WINNETKA TALK September 15, 1928 PR ROR ER BL, | FORRES Copyright 1928 Hart Schaffner & Mary I 2g WHEN WE TRUST A MAN --we trust him, not part of the time or for part of his purchase, but all of the time and for all of his purchase If he has an account here, no partial payment is asked or expected when the purchase is made He can pay his bills once a month or make weekly payments Every man who meets his obligations can do the same thing. He can have a charge account in the full sense of the word, and pay weekly or monthly FELL"S Your Clothier Hart Schaffner ¥ Marx Clothes Exclusively 786 Elm St. 13 St. John's Ave. "Winnetka Highland Park Phone 307 Phone 307 Dr. Richards Resigns (Continued from page 3) weeks I have been guided and sus- tained by correspondence with a great many of you, a correspondence which for beauty and significance I believe must surpass any other that has ever come to a minister from his people-- voluminous, warm, large-minded, Chris- tian. "What are the questions that a minis- ter asks at such a time? He asks, first of all, whether it is honorable for him even to think of leaving. Twice I have cheerfully refused invitations that in the thinking of the world were considered considerable promotions, because this question found a nega- tive reply. But now I am forced to recognize that our local situation has greatly altered. I have been here over ten years. One great enterprise, which for a long time remained dubious is now assured of success. By the secure pledging of large sums of money it has been irrevocably determined that you are soon to build a new and worthy House of Worship, commodious and in keeping with the dignity of religion. Secondary questions remain to be an- swered, but you are in the way and the spirit to answer them. Hard work remains to be done, but you have the strength and the will to do it. It can To the many friends and patrons of the Barbereux System of Educational Improvement in Winnetka we wish to announce that our "baby school" which has been held in the community house for several years will be discontinued this season. We deeply appreciate the continued patronage and loyalty to this new approach to education. Most sincerely, M. Barbereux Parry, director. "Look Your Best" We have recently installed a REKREATOR Effortless Exerciser "HEALTH and REDUCING BATHS MARIA Beauty Culture This shop is irl no way connected with the basement shop ELM ST. AT CHESTNUT (Second Floor) Telephone Winnetka 762 y fairly be said that what remains is in the nature of reaping the difficult sow- ing you have already accomplished. Bright Future for Church Here "With the passing of the weeks cer- tain further considerations have had increasing weight with me. It has im- pressed me that just now you would be in a remarkably strong position to attract any man of your choice into your service. In addition to the at- tractiveness of service in a community like this you could assure him that he would presently have, what for years this church has lacked, an adequate church plant with all the accession of appeal that it will bring. Moreover, I have become convinced that if I go now you will be in a mood to think through all the questions of your staff organization, freshly and fearlessly. From this, great strengthening of the work may come. "The second, and in some ways the more fundamental question that a min- ister asks, is in which of the two fields he may honestly expect to make his little life count for the most for the Kingdom. I know perhaps, as well as any how much Winnetka needs the church, for during ten years I have been doing my best to help the church meet that need. I want to tell you something of Oberlin. A Field of Opportunity "The United Church of Oberlin represents the recent combination of two strong Congregational churches. It is a community church in almost ex- actly the same sense that this is. One who loves the ordinary parish minis- try as I do would find it difficult to go to a position that was purely collegiate. But there is Oberlin college besides. There is no formal connection between it and the church. But the college has no intention of conducting its own church worship. For this and much other service to its students and facul- ty it looks to the churches of the com- munity, and most of all, to the United church. Here is the traditional col- lege church. It is the religious home of the president and faculty and the church to which the large student body most naturally turns. Its choir of a hundred is led by the head of the col- lege Music department. As few churches in America, it calls its minis- ter to live and try to serve in the midst of a great stream of selected, promising, needy young life that flows in to it from the ends of the earth and to the ends of the earth goes out again. Supreme Spiritual Adventure "I have no illusion about the difficul- ties of such a task and certainly none about the sacrifices involved in accept- ing such a call. It shapes itself as a supreme spiritual adventure in which I shall need all your friendship and your prayers. But it shapes itself in such a way that fidelity to the very ideals that for ten years I have feebly tried to hold up among you requires me to make the venture. "Therefore, with a heart full of love for you and full of the brightest ex- pectations for you, I present this resignation, not of my friendship, but of my office as your minister to take effect on October 15. At the earliest feasible date I shall call a business meeting of the church to accept this resignation and to take any action relative to the future of this pulpit that may seem wise." School Board Buys Tract; Plan to Build in 3 Years The Winnetka school board has re- cently purchased a three and a half acre tract at the southwest corner of Edgewood lane extended and Grove street as a part of its general program to provide for the future growth of the school system in the village. It is proposed to build an elementary school there in about three years. Purchase of the property was authorized in a bond issue vote last spring.