a LC 4 October 6, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 17 DEMOCRATS ORGANIZE "Winnetka Smith for President Club" Said to Have Many Members Form- erly Republicans At a meeting at Mrs. William Gold Hibbards on Tuesday evening a group of citizens organized the the "Win- netka Smith for President Club" which will be affiliated with the vast chain of clubs of that name which are spring- ing into being all over the country. Perhaps the distinguishing mark of the Winnetka organization is the un- usually large proportion of members who do not normally vote the Demo- cratic ticket. One of the most promi- nent of these, John S. Miller, was elected president. The vice president, Ernest S. Ballard, was also brought up from the cradle in the Republican party, and Calvin Fentress, one of the important members of the executive committee, admitted as did many others at the meeting that he had voted the Republican ticket at the last presidential election. From time to time letters from such distinguished citizens will be published, advancing their reasons for voting for Governor Smith. The list of officers of the executive committee is as follows: president, John S. Miller; vice president, Ernest S. Ballard; treasurer, Roswell B. Mason; secretary, Mrs. Leslie Weary; and assistant secretary, Mrs. William W. Clore. Members of the executive committee are: Mrs. Morris L. Greeley, chair- man; Mrs. Dwight P. Green, Mrs. James F. Porter, Mrs. Perry D. Smith, Mrs. Ernest S. Ballard, Mrs. William Gold Hibbard, Mrs. Roswell B. Mason, Mrs. Frank Fuller, Mrs. Mabel S. Burke, Mrs. Robert J. Mehren, Miss Kolb, Mr. Calvin Fentress, Mr. Wil- liam B. Hale, Mr. J. Eager Lloyd, Mr. Henry F. Tenney, Mr. Jacob M. Dick- inson, Jr. and Mr. Wilmarth Ickes. The committee will probably be en- larged from time to time. After the regular business of organ- ization was concluded, the Smith en- thusiasts present plied Mrs. Hibbard with questions about her recent visit to Milwaukee where she met Mrs. Smith and her daughter personally. Headquarters are established at 555 Lincoln avenue, telephone Winnetka 619, to be open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The executive secretary, Mrs. William B. Clore, will be in charge from 11 to 12:30 a.m. and from 2 to 3:30 p.m. Volunteer workers will be in charge during the remaining hours. Student Committees at Horace Mann Are Named Following is a list of student com- mittee chairmen at the Horace Mann school announced this week: ethics, Hubert Howard; assembly, Bennett Bokkemo; house, Hester Riley; hall, Leonard Larson; music, Katherine Modes; journalist, Donna Webster; assembly programs, Charles Roberts; arts and science, Beverly Holzworth. The playground committee chairman has not yet been named. The student committee chairman and their assist- ants work in cooperation with the teachers. TO ADDRESS CIRCLE The West Elm Street circle will meet at the home of Mrs. Burton H. Atwood, Jr., 904 Elm street, on Wed- nesday, October 10, at 2:30 o'clock. Mrs. Russell Heller, chairman of the program committee, has arranged for short talks by Mrs. Carl Schaeffer and Mrs. Burton Atwood, Jr. on their most interesting day this summer. A cordial invitation is extended to all. John Fraser Roos, son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Roos, 491 Hawthorn lane, has returned to Princeton uni- versity where he has entered his sen- ior year. RT RF Handcraft Novelties are Easy to Make Miss Dorothy Poole will show you how to make the latest novelties daily from 9:30 to 1:30--2:30 to 5:00. Wednesday from 9:30 to 1:00 only. French and English Screens You'll find it amazingly easy to make an English Hunting Print screen, or a French print. Leather Laced Lamp Shades Make new lamp shades yourself. Less expensive and more attractive. 'Miss Poole will give you instructions on how to make boudoir boxes, paper carriers, and other lacquered pieces. UNIVERSITY 123 Chandler's WILMETTE 724 TO ATTEND TEA A group of north shore women are planning to attend the tea on Sunday, October 7, from 4 until 5:30, at the Charlotte Cushman club, 70 East Elm street, Chicago, a residential club for theatrical women desiring a home at- mosphere. IREDALE PACKING and SHIPPING of HOUSEHOLD GOODS Winnetka 1332 STORAGE Piano KATHLEEN AIR LAURA COUPLAND PHYLLIS K. WHITE KATHERINE HEDGLIN MARY ESTHER WINSLOW OLUMBIA SCHOOL OF MUS IC 28TH YEAR Winnetka Branch, 545 Lincoln Ave., Phone 974 TEACHERS IN CHARGE Main School, 509 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago HELEN B. LAWRENCE WALTER SPRY Violin VALONA BREWER DOROTHY TATMAN Voice GRACE PARMELE PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS THE Shore Boys. Evanston Shop Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings r= J Henry C.Lytton & Sons CHICA GO--State and Jackson EVANSTON=--Orrington and Church LEADERSHIP Our Evanston Shop Is the Style Center for North Shore Boys ROM the very first our Evanston Shop captured the hearts of boys, and mothers of boys from 2 to 20. Its convenient location, its friendly, yet exclusive atmosphere, the smartness and variety of its selections. . . the definite economies resulting from our huge buying power. And recognized today . . . The Style Center for North LYTTON JR. SUITS 2 pair Golf Trousers 515 $20 i $35