(ae December 8, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 31 ) A THE, LITTLE WORLD'S ALL EXCITED! «oo for Christmas will soon be here and the Evanston Store for Misses and Children is spar~ kling with new purchases for the holiday season. A most fascinating collection of things to fill every Christmas list from Baby to Grandpa. Both apparel and accessories for infants up to 2, boys and girls 2 to 16, junior and petite misses 13, 15, 17, misses 14 to 20. Only 15 more shopping days! THE EVANSTON STORE A eh hh 620 CHURCH STREET Let Our University Hostesses Help You Select Christmas Dress Accessories What is more welcome than hosiery, gloves, scarfsor handkerchiefs at Chrismas time? Let the prominent young university women who arenow associated with these sections of our Evanston Store help you make your selec- tions for holiday gifts and occasions. They will be in these acces- sory sections each Sat- urday and will always be glad to lend you their assistance. Novelty Lisle Hose ...smart but practical are these lisle hose for colder weather on the campus.Attractivenov- elty weaves in colors to match each outfit, $1.95 One~Clasp Gloves «..two-toned kid gloves, attractive one-clasp styles,in an assortment of popular winter col- ors, exceptional, $2.50 New Colored Gift Handkerchiefs ...the little gift that al- waysfindsahearty wel- come. Colored hand- kerchiefs in a variety of styles and colors, hand rolled hems, 25¢ each.