WINNETKA TALK September 29, 1928 3 = DR. H. A. ORVIS WILL ADDRESS HEALTH MEET Winnetka Official to Have Part in Program of Illinois Health Conference The annual conference of Illinois Health Officers and Public Health Nurses will be held at the Stevens Hotel, Chicago, October 15 and 16, at which Dr. Isaac D. Rawlings, state health director, will preside as chair- man. Dr. H. A. Orvis, Winnetka health officer, is to be one of the speakers on the first day's program. In the afternoon there is to be a series of discussions on "The Year's Biggest Problems," at which Dr. Orvis will speak on "Organization of Health Examinations in High Schools." Dr. Orvis was in charge of this work at New Trier High school this year. The health officers and public health nurses of Illinois have no specific or- ganization, but it is the practice for the director of the State Department of Public Health to call a conference, annually, of these and other health workers for the purpose of discussing mutual problems and to promote en- thusiasm and efficiency through con- tact with outside talent. » These conferences are usually held at the captitol in Springfield, but a departure from the regular custom is to be made this year in order that a larger number of Illinois thealth workers may benefit by the annual meeting of the American Public Health association, which also fs to be held at the Stevens hotel, October 15 to 19, inclusive, Sectioral Meetings Sectional meetings will follow im- mediately after the proeram of the conference of Illinois Health Officers and Public Health Nurses. Health work- ers from all over North America and distincuished visitors from abroad will participate in the convention. A big scientific exhibit concerned with state and local health administration and a mammoth ponular health educational exhibit with demonstrations, is sched- uled. Prominent among those who will be in attendance at the convention of the American Public Health associa- tion and who will also address the conference of the Illinois health offi- cers And public health nunses, are such men as Dr. George Frederick Buchan, oresident of the Society of Medical Officers of Health, of Eng- land, who will sneak on "Health Serv- ice in England." Dr. Frank G. Boudreau, of the League of Nations, Geneva, Switzer- land. w'yose tonic will be, "World Health Intellicence." Miss Eunice H. Dyke, R. N. di- rector of public health nursing, Toron- to, Canada, whose suhiect will be, "The Public Health Nurse." Dr. J. L. Pomeroy, health officer of Los Angeles county, California, will tell the conference abont "A County Health Department at Work." "The Cancer Problem," will be dis- cussed by Dr. George H. Bicelow, health commissioner of Massachus- etts, and "World Health Service" will be handled in an address by Prof. C. E. A. Winslow of Yale. Recentior Planned far Rev. Thomas A. Gnodwin A recention in appreciation of his work while here as pastor of the Con- gregational church is to be siven for Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin Thursday evening, October 4, at 8 o'clock. It will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ayres Boal, 701 Sheridan road. Ar- rangements for the reception are in the hands of a committee annointed from the church council. Rev. Good- win is now pastor of the First Con- gregational church at Waukegan. Vote Registration Days Here October 6 or 16. Voters in New Trier Township are advised that registration days for the Presidential election are Saturday, October 6, and Tuesday, October 16. Registration is to be made at the regular polling places between the hours of 7 A. M. and 4 P. M. on those days. It is important, if you wish to be certain of a vote on November 6, that you have the assurance that your ballot will not be challenged when you enter your polling place on that date. To avoid any possible inconvenience of this nature, go to your polling place Saturday, Octo- ber 6, or Tuesday, October 16, and make certain that your name is on the polling list. This is particularly important if you have changed resi- dence since the last general elec- tion. One member of the family may register for all the eligible voters in his household. Invite Villagers to Attend Course in Social Service Wilfred S. Reynolds, director of the Chicago Council of Social Agen- cies will lead the discussion in the first session of the class for volunteers in social work, Wednesday evening, October 3. His topic will be, "Social work, its forms and co-ordination." The class is being conducted by the Winnetka Congregational church and will meet Wednesday evenings ac 8 o'clock in the church library. Twenty-five villagers already have signified their desire to attend the class, and, although this is the maxi- mum set, the committee in charge feels that a few more might be ac- commodated. Those interested in this course are invited to confer with Mrs. Charles Moon. at once. The course has been planned by the University of Chicago, School of So- cial Service Administration, BAPTISM SERVICE There will be a special service for the presentation of children for Christian baptism at the Winnetka Congregational church, this Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Interested