! JEP PNR TJ November 17, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Merchants Discuss Advisability of "Opportunity Days" Winnetka merchants have been con- sidering for some time the advisability of holding "Opportunity Day" sales once a month, as Wilmette is now doing. Some of the merchants appear to favor the proposition while others are definitely on the doubtful list. A dis- cussion of the subject during the monthly meeting of the Winnetka Chamber of Commerce, Monday eve- ning, seemed to indicate a marked di- vision of sentiment on the idea. It was thought advisable to have a committte make further investigation as to the result of similar bargain programs in other communities and re- port with recommendation concerning what Winnetka should do with refer- ence to "Opportunity Days." President William T. Wersted ap- pointed the following committee for this purpose: S. Fell, A. Lee Adams, and G. L. Zick. Mrs. Charles Boyington Seriously Injured by Car Mrs. Charles Boyington, a trained nurse at the home of George B. Everett, 1035 Dinsmore road, was seri- ously injured when struck by an auto- mobile, Tuesday morning, at Center street and Westmoor road. Mrs. Henry C. Dosch, of 1049 Chat- field road, lost control of her car which went over the curb onto the parkway where Mrs. Boyington was standing, knocked her down and ran over her, according to Police Sergeant Glen 3ovd. Mrs. Boyington, suffering from in- ternal injuries, was removed to the Evanston hospital, from which later reports were received that she would recover. \ Ni OU either must do this your- self or have it done. In one case it's soiled clothes, mean- ing cleaning expense--in the other, it's cash paid out for needless labor. Let us show you how to save on both--clothes and labor-- by having care-free fuel oil heat. The Preferred-Hart Automatic Oil Burner burns economical low priced fuel oil economically. Fn \ Eh a! a J. E. Hoffman Co. Sales and Service 956 Linden Ave., Hubbard Woods Telephone 2985 Winnetka Albin Carlen Opens New Store in Hubbard Woods The latest addition to the rapidly growing business section of Hubbard Woods is the new paint store which Albin Carlen has opened at 906 Lin- den avenue, His stock is complete with various lines of accessories usual- ly found in stores of this kind, and also embraces a nice assortment of linoleums and window shades. Mr. Carlen has heen a resident of the north shore for 20 years, having formerly been in the firm of the North Shore Wilmette, where he was known as a man who always rendered cheerful service. lle. You Can Kill That Cold & Cough Today With CCLD TABLETS Paint and Wallpaper company, in Denatured ALCOHOL 188 proof will not freeze in the coldest weather per 85e¢ gal. E. B. TAYLOR CO. Hardware 546 Center St. Phone 999 i ------------------ P FINEST QUALITY at LOWEST PRICES oxo FREE DELIVERY vantage of i ---- MEAT MARKET 296 Elm Street--Win SAVINGS RE sure--and satisfaction is guaranteed if you take ad- Get the habit of trading at the Palace markets. Specials for Saturday, Nov. 17th AC netka Telephone orders are our special offerings. given care- ful attention by experi- enced butch- ers. FRESH DRESSED TURKEYS -- GEESE --DUCKS Boneless [ VEAL ROAST 36- Lean Young PORK LOIN 7Y Best Sliced BACON 3 Ibs. $1 Frash Dressed Spring CHICKENS Boneless RIB ROAST of Beef 45- 91, Wapsie Valley BUTTER Brick 53 Loin LAMB CHOPS 49- Genuine 1928 LEG-LAMB 35- Fresh Little Pig Hams Eha------ 1 1928 Spring B'less Leg Lamb 321/5¢ Milk Fed LEG-VEAL 6-7 1b. av. De POT ROAST 28° The Best Cut HAM to 34c Swift's Premium or Peacock 8 28 Fresh Dressed DUCKS Qe Telephones: WINNETKA 333 We Deliver E--_-- ER ---- Winnetka's Exclusive 796 Elm Street tg --------L LS La cn ---------------- WAPSIE VALLEY DISTRIBUTORS Most of the Best for the Least s PALACE MEAT MARKET Telephones: WINNETKA 4 and 333 We Deliver = |