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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 26 Sep 1861, p. 2

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0* <QAM , , i. an a.. w -84sV01 tMh m m isa&W u siai.Nte vui$ "'aut astpn.st wut. Wé UN ffl à" &Wu «M »SpP64aesd1 »W n4s huua t sw. pkwâdvul to 48»"dlms.Tïq yhad ut jet1 a i"m%t lae lb. pl6of e Et *m 411itisaa*bgtusnodalaab be W uIrobp MOed-sM .54 <OW l * eif kU-*on flbo attià 80.tiiefo.. .1,. osiio et<he l tai.60Telac nt aslh, - -ly, mears e boggrIver vmà@u li à QonWmtsaditl $100 a Md#- ate euptn 1-mln lual bme f$0. b etltiac At Ieles metig to ndou & a ~~tmotion .iti wpantlsg 10 om m b &i' bride sud lmuidy &,#"M t om-l m.sf$10 hes gn, <o e as empee - brige a o thb. Mi :e. I la8 14 ul <h. dompusei uo moetion of a mtlim Wferm *OM. ulmvend, end of tiust*ieaof th oe kg th mmi t*lSOMI"onf en. hs mghMMu tciu agalu 4ani cotinuandtrvW*eut omps*0 in cf eumlson" tL"moraybis 0L> ii mima Âunzoâ~ J1p <os 1.4. peulod, <h. flcfb( Britimis hai. 4.helUgZIoltuitb.PCIOU ~reva'p- ~ b.i~4 a 4mAi. »maê <!* ~ M'a WW4.ma - ~imm lhgwwI~ p-ms,, u~s v.esr - NAI1JIACTUEU. 18 IN& 0 h.76 Sr4.0J5 ami en 0-1104 ma 040e* W*40 M..0  SOOh ID*IIDg cf lb.Towms Conseil vu~ belti onblsdyeveaing lut. Prebont-Ilis Wooubp the Mayor,)ud Couneillors Adams, Bel Brm4, Itowison, McCarthy, NcNeil Mdt Thoruii.1( Mentid by Coua. Kuovion, ueconded by cuva. IradY-4That the auxu of $13.50 bc alI*vedfor gratiing Lindsay strat." carrioi. Xsu.. W. L XMctouad & Co. voro AU<>w. .thelu ýtount forr makng crossig nov k y4wv fo rising £l,500, p4yablo iu ton y«% teforpîcmWr9 igtireegins, -buiding1 hogn*hou. andTanke, maklng 8iiw-vell ô., V"r.oo&-0ndiMAsu ordueodte Ku<byCous. McCaMth, secoudeil by Cous. esi-" 0Thit lb. prayer of %Mu. BrengbaDsm oàM ebegrmned 84<oea aide- walkos Wllim mIwL"Carvied. Novetiby OM m.KV>athy, usond> Y -Cm. lThu ail side.aikdntrowyod hy the lat. freinLinday, b« r.n.vd." Carried. 8~61 M OcOuata von pasSdt. Xbovd- by Cous. ThounhilI, stconded by ous. Mo.N&ul-"1TIiat the mnof $100 bc grantoti tow«*dsthe. building cf lthe bridge over thefiOmggriver, ou Woliington streot." The Ilayer xad à communication from cer- tain pul.àtig for &id in building a bridge menthe otuild OM, onu <ltheBugog, in tuis Koelby Oasis. Thornbill, secoudeil hy Coins. Km 9buon-"tTit he prayer 'cf the PeMOàm sb. gran t the ti.um cf $150." TlaMyor thon r"ud àspotition from certain pha$o, equstiftg the. Couneil te negotiate vu eovoraumt for ae ban te enablo <bonite ",buhair 0k ohem burut doms by tho lato ,f Ko.d-by CoDl. KnowhO, soeonddby a *M. KcOthy-4' Tat thi etiinb e ti4 W* laby4aw for carrylug the ai oh- r0<otuiid aupettion 1tbeoperatiou drafbod." Mw Co.udl thon adjourned. ~S% o..,unbm<y ntiPort a-"" "Me