<b><center> 123 Names inscribed on Honor Roll of Local Church<br><br><i>Cambridge St. United Church has Splendid Record. Four Pay Supreme Sacrifice</i></b></center> <br> <br> The Post is herewith publishing the list of names from Cambridge St. United Church of those who are in the armed services. One hundred and twenty-three is surely a splendid record for one church in a town the size of Lindsay. Asterisks follow the names of four who have paid the supreme sacrifice. <br><br>If any names have been omitted we will be pleased to make a supplementary list of same. <br><br>Honor rolls from other churches will follow in due course, if they can be obtained. <br><br> R. R. T. Adams<br>John Allely<br>R.L. Allely <br> S. E. Alsop <br> T.R. Arnold <br> Russel Barton*<br> Wallace Barton<br> C. Lloyd Beadle <br> Wallace Betts<br> Lawson Blakeley <br> W.S.W. Breese<br> T.M.F. Brisbin <br> Maurice Bryson<br> Garnet Capstick<br> Donald G. Corley <br> Jack Corley <br> Frank Day<br> Ivan C. Day<br> Ralph L. Day <br> M. Donaldson<br> Edmund Eberts <br> Don Ferguson<br> Arthur Fletcher* <br> W. E. Fletcher<br> Bruce Frederick<br> Eugene Frederick <br> Gordon Frederick<br> A. G. Gamble<br> Hilton Hadley<br> G. Edward Hall<br> Garth B. Harding<br> G. H. Harpur<br> R. C. Harpur<br> William G. Hope<br> Carl Hussey<br> C. V. Mulligan<br> Arnold Myers<br> Jack A. Nugent<br> Wm. S. Nugent<br> J. W. Parker<br> Albert Parish<br> H.A. Patterson<br> Byron Rich<br> Everett G. Scott<br> Melville Scott<br> Norman Skitch<br> Howard Sleep<br> J.D. Steen<br> F. T. Stinson<br> H.K. Stinson<br> Eric John Stone<br> M.F. Sttcliffe<br> W. R. T. Thyrston<br> T.G. Tilly<br> Alvin Torrance<br> Chas. Torrance<br> A1ex Turner<br> Chas. A. Waite<br> Fred F. Waite<br> H.B. Winter<br> J.A. Wright* Jack C. Wright<br> Arthur B. Hodgon<br> Hugh McLaughlin<br> John McLaughlin<br> H.L. Allen Bruce Betts<br> Donald Betts<br> C R. Bonisteel<br> W.J. Brown Stanley Bryson<br>Lloyd Hussey<br> B.M. Johnston<br>Ian W. Johnston<br>F.G. Jones<br> H.G Joyce<br> Max L. Joyce<br>Norman Lindsay<br>James McLean* <br>W.E.N. Muir<br> C.B. McDonnell <br>Ian F. Mclntosh <br>C. L. Maunder<br> Harold Maunder <br>Chas. Murray<br> John R. Murray <br>R. L. Muir<br>G.M. Myers<br> W.H. Nugent<br>A.H. Perrott<br> Howard A. Pippy<br> L. R. Ringland<br>B.W. Scott<br> Victor Sleep<br>H. P. Skitch <br>G.A. Sutton<br>John D. Stewart<br>L. Dennis<br> H.W. Forman <br>D.W. Elliot<br>C.M. Fulton<br>C.A. Grant<br>D.C. Gregory<br> Sis. L.J. Harding<br> Brock Harley <br>R.H. Lees<br> Harry Richards<br> Jack Richards<br> Lloyd Richards<br> W.D. Waite<br> W.W. White<br> W.S. Winter<br>C. K. Workman<br> Murray A. Wright<br> Lloyd A. Flack<br> W.D. Brown<br> Stanley Betts<br> Gordon McElroy <br>Wm. S. Mowat <br>William Johnson <br>Fred Williams<br> H.R. Whitney<br> Harold Sutton<br>