jr October 6, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 61 THIS "DOLL HOUSE" IS ALSO HOME AND STUDIO A. W. Paulson Occupies Quaint New Building in Winnetka; Breaks Ground for Another A. W. Paulson, architect and builder of the three Swedish farm houses at the northwest corner of Tower road and Greenwood avenue, Winnetka, broke ground this week for another of these attractive homes which have been so much admired, not alone by local people, but by hundreds of others, from far and near. His latest improvement is to be lo- cated on the north side of Tower road, a short distance west of Greenwood and overlooking the Skokie. From his studio or "doll house," as he calls it, located at 902 Greenwood, Mr, Paulson has worked out the architectural de- sign and color schemes which are to feature his new house. Live in "Doll House" The studio or "doll house," shown in another column, was completed a few months ago and is now the home of Mr. and Mrs, Paulson. It embraces more quaint features, perhaps, than any house on the north shore. Though small in its general plan, it embraces four rooms, break- fast nook, bath room and a garage.' Aside from the quaint and historical reproductions on the interior, the roof and other exterior work are perhaps the most outstanding features. In the first Swedish farm house which Mr. Paulson built at 900 Green- wood avenue, in 1923, an imitation of the old thatched roof was used. In the "doll house," two other types of roofs are featured, the three com- bining the type of roof construction found in Mr. Paulson's native country, in an early day. Mr. Paulson came from the southern part of Sweden, a farming section, where an abundance of straw made the thatch roof possible. Up in the central part of the coun- try, the timbered section, logs and lumber made it possible to build a different type of roof, while further north in Sweden, in a rocky section, where a luxuriant growth of moss pre- vailed, the moss and a sea grass were used for thatching roofs, into which other grass and flower seeds were sown. In the "doll house" Mr. Paulson has used the two latter types of roofing. The main part of the building is cov- ered with boards, near the edge of which is a deep groove to carry off the water, while the cracks are covered with a sort of batting, the kind which falls from the logs as they are worked into timbers of more regular dimen- sions. Sod Covered Roof The roof over the studio and garage section is to be featured with a sod covering, in imitation of the old north Sweden farm house thatched with moss and sea grass. The gutter spouts and also the down spouts are of wood, hand made. The lower part of the house, all around. is constructed of hand-hewed logs, taken from an old hay barn erected on Green Bay road, at county line 65 years ago, as were also the two cherry posts in the little front porch, without which porch no old Swedish farm house of this type would be complete. * Other boards used in construction of the porch and also in the bay window in the south of the living room, are of cedar wood, grown in water, and as full of holes as a Swiss cheese. The exterior trimming is in blue and yellow, Swedish colors, Mr. Paulson explains, the prevailing colors being a splendid harmonizing of a green and a natural gray, that of aged wood. To obtain these shades, Mr. Paulson [i went direct to nature to get them, which was obtained in the form of a section of an old log, covered with a luxuriant growth of green moss, picked up in the Wisconsin woods. The exterior colorings of the house are enhanced by a pleasing combina- tion of celotex to imitate stones, worked into the structure of logs and stucco, the latter also in imitation of stone. A huge fireplace of stone and de- signed in imitation of the earliest known construction of this primitive method of heating and cooking, and of the urn pattern, features the large living room, where, also just over the main entrance, is the "beggar log." Tradition has it, Mr. Paulson says, that away back in the early days of Sweden, beggars never advanced be- yond the portal topped log. There is also a quaint little Romeo and Juliet balcony over the entrance from the living room to the dining room, and throughout the house, a pleasing color scheme has been carried out in keeping with the type of archi- tecture of this attractive little "doll house." TO OPEN GLENCOE OFFICE H. and R. Anspach of Highland Park, members of the North Shore Real Estate Board are to open a new office in Glencoe. They also plan to remodel or move from their present office in Highland Park. ANNUAL FALL SALE Large assortment of 250,000 choice native grown, and Rock Garden plants 6 for $1.00 DUNDEE ROAD PERENNIAL NURSERY 3 Miles W. of Waukegan Rd. On DUNDEE ROAD Telephone Northbrook 230R1 hardy Perennials Cultivating Arbor Vitae Evergreens for The Lowest Possible Prices on EVERGREENS SHRUBS ¥ PERENNIALS Call JOHN OSTROWSKY Highland Park 2098-Y-1 West Park Avenue Highland Park 1139 Scott Ave. Hubbard Woods Exceptionally attractive and 2xceedingly well-constructed English Colonial Type, 7 rms., 3 bedrms., 2 baths, 2 car attached garage, on 5 acre beautifully and well wooded. Near trans- portation and schools. lot, landscaped Offered at $25,000 NORTH SHORE ReAL EsTATE BoArD E. E. STULTS REALTY CO. 460 Winnetka Ave. Winnetka 1800-01 Low in Price First in Quality equip your home. scheme desired Chicago Moistair Radiator Cabinets First in Efficiency of Heating Telephone 8975 Wentworth and learn how little it costs to We guarantee to match any color Moistair Cabinet Company 6036 Wentworth Avenue Glencoe, Ill. . Grounds of M. N. Rothschild, 19g Sheridan Rd., property. SWAIN NELSON & SONS CO. Landscape Gardeners GLENVIEW, ILL. Just as the interior of your home is capable of a variety of treatment, so your ground may be developed in one of a number of ways, and your own personality and taste be reflected in the landscaping of your grounds. A telephone call will bring you one of our landscape gardeners, who will gladly offer sug- gestions as to the best way to improve your Phones: Glenview 87 ¥ 88 Rogers Park 6620 aces --------