Illinois News Index

Winnetka Weekly Talk, 25 Aug 1928, p. 65

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WINNETKA TALK August 25, 1928 Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page 63) FOR SALE--HOUSES Winnetka Home == $27,500 - - JUST PUT ON THE MARKET, THIS modern stucco home of 8 rooms and 3 baths, and plenty of other attractive features, such as an extra width wood- ed lot, well shrubbed and with a beau- tiful privet hedge across the front and on each side, also fruit trees; a 2- car garage, a set of athletic equipment for the children consisting of travel- ing rings, cross bar, slide, teeter, etc, of steel & set in concrete. House has center entrance, living room and large owner's bedroom to south, with glazed porches for each. Maid's room & bath is on 1st floor--two baths on 2nd floor are tile-walled and mod- ern. Hot water heat, pipes asbestos covered, high-grade oil burner with 1,000 gal. tank in yard. All openings weather stripped--best insulation (In- sulex) over 2nd floor ceiling & around sun & sl. porches (cool in summer & warm in winter)--attractive electric fix- tures and radiator covers, and the whole property, inside & out in splen- did condition. If you want a home that has most every- thing at a price within reason it will pay you to call us for appointment to inspect this home. Hill & Stone, Agts. 543 Lincoln Ave. Tel. Winn. 1544 TILTN48-1tc Northbrook Offers You NEW FRENCH CHATEAU DESIGN, 2 story brick veneer, 5 rooms, attached garage, on 55 foot lot within 4 blocks of station and shopping center. A bar- gain at $9,350. $1,000 down. Balance $60.00 per month. Old 8 room brick house on 50 foot wooded lot. All improvements in. A fine re- modeling proposition at only $7,500.00. $500 cash required. Frame bungalow, spacious rooms, 1 car garage, lot 90x200 with fruit & shade trees. $8,875.00. Terms. Choice building sites $25.00 per foot and up. 6 room frame, 2 story house on 80 foot, paved street lot 132x250. Three blks. from center of town. A sacrifice at $14,450. Unusual conditions will per- mit you to purchase on very liberal terms. For further information regarding these offerings or other choice lots, houses and acres, see or call Northbrook Realty Co. Shermer Ave. at Waukegan Rd. Northbrook, Ill Phones Northbrook 181--Northbrook 156 Glencoe 1486 TTILTN48-1te For Sale WE EARNESTLY RECOMMEND YOU investigate this opportunity if in the market for a finely-constructed 6 bed- rm., 3 bath, den, breakfast nook, 2-car attached gar. gas heated, Eng. brick home on lot 105x187 in Winnetka's popu- lar S. W. Section. This new home affords the utmost privacy & retirement combined with conveni- ence" of location to schools & transpor- tation and is being placed on the market at cost due to owner's change of residence. Fellow-realtors' cooperation requested be- cause a real buy for the one who has a client whose needs it suits & who kk Kno values. 199 Birch St. Price Dudley Bradstreet EXC. AGT. 522 Center St. Winn. 806-875 77T25-1te 7 FOR SALE--HOUSES EAST WINNETKA 8 ROOM BRICK HOUSE UNUSUALLY WELL BUILT for owner, plans compel him to sell. 5 bdrms., 3 baths, slpg. pch., solarium., bkfst. rm., oil ht, 2 car gar, large grounds, close to lake, schools and trans. $60,000. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Ph. Winn. 2032 TTLTN48-1te 9 ROOM HOME, 6 BEDROOMS, 3 baths, sleeping porch, large living room with open screen porch and 2-car ga- rage. Large lot in very center of east Winnetka, with exceptionally fine trees, perennials and garden. Location choic- est and on quiet, retired street, but most convenient to everything. Owner will consider renting for 3 yrs. lease at $300 per mo. P. W. Bradstreet & Son Headquarters Winnetka Real Estate 799 Elm St. Ph. Winnetka 162 77T25-1te Glencoe NR. SKOKIE GOLF CLUB, MOST LIV- able brick home, 100 ft. rockaway gar- den, lg. liv. rm., solarium, din. rm., bkfst. rm., kitchen with ample pantry space, 5 master bedrms., 2 baths, maid's rm. & bath. Ideal location for Skokie Club member. