WINNETKA TALK December 8, 1928 cds. FOVNIAIN SQVARE - EVANSTON Wilmette 3700 Silhouettes for Christmas An interesting eleventh- hour idea -- for your greeting cards, or to give instead of a phot- Ge ograph! We'll have this famous silhouette artist, Mr. O. S. Allen, make your silhouette right in your own home. Appoint- ments for sittings in our Gift Shop. See, here, Me. Allen's Silhouettes of famous people --many of them autographed : John Galsworthy H. B. Wells G. B. Shaw Ethel Barrymore Edwin Markham St. John Ervine Hugh Walpole Lloyd George --and many more. Lord's--First Floor Just Inside the West Davis Street Door "Immortal Life" Theme of Baha'i Discussion The second of the present series of Baha'i lectures for December, under the general subject of "Immortal Life," is to be presented Sunday afternoon, December 9, promptly at 4 o'clock, in the Foundation hall, Linden avenue, near Sheridan road, Wilmette; by Dr. Vail. This lecture wil! bear the title "The New Thought of Heaven and Hell." These meetings are designed for welcome latter day truth seekers scientific students, it is explained, are free to all. Books and literature on the principles and history of the Baha'i cause may be examined in the hall at the close of the lecture. and and and INVEST NEW SCOUTS Investment ceremonies were to be held Wednesday afternoon of this week for ten tenderfoot Scouts who were candidates for membership in Troop 2 of the Kenilworth Girl Scouts. The ceremonies were to be held in the Joseph Sears school library. Miss Gertrude Herrick, assistant athletic di- rector at the school, is in charge of the Girl Scout work. Boy Nuts were so unusual, so different and so delicious that we derived a lot of satisfaction in sending them. The nuts were so artistically arranged and packed with such exacting care that many commented on the beautiful appearance, and were surprised that not a nut was out of place." Your Christmas giving will be easy and satisfying if you let Billy Boy do the work--your list of names and addresses--your cards for enclosing-- select your boxes and Billy Boy does the rest, and carefully, too. HOSTS Mr. and Richmond ON THANKSGIVING Mrs. Thomas White, 310 road, Kenilworth enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Clyde P. Ross and family, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carpenter and family, and Mr. and Mrs. E. John Hicks and family for dinner Thanksgiving day after the New Trier-Evanston football game. CHICAGO VASSAR CLUB The Chicago Vassar club will meet at the art institute next Saturday after- noon, Dec. 8, for a stereopticon lec- ture on "Autochrome Photography," to be given by Edward Renwick. Mrs. Pierce Ward of Indian Hill is in charge of the program. STUDENT COUNCIL MEETS The New Trier Student council held a meeting Wednesday evening, No- vember 28, on the New Athletic field around a huge bonfire. Several hun- dred boys and girls gave the New Trier cheers and songs accompanied by the band. Mrs. J. Blaine Forbes and her son, Richard, of Hyde Park, Cincinnati, spent Thanksgiving week with her sister, Mrs, Albert F. Bridges, 1015 Oak street. Many Said After Last Christmas-- "It surely was gratifying to send Billy Boys for Christmas gifts. The true ring of genuine enthusiastic appreciation was so pronounced that of all the presents given Billy N. U. Military Ball Is Large, Colorful Affair Last week the Army and Navy ball given by the R. O. T. C. of the North- western university at the Patten gym- nasium was a huge success. It was at- tended by several hundred young peo- ple, the officers being in full uniform. The grand march was led at 10 o'clock by Catherine James and Lewis Hor- vath, Jr. cadet major of the Army unit, as leaders of the Army wing, and Madeline Walsh and George Creal, lieutenant-commander of the Naval unit, led the Navy wing. The gym- nasium was beautifully decorated with American flags. Unitarian Church 1405 Chicago avenue, Evanston Raymond B. Bragg, Minister Friday, December 7, at 8 o'Cloek A reception to new members. Sunday, December 9, at 11 o'Clock General theme: "Living Religiously.""-- "Living Courageously." Wednesday, December 12 Regular bi-monthly meeting of the Woman's Alliance in the Church House. Sewing at 10 a. m., luncheon at 12:30 .. and a business meeting at 2 p. m. . dinner to the home of a TRUE STORY MOMENT with Billy Boy An' Evanston woman related the following: "We were invited to friend who lives on the South Shore. While at the table, the hostess said, 'I want to apologize for the nuts we are serving for we well know that they are not the Billy Boys that you get in Evans- ton." " Come in early to be sure of wide selection of boxes. BILLY BOY NUT KITCHEN NortH SHORE HoteL BUILDING EVANSTON PHONE GREENLEAF 3006 Open Evenings Till 10--Sundays 1 to 9 er 519 Davis St.