hEaw5~qfPrù.t. tA. is.em< atgk.. tS SO IrED. t18 SOIMTD *.~u*'a'. ~FOR EVERY I dwmu- FOR E*ERY 19 ri~ ~ ' FOR EVEiRYJE Wd <>S£ 3. .8uu JoBi PRINTNG the1w ~ JO~B PRINTINGI h51U G= JOB PRLNTING! Ot b WHICH WILL BE tXI! the pia6iI,.ridofs WHJICH WILL BE EXI M svctrau*5 ?epwtes'WHICH W1LL BE ÉnX 'A U 07»EMZCOSI.NEATLY PkOMPTL*f Uni, ~iuzu.AND CHEAPLY, NETY, PROMPTLY AND CIIEAPLY, NEATLY, PROMPTLY AND CHE.4PLY, THE SUBSCRtRS THE SUBSCRIeERS. kk nde WE WE WE KIND 0F UND 0F ECUTED ECUTED ECUTED, PRINT PRINT PRINT PertS e ý , , POSTERS beât p *e wit~ A D ,P S E S lut la 0, CARDS,J th VI-PEsIIiS CARDS, bot TIL DBEa . >RNOIL,5.CR LA S <BEAU»!BILL HEAIS ,~.. s" ~'~uv -- --Am viMcinixo6, BILL LIEAIGS bf hifnraou.cn8g eJecyennts e uam ~x SWITZEI, Inspecotor., Thiat which Cysters.JewIo sevenj,a oa t tjoTruMurer 1h.&à- obdhé wl otd w. G th-7- lu sTOc gooiIlgeam udraggd 0aELICTEOltSILYXEE CÂE- then dthe required sum. Hé nnoipalftyaci > iattacbud te tsm 0*îî'îS OR'OLW LNS plontà An ooD.-Tnke2 e0e £Îp ORI-ht 1 at dbnue.aalhu IssA4gOtcics a/I ovtr the Prorzstc.'LA BAN, am cip otW ilrda stoh 0" nt. isof white sugar; 1 cup ci butter; Tgo, "~fun oit'jIiIIruIt stand'aSkr $1rate 0cf Six pot cant.per ba-e5. iumcf tItis Company LAW Lid NKS taecJildo té104 t h d - .boom and 1 up ofsweet ik; 4cups of flour; Rp ainoef" i~aL n~If. JuM and tba iirt liu$oi.Pieeprnn.-MNCPABL KS in hk*rSs Wb . dathe tdm white@ of 4 egp beaten to a tllturcs, 'yen bu &rid a. complexion <IaJ V -LYeu, at the Amsoèm41beeetagainst loge or <arage by MUN1ICIPAL LNS 166 o , w e.I dow» frthItenspoon1ulIof soda- M 2 O aS ifet - ýus"d. onreop d isitinsofBuanti s adte coinui o~ 6m yjf ~ U oeem ofteni; an flaor wh tu0St. reter*nd St. 'Pul. IlGentile-, a tentfreral. ie, on6kyl e tions cfBudia t theircn UIIA LNS n,»said'tbe artist, Ildon't be sur- '8Ikbw-*;*rt et 02*dLev. é lowas ésIdiay 'other res1'oauibleO oanpany. fl wgh o ~ oal 11%fltzmeg or lemon, or as you a .ed iab"thmjutasthylok Maei -tu b.- w4oeIpq q~ou~ iret imb the butter aiI ~ mei.?eandblùshin rth no !,ode à~daé. upp~t OES0 AD 'md4 ut.na.oe~ms ad thin add the otlier mmpe. shame b aeo»h. Church % 1dei.t a DAVIDfION k GORDON. NTS0 AD id g1 d 409W ' Bake iu a quick oven.- champa àarticle staing that CowoIuâdTOX-' .Parkea,' v5JX;-niat 1tua -lau' *OXPANPROGRAMES 7HZ ART ON' CAT HIW ed r .fld cff. haf., - ,MaWda l wyr 1 a witneas, I Iun- »a Mb * - ' VS *0h.NIN= DA&Y PRO I J AYO O MP Y P O R M ES IORS.toUmwblhA 1 d. Many r ntma tô aythat the defend- n md týh"«ayo.uL.r1oinIF 1 3 CAND,& ît isuEaNtcE.PORA ES ___ p essod ntà L or àrreligion. D- uwvmuy rmahe~ ~rc~ Bmansd haviu- both mww, ran r ele< o IE ABOVE a True Copy 0 Nof P E YATO ALAET NOCS IIIIWIIWO agraat: gthoe n >< mlitrled 11, oacaw to the d &crepnec .ftr1Os imeig be- TI pad v . .thnm iIC-OOT.CRORTO RNIG ~. .