No) Ng December 8, 1928 WINNETKA TALK Plan Fourth Year for Foreign Affairs Schools This is the fourth year for the Evanston Schools of Foreign Affairs, which, this season, according to present plans will be held at Plymouth hall, 1417 Judson avenue, Evanston, Jan- vary 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. Mrs. George H. Tomlinson, chair- man for the Schools of Foreign Affairs this season, already has called a com- mittee of the co-operating organiza- tions, the Woman's club of Evanston, The Evanston League of Women Voters and the international relations department of the league, the Business and Professional Woman's club of Evanston, and the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, and plans are well underway. The Evanston Rotary club is supplying a speaker for one session, it is announced. Three sessions will be held on each of the five Thursdays in January for which topics for discussion will be: "Latin America," "The British Com- monwealth," "Disarmament," "Italy," "The Press and International Under- standing." GIVE MUSICALE SUNDAY Mr. and Mrs. William Sherman Hay of 645 Sheridan road are giving a mu- sicale, an "Evening with Schubert," at Indian Hill club tomorrow. Mrs. Emory Cobb Andrews, 785 Wil- low street, has returned from the East where she has been visiting her sons for two weeks. They, Wayne and Robert, will be home shortly to spend the Christmas holidays. -- David Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilworth returned last Thursday from Princeton to spend Thanksgiving with his mother, Mrs. Claude G. Burn- ham. MOST YOUNG LADIES WILL EXPECT MELACHRINO ON THE 25ta Cay, the gentlemen will admit that on this important day, which comes only once a year, no ordinary cigarette will do. The gift must be Melachrino--the mild, perfect Turkish cigarette! Melachrino's quality is so definitely V/A superior, that even the most critical young lady will feel the subtle compli. ment you pay her with your gift. The cigarettes have CORK tips, STRAW tips or plain ends. They are society's choice for the bridge party, the dinner and all other occasions. «+ THE ONE CIGARETTE SMOKED THE WORLD OVER... Tae Union ToBacco COMPANY