14 WINNETKA TALK December 1, 1928 Hubbard Woods School Holds 2 Room Meetings | Room meetings for mothers were held in two rooms at the Hubbard Woods school this week. At a meeting in Miss Ethel Van Cleve's first grade Monday afternoon Miss Helen Totten, of the educational counsel department of the Winnetka schools, spoke on the emotional adjustment of the child. Miss Van Cleve told of plans for the held in Mrs. Frieda Barnett's room Tuesday afternoon. Four pamphlets from the Child Welfare bureau--""Re- wards and Punishment," "Obedience," "Truth and Falsehood," and "Curiosity" --were read. These served as a basis for the discussion which followed. SINGING ASSEMBLY A singing assembly under the direc- tion of the music department was held at the Skokie school Wednesday after- year's work. Discussion and tea fol-|noon at 1 o'clock. Thanksgiving songs lowed. A tea party for mothers was! were on the program. 9 LER (0 SI LR OTT NEDO EDDO AT 0 7 TEST O35 OIE HLS OTT S35 Wer WTI NEES Vive O55 OTE A Word to of supervision. day will become a humdrum tasks. > 4) OR 3 » 2-555 4-505 9) S5v Ee AI We FY WHT 4) ann "YY 7, Don't Wait Until Xmas to Give This Present The washing must be done--the family must have clean clothes even if your wife does have to give a precious day each week in doing or supervising the work. If that's a weekly story in your home, for your wife's health, change it. You will appreciate the difference. we will relieve her, not merely of the washing and ironing, but of all the strain She will just bundle the clothes together, the Washington Laun- dry Man will call for them--washday will be over before it has begun. 52 holidays a year--surely, a gift your wife will appreciate. formation this is an inexpensive gift-- each week the family bundle will be returned at a figure lower than it could be done for at home. he ashington Laundry | 700-704 Washington Stwet EVANSTON. JLL Phone Wilmette 145 1887 . Forty-One . Years . of . Quality . Work . 1928 - ROLL SL ZR 0 FRET NED AR AES Dy En Bh Sr the Men-- TTD 0): EDD €)- LID 4) For DDS 6) 252 0) 23 The holiday--free from And for your in- ST ETD AED S00 9) oa Pa ey) 4) come -- ' >» 4) =a | Sees Wilmette Students Receive Cup Award From Northwestern Miss Estelle Engelhardt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Engelhardt, 915 Oakwood avenue, Wilmette, was awarded a cup Thursday, November 22, for having the highest average of any sorority woman on the North- western university campus in the freshman class of last year The award was made on the steps of University hall by President Walter Dill Scott, together with that given to Philip Hooker, who held the highest freshmen men's average. A cup was also awarded to Miss Engelhardt for holding the highest average in her class of Chi Omega sorority. Cups were awarded to Philip Hooker of 109 Woodbine avenue, Wilmette, of Phi Pi Phi fraternity and Preston Farley of 300 Abbottsford road, Kenil- worth, of Beta Theta Pi fraternity for the highest averages in their fraterni- ties. After the presentation, the group of fifty-nine students who were recipi- ents of cups as high students in their fraternity and sorority groups, raised their cups in a pledge to keep their scholarship at a high level. This is the first time such an award has been made. The winners from the North Shore are graduates of New Trier High school. RETURN FROM EAST Mr. and Mrs. Francis H. Hardy, 1039 Private road, returned Tuesday from a trip to New York The Hardys' spent Thanksgiving day with Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Hardy who gave a dinner party at their farm in Barrington. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Pope were also among the guests. Women Voters' News The department of international co- operation to prevent war of the Win- netka League of Women Voters is continuing the work of bringing hes the fore the women of Winnetka question of the Multilateral treaty which will be brought before the United States senate for ratification during the coming session of that body. Mrs. William B. Hale explained the treaty in short talks on Monday at the Lincoln Avenue circle meeting at the home of Mrs. W. T. Woodward, 780 Prospect avenue; at the Walden Road circle meeting at the home of Mrs. Leo Campbell, 839 Locust street, and at the Christ Church guild lunch- eon. On Tuesday Mrs. Ernest Ballard spoke at the North Shore Catholic Woman's league meeting at the home of Mrs. S. F. McKenny, 752 Foxdale avenue, Mrs. E. E. Stults, chairman of the committee on living costs in the Win- netka league, has appointed Mrs. Chester Sargent as co-chairman of her committee. The chairmen attended a state meeting Friday at headquarters, 203 North Wabash avenue, Chicago. The December meeting of the Win- netka League of Women Voters on December 10, will feature "Interna- tional Relations and Peace," a subject very appropriate for Christmas month. The principal speaker will be Prof. David M. Maynard of the political science department of Lake Forest college. Mrs. A. J. Boynton, chairman of the Specializing in SEA-FOOD DINNERS FEATURING A delicious table d'hote dinner. Choice of 15 selections of MEATS~FISH and SEA-FOODS $1.00 Served Daily from S to 9 P.M. Our sea foods come to us daily, directly from the ocean. Prepared in our own special way, you'll find our dinners decidedly different and extremely appetizing. Conveniently Located CORNER BROADWAY AND DEVON FREE PARKING SPACE