~. ~ ed belief that powided coffee was the' tween hm Yusadsm mcnideration by M Municipaiity of lte Suan CrrL-l96O0 CORPOR 1ATIO RNiO j av sgrato 0 em tolc e aL%~ndcetae ete h os îaîthing, about hie propensity 10 drink. Coimty of Victoria, CRPRAIN RITIG mpl cls h.kerel ~Duels le drink liard.?$' "No, Ithink TOWN HALL), LINDSAY, Prsln-ILJh ulydCaern IVe somelimea mmade the ai'serîo ieprti - ie one cuhslie drinks ase y WylbnIee j t~* Vico-Ilrosident--J. S. Hioward, Est. beà I cthulèesrn oethem, and aliows the esýential, 011 tesaw.,, "One -more question, Mr. 9 lDA oý:g EBF ,i6i ' OR.AGRICULT R LPRN I G mlngtô g m~g 4 'the sait occa ure muiati1,cid, ne ou ceesuMe ralieronglit ncler he ar i, , (r<>ekr, Es. ASSE SORS'ROLLS oe *t.b = hem onie but'wae1 eepnte; anant forasontwie for he ah:am bnèaty, Âei n 7, J6I 4muer i Isetro~i, a SESR'RLS flouallyousud lotctrbonateeofusetere ofeanerunce;emixr,,Youcaattan(4yoor PatP. ohitos,: - Mess's Dgu Morin q. PA çM S ES L N S you, makllgJ. S. Ile showof t, Esq . b C.bon Paeksn'. A SSEY 186 10gashld0<îom eas posseibe.he one aIe of soda and he saitheavMaav.Èa sv ee Thee u otng au es r é - spoi sodnei a nd oyw i gh th f nudouncte Aje ra r S. -C.»or WOOD Ti nti M L e rrn uin ss transActtiPA II AS ER ' LA KS hor. orevr hun 0 rn s f ryngîn rtlu adt, tho wpite;rand ud th. "Atobiogapliy f Mies orne- m lnqtor ofeaJ4gc1, G. Seotce, arat vr ySt h àriî a l ttl r o fdln , l 'fl l wuy of m anw d nou A n as P Prknese ofWace" av tenfl-i . . .Th A e n fT a loroton. SH W BLLS l. w ..njsî a wI asr o eu inoa, tim îelloroug he kncad pubake Ail loxving OP" Su EDwOa - n :e,,POATHII KS sliïoi,, md - .grecable at a talunai t leiemwe a riaut1ouraci ino.tha dth e Auconeio an o i etCorvne. F t he eldM e4reZtonufirt-mr.and C MM RCAL LA KS hâne for ève hip .o ....as vri ,,n *a'oaslgyotroulcantnmlei hloe ithemu aa i had-Coe n ncdîD1i. o. 2i.S.3. N. 4. o. 5. NothA tEy have 1remvt eCMERIL-LNS ý hp nxt Ure yqf'w nî rco m n'brcd, h.Anjesaid 10abe ridicesf r1 b eingt) he sn aheink)- alnaI.,. * 6 1 hr lyhv o i njOtf IC I N BL S ci tiatc him h. (W ldlnUl lste n li oe dg'îb, d m cilesla rsem tea s e: S r,~2 3 8 O 6 lre ant c 0 maousStoefcnorly occiveti H W B voie. tof syour ohax n, charm you bîti 10thrnou r or molady ed a y nt I rn crei toIlSi ed IkuSe 10 Nov.ib.r-2 1 SH ot, ho, niRad-ide A C O B L L nf . e s jus bsre u Ihi henca cto f a e irs 1 e Whgs.1".