EE A September 22, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 51 Fwer Garden Takes Prize The garden of Mrs. C. D. Ewer at 1111 Ashland avenue, Wilmette, took third prize in the Tribune Garden contest held this summer. several north shore gardens which placed in the contest. This is one of The pool shown above is in the rear of the garden, lending the dignity of a formal arrangement to a small garden. The rushes and water lilies give a pleasing balance to the pool, and the stretches of open lawn give space to the garden. Novelty Luncheon Sets Relieve Linen Formality Linen damask for the table cover- ing is decreed by the authorities as the only table covering for the formal occasion. Many variations for the in- formal occasion are found in the shops. Among these is the painted luncheon set which comes from China. + Designs are painted on sheer material which are suitable for the season. For spring there is the cherry blossom, for fall there is the chrysanthemum, and for Christmas we have the poinsetta. Newer, and perhaps a little smarter, is the paper set found in the gift shops along the north shore. The place mat and little paper napkins are admirable for Sunday night buffet suppers. These little imports are dainty enough to please the most discriminating. Many of the napkins have fluted edges and look like novelty hankerchiefs in some cases. In planning a rock garden, it is best to have the area about the pool al- most level or sloping very little, so that the heavy rains will not wash the dirt into the pool. Garden Demands Care to Prevent Frost Blight Fall is the time when the garden begins to turn brown and look bare. The hardy chrysanthemums may be badly frosted unless the gzardner watches for the frost and covers his plants with paper or other frost pro- tector before the frost gets there. Old bulbs which have become over- crowded in the graden should be trans- planted right away. Iris should be divided and thinned out, early flower- ing bulbs should be planted, and flow- ering plants intended for the house should be potted and brought in to the warmer, protected air. A good covering of leaves or peat moss should be spread over the beds that need protection during the winter. If seed is sown on the lawn in this month it will have a chance to take root and be established before the spring. If it is possible to bury leaves or stack the leaves some place where they will decay to a humus they will be valuable next year for a border or lawn. Such a good natural fertilizer should not be destroyed by burning. ~ Moistair Radiator Cabinets First in Efficiency of Heating Telephone 8975 Wentworth and learn how little it costs to Moistair Cabinet Company Low in Price First in Quality equip your home, We guarantee to match any color scheme desired : 6036 Wentworth Avenue Chicago HOLLY LLLLLVLLVLVLLVLVIVLLLLLLILL H Now is the Time to Plant Evergreens In all the vast store of plants for ornamental planting none can equal the satisfying richness of Evergreens. They are the aristocrats of the plant world. Ravinia Nurseries offer only those varieties of Evergreens that have withstood the rigorous tests imposed by climatic variations in the Great Lakes District. Nowhere else can be found more perfect specimens. Nurseries and office one mile West of Waukegan Road. F. D. CLAVEY RAVINIA NURSERIES, Inc. The Lake Shore's Largest Nurseries Deerfield 36 Telephones-- or Highland Park 36 DEERFIELD, ILL. DBH086000000006000000000086008008° The New "CHALLENGER" THE OUTSTANDING OIL BURNER SENSATION of 1928 A MODERN DEVELOPMENT HAS REMOVED THE PRICE OBSTACLE FOR HOME OWNERS $285 Tanks Extra A few minutes spent looking at the burner and asking questions will revise your past ideas of oil heat. Come in for such a visit if you possibly can. Excellent for warm air furnaces as well as steam and hot water plants. LET US GIVE YOU AN ESTIMATE WINSLOW BOILER & ENGINEERING CO. 844 Rush Street. Superior 4650 North Shore, 705 Washington St., Evanston Ralph W. Lapham, Mgr. Greenleaf 5120 OPEN EVENINGS