WINNETKA TALK December 22, 1928 TWO STORES TO HELP YOU MAKE THIS A Merry Musical Christmas A Few Last Minute Suggestions Pianos Sohmer Kurtzman Radios Atwater-Kent Brunswick Columbia Kellog Kolster Radiola Sparton Phonographs Brunswick Columbia Victor and Phonograph- Radio Com- binations Records Brunswick Columbia Okeh Victor Small Instruments Ukuleles Musical Toys, etc. Cameras Q.R. S. Motion Picture and Still Cameras A Grand Piano--The Personal Gift Supreme. $845.00 and higher. A wide selection of models and cabinets--a gift to that favorite cor- ner in your living room--$77.00 to $750.00. Portables at $8.00 to $50.00-- Phonographs from $95.00 to $895.00 and marvelous Combina- tions from $250.00 to $1,750.00. The Gift for all of the family. A well chosen record at 75¢ or a selection of Artist recordings--DPer- haps an album containing a complete Symphony priced from $4.50 to $22.00, always acceptable as a gift to a musical friend. Musical instruments and toys at 25¢ to $75.00. ROLLMONICAS are in particular favor now. Complete with four rolls of music--$2.50. The new still camera that takes 40 pictures on one roll is priced at $22.50. Then there's a complete Motion picture camera and projector for $98.50. A wonderful gift for Son or Daughter to take back to school or for those about to depart for the Sunny South. | J J J Drop in some evening and let us assist you in your selection with the courteous, unhurried attention you, as our neighbor, are entitled to. Open Every Evening for Y our Convenience si | 3 FAN OLN tive 1inC oti" | 9 S(O). 63 20: N 2 sald WAN B) (OR Kenilworth Union Church Kenilworth avenue and Warwick road Kenilworth Dr. Herbert L. Willett, minister Dr. Willett's subject next Sunday, De- cember 23, will be, "Without Christmas, What?" The Young People's club will meet on Sunday evening at 6 in the Guild room. The Ladies' Guild is suspending its meetings during the holiday season. Work will be resumed on Monday, January 7. The Wednesday evening lectures on "Great Poets of the Ages" have been in- termitted during the holidays. The three numbers, on Goethe, Browning and Tennyson, that will conclude the series, will be given during January. It was with regret that the officers of the Sunday school decided that, owing to the prevalence of the "flu," the Christmas exercises announced for Saturday evening should be omitted. Those of the Begin- ners' Department will however be held on Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock, as an- nounced. The other departments of the School will hold Christmas exercises Sun- day morning at the regular school hour. The various classes in the Sunday School are making special offerings of money, clothing, provisions and toys for several deserving families recommended by the Children's Memorial Hospital, and to two or three Sunday Schools in the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee, as in previous years. Sunday morning, December 30, at 11 o'clock, Dr. Willett"s subject will be, "The Making of the Past." Miss Elizabeth Knode, who made her debut this fall, returned home last Tuesday from Wellesley. Miss Knode will give a ball with Miss Charlotte Picher on the evening of December 27, at the Blackstone. ge Miss Florence Taylor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William G. Taylor, 508 Cherry street, returned for the Christ- mas holidays yesterday from Ann Ar- bor where she is a student at the Uni- versity of Michigan. --g-- Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Jones (Doris G. Hanville) of 996 Linden ave- nue announce the birth of a son, Ed- ward Hanville Jones, on Monday, De- cember 10. GIVE YULE PRESENTS Roycemore Pupils Send Gift Packages to Chicago Commons Christmas packages for 400 children at the Chicago Commons, each labeled with a child's name, will be sent this week from Roycemore school, Evan- ston, This will be the fiftieth year that the pupils at this school have re- remember the Chicago Commons children at Christmas time. Each girl has provided for the pack- age for one child, putting in such use- ful articles as mittens or stockings and the like and toys. Five or six car loads will leave the school carry- ing the gifts. Two Christmas parties at the school were held for the pupils, one for the fifth, sixth and seventh forms and the other for the eighth form and upper school. Children of the primary were dismissed last Friday until after the holidays because of numerous colds and consequently will not have a Christmas party. The lower school party was held Thursday morning at 10:30 and con- sisted of presentation o fa pageant cf the story of the Christ Child with carols accompanying. Miss Elinor Rice directed the pageant and Mrs. Caroline Kohlsatt was in charge of the music. Poems, carols and stories from the scriptures were on the program for the upper school party. The school glee club also took part. Miss Rebecca Ashley, principal, will leave after tomorrow for Sharpes, Fla. to spend the holidays. Margaret Boynton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur J. Boynton, 604 Cherry street, Winnetka, returned Fri- day from Wellesley college to spend Christmas holidays with her parents. Or The young people's dance at, the Kenilworth club, planned for the eve- ing of December 28, has been post- poned until after the holidays. Gian David and Philip Burnham, 536 Roslyn road, Kenilworth returned from Princeton university Thursday to spend the Christmas holidays. ment. Bank vestment. $25,000 INVESTMENT with Services to Net $7,500 to $15,000 Per Year North Shore Real Estate Operator special- izing in Suburban, would like an associate to become interested who is in a position to invest up to $25,000, either as straight loan well secured by property held in trust by Loop Bank, or as permanent invest- Will work out arrangement plus participation in profits assuring handsome returns. can be made to thoroughly safeguard in- and furnished and required. To the right party this is an exceptional opportunity to become identified with successful operation show- ing profits of $40,000 or more yearly. Would like services to start first of the year or as near thereto as possible. Address WINNETKA TALK BOX A-231 straight salary Arrangement other references \