: ; R WINNETKA TALK September 1, 1928 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS : Classified advertisements will be charged only General N. otiwce to residents of the district from Evanston to Glencoe inclusive whose names appear in the telephone directory, or who are regular subscribers to either WILMETTE LIF NNET ALK GLENCOE NEWS. =. Wi Bai ot 15 cents a line in one paper. 25 cents a line in any two papers. Rates--;§ sons 2 hve, In one pas papers, MINIMUM CHARGE 50 cents. Average of five words to the line. No black face type used. 10% discount on all cash with order advertisements when brought to our office at 1232 Central Ave., Wilmette, or 564 Lincoln Ave., Winnetka. Deadline for Insertions--~ lassified advertisements will be ac- cepted up to Wednesday 65 o'clock for the WILMETTE LIFE or all three papers; Thursday 5 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Friday 5 o'clock for the GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wilmette 4360 or Winnetka 2000-2001. 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS 4 FOR SALE--AUTOS FOR SALE -- CHRYSLER 70-1927 We coupe with rumble seat. Car looks and runs like new, cheap $985. H. A. Work- - man, Ph. Glencoe 102. 4LTN49-1tc Announce FOR SALE--1925 FORD COUPE, GOOD the Opening of a Used Car Sales Room at 1027 Davis Street IN RECOGNITION OF THIS EVENT WE ARE OFFERING SOME VERY UNUSUAL VAL- UES IN HIGH GRADE USED CARS. VISIT THIS NEW SALESROOM AND PICK OUT WHAT YOU WANT. THE PRICE WILL BE RIGHT. BE SURE TO SEE THE SPE- CIALS LISTED BELOW. 1928, 5 passenger Buick coupe, driven less than 9,000 miles. Priced to sell. 1928, 4 door Master Six Buick sedan. Driven less than 5000 miles. 90 day guarantee. Priced to sell. New! : Ghrysler 70 sedan. .. ic... : 2%. en $725 1925 Chandler 4 door sedan ........ $400 Wills-Ste. Claire roadster, rumble seat. painted battle ship gray .......... $350 1926, 7 pass. Buick sedan, Gold Seal Buarantee .........0 0... i eerie $7! 1926, 5 pass. Buick sedan .......... $775 1926 Chevrolet Roadster ............ $250 Most of our cars carry 90 day Gold Seal : guarantee. 40% DOWN BALANCE IN 1 YEAR NORTH SHORE BUICK COMPANY USED CAR DEPARTMENT 1027 Davis St. Wilmette 3750 OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS 4LTN49-1tc LABOR DAY SALE THESE CARS ARE ALL READY TO GO '26 Dodge Coupe, new tires .. .$95 down h sedan, beautiful car .... $140 down xX coach, nice paint job ....$40 down '25 Oakland coach, new tires ..$160 down Haynes tour., winter encl. ... $50 down '26 Chevrolet sedan, new tires ..$98 down Eord roadster ,...... oii. 00 $65 cash Hupmobile touring, new paint. $50 cash FE Dodge sedan, driven little. $195 down ordan touring, winter encl.....$80 down Buick roadster .........» i. .g4 $50 Hudson sedan ............L 1, $70 down '26 Studebaker sedan, big six. $275 down Dort touring, good condition.. $50 cash '26 Oakland sedan .... ....... $200 down Lake Shore Auto Sales 1010 Chicago Ave. Evanston Univ. 59 4L.TN49-1tc FOR SALE WILLYS-KNIGHT TOUR- ing car. 510 Lake Ave., Ph. Wil. 3069. 4L.TN49-1tc FOR SALE -- 1 TON FORD TRUCK, Closed body, for $85. Ph. Wilmette 2628. ~~ 4LTN49-1te EE condition, fully equipped.- 602 Provident Ave., Winn. 4TN26-1tc FOR SALE--CHEVROLET COUPE, good condition, $50. Ph. Winnetka 508-W evenings. 4TN26-1tp 11 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CARPENTER AND GENERAL CONTRA R F. J. Hacker Screens--Storm Sash Garages---Porchos--aAddltions Work 1752 Highland Ave., Wil Ph. WL, 1176 11LTN24-tfc 16 CLUB MEMBERSHIP FOR SALE -- MEMBERSHIP WIL- mette Golf Club--$200. 1928 Dues paid. Phone evenings Wilmette 2434. 