-20 iS0 31 7_ ' 8 houfrvie sd uai, teel niUc A C I S B L ~~~orem desh m u arncaarc atura t y g; atey'r n'if .i.2' 1 ' 17e -1s&ih&n w o u he iebsu eiro O C R lu beginnin bu. t thtw ~<whiff touliilmaeslie red c e e arui f les>haingyM 1 82 nm,%be - BILLSnfr ter-rins cangit o t rd.m n bnyw ear "li mit," di oners ithn oven, and wlicn Lord-ie utabenntu0 rel indo l. ~.n oTSr hi s ieutC N E T B L S t4, s euwIy anti ' - uhioiilW aknt tu at lite rea do, adi a itio 8 1 ridicule afo a!bg.te vion o(a p a io th e re d Ciu tres. TuirycupedoC N E T B L S 111 not titnt ninsh entemnuwioheeech efl më3 2 2 8-ô 6 ) r e ,hr hyhvefrteieeto nu mosîatonsutai. f i>aumre digestinblutcomun *eslid b orangemet l idnngro on-m,î Pe. . L . RXILWÀY ' *'s arnoeuki of deRIl ilOIN AUCT whustk, or arwm~inhnic oudf- lngIo tn iihr or io n of îh. ltuang 1ampîctue -of the batti e t t of hie -and %illCIIRs th&CIERe.Nlu thT f~>ren o, unil lie becobssequ et ac t hesud h e da i a a ctiopnio a e a yu e w ic i a to un W hig s.' - 0and fmtort2' 30 n s ît nut in . W ountry op. 16. - 0 îN KCT ,ý- lite -yrWat,- Mail trainWhoillakMe thendsoW ngtan.001,m., a- eaeTheir utck Boos, Shoc h an itYnuy t EV RY D SCRITIO noshen n ge a t 1de n the acvommon tbl-aihei o eosonda-e; o paywihnghîj i>tislerilp gs iop.. a-ti. ne rnu.1 V RY IES RPTO Ink ni ink d toç u,- e 'Iîan bdie tou h it aertead X EbE T WT< F o ,-re m b c hagef h qise of, 'Surýe y, m T oaue risrsli oneinh . a said o ! N om cw G ros! 10 ouci. lm u te wtlins, an i gpeih t, îm ae by cte e a n d h. orr,-sitio eutey antof lt nUltrI . A.DyIinJAhe, n RIDOUT conï po os a alongt (i n e n earo Teshcfntehlm bedy s ako aye W trs'Lr ~ &e~ane, a s. .~i.~àtipl cou t e m eoter si distou te0F P I ' gel oldof i, lead bu dofol 00 oune' wi ~ît e fnnd b cudu Catemers Whd ej~ it f arBy pro u er et , a rg n tho GROCERIES, AyN» SCUL F iA DC H P E ) B T R ï0mosi ternmt l.Ifsth uni --on8tble.IrOh Inee lo o t woere cie. ye i reiina nsilocfDRY OO0I>So Ï&ieàp-a-- r3apoutds;INreens shoeuemayb to"augt b sftop ýand whhroh aeot-aqueypos% b oaII ahnd y in thini P-OSoSOi.<n P. asI ' 13AT., IPTÀ. >tre.5slRT&CMEO.1 AT even s umilpýased fr Idometie he hsppîcepd t h ate oif. theiraa.flou, HN N TER0FC b. csuant, whensodacinsaner, vegetabie. f w ic i t a v or ite cl,' adatrte« hiLti adttlfr ab1. gise (plng),uteb olvess, urnhe iy 8 pounciscfaste alboenover lef br sdee çau <UN Jled 1plhe Da doantiWuling morn Tfa- wnllritiussudsta uei7.00po.B.ahe Ptqol are ren*ct INlTHEnCOUNTY. m nî a asmmiasw o bol e: c aroon--o n s;at ha s ey oIie«lw sr a n-m 4 :: 5. IN THEtinCorNTYt Jdb* ie Swo uin , hosca e Yeur, wachn arabe a big u pnsî ronmouc o in i heon, r 1iedhi rve nIN THE COUNTY.