10 WINNETKA TALK October 6, 1928 IT WILL START NEXT SATURDAY IN THIS PAPER CommuNITY PHARMACY 750 Elm St. Ph. Winn. 33-164 Sothern Will Bring Scenes From Hamlet to Varsity Theater BY ALICE C. D. RILEY E. H. Sothern will appear in Ev- anston under auspices of the Evanston Drama club at the Varsity theater, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 17. Don't you remember in the gay nineties way back before the war, when we wore bangs and bustles and played Bach and Beethoven, how we used to go to matinees and watch a gifted young actor who was the mat- inee idol of the day play the romantic lover in "The Prisoner of Zenda?" E. H. Sothern was the leading light comedian of that day. It was after long success in "The Prisoner," "If I Were King," "Lord Cholmonday" and "Under the Red Robe" that he at- tempted his first important classis role, that of Hamlet. He first acted this role in 1900, and this appearance led to the memorable combination of Sothern and Marlowe who for 20 years were the leaders of the Ameri- can stage. His impending visit to Evanston will offer a program of scenes from three plays: "Hamlet," "Othello" and "Lord Dundreary." To Give Hamlet Scenes The Hamlet tradition descends in unbroken line from Burbage, the first Hamlet, to the present day. Shake- speare himself is said to have played the Ghost in a production of the tragedy in 1603 when Henry Taylor was the Dane. Since Sothern's first appearance in this role, he has acted it more than a thousand times in America and England. He will give on this occasion, the scene between Hamlet and Ophelia and also the clos- et scene between Hamlet and Queen Gertrude. The presentation here of scenes from "Othello" will be for Mr. Soth- Zh IN innetha tongregational n Church 2. Sunday October 7, 1928 gt MORNING WORSHIP 11:00 A. M. Sermon by Mr. Richards "The Marks of Jesus' All classes in the Church School begin at nine- thirty. Dr. Richards will speak at the Upper Church School service of worship. At 9:45 meeting of the Women's Bible Class in Mr. Atwood's office at Community House. At 7:00 p.m. meeting of the Young People's Club in the Neighborhood Room of Community House. Leader John Atwood. Subject: "What I Am Going to Get Out of Young People's Club This Year." Wednesday. All-day meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. War- ren C. Agry, 711 Locust Road. Come early. Bring your luncheon. A large attendance is f greatly desired. . Wednesday at 8:00 in the Church Library, second meeting of the Training Class for Volun- teers. The subject will be 'Family Service Agency." Amelia Sears, Assistant General Superintendent, United Charities of Chicago, will speak. T he TOWER COURT Flower Shop Cut Flowers Potted Plants Landscaping Perennials Shrubs -- Evergreens WM. H. SMITH, Prop. Tower Court Building 894 Linden Ave. Telephone 3174 Winnetka ern-in the nature of a premiere in this celebrated role. Sothern and Marlowe hand planned and prepared this play for production, even to scene design and costumes; but Marlowe's with- drawal from the stage prevented its realization. The scene which Mr, Sothern will give is that between Othello and Iago in the third act. To Tell Its History As an amusing finale for his pro- gram, Sothern will give scenes from "Lord Dundreary" and will relate the interesting history of this comedy which grew out of a minor role in "Our American Cousin," produced by Laura Keane with Mr. Sothern's fath- er, E. A. Sothern, as "Dundreary." Mr. Sothern will doubtless relate the funny story of his father's first ex- perience in this role. The return of Mr. Sqthern to the stage is an outstanding event of the season; and the Drama club is for- tunate in being able to open its seas- on with the presentation of this re- nowned actor. Varsity Theater Helps The club is under deepest obliga- tion to Messrs. Balaban and Katz for the unique privilege of presenting this distinguished actor in their very beau- tiful Varsity Theater. The club rec- ognizes that this never-before-granted permission comes to it from these pub- lic spirited men because of their rec- ognition of the efforts of the Drama club, in cooperation with Northwest- ern university, to found here in Ev- anston a real school of the theater: "The Playshop." It is because of its belief in the educational value in this establishment of drama in the curricu- lum of this great mid-western uni- versity, and because of the disting- uished service of Mr. Sothern to the American stage, that these gentlemen have accorded this unheard-of privi- lege. This will make it possible for university students to have the op- portunity of hearing Sothern. M. J. Murphy, manager of the Var- sity, is giving the Drama club every possible aid. The seat sale to the general public will be opened at the Varsity box office after Oct. 10. Mem- bers of the Drama club will be in- formed by postal of the exact method by which they may obtain without cost their personal tickets for this occasion. Special prices have been arranged for students of the univer- sity and high schools. The general public may obtain tickets at the Var- sity box office after Oct. 10. Special prices have been made for students of the university, who may obtain their tickets at the office of the School of Speech. These prices will also cover high schools, and arrangements will be made with the schools to cover this. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Wray of 625 Washington avenue, Glencoe, enter- tained the H and W club last Tuesday evening at dinner and bridge in their home. Address 204 FIFTH ST., WILMETTE Miss Georgiana Weedon and Miss Frances Bush the Opening of their Dancing Classes MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, AT 3:30 HUBBARD WOODS KINDERGARTEN Beginning and advanced technique Pantomime, toe and character dances Call WILMETTE 3778 @