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. Winnetka. Winn. 1617. TTTN25-1te Just a bit Different A NEW HOME OF QUAINT ENGLISH architecture. Seven spacious rooms and 3 baths, consisting of 3 family bedrooms with two colored tile baths of the latest design. Maid's room and bath are separate. Attractive sun rm. H. W. heat; 2 car attached garage. Large lot 75x140 well wooded. Price $32,000. Smart & Golee, Inc. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 285 TTILTN48-1te Winnetka REDUCED FOR IMMEDIATE SALE. Delightful shingle home, liv. rm. with fireplace and bookcases, din. rm. with corner cupboards; toilet & lav.; 3 bed- rms., | bath, 1g. slp. pch., oil burner, gar. Well-wooded lot. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. Winnetka ~ Winn, 1617 TTTN25-1te Indian Hill FOUR BEDROMS, 2 BATHS -- $20,000. New 7 rm. brick house on 50 ft. lot in a convenient section of Kenilworth. Baths are tiled, extra lav. on 1st fir. H. W. ht., metal weather stripped. 2- car garage. An unusual value with easy terms. Smart & Golee, Inc. University 285 TTLTN48-1te 731 GROVE ST. GLENCOE, ILLINOIS 7 RM. RED BRICK VENEER, COLONI- al design, 4 bed rms., three baths, extra lavatory on 1st floor, 2 car garage, hot water heat, lot 73x200. Open for inspection all day Sunday, or for ap- pointment call Glencoe 1486--Winnetka 1089--Northbrook 181. TTLTN48-1te $2000 Cash Balance $60 per Month 6 ROOM HOME, SCREENED PORCH, 1564 Sherman Avenue HAVE YOU EVER WANTED TO RE- model old house? We did, success- fully, neighbors say. Spacious, roomy, lots of closets, 26 ft. living rm., fire- place, corner cupboards in dining rm. 3 bedrms., huge slpg. pch.; ex. lav.; oil burner ; lg. wooded lot, 4 blks. to stores, station, schools. Growing family com- pels us to buy larger home, will sacri- fice, $18,000. Tel. Winn. 2251. : 77T25-1te ded corner 50x187, 2 car gar.; 4 blks. to main stations & schools. Poss. Sept. 1. SMITH & BROWN i" FOR SALE--HOUSES An Ideal Home FOR CHILDREN WELL DESIGNED ENGLISH HOME on a quiet street convenient to Indian Hill station. 7 rooms, 2 baths, sun porch; H. W. (oil) heat; attached garage. Lot 50x197 charmingly landscaped. Truly splen- did value at $25,000. Smart & Golee, Inc. 1564 Sherman Ave. University 285 TTLTN48-1tc ---- 99 ANTIQUES EXTRA SPECIAL TWO WEEKS SALE OF ANTIQUES! Large shipments have crowded my home--never before have I had so rare and varied an assortment. Solid walnut chests, beautifully refinished, at $35. Special low prices on chairs. Come early while selections are com- lete. 808 Washington St. (1 Block outh of Main St, Evanston). 99LTN48-1te AMBER PRISM LAMP, 6 BRASS footed dining chairs. 1002 Greenigat c - Ave. Ph. Wilmette 557. 99LTN48- OLD MAPLE BEDS, cheap. Tel. Winn. 1474. SPOOL TRIM, 99TN25-1tc Highland Park OVER 400 FEET WATER FRONTAGE with 12 rooms, frame Colonial house, being offered at less than ground val- ue. No brokers. Write Wilmette Life A-118. TTLTN48-1tc 6 LARGE ROOM HOME, LARGE SUN room & sleeping porch, drapes & carpet- ing included. Lot 66x200, beautifully landscaped, detached garage, hot water heat or gas heat, all in fine condition, $30,000. 1345 Tower Rd. TTTNL25-1tc FOR SALE--6 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, lot 63x125 on Abbotsford rd., Kenil- worth. Electric refrigeration; all mod- ern conveniences; beautiful grounds; garage. $17,500 terms. Ph. owner Ken- ilworth 3496. TTLTN48-1tp MUST SELL 7 RM. BRICK HOUSE large sun parlor, beautiful surround- ings, 1 block to Ravinia Park. Lot 70x200. Will consider trade. Phone owner Highland 3005. TTLTN48-1tc TE ---- 8 FOR SALE--VACANT CHOICE HOME SITES Central Park nr. Isabella 50x130 @ $70 ft. Isabella wooded 48x175 @ $110 ft Isabella Cor. wooded 50x175 @ ....$120 ft Linden Ave. Beautiful outlook and sur- roundings 100x154 @ .......... $250 ft. Washington St. near % blk. to lake 82x164 @ ..E SAKE A... $300 ft. Michigan Ave. looking onto park and lake must be sold to close estate 81x171 priced for quick sale. The above vacant properties are worth your consideration from an invest- ment and future home building stand- 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS FOR SALE -- 8 PIECE MAHOGANY dining rm. set; extension table, 5 side chairs and arm chair, cane backs, leather seats, and serving table. All in exc. cond. Price reasonable. Tel. Winn. 1023. 