October 6, 1928 WINNETKA TALK WOMEN VOTERS MEET Luncheon of Winnetka League Held in Rudolph Matz Hall Monday With 250 in Attendance About 250 women attended the open- ing luncheon meeting of the Winnetka League of Women Voters in Rudolph Matz Hall on Monday. Many who did not attend the luncheon came over from the meeting of Christ Church Guild, which very graciously shortened its session in order to co-operate with the League. Mrs. A. Montage Ferry, president, presided at the meeting, which was the first regular meeting since her election to that office. Mrs. W. A. Roberts, president of the Chicago League of Women Voters Forum, gave a short talk on league membership, bringing out the national, state, and local activities, in which each member has a part. An interesting guest who was present to bring greet- ings from Japan, was Miss Ichikawa, the director of the Woman's Suffrage organization in Tokio. The dramatization of "A Day at the Polls," acted by the election commis- sioners of Chicago, was the program feature of the day. This scenario was prepared by Robert L. Taylor of the legal department of the election board, assisted by election officials and co- operating organizations, a large part of the work being done by Mrs. Paul Rittenhouse of the Illinois League of Women Voters. A typical Chicago election polling place was depicted, beginning with the opening and closing of the polls. Voters were challenged and challenges were sustained and re- jected, according to the interpretation of the law. Ballots not initialed wes detected and thrown out. Electioneer- ing at the polls was handled in many amusing ways, and the efforts of the precinct captains to win votes brought forth much laughter from the audi- ence. brought home to the women voters in a way never appreciated by them before. Mrs. E. E. Stults, chairman of the living costs committee of the Win- netka league, represented Winnetka at the state meeting of her committee on Thursday, and Mrs. Benjamin Pfeiffer, chairman of education, at- tended the state meeting of her com- mittee on Monday. Both meetings were held at state headquarters, 203 N. Wabash avenue. The October number of the Woman's Home Companion, in an article en- titled, "Lost--14,000,000 Women Vot- ers," gives the plan used by the Win- netka league in past years for getting out the vote. The plan was written by Mrs. John Vander Vries at the request of the director of the Good Citizen- ship Bureau of the Home Companion. Rev. Goodwin to Build New Waukegan Church The First Congregational church of Waukegan to which the Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin, formerly of Winnetka, recently was called as pastor, is pre- paring to build a new church. The building committee and other members of the congregation Thurs- day of this week made their second tour of inspection of Chicago churches for the purpose of obtaining informa- tion to aid them in their plans. A service of recognition was held for Mr. Goodwin Sunday morning. The sermon, on "Partial and Whole Views of Life," was preached by Dr. E. G. Guthrie, general director of the Chi- cago Congregational Missionary and Extension society. The right hand of fellowship was extended on behalf of the church by L. J. Wilmot; on behalf of other Waukegan churches, by the Rev. E. C. Beach and on behalf of the Coh- gregational Missionary and Extension society, by the Rev. C. E. Laidman. The election machinery was Call Session to Discuss Lincoln Extension Scheme H. L. Raclin, chairman of the streets, drainage and forestry committee of the Winnetka Village council, has called a meeting for Friday evening, October 5, for the purpose of again considering the question of extending Lincoln avenue from Elm street south to Oak street. This matter has been before the council for several years, but, inas- much as it involves also the question of grade separation requirements and plans of the owners of the property east of the tracks in regard to future development, no definite agreement has been reached. It is hoped by all concerned that this meeting may result in the adoption of a plan which will result in substantial progress. The Johanna North Shore committee will hold its first meeting of the sea- son on Thursday, October 11, at the North Shore Congregation Israel. Luncheon will be served at 12 o'clock. The committee is a philanthropic or- ganization which sews for the hos- pitals. CHARMING FALL FROCKS Emphasizing all the new features--flares, pleats, cape collars, etc, inspired Frocks that follow the mode authentically. Transparent Velvets, Canton Crepes, Satins, Georgettes, Chiffon Velvets. Prices range, $15 and Upwards FALL MILLINERY The line we are showing is unusually attractive. [Every wanted style. Large and small head sizes. Prices range, $5 and Upwards ATT" Che Hand Fox 2004 Coy StS Univ. 2058 | Ni BARGAINS TULIPS GIANT DARWIN TULIPS Doz. Clara Butt--apple blossom pink, late. ..... ............ $ .50 Baronne de la Tonnaye--bright rose, large flower, late.. .45 Le Notre--bright rosy pink, early......... ............. Bb Madame Krelage--bright lavender pink, early........... 5b Massachusetts--rich pink with lighter edge, very at- tractive, JRE ..... i350. coe sio itn. s Sows van salvia Sanit n 5b Bartigan--dazzling crimson scarlet, early............... 50 Farncombe Sanders--rich scarlet, white base, extra fine CULAR AE a Ge aN Sti ack TE a FAS 50 'Wm. Pitt--brilliant dark scarlet, early. ................. 60 Prof. Rauwenhoffi--deep scarlet, fine bedder, early....... oh Pride of Haarlem--carmine red, enormous large flower, CRYIY Umass vrs ones sees bons Saito ie «Sw sin ets wi nin wins 50 Princess Elizabeth--soft deep rose, toning to silvery rose, very beautiful, early... . oc us tenses ire ines .60 Matchless--soft old rose, white border, early............ 85 Centenaire--rich violet rose, early....................... 50 Rev. Ewbank--Ililac lightly bordered, early.............. oa Dream--pale violet to lavender, early................... 65 'Wm. Copeland--lavender, early.......................... 65 King Harold--mahogany, deep purple red............... 55 La Tulipe Noire (The Black Tulip)--best of all blacks, 710 AA Ie TRL 8b rT NR, "pho BR i 2 Fh 3 5 Inglescombe Yellow--tall and large flower. ............. 70 Mrs. Moon--long and pointed blooms, the finest of the VOWS Rs vers Ses Yim ra ar ay we sre 95 John Ruskin--salmon rose with pale yellow margin.... .85 Butterfly--reddish yellow to lilac edges, early... ....... 80 Mable--carmine pink, white center, early................ 5 Mary Hollis--carmine pink, lighter edge, late........... «a5 Orange Beauty--orange scarlet with light edge... .. ..... 80 Panorma--deep orange red, shaded mahogany, very pop- RAr Tedrly ho salt (ili SEIS EG EN 6 Sabina--glossy reddish mahogany, early....... ......... a5 Virgilius--glistening violet, lighter edge, early.......... a6 Baechus--dark violet blue, best and largest among the blues, earl a. is ove Gt sani EON T + CARRERE Pel 1.00 Godet Parfait--bright bluish violet, late. .... .......... 1.00 St. James--large and beautiful dark lavender, edged WIth Dronze, Carly... .. ain iv ie inns vas vrai ras ess 80 Sans Pareelle--glowing purplish violet, early........... «75 Cardinal Manning--dark reddish violet, very fine, late.. .76 Great Simpson--dark violet, bronze edge, late.......... 95 Yellow Perfection--light bronze-yellow, early........... 80 Bronze King--dull golden bronze, fine for beds, early. . 70 Bronze Queen--apricot bronze, early.................... 70 Madros--dark bronze, shaded with Ange-yeiiow, late.. 75 Copernicus--dark coppery bronze, late. ................. 95 Serpentine--fine bronze, edged clear pink, late. .......... 95 Plutarchus--late dull bronze, late....................... 80 Louis XIV--dark purple, with golden bronze margin, late .95 Belle Brunette--light coffee-brown, late... ............. 5 Don Pedro--coffee-brown to shaded marcon, very beauti- ful date. . dre DN iraanss aan Superba--velvety black, beautiful with shrubbery. . Mixed varieties and colors Also many other varieties and colors, largest selection on the North Shore. Prepared Assortments, all choice bulbs 250 bulbs, 5 colors........... 500 bulbs, 10 colors Tulips should be planted from 5 to 7 inches apart. MISCELLANEOUS BULBS Narcissus or daffodils--mixed .. .... ...... ............ 1.00 Hyaeinths--blue, pink and white. ... .. .... ............. 2.50 Croeus--blue, yellow, white and striped................ 50 Grape Hyacinths--Musean--blue, good for borders...... 50 Snowdrops--white, mix with tulips...................... .60 Secillas--blue, another good border flower, and for odd places Madonna Lilies--white and very fragrant Special prices and free designing service with estimates on large orders. Come here for full line of perennials and rock plants, fertilizer, soil and evergreens for window boxes. BOROVICKA'S The Winnetka Flower Shop 746 Center St. m All Choice Bulbs Imported Direct From Holland Prices 100 Phone Winnetka 283 4.50 6.50 4.00 9.00 3.50 3.50 5.00 6.00