a 20 percent discount. This official list now includes five | Bible school. : A i i This is an opportunity to secure that long cherished article at members of the County Board, Muni- | wednesday, August 1, 8:00 p. m. Rev. a worthwhile savings. cipal Court Bailiff Snow, Sheriff Gray- | Harry Lindblom from Chicago will don and Police Commissioner Hughes. | preach. rd - 2181 1) 4 : Forced to a decision by Mr. Loesch,| .., 4 cornendetl His 1ove. toward. us. Or Clair Studios acting for the Crime Commission, siX | in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ judges of the Superior © and: Circuit | died for us." Romans 5:8. Courts, two of them public endorsers BR i 7102 SHERIDAN Roap PHONE BRIARGATE 7892 of the Crowe administration, refused| Mrs. Harry Pomeroy and her daugh- Estimates Furnished Decidedly Different to remove Judges Eller, Klarkowski ter of 1361 Asbury avenue are leaving ; Guaranteed to Please transfer to the Civil branch, by the decision of the judges he remains on abled these men to be freed by re- ducing their bonds. "The people elected me and I will let them decide with reference to me," declared Judge Eller last week from passed upon the qualification of judges that year and out offa"tofal votd of with over a million not voting. The opponents of the Bar candidates, two and Kerner from the Criminal bench |August 1, for a month's motor trip. for reducing to jail sentences and | They will go first to Green Lake, the Criminal bench until September. Under rule of court he now becomes the present acting chief justice and has certain control of the investiga- tion that involves indicted relatives and supporters of his father, boss of the Bloody Twentieth ward. Two of the bench. Judge Eller was elected in 1923 by a vote of 203,348, being 18th on the list of 20 judges elected. One million vot- ers did not vote for him or for any one. The failure of the voter to ex- press himself in judicial elections, is 2,547 lawyers Judge Eller received 281 votes, standing 37th in the list. In spite of the Bar's fight against the election of judges subservient to political influence, the bench has de- teriorated of late years. In the June election, the Bar candi- of them public endorsers of the Crowe regime, were elected. SIMMONS' Mr. Losscilg S=pustics would indi- 4 cate to the ordinary citizen that the bench, almost entirely dependent on WALNI I'T FINISH the self-interested vote for support L at the polls, has, with some notable exceptions, become subservient to po- i] litical infiwence; and that it is largely responsible for crime conditions. The only way, apparently, to get the . BED Nip SPRING Bed only, all Sizes - ~- - - $6.95 h { A TTRESS Si 2 i immons' Spring - - - - $4.65 parole numerous penitenfiary offenses. | Minn., and then on to Sioux Falls, S. D. the indicted are accused of the mur- pointed out as the real cause of pres- dates, four men of public record and a 1-1 HR Sj ' immons' Mattress - - - - $7.90 Sets L J While Judge Eller has asked for der of his father's opponent for ward committeeman. Judge Eller has en- ent bad political conditions. The bar notably fit, received only 100,000 votes, Repairs--Accessories Can be had separately or complete. --Movies-- Cameras Projectors--Films OPEN THURSDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS --Records-- S. ROSENBAUM CO. Releases Thrice Monthly, 810 DAVIS ST. (Incorporated) EVANSTON LET TREY TV Wl | CHICAGO STORES - - 3120 LINCOLN AVENUE and 5228 NORTH CLARK STREET 2 Carlton Bldg. Winnetka 1840