parents are requested to confer with one of the ministers of the church. Facilities for fine printing --plus the ability to produce it! <> LLoyD HOLLISTER INC. Printers and Publishers Winnetka 500 SESE ERINEAETTTEE In His Memory p-- A service in memory of Frederick Rummler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Rummler, of 1015 Starr road, will be held at 5 o'clock this Sunday, Sep- tember 30, at the Winnetka Congrega- tional church. Frederick was drowned in Lake Michigan a month ago when the sailboat in which he had gone on a pleasure trip with three companions overturned. He was a New Trier High school graduate and had a host of friends in this vicinity. RESUME MEN'S CLASS Sunday Morning Discussion Group to Open New Season at Community House Tomorrow The first meeting of the Men's class of the Winnetka Congregational church will be held at 9:30 Sunday morning in the American Legion room of Community House. An informal meeting was held last Sunday morning in which plans were discussed for the coming year. A cordial invitation is extended to all the men of Winnetka to come to these meetings which are held each Sunday morning at the time and place indicated. One of the rather unusual features of these meetings is the freedom exer- cised in both the subject matter se- lected and the manner of discussion which follows. Talks are made from time to time by some of the foremost advanced thinkers of Chicago and the North Shore, not only on religious subjects but other themes of general interest, and everybody is given the greatest latitude to express his own ideas. Last year talks were made by Professors from Northwestern and Chicago, and other universities. Prof. William A. Hadley, of Win- netka, will open Sunday with a re- view and discussion of a book by Pro- fessor Wiemans of the divinity faculty of the University of Chicago, the title of which is "The Struggle of Religion with Truth." Play Fourth Round in Roche Event Tomotrowl] In the third round of the Roche trophy tournament at the Skokie Play- field golf course last Saturday and Sunday, F. E. Mullen was the only entrant to 'play his round. Announce- ment is made that all matches must be brought up to fhe fourth round, Sunday, or defaulted Carrie ANNOUNCE HOSTESSES FOR COMMUNITY HOUSE Large Group of Volunteer Women Workers Aid in Supervision of Center Activities Announcement is made this week of those who are to serve as Community House hostesses during 1928-1929. A meeting of the hostesses was held Fri- day morning at 10:30 o'clock, at Com- munity House, when Dr. J. W. F. Da- vies, director, and Mrs. Eloise Wort- ley, assistant, gave instruction for the season's work and activities. These hostesses render a valuable service to the village, it having been often stated that Community House could not function as it does were it not for its willing volunteer workers, who give so generously of their time. Mrs. C. J. Eastman, Chairman Mrs. Charles J. Eastman is general chairman of the hostesses. The list of those who are to serve each week of the several months, follows: First Week--Monday, Mrs. R. F. Locke; Tuesday, Mrs. Wm. Nicholls; Wednesday, Mrs. S. B. Fleager; Thursday, Mrs. Chas. Sweet; Friday, Mrs. Jack Anderson; Saturday, Mrs. Gertrude Ellison. Second Week--Monday Mrs. Fred S. White; Tuesday, Mrs. Gross Wil- liams; Wednesday, Mrs. Lee Adams; Thursday, Mrs. Chas. Burkhardt; Fri- day, Mrs. Wm. Hough; Saturday, Mrs. Gertrude Ellison. Third Week--Monday, Mrs. B. T. McGivern; Tuesday, Mrs. Carl Easter- berg; Wednesday, Mrs. Morris Levin- son; Thursday, Mrs. Paul Macqueene; Friday, Mrs. Chas. F. Simpson; Satur- day, Mrs. Gertrude Ellison. Fourth Week--Monday, Mrs. Paul Williams; Tuesday, Mrs. Frank - D. Reynolds; Wednesday, Mrs. Arnold Baar; Thursday, Mrs. Davies Lazear; Friday, Miss Caroline Eckstrom; Sat- urday, Mrs. Gertrude Ellison. Fifth Week--Mrs. H. E. White; Tuesday, Mrs. E. P. Farwell; Wed- nesday, Mrs, Wilson A. Reid; Thurs« day; Mrs. Max Murdock; Friday, Mrs. Wm. Ayer McKinney; Satur- day, Mrs. Gertrude Ellison. Community Players Will Stage Play in November "The Cassilis Engagement," a com- edy by St. John Hankin, will be pro- duced by the Community Players in Rudolph Matz hall November 14 and 15. The play was chosen at a meeting of the Community Drama club last Monday afternoon in the home, of Mrs. L. Harrison Mettler of 1119 Sheridan road. Mrs. Sherman Goble, who conducted this first meeting, is president of the club. Mrs. Lloyd Faxon is vice-presi- dent; Mrs. Harry Craig, secretary; Mrs. Alfred Freeman, treasurer; Mrs. Prouty, program chairman; Mrs. Harry Clarke, chairman of the Players committee; Mrs. Loius A. Sherman, production chairman; Mrs. William T. Worsted, membership com- mittee. TO ATTEND DINNER Thomas Crowder of Winnetka and James Wilkerson of Glencoe are north shore men interested in the dinner meeting this evening of the DePauw alnmni being held at the Allerton club. In This Issue Automobile Section........ Page 49 Boy Scout Activities...... Page 32 Society News.............. Page 40 Editorials--Shore Lines....Pace 38 Book News..........i..a: Page 46 Theater News..... Sra Page 65 Classified Ads.............. Page 68