100LT48-1tc PORCH FURNITURE -- HICKORY -- table, settee, swing, 3 chairs. Reason- able price if taken immediately. Call at 720 Lake St. Ph. Wilmette 2613. 100LTN48-1te 3 PIECE LIVING RM. SET, $15; 1 OAK library table, $10; 1 oak smoking stand, $1.50 ; 1 walnut pedestal, $2; table lamp, $7; 2 electric light fixtures, §1 each. 1223 Washington Ave., Wilmette. 100T25-1te FOR SALE--LIBRARY TABLE; OAK dining set; bed, box springs; pictures; lamp shades. Cheap. Tel. Winn. 1611. 100T25-1te FOR SALE--COMPLETE FURNISH- ings of fine home, very new, will sell separately. 1111 Sheridan Road. Ph. Wilmette 2635. 100LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--FEW PIECES OF HOUSE- hold furniture, also battery and charger. 1008 Greenleaf Ave. Phone Wilmette 3030. 100LTN48-tfc BURNER DETROIT Winn. 393. 100LTN48-1tc FOR SALE--4 Jewel, $5. Tel FOR SALE--FINE FURNITURE IN excellent condition at reasonable price. Ph. Glencoe 64. 100LTN48-1tp Joint, we Yave many other desirable | yoySEHOLD GOODS INCLUDING ocations 0 offer. dining room table, chairs, etc. Ph. Win- 'E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. he 5281. 100T25-1tp 1108 Davis St., Univ. 8080 T8LTN4S-1tc | ;pRIGHT PIANO IN GOOD CONDI- tion. Reasonable. Tel. Winn. 471. 81 CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE 100T25-1tp FOR SALE CEMETERY LOT IN| FOR SALE--100-LB. BOHN SYPHON Memorial Park. Reasonable. Ph. refrigerator, excellent condition, $10. Winn. 2174. S1LTN48-1tc | Tel, Winn. 1149. 100T25-1tp -- ---- ---- 85 WITD. TO RENT--ROOMS 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS SUITE OR ROOM WITH TWIN BEDS & bath, for business woman & daugh- ter of Junior school age. Board pref- erable but not necessary. Mrs. D. S. Ennis, 2826 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, or tel. Winn. 1149, 85T25-1tc ee -- 89 WANTED TO RENT--HOUSES RENT YOUR HOME BY LISTING IT WITH THIS OFFICE. We have many requests for houses of good character and location. Baird& Warner, Inc. FOUNDED 1855 Real Estate, Mortgages, Investments, Property Managers, Renting 528 Davis Street Greenleaf 1855 89LTN48-1tc 5 OR 6 RM. DUPLEX, WITH GARAGE, or smail 2 story house, near trans, 2 adults, 2 yr. lease, will pay $100 per mo. Write Wilmette Life A-116. 89LTN-1tp WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE, UN- furn. house with 4 or 5 master bed- rms. Reliable party. Write Talk A-122. 89TN25-1tc I ------------------------------------------------------ 96 WTD. TO BUY--HOUSES WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St. Ev- anston, 11. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN4R-tfc ---------------------------------------------------- 102 FOR SALE--MISC. FOR SALE--$85 HOOVER CLEANER and attachments $25, and girl's bicycle (Fields) $20. Both in first class con- dition. Ph. Wilmette 3077. 102LTN48-1tc FOR SALE -- NEW TAN FALL EN- semble, size 16, $15, also new genuine young cross-fox scarf. Ph. Wilmette 3617. 102L.TN48-1tp ALMOST NEW GIRL'S RANGER bicycle. Only $15. Call Wil. 601. 102LTN48-1tp BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE--BATH tub, bowl, toilet and sink, $25; reed go- cart, $5. Ph. Winnetka 3139. 102T25-1te . FOR SALE--BLACK DIRT. PROMPT delivery. Tel. Winn. 1966 or Deerfield 234-M-1. 102TN25-1tp PITTSBURGH AUTOMATIC WATER heater, 100-1b. size ice box. Good cond. 888 Oak St. 102T25-1te I -------------------------------- 103 WANTED TO BUY--MISC. WTD.--IN HUBBARD WOODS OR WIN- netka, modern house, must have 5 sleep- ing rms. and maid's suite. Must be WANTED. -- CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1232 Central Ave. Wil- mette. 103L.TN48-tfe 736 Elm St. Tel. Winn. 142 under. $50,000.. Write Wilmette Life | m------ 17-LTN48-1te A-121, 96TN25-1tc | 105 MISCELLANEOUS NEW 7 RM. BRICK HOUSE, LARGE | 7 OR 8 RM. HOUSE, NOT OVER $12,000 | COMPLETE EQUIPPED SHORE- porch. On Happ rd. 1 mi. north of near Wilmette business district. Give shining parlor in Glencoe. Will rent Northfield station. Tel. Wil. 895 Y 3. price and terms, Write Wilmette Life or sell with or without fixtures. Ph. TTLTN48-1tp A-120. 96L.T48-1tc Glencoe 1470. 105LT48-1tp ve

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