58 WINNETKA TALK December 1, 1928 GIVE CONCERT DEC. 9 The next Georgian musical will be AT VERY LOANS LOWEST RATES On Vacant and 2nd Mortgages P. W. Bradstreet 799 Elm St. Winnetka 162 held December 9 at the Georgian hotel in Evanston. The new Swigart instru- mental quartet, including George and Estelle Swigart of Wilmette, will play. Read the Want Ads. On December 23, a male quartet, un der the leadership of Arthur Ranous, will give a Christmas program. from Timekeeping When you look at a Telechron, you KNOW that the time you see is the CORRECT time. Telechron is always right for it is regulated by our master timekeeper, which is checked with Observatory time. ) The ELECTRIC CLOCK Popular Model | | | | | | | | | | | | i | | | | | | | H | HERE'S HOW Time service by electricity in your home or office is possible because of the special instruments which we have installed in our generating station to keep our great turbines running at 1009, accurate speed. These instruments are checked daily with radio time signals. i The Telechron is an extremely accurate electric clock operated by a tiny motor that keeps "in step" with the speed of our big turbines. By Roeping our turbines Ting at the correct speed, we cause your Telechron and every other Telechron on our lines to hoap exact Observatory time -- whether five or fifty thousand of m : : Commercial Telechrons Wherever you need a large clock, we have the Commercial Telechron. It has a 12-inch dial, mounted in a durable hardwood case. YOU OWN $30°° TRIS CLOCK FOR ONLY Eliminate Guessing Handsome enough for any mantel and accurate always, this model Telechron Js popular wherever it is seen. Metal Case Finished in Verde Antique O Write or call today for i illustrated circulars on all models. For Sale By VILLAGE OF WINNETKA WINNETKA, ILL. SHOW JOLSON MOVIE | ]Ilinois Leads Way "The Jazz Singer" Is First of "Greater the Movie Month" Pictures at munity House Next Tuesday, December 4, will be opening day of Com- | | | "Greater Movie ing, Month" at the Community House in | Winnetka. Residents of the north | in Battle to Drive Away the Mosquito That the state of Illinois is looked upon as a leader in warfare against mosquitoes, as it is also in road-build- was revealed by a report of William Edwards to meeting of the North Abatement district Superintendent the monthly Shore Mosquito shore will have opportunity to see and last Monday evening. be 1 3 J £- Q Oo > | . - hear Al Jolson, the famous stage en-| gyperintendent Edwards attended tertainer, in "The Jazz Singer." The |the twenty-second annual meeting of picture is to be shown with complete [the Southern Medical Association at Phototone accompaniment. "The Jazz Singer" was Jolson's first picture and it is said to have broken many records for theater attendance In it the well known entertainer plays a sings Jewish rabbi's son who dances and in cabarets, much to the dis- pleasure of his religious father, and who later wins fame on Broadway. Month" pictures Bill, Jr," night, Keaton along the Mississippi Torrence The second of the "Greater Movie will be "Steamboat shown next Friday 7. It is a Buster whose setting is river. Ernest Bill" does to be December comedy as 'Steamboat some good acting, and Marion Byron, Mr. Keaton's little new leading lady, is cunning and has a good sense of the ridiculous. Paul Whiteman and others will en- tertain on the Phototone from 7 o'clock to 7:15 preceding the showing of the picture next Friday night. Asheville, North Carolina, November 12 to 15, inclusive. The importance which physicians at- tach to the eradication of mosquitoes was evidenced by the large number of officials from state and county boards of health and mosquito abatement dis- tricts who were invited to meet with the Southern Medical association, and the devotion of much of the time of the convention to discussion of the mosquito pest, his effect on health and the best method of getting rid of him. The Illinois mosquito abatement law was held up as a model of its kind, and was proclaimed by the physicians, state and municipal health officers as a great forward step in the movement, Superintendent Edwards reported. In the south, particularly, he said, there has been so much work of this character, but it has been done in a haphazard sort of way, without ac- complishing the material results. BARRY"S BIG 806-810 GROVE ST. - - Phones: and LINOLEUM SALE Starting December 1st and continuing all month. Open Saturday Evenings Until 9 P. M. DAVID G. BARRY Established in 1920 CARPET, RUG - Private Parking Space University 5712 Greenleaf 2300 The Largest Exclusive Carpet, Rug and Linoleum Store North of the "Loop" i nl Jane's Shoppe 1619 SHERMAN AVENUE EVANSTON offers Transparent Velvet Dresses at $45 and $55 Formerly priced at $75 and $85 in shades of brown, blue and black Satin, Canton Crepe and Jersey dresses at a great reduction $1275 to $4975 ---- nm Nr EL SEN Sh Or Si