Remember when:
*The Academy Theatre and The Lyceum Theatre, that was located at 18 Kent St. W., offered movies at Five Cents and patrons were given the choice of any seat in the house.
*R. L. Morgan operated not only his Pharmacy, but served as an Optician as well.
*The town firehall on Cambridge St., just North of Kent St., had a large clock in its' tower. The clock could be seen from all directions in Lindsay.
*Owners of cigarette lighters would fuel up at any Cigar Store. There was always a small oil can filled with gasoline sitting on the counter for the customer's convenience. No charge, of course.
*One could always count on a pleasant smile from Ross Morrow when visiting the Victoria Trust & Savings Co. back in the days when it was located at William & Kent streets. You could always count on a good story too.
*A fellow by the name of "Ozzie" Dagenais was in charge of a number of livery stables located at the rear of the Elsmuire Hotel on Kent Street.
*Livery stables were also located behind Eatons on York St. N. and behind Tangney's Furniture Store and Funeral Home located at the back of their business on Kent St.