WINNETKA TALK October 6, 1928 Classified Advertisements (Continued from Page 67) -. __ _ 2 FOR RENT--GARAGES NEW GARAGE--1078 ELM ST. TEL. Winn. 290. 72T31-1te ONE CAR GARAGE. 807 CHERRY ST. Tel. Winn. 2002. 72T31-1tp 73 FOR RENT--STORES & OFFICES STORE OR OFFICE IN LINDEN CREST Building. Suitable for small shop or professional man. Low rental. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 424 Linden Ave. Wilmette 460 T3LTN52-4te FOR RENT--GROUND FLOOR SPACE in Winnetka. Excellent location, with stenographic services if desired. Smith & Brown, 736 Elm St., Phone Winnetka 142. T3LTN2-tfc LARGE SECOND FLOOR CORNER office, suitable for real estate, doctor or dentist. Wil divide. Franklin Bldg. Elm & Center Sts., Winnetka. Tel. Winn. 382. T3LTNS51-tfe FOR RENT--STORE IN HUMPHREY Building. Possession October 1, 1928, Call Winnetka 98. T3LTN50-tfc OFFICE SPACE, CORNER OF TOWER & Center. Telephone & secretarial serv- ice. Call Winn. 743. 73T31-1tc "7 FOR SALE--HOUSES 770 Hill Road Winnetka OWING TO THE DEATH OF OWNER; this beautiful French Chateau home is being offered for less than the actual reproduction cost. The house is of brick and stone, natural slate roof, insulated with 2 inches of cork. The very finest materials available have been used. The fixtures, hardware and appointments are perfect. Spacious liv. rm., walnut paneled with large hand- some log burning fireplace and import- ed mantles, library, dining rm., bkfst. nook, large recreation room, 4 master bedrms., 3 tile baths, sewing rm., 2 maid's rms. and -bath, 4 car garage with servant's quarters above. Agent will be on the premises between 3 and P. M. Friday, Saturday and Monday. vy appointment Sunday. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. Winnetka Winnetka 1617 TILTN2-1te Indispensable AS THE TIME GROWS SHORTER The home hunting problem becomes home-hunting simplicity if you make it a point to depend on the Smart & Golee organization in assisting you to arrive at an early decision concerning your living arrangements for fall. The Smart & Golee list of select offer- ings places before you a choice of ex- tremely desirable possibilities. A tele- Jone call will place this list in your Smart & Golee, Inc. Univ. 285 TTLTN2-1te Winnetka and Glencoe WE HAVE AT THIS TIME SEVERAL very attractive bargains in desirable homes and homesites. Now is the op- portune time to buy. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 TTLTN2-1tc 1564 Sherman Ave., Evanston i" FOR SALE--HOUSES 8 FOR SALE--VACANT For Sale A TELEGRAM FROM owner in New York says get best proposition we can on his house at 199 Rirch St., Winnetka. You who have seen it and appreciate charm and value, please submit your maximum offer now. Dudley Bradstreet EXCL. AGENT 522 Center St. Winnetka 806-875 77T31-1te A REAL BARGAIN AT $45,000 EXCELLENT BRICK HOUSE ON EX- tremely large lot; 3 blocks from trans- portation. Huge living room fireplace. 3 master bedrooms, 2 master baths, 2 sleeping porches; 3 maid's rooms and bath. H. W. heat oil burner; 2 car garage. Children's finely equipped play yard. ALBERT N. SMITH BILLS REALTY INC. 1603 Sheridan Rd. Wilmette 3740 TTLTN2-1te Spanish Brick INDIAN HILL DISTRICT. TEN LGE. rms. splendidly arranged. Landscaped Rubber flr. in reception hall & din. rm., electric refrig., oil burner in- cluded in sale price. