December 22, 1928 WINNETKA TALK 33 Deliquency Among Boys Increasing in Suburban Districts More cases of crime among boys are coming from the suburban and uptown areas of Chicago, including Evanston, than were registered ten years ago, according to Chicago records. Dr. Frank Orman Beck of Garrett Biblical institute pointed out the above situation in his address before mem- bers of the Theological Faculties Union at their annual meeting held at Hotel La Salle Friday evening. His subject was, "The Moral and Spir- itual Welfare of the Chicago Area." Members of the faculties of Garrett, of the Western Theological seminary of Evanston, and some dozen other seminaries in Chicago and vicinity, at- tended. It was the union's 42nd meet- ing. Prof. Frank G. Ward of the Chicago Theological seminaty pre- sided. "Chicago," said Dr. Beck, "is a great laboratory for service and experiment. Each succeeding year witnesses an in- creasing number of seminary stu- dents doing field work in the various parishes of the city. Every seminary in the metropolitan area has one or more courses of study on problems of urban life and adaptation. This is in striking contrast to the situation a decade ago." Dr. Beck exhibited several maps, one revealing the geographical dis- tribution of boys brought into the boys' branch of the municipal court. This spot map, compared with one made ten years ago, showed that crime is much more evenly distributed over the city than it was ten years ago. While the major amount of boy de- linquency is in unorganized, anti-social areas, there are, he said, more cases coming annually from Hyde Park, Rogers Park, Evanston and other sub- urban or uptown areas. Mr. and Mrs. August Magnus, 650 Sheridan road, returned recently from Italy. MOST YOUNG LADIES WILL EXPECT MELACHRINO ON THE 25tH Coitamy, the gentlemen will admit that on this important day, which comes only once a year, no ordinary cigarette will do. The gift must be Melachrino--the mild, perfect Turkish cigarette! Melachrino's quality is so definitely superior, that even the most critical young lady will feel the subtle compli- ment you pay her with your gift. The cigarettes have CORK tips, STRAW tips or plain ends. They are society's choice for the bridge party, the dinner and all other occasions. ME LACHRI NO «« THE ONE CIGARETTE SMOKED THE WORLD OVER... Tae UnioN ToBAcco COMPANY a tg ----