wt 2 September 15, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 17 Children's School Shows Enrollment Boostat N.K.E.C. The advance enrollment for the Chil- dren's school of the National Kinder- garten and Elementary college for the fall semester which opens Wednesday, September 19, shows a decided in- crease over that of last year. One hundred and eighty-two children from Evanston, Wilmette, Winnetka, Glen- coe, and Chicago have been enrolled, and it is expected that the number will reach 190 before registration closes. It is interesting to note that the enroll- ment is evenly divided between boys and girls. Miss Clara Belle Baker, who has been abroad during the summer, has returned to Evanston and is resuming her studies as director of the Chil- dren's school. Miss Louise Farwell, who received the degree of Ph.D. from Yale univer- sity last spring, has been apopinted di- rector of research in the Children's school. Miss Farwell is unusually well prepared for this work, having made a special study of problems in child de- velopment in Dr. Arnold Gessel's clinic in Yale as a fellow under the Com- monwealth foundation. Miss Far- well's home is in Winnetka, and she is well known on the north shore where she has spoken before numerous groups on various phases of child psy- chology. Other members of the College fac- ulty who will co-operate with the Children's school are Miss Anna Markt, associate in research; Miss Martha Fink, director of parental edu- cation; Dr. Mary Pope, physician; Miss Stella Walty, attending nurse; Miss Harriet Howard and Miss Agnes, Adams, supervisors. The teaching staff for the year is as follows: elementary department, Miss Edith Ford, Miss Violet Rush, Miss Dorothy Weller, Miss Nellie Ball; kindergarten department, Miss Will- mina Townes and Miss Miriam Bru- baker; nursery school, Miss Edith Maddox and Miss Anne Jennings; Physical education, Miss Etta Mount, Miss Marian Case, Mr. Bryan Hines; Art, Miss Nellie MacLennan; Music, Miss Geraldine Roth; French, Madam Baguet. Seven graduates of the two-year course at the college, awarded schglar- ships for graduate work in honor of superior work in student teaching, will assist in the children's school this year: Jean Weiss, Maxine Bowen, Ellen Esslinger, Irene Pugsley, Fran- ces Lawton, Marjorie Preston and Marcella Pembertoin. Returns to North Shore From Band Concert Tour A. F. Thaviu, 518 Isabella street, Wilmette, and thirty members of his brass band returned Saturday from Toronto, Canada, where they played at the Canadian National Exposition, and left on two special cars of a Chi- cago and North Western train for Huron, South Dakota, where they will be on the program of the state fair. A. F. Thaviu, Jr., is conducting the other section of his father's 65-piece band on a tour of various Canadian cities. Mrs. James Prentiss, 201 Cumber- land road, Kenilworth left last Mon- day for New York where she will meet her son Bab, who is returning on Fri- day from a trip through Europe with Bert Moritz, also of Kenilworth. They will return home about Sunday. il -- Mrs. Frederick D. Breit, 422 Essex road, Kenilworth opened her home on Monday afternoon for a card party for the benefit of the building fund of St. Patrick's Academy chapel now be- ing built at Des Plaines. At MORGAN'S 616 DAVIS STREET, EVANSTON Telephone and C. 0. D. Orders Filled Univ. 2750-51-52-53 berry and pure cane Dozen Preserves, Straw- berry, Monarch brand, made from select berries and Pound Jar 39c. $4.50 Rasp- sugar. Creamery, Butter, Best EI- gin Creamery, di- rect from the 55¢ brick, Wilmette 835-836 Figs, Beckwith. Delicious for breakfast, salads, and desserts. Packed fresh from the orchard. Can 22¢ Canada Dry Gin- ger Ale, carton, $1.98 POTATOES, White Cobbler, Wisconsin, Peck............... 29¢ Sugar, pure cane, guaranteed 10- Ib. cloth bag 69c Soap, American Family, 10 bars Soap Flakes, American Family, large package'... ...... invniin, 21c Super Suds or Selox, Soap Flake, 3 large packages... ...... LLL. 29¢ SWEET POTATOES (New) The Pick of the Season, 3 Ibs. 29¢ Saniflush, fuss, can Cleans without muss or Kitchen Klenzer, hurts only dirt, 4: cans Crystal White Soap Chips, (Instant Suds) large pkg. Apollinaris "The Queen of Table Waters" Famous the world over. Car- bonated only with its own Gas. Qts. per doz. $4.95; per bot. 45¢ Pts. per doz., $2.75; per bot. 25¢ CONCORD GRAPES, L-rge Eating, Table, Basket ... 29¢ Sausages, real treat. Swedish, smoked, a 49c Olives, Queen Spanish, Imported, (Large Fruit) qt. jar .. . 5... W & Lux, for all fine laundering, for 29 washing dishes, 3 packages ........ C Lb., SOS, magic cleaner, package ORANGES, Valencia, Calif., at Wholesale Price, Dozen J9¢ Pecans, Shelled, jumbo halves, pound Be sities aie a spas «6% 47s via eB ev aes. Grape Juice, Welch's, National Drink, quart bottle PE Water Melon Rind, (Preserved) jar, LE Olive Oil, Antonini, Imported-- pure, qt. can, $1.49