i i 40 WINNETKA TALK September 29,1928 Mt North Shore N. 8S. Art League - Sponsors Lectures by Dudley Watson Again this season Dudley Crafts Watson is coming to the north shore, affording all persons interested in art an opportunity to hear him give his clever, interesting, instructive talks without journeying to the city. He is to deliver six lectures, the dates for which are October 15 and 22, November 5 and 19, December 3 and 17, under the sponsorship of the North Shore Art league, of which Lionel Robertson of Highland Park is president, in Matz hall, Commun- ity House, Winnetka. The list of patrons and patronesses for the lecture series includes many whose names are well known along the entire north shore: In Evanston--Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gale, Miss Hong of Northwestern university, Mr. and Mrs, Chancellor L. Jenks, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore C. Keller, Mr. and Mrs. Carl C. Latham, Carl Scheff- ler of the Evanston Academy of Fine Arts, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Spofford. Wilmette--Dr. and Mrs. Lester Mee, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Simonds, Mrs. Mar- guerite Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ullrich. Kenilworth--Mr. and Mrs. C. How- ard Bent, Mr. and Mrs. Melville Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Beckler, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Bras- sert, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Eckhart, Mrs. Charles Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hedrick, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nygaard, Dr. and Mrs. Amuel Spach, Dr. and Mrs. E. F. Snydacker, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. White and Dr. and Mrs. Paul Willitts. Winnetka and Hubbard Woods-- Mr. and Mrs. Emory Cobb Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Alschuler, Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, Mrs. Frederick Copeland, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Case, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Dickinson, Mr. and Mrs. George Frazer, Mr. and Mrs. George Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. William Hale, Mr. and Mrs. August Magnus, Dr. and Mrs. I. Harrison Mettler, Mrs. Carrie B. Prouty, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Richards, Mrs. Douglas Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Stein, Glencoe--Mr. and Mrs. August Babize, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Brion, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis B. Camp, Mrs. Sarah Crossley Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cassels, Mr. and Mrs. Ivor Jeffreys, Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Or- cutt, Mr. and Mrs. George Pope, Mrs. Andrew Macleish, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Macleish, Mrs. Dorothy Ross, Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Sherwin, Mr. and Mrs. Henry I. Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. William Sutherland. Highland Park and Ravinia--Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Buck, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Beatty, Mr. and Mrs. Barry Byrne, Mr. and Mrs. George Carr, Mr. and Mrs. James Cady Ewell, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Ingerle, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peyraud, and Jesse Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Van Wagenen Alling of Lake Forest are also on the list. Mrs. J. W. F. Davies, 652 Lincoln avenue, Winnetka is general chairman of the committee in charge of the lec- tures. She will have the following committees from each town to assist her with the sale of tickets and other details: Mrs. Bertha Walker Glass of Evanston; Mrs. Francis I. Walker of Wilmette with Mrs. Gordon Wil- son and Mrs. Eldred G. Bentley help- ing her; Mrs. Charles F. Southward of Kenilworth: Mrs. Emory Cobb An- drews, Mrs. Felix Boldenweck, Mrs. Ralph Brackett, Mrs. William Jerome Clark, Mrs. William E. Davis, Jr. Miss Caroline Eckstorm, Mrs, J. P. Gallagher, Mrs. George Haskins, Mrs. Residents Patrons for Watson Lectures On Ball Committees Photo by Toloff Mrs. Ansel McBride Kinney (Elinor Woodward) is a member of both the ticket and the poster committees for the Smith ball which will take place on October 10, at the Evanston Country club. Other members of the ticket committee from Wilmette, Winnetka and Glencoe include Mrs. Malcolm R. Byron, Mrs. John S. Loomis, Mrs. Lawrence Norem, Miss Caroline Kim- ball, and Miss Barbara Mettler. Miss Mary Lois McMullen of Evanston, who is general chairman of the ball, is also chairman of the above committee. Bishop Griswold Guest at Next Guild Meeting The first meeting of the Woman's guild of Christ church will be held Monday, October 2. Communion serv- ices will be at 9:30 in the chapel. Luncheon will be at 12 o'clock instead of 12:30, as has been the custom in the past. Bishop Sheldon M. Griswold will be the guest for the day and will give an addresss on "The Work in the Diocesan Institutions." The Rev. E. Ashley Gerhard has earnestly re- quested a large attendance at both the Communion service and the guild meeting. Plans are being laid for the Annual Rummage sale which will be held Thursday, October 18, at the Parish House. Contributions of discarded clothing, men's, women's or children's apparel, hats, shoes, underwear, novel- ties, books, lamps, glassware, furni- ture, kitchen utensils are all being eagerly solicited. Articles may be sent at any time or by calling Mrs. William J. Eldridge, Winnetka 1784, transportation will be arranged for them. Circle Meeting The Rosewood circle will hold its first meeting October 9, with Mrs. Percy W. Greene, 1086 Laurel avenue. A cordial invitation is extended to all new members. Edna May Johansen, Mrs. Carl E. Johmson, Mrs. Ruth Killips, Mrs. John ennema, Mrs. Harry M. Lay, all of Winnetka; Mrs. Edward J. Sherwin chairman for Glencoe with Mrs. Dor- othy Ross; Mrs. James Cady Ewell, chairman for Ravinia and Highland Park with Mrs. David Clarke, Mrs. Ross Beatty and Jesse Smith on the committee; Mrs. Van Wagenen Alling, chairman for Lake Forest. T heatre Guild Invites to Reception on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strong, 