àDpà hia actions nti<,gtto changeo;ely di- te.tii 1hiherlolackn-The e<foheoT Sprsn at.tini etn hitiyon i. hil ring Msa ttndlng, aup n ifat ay ex0poutIXnda of poîaoesoiyeditlwor, drm sa y'GrndTru RREME1sef 60 BER! inrom uc auseym ou ueo htol o. depunis ofmsu ebsta ce alua ele. u- re toi*oe, 1 aou »uliii. The MaT.A n ÀLa MS, =Tas uto.i.1 R OMTOF REM MI ER! tii. igu algfre sudedîsoeyed s fewornes, pofnd afpto.s; sud 7500, vufesaod imaI h.balmtehthe bi ayt hgcbold up your ,budu,-as. I00ponil wgodei l a eq f u a .to on ~eer bss oo uid im ois ià o a 7 Coed t. o i.a sud rotera b UN. sMr.OFFPICENATIAI OS lim s v lI lme i i v a -on ds e t anu 0dsofbrsd s utr i io s 0< botl 4 art 10 g. " d Iit o y. "cli ma» i cew ,wo h W i OFFICEj" C A N A DIAt STnd -soi ___m__-a_ - of otaoeunOr gai, Ipoud c L Ilmlwv-s-andNIWWU IDY imrluu.due. nec, o ofbroh y a1 theqa Publie, *ipauio ona dg hho le Ne0f5ivO5dT, I% INDAY tg eit V atrirds. By LEAL- poitce ofcabaveigc, u thue. vietfatue ~s ttriions 'w en'tke R f L INDSA eshthi i the, -fum g forfurip. T sa uatcu > l'bnsige cf 11-1 no lace o suother. , _A BsELoeURa, CH- 41e racti lt aidernd orsd 1 o' nuefl in'biemm t W J Ord0na by1.11 viiofrceive yro plt;9 aro as esaheeth oi I1of iIeln~dW#t ýe.raOxnoucf e'.upondrncbatus, 80pSideb. v die adcçleNOia 32GM - - attention. egoa nebewcatl i t Îw ai oeia etih osto mJwcht hstt aueo beas. .- ft - in auur..mar'AN biuh4éenwi i cBie>IgéalsuedfrdoeioÎe hpépdt hv'a tGO. r"vn P-uPt.pr THAN AN' nble«g: aling),"plý Y héW -esfùàih oOUo 8 îw WhoDeaePleet nd r inguith àý aùdýuong.nomela-ed th Po", 1 TPAID, BOOE 1J OWIEJE 61 u T OhN E.POTTI, !PtW-VxxiNe. ST1t &P<nll~.IADIEL?1114 P4. 4A.euu sWa»ted Erery,à,T P ro e s, r O f P a te 4 b l d 'a . ai V . u r e r the Veterjnar.y CeIOP - in er of vete - Meof Pbla" hz"*" ricutnxj Cd~sof Ohio, Seeretarp Of the, American Vetè ex Sciati>n of philatielphia, Etc., LE. lad Ithe ti.Mostcomplete andi reliable wfork M the subjeet erer i8sueti ttel ýu fti Origin, Hiaturv and istinctive traiths.of Enn>.. peau, A4atie, African aai nq jîerica j, @ý Imw te *eeil4, BJiQk, Fec , t zboe and manaage hlm, with hs vn> vies anti ho-W t- ti'eat them .* A iso thi ue 2, m j ,ns an dI T ret- m ent of ncarly lX) dLitinti dîsý1ùS t- which he is S-ubjeýet, Wî"th tht cl'e-t an.1L iat twleodeof cure, ttugudier î~ithî Raî'y*-s Methcl uf Subduà i nd iTra-ining f, lorseé,, l thIaw and i n c1ff W a ranty. The wh.dAzbeng tic re suit f mure han Fiftern ycars' caref tud f the habits, peculiaritiee. wants andi weakness or this noble andi usetnl animai. 3sAPaTS illnstrated with ncarly 100 engravinge. Pi~i half-boqjxd, $1 OU; cxtra,,$l 255. A COU-NSELLOR 1-N SIC"N-'ESS. Bi~r uoF. ýIIENRy S. TiyLop., MJ.. T'YLOR'S FAMLY DOCTOR Lhas reaehe4 an enormous sale, andi wherever known, is uni- i-ersa.lly appriveti, bç.th l'y the faeulty and oth- *rs. In plain anguae, free friun med.ical techaicaliiies, it gives you simple rezedies ca- slly ubtainetI fur thé cure "ef i5sease in ail fonis 'with impurt'int rides fr peservin- the. îlealth, itati dire'ti.-n. <f ..