16LTN49-1tc 39 PETS 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE GENUINE SHETLAND PONY FOR sale. Ph. Wilmette 4092. 39LTN49-1tc 42 RADIOS RADIO SPECIALIST DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. REPAIR service and construction. 962 Pine St. Winn, 1892, 42T25-tfc FOR SALE -- ERA RADIO SET AND WANTED -- WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. Good wages, ref. req. Tel. Glen. 1235. 56LTN49-1tc WANTED -- WHITE GIRL, COOKING & downstairs. City or N. 8S. ref. 5 in family, $18-$22. Tel. Winn. 429. 56LTN49-1tc WANTED -- EXPERIENCED WHITE maid for gen. hswk. good wages, horn, $25. Call Sheridan delicatessen, references required. No laundry. Ph. Wil. 2628. 42L.TN48-3tc| Winnetka 1265. 56 LTN49-1tc J -------------- 51 WINDOW SHADES NEAT WHITE MAID FOR GEN. HSWK. Garden & Beach Umbrellas Drapery Hardware Canopies Rented Awnings & Window Shades HaroldN.BlasiusCo. 26 Prouty Annex Winnetka 1126 'Waukegan Office 302 S. Genesee St. Waukegan 2087 S1LTN29-tfc 55 LOST AND FOUND BLACK TRAVELING BAG, CONTAIN- ing things from picnic. Reward. Ph. Winn. 691. 55T26-1tc 56 HELP WANTED--FEMALE WHITE MAID FOR COOKING AND gen. hswk., laundry with washing ma- chine, 4 in family. Room with private bath. $20 per wk. Phone after 8 A. M. Sunday. Winn. 2095. 56T26-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework, 2 adults, 2 children and have good ref. home for right party, wages $14. Ph. Glencoe 236. 56TN26-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, must like children, refs. 65561 Rosewood Ave. Tel. Winn. 1119. 56T26-1tc COMPETENT WHITE MAID FOR GEN. hswk. 3 in fam. Refs. Tel. Winn 1597. 56TN26-1tc 17 DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING GOWNS AND COATS A SPECIALTY. Remodeling. Curtains and drapes. Children's clothes. Also fur coats re- modeled. Tel. Winn. 1687. Mrs. Sig- rid Bengtson. 385 Rosewood Ave. 17T26-1te WANTED MOTHER'S HELPER. WHITE also assist with housework. Call Winn. 1623. 56TN26-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, good wages, no washing. Glen. 573. 56LTN49-1tc Good cook, must like children. Tel. Winn. 1879. 56LTN49-1tc MAID, GEN, HSWK. NO LAUNDRY. Small family. Tel. Winn. 1941. 56LTN49-1tc WTD. MAID, WHITE, PROTESTANT, 25 to 35 yrs. 7 rms.; 3 in family. Ref. req. Ph, Glencoe 613. H6LTN49-1tc WHITE MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, no laundry. Ph. Winnetka 1790. 56LTN49-1tc EXPERIENCED WHITE MAID, GEN- eral housework, no laundry. Protestant. Ph. Glencoe 879. 56LTN49-1tc a 57 HELP WANTED--MALE WANTED GEN. HOUSE CLEANING, window washing, floor polishing, lawn work and odd jobs. Ph. Wilmette 3428. 5TLT49-tfc BOYS WANTED, 12-14 YEARS, TO sell home made candy. Apply Mrs. Telfer, 842 Cherry st. 57T26-1tc EXPERIENCED GARDENER DAILY or weekly. Ph. Glencoe 1452. 57TN49-1tc ------------------ 58 HELP WTD.--MALE & FEMALE HELP WE HAVE POSITIONS FOR IM- mediate placement in the following lines: Maids, waitresses, nurses, steno- graphers, couples, etc. Come in and see us for a position. N. S. Emp. Club 1618 Sherman Ave., Evanston Univ. 934 58LTN49-1tc WANTED -- WEN AND WOMEN TO take orders for best line Christmas Greeting Cards $50 to $75 weekly easily earned. Part or full time. Percy Brine, 330 So. Wells St. Chicago, Ill 58SLTN49-1tc WANTED -- COMPETENT, EXPERI- DRESSMAKER AND DESIGNER IN your home. Snappy gowns. Do all kinds of remodeling $6 per day. Miss Kings- rod. Ph. University 7929. 17LTN49-1tp I ---------------------------------------------------------- -- d maid for general housework. Mrs. Rickette, Wil. 2230. 56LTN49-1tc WANTED--WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. hswk. Tel. Winn. 1095. 