10 WINNETKA TALK December 22, 1928 MAY THIS CHRISTMAS BE YOUR MERRIEST» OU'VE seen many a happy Christmas we know, but--really--this year we hope your Yuletide Joys are more than doubled. CuaMBERS CAFE Matthew Lillig Arthur C. F. Gedge Is Named Chapter Leader At the meeting of Skokie Chapter, No. 276, Royal Arch Masons, Thursday evening of last week, the following of- ficers were elected for the ensuing year. Excellent High Priest, Arthur C. F. Gedge ; king, George McKinney ; scribe, George Rettie; treasurer, Arthur Hen- ning ; secretary, Hazen Foster. The newly elected officers will be in- stalled in January. SING BACH CHORALS The original Bach chorals were sung at an assembly at the Horace Mann school on Tuesday. A violin, cello and piano trio also played several Bach selections. Mrs. George Jones, 318 Oxford road, Kenilworth entertained her luncheon club last Friday at her home. AZ Quality Meats 734 Elm Street . . : 28 BR EB EEE BEBE EE EEE EE EB RE A RA BE HB RR PA) ORDER TODAY Your CHRISTMAS POULTRY Time is growing short--and if you want some of the season's finest poultry-- order today! We are offering, without a doubt, the finest holiday poultry. ORDER FROM PETERS--AND GET THE BEST PETERS MARKET BEN if ¢ * 2) Phone 920-921 * 2 INFLUENZA EPIDEMIC NOW ON GRADUAL WANE Winnetka Health Authority Re- ports Marked Reduction in Cases; Cases Are Mild The epidemic of influenza which has been prevalent for the past few weeks, is now on the wane, according to Winnetka's health officer, Dr. H. A. Orvis, who predicts that by the mid- dle of January the seige will have en- tirely spent its force, The number of new cases, Dr. Orvis reports, is less at this time than late last week, and, with the advent of more favorable weather a gradual diminution of the infection is antici- pated. No deaths have been directly at- tributed to influenza, at this time, Dr. Orvis states, nor have there been any pneumonia cases resulting from in- fluenza. The cases here, as elsewhere, have been of a much milder form than those in previous influenza epidemics, according to statistical reports. The December 7 edition of Public Health Reports, issued by the United States Public Health Service, in statistics relative to the epidemic in California, indicates this fact clearly. Fatalties Are Few In Los Angeles, from September 30 to November 24, 1928, there were 1252 influenza cases, with only thirty-three deaths. During the same period there were 160,deaths from pneumonia. During a corresponding period in 1927, there were sixty-five cases of influenza and six deaths, while the pneumonia fatalties amounted to 135. In a corresponding period in 1926 five deaths resulted from a total of forty-seven cases of influenze, and vet there were 126 deaths from pneu- monia during that time. In San Francisco, from September 30 to November 24, 1928, there were 4,398 cases of influenza, with only sixty-one deaths, There were thirty- four deaths from pneumonia during that time. During a like period in 1927, there were only eleven cases of influenza, eight resulting in fatalties There were thirty-four deaths from pneu- monia. In a corresponding period in 1926. four deaths resulted from the six cases of influenza, but there were thirty-five from pneumonia. Miss Adelia Rollinson Barroll is re- turning from Vassar college tomorrow, December 23. She has been the house- guest of her classmate, Miss Harriet Buffum in Wallingford, Conn. Mrs. Buffum gave a dinner dance for her daughter and Miss Barroll on Friday, December 21. The TOWER COURT Flower Shop Flowers for the Holiday Season WM. H. SMITH, Prop. Tower Court Building 894 Linden Ave. Telephone 3174 Winnetka