-th" sîiek chanxber, and the priî'er treatmcint of the eick. Tiie Diseasý,,es týf Chiltihuoti, the Dizeases ülf Man- lice,], andi the Dieeases peculiar to Wonîen, are ail treated f in aelear and pjratical way. AI- ways at han!, andl realy th) serv-e you, the sim- ple reei1,es <.f this book rnay soun Save yoia mach suieérnganl many tines the ccs-t <of the volume. It is printed in aclear and pen type, and ilustrated with appropriai. engraving. Neatly bound in aloth, price$1, or ie ir saI LOVM. ydeand ul" t»' C. BLACxBTT Rom mu«, MRôe Prorek ABiJUT, ;ROS. k CO., Lemi~C.W. ~sy Mornl~, Ouome~Czr:~- aieirOmsIuLI~- / a IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Bv Mm sEiza Acro. Carefully Rerfsed by Airs. . T. Hae. MISS ACTON'S MODERN COOKERY, -unliké tacet w6rks of the clas_. s the.resuit of ma! experience; ail, its matter ha'ring been fully anti carefully tes-ted, initer the personal Super- intondence of the writer. 13us ou how to anti cook al kinds of Fish, Mas SrtyantiGane, vith the D1ressings anti Sauces appropriato te each. How tz prepare ail kidts of 8oups, Vegetables andi S ws, hou' to make ail kintls of Bread@, Cakes, Cunfecti-' onery andi Pastry. Hou' to set out a Table. hou' te carve, andi, in short, hou' to se siniplify the. whole art cf Cooking, as ho brin.- the choi- cerst luxuries of the table vithin everybody's reaeh. Thc whüle being einbraced in upward of Twelve Iltundrel Ieei;'ts, appro) >ri ately il- Itistrateti. 418 pages. flif-outi rice $ 1, or in clix, cextra, $1 25. TRE LIFE 0 OUR LO)RD. AXD SA VIO-UR, Jecsus C rit hlY REV. JOHN FL.EI-WvooD. D.D., Carefiy evîted by RZev. Jogeph, Beleler, D.D. FilE LIFE OF ('IRIST is the Philo5tophy of truo reliAion. It exhibits the 1rinciples of Christi- anit, heir îiurity andi beau ty. It is perfect exeftxne ersniielthat the mind of man mnay apiandi bechangeti into the samo m lecý he1nsprd writers have given it to us in tietacheti deseritiions. Dr. Fleetwood has arrknged thest in one harmnious whoie, with îauh iucmeta, explanations andi ci- dental information a to renier il alike accept- able t0 the seht)la r, as te',hm Who knows ne more, but knows his flible trýue." Belcher's reviseti edition cntains ce Lives f the Apfl- tics. Ilistory f tise Jew , p " »M on, k Evidences of the. Bible. Iis printeti in a elear andi open type, in one roml octave volume, hantlsuxnelv illu:strateti, aid will bc furnisheti ln the following styles. Cloth Extra. ... . . .r e 2 LU ' S h e c p . . . . ..e2 l Roan, Fuit (Ut..... " 3 7>0 TRE FOR FAMLY A-ND ' ULPIT 1-SE. OUR EDITItONS 0 F TuE 1101V DBILV: re ur.