56T26-1tc 20 GARDENING Special Sale Mixed Iris & Peonies AT THE NURSERY, WAUKEGAN RD., Ris oC TH OF DEERFIELD, ILL. IVISIONE ~. .. cocina vis « DB ins va 12¢ Small Clumps:-........0.. cousins 25¢ Large Clumps at. soc movi on 50c PEONIES '* ° Divisions,; 2r eyes _...... .....%50 0] 30c Shall Plants"... ww Ye SEP 50c Large Plants 3... . od ociivo $1.00 Other Varieties of Perennials at Low Prices Gage & Jordan LANDSCAPE COUNSELORS AND CONTRACTORS 2016 Central st. Evanston Greenleaf 2930 ! 20L'TN49-1tc 25 INSTRUCTION MR. JOHN BORINO WILL RESUME teaching piano Sept. 4. Applications are now being taken at his residence studio at 859 Elm St. & at 610 Fine Arts Bldg., Chicago. 25T26-1tc 30 LOANS LADY WITH PRIVATE wish FUNDS GIRL FOR PART TIME HOUSEWORK. Tel. Winn. 2039. 56TN26-1te WANTED--WOMAN TO HELP WITH housework from 8-9 every morning. Ad- dress Talk A-131. 56T26-1tc WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK. SMALL family, good home. Tel. Winn. 2325. 56T26-1tc GIRL TO CARE FOR 3 YR. BOY & light hswk., 8:30-5 o'clock. Sat. aft. & Sunday free. Tel. Winn. 774 56TN26-1tc MOTHER'S HELPER, STAY NIGHTS, own room & bath, $10. Tel. Winn. 2670. 56TN26-1tc WHITE GIRL, UPSTAIRS WORK & -.n6 Ar 60 SITUATION WANTED--FEMALE COLLEGE WOMAN OF PRACTICAL experience desires position as tea room or home manager. Fond of children and enjoys work. Ref. exchanged. Write Wilmette Life A-130. 60L.T49-2tp HOUSEKEEPER, COMP. WHITE WO- man, with 10% yr. daughter. N. S. refs. Address Talk A-133. 60T26-1tp BY MIDDLE AGED PRACTICAL nurse, children or invalid. Tel. Winn. 1160. 60TN26-1tp EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS large washings to do at home. Tel Winn. 616. 60TN26-1tp REFINED WOMAN DESIRES POSI- tion as practical nurse or companion. Exp. with children. Tel. Winn. 2157, mornings or evenings. 60TN26-1tc NURSEMAID AGED 24 YRS; COMP- etent and reliable--to take full charge. Ph. Glencoe 1192, 60TN49-1tc assist with children. Exp. not sary. Tel. Glencoe 1049. 56TN26-2tc WHITE GIRL, GEN. HSWK., NO WASH- ing, good cook, like children. Tel. Glencoe 1049. 56TN26-2tc WHITE GIRL, HOUSEWORK, SMALL family. Tel. Winn. 2236. 56TN26-1tc FIRST-CLASS i pk A Mond 3 ef. req. " me 5905. ontay= 2 56TN26-1tc WHITE GIRL, GENERAL HOUSE- work, no laundry, must like children. Winn. 105. y 56LTN49-1te es to make first and mortgages at very low commission. Straight or monthly payments. Phone Wil. 2108. . { 30LTN46-4tp 38 PAINTING AND DECORATING Decorating & Painting FURNITURE, BASEMENTS, AND stucco spraying, etc. Specialized men for each job. MUTUAL DECORATING CO. 406 Jefferson Ave. Glencoe Phone Glencoe 280 38LTN49-2tp WANTED--COLORED COOK, MUST BE 1st-class & middle aged. Tel. Winn. 1090, 319 Sheridan Rd., Winn. 3 56L/TN49-1tc WHITE GIRL FOR GEN. HSWK. NO washing. Tel. Winn. 1305. 56LTN49-1tc GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, white, good cook, refs. Go home nights; tel. Winn. 2766. 56LT49-1tc DAY WORK BY EXPERIENCED GIRL good refs, Tel. Drexel 2870. 60T49-1tp WHITE WOMAN WANTS LAUNDRY work. Refs. Tel, Winn. 2978. 60LTN49-1tc HSWK. BY DAY OR WEEK OR nursemaid. Best N.S. refs. Tel. Drexel 6930. 2 60LTN49-1tp WANTED -- BLANKETS, CURTAINS & other laundry work to do. Will call and del. 886 Willow Rd. Ph. Winn. 1924. 60LTN34-tfc COMPETENT LAUNDRESS WISHES work by day. Also cleaning. Refs. Univ. 9548. 60LT49-1tp WASHING AND IRONING TO TAKE home, will call for and deliver. Ph. Wilmette 765-W. 60LT49-1tc GENERAL HSWK. BY DAY OR WEEK. Best refs. Tel. Winn. 3096. 60LTN49-1tp 61 SITUATION WANTED--MALE HOUSEKEEPER WANTED BY WI- dower with 2 children. Small home. 934 Glencoe Rd. Glencoe 1056. 56LT49-1tp CLEAN WINDOWS, POLISH FURN., ete. Drive, wash cars, garden work. Winn. 1552. 61T48-tfc LT rs