1377 Tower road, are opening their home tomorrow afternoon for a reception given by the North Shore Theatre guild in honor of Walter Pritchard Eaton. About 4 o'clock Mr. Eaton will talk informally on little theaters and kindred subjects. A general in- vitation has been extended by the Theatre guild for this reception and anyone on the north shore interested in the guild and its work or in hear- ing Mr. Eaton will be welcome. The North Shore Theatre guild be- gan its fall work on Wednesday, Sep- tember 19, at a luncheon given by Mrs. Sherman Aldrich at her home for the town chairmen. A general outline of the year's work was formu- lated and the work of the committees planned. Tuesday afternoon, September 25, Mrs. J. Williams Macy entertained at tea for the chairmen and members of all committees of the guild at the first general meeting of the year. At this meeting David Owen, the guild's di- rector, John Allen Stewart, its busi- ness manager, and Henry Kitchell Webster, who is vice-chairman, gave short talks on the work of the guild. Engagement of Winnetka Girl Announced Recently The engagement of Miss Virginia Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Wallace, 815 Mount Pleas- ant road, to Walter Sanger Hinchman of Kansas City, Mo., was announced at a luncheon given by Mrs. Wallace for her daughter last Saturday. The wedding is to take place on Thanksgiving day in the afternoon at the Wallace home with a reception immediately following at Indian Hill Country club. Miss Ashton Wilson, who made her debut last fall with Miss Wallace, is coming north to be her maid of hon- or. The bridesmaids will be Miss Helen Shimmin of Evanston, Miss Margot Atkin and Miss Betty Pain of Winnetka, and Miss Betty Mac- Nair of Chicago. Miss Wallace's small brother and sister will also be in the wedding party as will her older brother who will come on from Cor- nell to serve as one of the ushers. Society Girls Are Ushers for American Legion Play The group of girls who ushered at the American Legion play last Thurs- day evening at the opening perform- ance, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Alberts S. Gardner included Mary Gardner, Pauline Wolff, Catherine Adams, Judith Boddy, Mary Louise Fenton, Elizabeth Webster, Jean Mil- sted, and Joan Stewart. Mrs. Earle McCarthy was in charge of the girls last night who were Eleanor McEwen, Mary Ott, Katrina Mauss, Mary Sin- clair, Margot Atkin, Dorothy Wege- ner, Susan Wegener and Rosemary Gallery. Tonight the following girls will serve under Mrs. William Clore, Eleanor Stevenson, Louise Badgerow, Katherine and Jean Street, Laura Jacoby, Helen Hardenbergh, Edwina Litsinger, Helen Boericke, and Mar- jorie Boericke. Club to Hear Experiences The Winnetka Garden club will meet next Friday at the home of Mrs. Francis Hardy, 1039 Fishers lane, at 3 o'clock. Several members will give their summer experiences to make up the program. They will include novel ideas in gardening that they have seen at home or abroad and details of their summer trips. Elizabeth Webster Names Attendants for Wedding Party Miss Elizabeth Webster, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Towner K. Webster, Jr, of Winnetka, whose marriage to Sturtevant Hinman will take place on October 13, at 4:30 o'clock, at Christ church, with the Rev. Ashley Gerhard officiating at the ceremony, has chosen Mrs. Perry Buchanan (Catherine Hin- man) for her matron of honor. Miss Helen Oakley of Montclair, N. J., will be the maid of honor and the brides- maids are Miss Fanny K. Young of Ashtabula, Ohio, Miss Dorothy Bar- rett of White Plains, N. Y., Miss Con- stance E. Green and Miss Jane P. Bertschy of Dayton, Ohio, and Miss Jeanette Keller of Evanston. Miss Oakley, Miss Young, Miss Bertschy, Miss Green and Miss Barrett are all coming from Connecticut college, which Miss Webster attended last year, to be in her wedding party. A reception will be held immediately following the ceremony at the home of the bride's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Strong, 1077 Tower road, Hubbard Woods. Mr. Hinman has asked Norman Hin- man of Barrington, Ill, to be his best man and the ushers include George W. Dawson of Dalhart, Texas, George Giles, LaGrange, Ill, Roger Sherman and Perry Buchanan of Winnetka, Douglas Flood of Kenilworth, Henry Kitchell Webster, Jr. and John R. Whitman of Evanston, Towner Web- ster, III, of Winnetka, and John Smalley of Wilmette. Miss Elizabeth Babcock, who gave a luncheon on Saturday, September 22, at the Orrington, was among the first to entertain in Miss Webster's honor. Miss Mary Elizabeth Marshall of Wilmette is having a luncheon Satur- day, September 29, and other parties planned are those to be given by Mrs. Perry Buchanan and Miss Elizabeth Lamson, on October 6 and 10 respec- tively. Appoint Ticket Chairmen for American Opera Season A luncheon was given last Monday at the Union League club at which a committee appointed to launch the campaign for Chicago as the perma- nent home of American Opera, was present. Benjamin F. Affleck of Lake Forest is chairman cf the executive committee. Mrs. Ralph Huszagh, 204 Fuller lane, is in charge of the sale of subscription books in Winnetka for the season of the American Opera which will be through October at the Erlanger theatre. Mrs. Victor Spoehr, 4725 Woodlawn avenue, has the tick- ets in Glencoe. Another luncheon was held at the Union League club yesterday for those interested in the American Opera. Among the Winnetka women who were present at the luncheon and later attended the rehearsal of the opera were Mrs. Eugene Howard, Mrs. Roland Whitman, and Mrs. Everett Harrison. To Make Debut New Year's Miss Harriet Leonard, daughter of John R. Leonard of 861 Bryant avenue, who is visiting near Boston at the present time and is expected home about the first of October, already has been announced as a debutante-to-be of this season. She will be presented to society by her father at his annual New Year's tea at his home here but previously to that she will be the guest of honor at at least one large affair. Her sister, Mrs. Hibbard Casselberry, who is in Florida will return here shortly and give a dinner dance for Miss Leonard at the Saddle and Cycle club during the latter part of October.