Came a 4 AR December 1, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 11 GIRLS SET FAST PACE IN SCHOLARSHIP ROLL Far Outdistance Boys in Second Month's Honor Rating at New Trier High School Girls at New Trier High school are setting the pace for scholastic honors, leaving the boys far behind, it was re- vealed this week when the list of hon- or roll and honorable mention students for the second month of the first sem- ester was announced. Only seventy-seven boys' names ap- peared on the honor roll this month, while there were 118 girls. Seventy- five girls received honorable mention and forty-nine boys were given the same honor. Following is a complete list of the honor students for the last month: Senior Girls Honor Roll: Grace Stanley, Martha Etzbach, Betty Holmes, Jane Weiller, Jane Barr, Ruth Drayer, Ruth Hardt, Lucille Blumenstock, Janet Marshall, Annie McDonald, Ruth Shepard, Faith Burge, Marjorie Evers, Marguerite Ilg, Mary Louise Cotton, Josephine Farley, Mary Forrest, Patricia Goodhue, Marion Hilpert, Seena Johnson, Jeslyn Raventos, Helen Thiel, Dorothea West. Honorable Mention: Emilie Banning, Marjorie Braymer, Harriet Christie, Grace Cook, Marion Dennis, Dorothy Gantzel, Maurene Jones, Elizabeth Kelley, Marie Koepke, Betty McCann, Marion McDonald, Barbara Mearns, Reba Michener, Esther Mosley, Ruth Olsen, Katherine Panushka, Elinor Popper, Eleanor Rockafellow, Mary Ross, Vir- ginia Taylor, Mabel Throckmorton, Jean- nette Wald, Betty Webber, Kathryn Weiss, Jane Willard. Junior Girls Honor Roll: Bernice Augdahl, Dorothy Darby, Josephine Pridmore, Ruth Scrib- bins, Harriet Williams, Barbara Miner, Betty Johnson, Ernestine Hermann, Charlotte Holg, Lorraine Meister, Georgia Schoenthal. Janet Shepard, Ramona Ley, Mary Beam, Josephine Bruschini, Jean Crossley, Ethelbel Harlan, Helen Rein- hardt, Marion Rockafellow, Anne Sher- win, Jean Thackery, Sylva Bruns, Ann Louise Hankins. Honorable Mention: Betty Bayliss, Wilma Borovicka, Helen Bosley, Grace Clucas, Emilie Eckart, Marie Erickson, Jean Forrest, Charlotte Hamilton, Mary Keith, Isabelle Macalister, Florence Mec- Coy, Geneva Perry, Dorothy Smith, Mar- jorie Webster. Sophomore Girls Honor Roll: Patsy Boylston, Ruth Jacobs, Ruth Offner, Louise Wagner, Martha Wilen, Helene Adler, Amy Clagett, Barbara Cooke, Amelia Jacobs, Sara Lindahl, Frances Lutz, Katherine Maxwell, Mary Melvin, Ethel Pierce, Dorothy Winzenburg, Florence Sternberg, Ethel Anderson, Theda Childs, Mary Fer- rarini, Lois Goldstein, Marjorie Mergen- thaler, Marion Popper, Elizabeth Potter, Frances "Whitman, Lora Baughman, Phyllis Brown, Jane Cohn, Julia Kane, Katherine Kruger, Mary Jane Mess, Vir- ginia Nelson, Marion Nettleman, Jane Orr, Virginia Preston, Virginia Riethei- mer, Claire Simon, Virginia Smith, Mary Jane Tansill, Harriette Webster, Virginia Werden. Honorable Mention: Betty Buckett, Alice Conhaim, Nellie Cutts, Victoria Dieball, Martha Forman, Adelaide Frank- lin, Dorothy Graham, Virginia Jenkins, Lila Johnson, Sally Kriebel, Jean Lind- strom, Gertrude Lynn, Helen Maloney, Jean Meck, Virginia Polonis, Ora Phelps, Harriet Sandberg, Ethel Sharp, Anita Watson. Freshman Girls Honor Roll: Beatrice Driver, Grace Bartling, Jean Brownell, Florence Gripe, Jacinta Kampmeier, Frances Payne, Helen Rathbone, Ellen , Sager, Jane Snyder, Emma Bickham, Elizabeth Bal- hatchet, Mary Crandall, Betty Dostal, Margaret Kahler, Marie Kirkwood, Eleanor Mayer, Page Mergentheim, Mary Jane Thomas, Helen Bower, Janet Ben- son, Eleanor Culver, Jane Erickson, Anna Gerken, Margaret Gould, Thelma Hay- skar, Harriett Leach, Ann Boyd Linn, Gertrude McAdam, Helen Orvis, Evelyn Stevens, Margaret Wegner, Phyllis Dubsky. Honorable Mention: Janice Barr, Phyllis Bosley, Sylvia Boynton, Jane Dement, Margaret Ebeling, Margaret Freyn, Jane Gaffney, Helen Green, Agnes Halley, Grace Hirschberg, Helen Holton, Frances Kelley, Marjorie Leach, Mar- garet Meleney, Mary Jane Miller, "Evelyn Otten, Harriett Redfern. Senior Boys Honor Roll: John Erickson, Jack Kauf- man, Edward Munn, Morton Mergentheim, Robert Brown, Robert Marcus, James 3aker, Robert Gonsalves, Carl Hall, Kenneth Moeller, Robert Brown, Paul Redhead, Robert Ellis, John Fetcher, William Gibson, John Reynolds, Ernest Solomon, Louis Weber, Jack Weiller, Roy Wilcox, Warren Schmid. Honorable Mention: Logan Bagby, George Brown, Martin Cassell, George Cogswell, Conrad Gerstenbrand, Robert Joslin, Walter Lindblad, Frank Roth, Charles Stordeur, Steve Windes. Junior Boys Honor Roll: Tom Hicks, Robert Forster, Paul Seligman, Willard Bent, George Hunsche, Jack Loeb, William McAllen, Robert Schoenbrun, Eugene Hildebrand, Simeon Jester, Robert King, Robert Meyers, Brice Stephens, Robert Kruger, Arthur McIntosh, Paul Powell. Honorable Mention: John Atwood, Al- BARRY'S BIG CARPET, RUG and LINOLEUM SALE Starting December 1st and continuing all month. Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 P. M. DAVID G. 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