'September 22,1928 WINNETKA: TALK a ------------------------ ---------- Comes 5,000 Miles to Study Winnetka Method of Teaching Miss Dorothy McKee, of Hollywood, Cal, fifth grade teacher at the Hubbard Woods school, has come five thousand miles from Hawaii to study the Win- netka method of public school teaching. Miss McKee has taught in the Hawaiian schools for seven years. She went to Hawaii in 1919, came back later to teach in the Los Angeles city schools, and then returned to the islands. Miss McKee is in Winnetka as an exchange teacher, Mrs. Emma Goss, fifth grade teacher at the Horace Mann school last year having gone to Hawaii for two years. The exchange was ar- ranged by Carleton Washburne, super- intendent of the Winnetka Public schools, and Dr. Ross B. Wiley, of the Univer- sity of California, who was instrumental in the establishment of the government experimental school in Honolulu where Miss McKee taught the eighth grade last year. Sometime ago the territorial legisla- ture of the Hawaiian islands set aside a sum for a bureau of education in the islands, realizing that there were many problems to be solved in the educational field. The bureau subsequently took over a school in Honolulu which was turned into the government experimental school. Miss McKee plans to go back to this school next vear to aid in the solving of Hawaii's school problems. New Real Estate Office Is Opened in Winnetka A new Real Estate office has been opened on the north shore. Hokanson and Jenks who for several years have held forth on Davis street in Evanston have opened this new office at 746 Elm street in Winnetka. The office is in the Prouty building. The obect is to serve better the growing clientele of the organization in an im- portant field extending the facilities of its Evanston office. The new office is under the direction of P. J. Sexton who is assisted by F. C. Lathrop, Miss Kath- erine Birkin, and Miss Helen Slocum. Hokanson and Jenks, Inc., also an- nounce the appointment of James With- trow as manager of the department of rentals. This department is being re- organized on a larger scale with im- proved facilities. The Hokanson and Jenks personnel now numbers fourteen persons. Horace Mann 4th Graders Learn to Classify Rocks Children of the fourth grade at the Horace Mann school under the direc- tion of their teachers, Miss Mildred Julian and Miss Dorothy Eggert, have been making trips to the beach this week for the purpose of collecting rocks and learning how to classify them. The children are studying rocks as a classroom project. A Rr SR DRIVE EAST TO COLLEGE Fuller Dean, 441 Willow street, and L. Williams of Evanston left last Thursday to drive back to Yale. Stuart Boal, 701 Sheridan road, and George Massey, 705 Sheridan road, also left the same day to drive east, Stuart will go back to Harvard and George to Yale. The two groups will meet at Detroit and take the boat to Buf- falo, then drive down to New York and finally New Haven. BACK FROM EUROPE Mr. and Mrs. Harold G. Wilson ar- rived in Winnetka last Sunday after spending the summer in the British Isles and traveling on the continent. They returned to their home, 475 Orchard lane, by way of Montreal and Quebec. Family Returns to Find Household Goods Stolen When Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Jacobs, of 368 Elder lane, returned to their home which they had rented for the summer, they found that servants whom their tenants had employed had carried away clothing and household furnish- ings that had been stored in the attic and which in value ran well up _into four figures. Officer Henry Luensman was assigned the case, and last Saturday Ray Schmidt and wife, of 518 Central avenue, Highland Park, were placed under arrest and the missing property recovered. The following" Monday, Schmidt, when arraigned before Justice of the Peace R. E. Sinsheimer, entered a plea of guilty and was bound over to the grand jury. Mrs. Schmidt, who is ill, was taken to the hospital at Highland Park. or Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford Mec- Keown of Hubbard Woods have re- turned from their summer place at Pentwater, Mich. Their daughter, Ann Winifred, has sailed for Europe where she is 'entering school in Switzerland. Horace Mann Playground to Be Extended Westward The . Winnetka school board has pur- chased the Dwyer property adjoining the Horace Mann 'school grounds to the west, with the intention of using it for additional playground room for the chil- dren of that school. The house on the property will be removed when it 'is sold, but the grounds around it will be ready for immediate use as a playground. Later it is planned to build a terrace on the part of the property nearest the street. The shrubbery will be moved to beautify the school. grounds. PHONE ELM STREET sv (5. L. ZICK & CO. _.» WINNETKA id ° CHESTNUT "The Store on the Corner" fort. Ask to see the range of colors and patterns in-- KENWOOD Pure Wool BLANKETS 59:50 to $14:50 NENRGIR Sleep Under In addition to their decorative beauty, Kenwoods possess every desirable comfort quality and the choice of weights permits of the selection of the ideal covering for every home. Make up the bed with a Ken- wood--rest under a Kenwood two or three nights--it will be a revelation of sleeping com- gether or, "shrink." Kenwood KENWOODS Hold Shape and Size Wool fibres have a tendency to creep to- as is commonly known, heavy mill shrinkage. : Standard Weight Blanket, for instance, is woven 100 inches wide and shrunk to 72 inches--28 inches of shrinkage; the other sizes and weights in proportion. ing the blankets with ordinary care without losing their shape or size. This treatment permits wash- to Blankets are given a The double size,