Winnetka Public Library, Winnetka, Ill. WINNETKA TALK September 22, 1928 i | a A A SE di Se SE ae ae. Se SE SH Ge i gS. fn a EN da se sd de dS iG ih di Jin di dh ge ih A. G5. dW Si Ae Mn EU fa G0 A gi dt E05. Sd dl Ab 4% 4 BATTERY SERVICE RECHARGING -- RENTALS -- REPAIRING (ALL MAKES) rh. =| {= PLB BATTERY ¢ [ONITION val] E Lxide Batteries ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS STARTING -- LIGHTING -- IGNITION (AUTHORIZED SERVICE--GENUINE PARTS) SPEEDOMETER SERVICE TESTING -- ADJUSTING -- REPAIRING : : -- <* Abel Battery & Ignition Service The Electrical System of Your Car Is Our Specialty 716 ELM STREET (East) WINNETKA PHONE WINNETKA 1387 % How i is Your Furnace! Is it in good working condition--all ready for the winter? Now is the time to have it cleaned and repaired if you have not already done so. Our Service Department can give you valuable advice about the care of your furnace, proper size and grade of fuel to burn, etc. We will gladly send a service man to examine your heater without cost or obligation on your part. Write or phone for our free booklet, "Getting the Most Out of Your Coal Pile." BUY YOUR COAL ON APPROVAL! EVANSTON OFFICE 7 : GLENCOE OFFICE 113 Chu {Onsumers (@mpany 717 Gln Ron Phones University 4500 : Ph Gl 75 and Wilmette 1300 one: Jl entoe COAL -- COKE -- FUEL OIL DELIVERY YARDS ALL OVER: THE . NORTH 'SHORE--DISTRICT You'll have more-- I HEALTH -- HAPPINESS -- LEISURE --when you send the weekly washing f : to this modern laundry. Remember-- I : "The Laundry Does It Best" 20% Discount on Work Brought and Called for --NORTH SHORE LAUNDRY=-- 566 Chestnut Street Nelson Brothers Tel. Winnetka 602 == ---- > TT I a Tart AY