Remember when:
*People living within the confines of the town were allowed to raise chickens?
How nice it was to be able to go out to the chicken house in the morning and gather a few fresh eggs for breakfast.
*Shortly after Sunday shopping was voted "in," a lady stopped her local grocer on the street and told him clearly what she thought of a fine Christian man like him, with a family who went to church every Sunday, opening his store on the Sabbath.
Well I look at it this way, he replied, "all the churches open on Sunday don't they?"
*The late Jack Baker, who served on Lindsay's Town Council for a number of years, proved to a friend that it was hot enough to fry an egg on the sidewalk? Yes, Jack took an egg on a hot summer's day and went out onto the sidewalk in front of his father's store on Kent Street and proved his point!
*It was considered rude to write to a person with red ink and a cheque written in red ink was totally unacceptable at a bank or any other institution.
*No friends like old friends,
Go where we may.
No friends like old friends,
With us to stay.
God bless the friends
Who are jolly and new,
But keep safe forever
The old and the true.
*A cheque dated for payment on a Sunday was invalid and would be returned from the bank.
*"Mason's 49" had their annual add on radio sung to the tune of "Jingle Bells" and went as follows:
Stop that cough; stop that cold in the nick of time.
Don't delay it doesn't pay take "Mason's 49.
Wheeze and sneeze and even freeze you'll soon be feeling fine,
Call your drug store be sure to ask
For "Mason's 49".
*When children's sleighs had steel runners on them. On occasion if one came off or got bent, it meant a trip to the local blacksmith to have it repaired.
*An apple, orange and nuts constituted a full stocking Santa had filled. He also left ONE gift and Mom & Dad saw to it that there was another gift from them. None of them cost fifty dollars or more but were valued every bit as much!
*The hill behind the Legion was always crowded with kids on sleighs and pieces of cardboard happily spending a day working their way up to the top and sliding down again. We never had any problem sleeping after a few hours up and down the hills and the fresh air we enjoyed.
To my readers, may you have a Very Merry Christmas and may 1996 bring you your every desire.