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. WINNETKA Winnetka 1617 TTLTN2-1te Only $75 per Foot THIS PROPERTY IS VERY DESIR- able, beautifully wooded, and well lo- cated; near school, N. W. and North Shore trains. Not far from the lake. All improvements in; highly restricted. Terms can be arranged. An early in- spection and selection is recommended. CROSBY & McKENDRY 566 Center St. Winnetka 2032 TSLTN2-1te 84 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE WINNETKA HOMES and VACANT P. W. Bradstreet & Son Insurance and Loans 799 Elm St., Winnetka Phone 162 Meyers Bank Bldg. 84T31-1te 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS LIVING RM. HIGH GRADE KIDNEY shaped mohair and frieze set, dining rm. and bedrm. set, radio, one 8x10 and 2'9x12 velvet rugs. Wilmette 3520. 100LTN2-1tp 100 FOR SALE--HSEHLD. GOODS FOR SALE -- TEA CART; RADIO cabinet; chiffonier; dressing table; 4 dining rm. chairs; 4 rockers; kitchen cabinet; 3 army cots, mattresses & springs; 2 living rm. tables; 1 tan Tel. Winn. Caracul coat in perf. cond. 394, 100LTN2-1te ITALIAN SONSOLE VICTROLA ; gateleg table; gold and white dinner set; lamps and pictures. All bargains. Tel. Winn. 2416, 100T31-1te 9 PIECE OAK DIN. RM. SET; REAS. Tel. Winn. 1007 between 6 & 8 P. M. 100LTN2-1tc RM. SET. TEL. WINN. 100TN31-1te 8 PIECE DIN. 1313. BIG BARGAIN, BOHN REFRIG,, $35. Tel. Winn. 2192. 100T31-1te 101 WTD. TO BUY--HSEHLD. GOODS Big Kenilworth Bargain 9 ROOM, NEW, ENGLISH BRICK home with 3 large baths, X. T. & Lav.,, colored tile. Attached 2 car garage. H. W. Oil heat. On large lot in ex- clusive Kenilworth section. Beautiful home for $34,000. Terms. QUINLAN & TYSON, INC. 714 Elm St. Winnetka 2198 77T31-1te GLENCOE OPEN FOR INSPECTION--NEW 7 reom res., artistic French design; in- sulated; 4 bedrms., 3 baths, 2 colored tile; tiled solarium; brkfst nook; oil heat, automatic heater; wooded lot 75x140, located 470 Jackson Ave. Best buy on North Shore. Might trade. Owner on premises. Niles Center 461-J. * TTTNL2-1tp REAL HOME, 9 RM. STUCCO HSE. 2 baths; extra lav.; 38 ft. screened pch.; kitch. pch. ; large slpg. pch. with glass; gd. attic; H. W. heat; gar. 100 ft. corner lot; enc. with fence & high hedge; large trees; playgrd. equipt. $28,000, Del. Dec. 1st. 1051 Cherry St. Tel. Winn. 1261. TTTNL31-1te MODERN 6 RM. HSE.; WELL BUILT; landscaped ; H. W. heat; East side; 3 blks. north of Indian hill depot. Must be seen to appreciate. Sacrifice for $13,500. Owner, 565 Elder Lane. 77T31-tfe is FOR SALE--VACANT Kenilworth Real Opportunity Lake Frontage Riparian Rights PRICES FAR BELOW CONSERVATIVE valuation ; one of the best vacant buys on the North Shore; prompt action necessary. Hokanson & Jenks 746 Elm St. Winnetka Winnetka 1617 TSLTN2-1tc WANTED TO BUY -- SECOND-HAND furniture and other household goods. Highest prices for same. Crost Furni- ture store, 1004-6 Emerson St., Ev- anston, Ill. Ph. Univ. 189. 101LTN48-tfc 102 FOR SALE--MISCELLANEOUS HOOKED RUGS UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT, WONDER- ful colerings. Reas. priced. Ph. Glen- view 203. Warren, Glenview Borders, Glenview. 102LTN2-4tc BLACK SATIN SCREEN, 4 PANELED ; emb. in cherry blossoms; very reas. Also large console mirror, suitable for tailor, barber or beauty shop. Tel. Glen- coe 460. 102LTN2-1te BEAUTIFUL PLATINUM BROADTAIL caracul fur coat; fox trim; Fashion show model, size 36. Splend. cond. Bar- gain. Tel. Winn, 2416. 341 Sheridan Rd. 102T31-1tc FOR SALE--CLOTHING, SHOES, FOR boy 12-14 yrs. & girl 10-12 yrs. Doll house, toys, ice skates, go-cart; furni- ture; rugs; encyclopedia; vacuum cleaner ; workbench. Tel. Winn. 1654. 102T31-1te FRESH EGGS DELIVERED FROM Hampshire poultry farm save money. Ralph Strong, Prop., Hampshire, Ill 102T31-3tp FORD TOURING CAR, $25. UNDER- wood typewriter, $40; 2 burner laundry stove, $1.50. Tel. Glencoe 1491. 102TN31-1te REAL CHEAP, 4 DRESSES IN GOOD condition, 2 formal; size 16. Tel. Winn. 2771. 