ru November 10, 1928 WINNETKA TALK INVITE VILLAGERS TO ARMISTICE SERVICES Congregational Church to Have Special Program of Worship Sunday; Dr. Eastman Speaks The service at the Winnetka Con- gregational church Sunday morning will be particularly fitting for Armis- tice Day. At five minutes to 11 o'clock the organ will play "In the Morning,' and "Asa's Death," from the Pier Gynt Suite by Grieg. It will be a people's worship service with three dominant notes. The first will be "thinking of those who gave up their lives in the great war, and pre- senting them in grateful remembrance and praise before God." The second note will be "renunciation of war," and the third, "the ideal of the prophet." Dr. Fred Eastman will preach on "The Ultimate Victors." For Entire Family "This is a service designed for all members of the family," reads a notice from the church office. "Both children and parents should be together in this recognition of the new emphasis which America is making, in recognizing one sf the great laws of the spirit of the tniverse--Thou shalt love, and thus yiving a great two-fold meaning to Armistice Day--the one looking back nn remembrance and the other looking forward to a new earth. "In these meaningful days, rich in opportunity for America, a new con- secration of the American people to the ideals of democracy and universal brotherhood is quite in keeping with the meaning of the day. The worship of God is a visible loyalty in memory of those who gave their lives and those who stood ready to make the supreme sacrifice. These men will always be dear to our hearts. The sacredness of | their memory should lead us in the highest experience of life--the wor- ship of God. Special Music "The choir and quartet will sing "The Soul of the Righteous," by Noble, "When the Flag Goes By," by. Nevin, and "What of the Night," by Thomp- son. The postlude will be the Halle- lujah chorus. "During the service there will be an opportunity for the congregation to take part more than usual, even to the pledge of allegiance to their country in its pursuit of peace. J "This service will be a worship of the tribute to the dead brought in the mind of every worshipper and by every high resolve carried in the secret depths of the heart. Opportunity for Church "Armistice Day is an opportunity; the church uses the opportunity not only for grateful memory but for the consecration of high ideals." HERE FOR OPERA Mrs. Rush C. Butler of 40 Locust road has as her guest this week-end, Mrs. John W. Anderson of Detroit, who is here to enjoy the opera. Mr. and Mrs. Butler will leave next Wednes- day for the east to attend the Yale- Princeton football game. They will be away for a week. ON MUSIC PROGRAM Mrs. Fay P. Kreer, 1108 Cherry street, gave a program of Mexican and old fashioned music yesterday at a musical reception given at the home of Mrs. H. G. Zander of Keystone terrace, Chi- cago. She was accompanied by Mrs. Beth Owen. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Heater of 1086 Spruce street left last week for a several weeks' vacation trip to Ari- zona and Texas. National Market 802 Elm Street Winnetka Telephones Winnetka THE HOME OF QUALITY, SERVICE AND REASONABLE PRICES CHOICE LEG OF SPRING LAMB, Ib. 35¢ FANCY SHOULDER SPRING 25¢ NATIVE CHUCK POT ROAST, 1b 29¢ 390 LEG OR LOIN ROAST, Milk Fed Veal, 1b. BONELESS VEAL ROAST, Ib. LITTLE PIG HAMS, for Roasting, Ib. CHOICE PORK LOIN ROAST, 6-8 lb. average, Ib. BREAKFAST BACON, Sliced, 3 lbs. for 22¢ 4 Clerks -- Courteous and Obliging. Delivery ser- vice--as you want it! Be Sure to Order Your Thanksgiving Poultry Early Some models are 946 Oak Street HATS All Early Winter Hats in Stock Reduced to 112: rayon soleil--and are unusual values ETRE in felt, some in Ph. Winnetka 320 Attention Xmas Shoppers! We urge you select your gifts early from the many charming imports we now have on hand-- we will hold them for December delivery if you wish. We also still have a few lovely things of old stock that is REDUCED 259% . . . and offers un- usual opportunity to secure lovely things at a bargain. Painted Butterfly Art Studio 1054 GAGE ST. HuBBARDS WOODS REDUCING the New Scientific Way Why break down your health and strength by excess dieting and strenuous exercise? These are not Nature's ways. REKREATOR Reduces the Figure The waistline, the ankles, the arms and legs, the buttocks and thighs--all these are quickly and effectively reduced by the REKREATOR which we have recently installed. HAIR-A-GAIN MASK-O-UTH scalp and hair non-massage shampoo liquid mask Authorized Operators MARINELLO GUILD Registered Shop 733 ELM STREET PH. WINNETKA 822