ý eqmîalie.l f-'r their dural-iljrv. itxi, dcz1 auce. a n d eu m i ' r e l le s " ; t r t i î i m . j ' ' r te rentier theni terteet in tt e ery re tî. t sides the 0141 and New Teý!aiuent, cadih stylei> contains thce .Al-ctry lia, C t a a ' l o in Metre. Cinne"s Marginal. Notes nlefr ences, andi valuable Tablos ut' Sri1,turl Mea- sures, 1Nei-hts , Culs, &et. The texIt (,,rWttcxt . eCordxing lu the Stàn1lard1 uf the .Ain,tican Bible Stýuiety. They arc all print.ed ln 6rgo sizeti type, in one roy ailquarto volume, wih a, 1maI iamiily R"ulandi Illustrations. i. Emb. Leaher, Marb. Et1gs, GlU iiack andi 10 Enxeravii ** "** - 3 - 2. Einb. Lcather. Marfb. F'hes, ill Dck 4; Sides, andis C,1,re't Ell-ravin, .......5 0() 3. Etta n . F u ll GW tt Li' '-os t uj S d s anti1-l Steel anti eut rel 1iîgvinýr 7( i. Eçtra li;er' Tarkey Mur 'Cee, Full (011t, IS Ste -el l'ides, Mips ani Illin .........2 OUl dlo (10 tdo do' Antique 12 tMi 6. Extra Paler, Turkzey 3lurko, Pull U'iit, 18 i'Iate-, Maps, liuîninjîha.s ant clas~p. 15 (X) ~1OO A VE U czl1. bemai lly enter- $100 .1 YE 'IR ji1'ijg ineta iniselliii- the aboie inI tiiehr pcî,iilr w. of ours. oui imducetnelxts to ai li c ree -ein ll rral.. 1As fi- bohidiaro ueu aliu'1 inii eir inechani- cal exeeuion. as iw'u; s iaIne t' their contents, a. certain andi raîtit sale ±'vllows the'ir iuUrotuction, everya hcrc. Fur siutticpies, or foýr terins to agents, with ether ifrain ap.jy te or address JOWN EÈ nr~î. Publisher, No. 17 Sansýom$ýt.. I'hilut1ciibia, 1k. NEW aOPPER-PLATL MA? -o M Iý:àRS.TAýC KAi IVR-P.Y. t R î. MESS1 CO. of L .W. Are about t. 1uilhi ar c fit an'l COnipletLi Topographicat Couutv -- ' 'w nhi M NIA P ý CANADA WE T h tis S i s V 'preparei fr ei n f u il a id e t. l cîle o s 4 rv >- '> t '. PI 01- l'e thu-teen Counrties ef wihi ac ir'Y>CZi>i., or in p ogess, anti will show tUHîr Caxsa4dà it!, tai g? rThtenée.qor octii thranzlY Wor«k tf the kinti heretoforc atcnm1med. Tie -Mal) wiil bo drawn e'a 4lî soale of' six ides to lie snch, andi wll show each Cttunti- divitieti into Tcm-'nships. anti in each Township thxe oncesioes anti lotaxiill bo sghown with thcir respective nKumbers. AUl r.ad3 wiii be sheuni and those which are traveileti wil b. distinguisheti frein surveyeti roadis which are nal openet. Particulax attention will be given tc main, gravel,,Ilank or macadamiseti roajs< The location cf an[ towns ana villages wyul îh shawn, andi those vhieh have post-ofices wili b6. igate from those whieh have net. Ail the. ri*rs, lates and ills will b. shewnswith the gener4j topogra- Sy cf th.ecuntry. The various Railrc. lUnm wil1 Ca promninent, feature otf their Map, mg each de-- pot and station ill be arefully showff. irvuiý nonce wyul be given, te thc cilies *4 prili1ýa1 towus by an enlargeti plan Of exchiithe nmargixi of thc Map. There vill ais e b. uclogieal andi~ tri gt 3 M aps ellai a Tine-Table, Tab.ô.E itaxxce5 anJdthe general satia"S f tii. Provkce as shoWfl byw th. novfcenus, a.% a businss dhctery of Ithe b i in'irtr.1rtq- 1 POSTERSý 1 yeam