102T31-1te HUDSON SEAL COAT, GENUINE Kolinski collar and cuffs. Very good cond. Size 38. Tel. Winn. 760. 102TNL31-1te FOR SALE--TUXEDO AND FULL dress suit; excellent cond. Ph. Wil- mette 3548. 102TN31-1tp GRAY TWEED FUR TRIMMED SUIT; size 18, silk jersey and evening dresses 16 and 18. $5 to $10. Ph. Winnetka 2208. 102LTN2-1tp MARTIN & MARTIN SADDLE, JUST broken in; Tel. Winn. 511 or 561 Cherry St., Winn. 102LTN2-1te 103 WTD. TO BUY--MISCELLANEOUS WANTED -- CLEAN, WHITE RAGS, 10c per 1b. 1232 Central Ave. Wil- mette. 103LTN48-tfp 105 MISCELLANEOUS WHY NOT BUY YOUR DRESSES AT wholesale prices and made to your measurements, for particulars call Wil- mette 3154. 105L.TN2-1tc Mrs. Arthur H. Rose, 894 Linden ave. Mrs. Edward A. Peterson, 896 Linden ave., their father, John A. Dahlstrom and brothers, Gustave V., John A., Joseph N. of Chicago wish to extend their thanks to their friends and neighbors for the sympathy and kindess shown them dur- ing their recent loss of their brother and son, Carl Manfred Dahlstrom, of Chi- cago. T-1te Illinois Sure to Set Road Building Record This Year With several weeks to go in which it will be possible to push the work of pouring concrete as a part of the state highway system, construction work in Illinois is nearing the record for 1924, when 1230 miles of concrete pave- ment were constructed. The record to date exceeds that of the same period for 1924, with indications the yearly total will be considerably above that of four years ago, when a world's record was established. Reports received by the Division of Highways from the various contrac- tors indicate additions are being made to the concrete slab comprising the state highway system at a rate of ap- proximately ten miles a day. Official figures of the Division of Highways show Illinois now has 7,700 miles of hard roads comprising the state highway system, a mileage more than double that of any other state in the union. This mileage includes 218.62 miles widened or replaced. Horse-Drawn Vehicles Scarce in Big Cities The one-horse shay, the aristocratic means of transportation in bygone days, is a rare sight on the highways today and attracts almost as much at- tention as an airplane did a few years ago. The adjutant general of the army has a valuable collection of historic carriages, some used by Presidents, as a reminder of the days when the horse- drawn vehicles were the thing in the transportation life of the nation. In many of the larger cities, including Washington and New York, there are a few horse-drawn carriages operated for the benefit of sightseers. But there is no more significant indication of a motorized age than to see these car- riages with their faded upholstery, driven by an aged negro in tattered livery. Autumn Plans Keep Keith Family Busy Mrs. Carl Keith of 310 Warwick road, Kenilworth has as her guest, her sister, Miss Elizabeth Alling of New York, who will be here for a fortnight. Many informal parties have been given for her since her arrival. Miss Jean Keith has entered. her first year at the Emma Willard School at Troy, N. Y. and Carl Keith, Jr. is again at Illinois university where he is a junior this year. : Mr. and Mrs. Hughston McBain (formerly Margaret Keith) until now of Evanston, have bought a house in west Kenilworth into which they ex- pect to move within the next week. Mrs. C. M. Larsen, the former, Cor- nelia Keith, is moving to Geneva this week. Charles A. Howe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Howe of Kenilworth has returned to Knox college at Gales- burg, Ill. He is entering his sopho- more year. E