One Year rs $9.00 Three «Months $2.25 Six Months . 4.50 One Month ... Single Copy September 22, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Every day Brings-- An Increasing Number of Subscriptions for The Christian Science Monitor An International Daily Newspaper mn It carries no accounts of crime or scandal into the home-- It forces no biased thought on political ques tions--- It does give world news propaganda, and-- uncolored by It contains clean, constructive reading mat- ter on all questions of the day On Sale in Winnetka ELM STREET NEWS STAND SUBSCRIPTION PRICES 5 5 Cents The Christian Science Publishing Soc'ety Boston, Massachusetts The lion's more than merely brave He's learning now it's wise to save. He buys the purest meats that's sold, They say that's what makes the lion bold To buy the BEST is to save with certainty and SAFETY Our pure meats are enjoyed so greatly, that folks talk about this shep. PETERS MARKET #% Foon 134 ELM ST. For, PHONES 920-921-922 The Six Dimensions of Good Lumber E --length, width and thickness It has three other dimensions not so evident at first sight, but they are just as important if we are to form an accurate idea of the measurement of value Quality. We spell it with a capital Q here 2. The Service that goes with it. An intangible thing, but those who can dispense with it are not usually our customers 3. The House that stands back of the lumber--every foot of it . The name at the bottom of this page is our answer to this Jones' winter fuel bills are high; Smith's are low. Their houses are much altke--but Smith's house is well equipped with storm sash. He has saved its cost over and over again. Smith bought the best storm sash he could find. We can show you more like it--or send it over! Telephone Winnetka 734 Winnetka Coal - Lumber Co. WINNETKA, ILLINOIS VERY PIECE of lumber has three dimensions that can be determined with a yardstick or tape 1) L) L) 1 L) 1 \) . 1) 1) . 1) 1) 1) . L) L) L) A) A) A] . A) A) L) \) |) . -