ginan. Reps, litoe.Ommwal Moula hem ~uit~by ans~jow th* neloimtance. LAIE&UOO~~TbOug1*0leentaphe 0of v ~ N* nom" aa~é e~h1sU alqaUt rom"' ti ua yadeo qbMd tt 5u*LpJ in*uw f <g.;& ?qêaIm lt e Itu." et » f« mo 8da~Wws.ld * Pflb.aui <StHnwUoelmtbé,Têv t i(theOréo< - Oetome 1me lb. rohuivy fit m aied ol) 4.4.0 state pinaItivehlingu, astvii prve e&04 pe.rakis çm jWou< et 8 o'loê. -erm rc e s I Il Il t s I t r ] t CuÂcir. uubrm'of t<h. IJdy1 vesnfor tlsê44 iisk mua t o sone iItalepactims J ohme bplac e dwmd oUgble. MuRo titi Of pou t otu~ but h vu nu. mtely dooldt <ate shte boulul b.ap. pointeti for <ho purp.ket saertUnnglime' os f putatiagthe Ballay. Propetty in a fst sabs for play. Comnsntt-.Kwu rs. Ges jgeapý and tik.novon. 'ýsey le" " t<he(PFi. lay oveuing, vison ht iberso et <b.Club ,e xpoct*êboI0P4sie NETSru'-usswM ate& hales are erectin8 a mnov blachemitis*op un Simco sbrecl. lb It i Mbue alarge, cmoio build- ing, Weil uitrateti fur ise purps Tifs Na-w axna.-nn oponleiNt, in îoticing lie accIdent mui iappeme t teMr. john Cawde made. a imWstke. Mrn. Dumncan Calder, the cestractor, ba, mIti te isb Of 'Octobo te côxaplote it - Thée venipg îla a mail flishét, ant i o hae neotcusbt <b.abovt date yu il e ct.cmàpktd. lite sumn thse Cousi bave nothlng <ode siti lie ipatter Cowawr-OnF"idy las4bie laies 4 Con motilon vith thse Epimcpa Chuai lui tidevui loe, gaveaàeencert la ite ofundsof ti Choreb..The evea*ug vu vel sud dimrea ablee but MIiuovting -a goodly nUMb4 dcmired, ansitise lbrm.tamiue adrmble Tiho igisg et Msd Mm . Ice. bortii e44.,ited fnequout bwis tu apim t mdi t ex.mou (oOvertufte lu zsapo,61 n ome 8wee<1 nome," Té »Bah antohmie, on mses Robolm, vemo oivei d b. ai oce vith the Ulieut 4.ousgrtim oet Ples- sure. On th. vbcls, veu ea "q vrpbamut evening', and oSly regret tba t<hoe ndierunt aut<o of the veather penatd more tamn*g 2'id of Octujber, seau CanriigtcsbotweesW. Maybe@and Mi. >ark, cf SMton. Stahea $2 a aOide. Banning ou ld on.cfBrocli. propricor buescardti 3000Ibm cf od. Mn.r Card bu dm*inus20 piomof et otis. is <bt vork tutet ou t by hlm is r1sa6., faction. - P*rîEo Too Da Fou Une WimsiLu -V' -Our columnsj-&noe ime ugo, conuinut a notice of a ight vhiclstook place uis kVIl luge belvee a a rW d et fisherinnanion a"obstacte»lu intheneîgboeiiood.Dutiu COu f Quses% 9BOré,Toronto) lsyiug hi &MMU gea e m ,0. Tii. &deut vasT bies Mayboe. TVisniatter vasmettmi y @Abk bgu=a few dmays go-)(aybS«gettiag C b neg$08I rt1.euveT ,v~ not? 'lh. abàtter u. Tr lrJl r *1 e i. n 'r e e 1- ut~8oosof IMOs.R.t ~iaes* R.vu M, ee b.top of c hsg mebin. " vhs mu rTalor' <w~é~sV*e*mtb is poqwm 1bt<l me mL W mon. vu a SDosi7 tisaI vo 4o e huem.L-WMGaettei wsIlo tram tacaIusuiade , sep i. 8s: ut hu% et Abcu* le P.m. Tt comnsenced l.llhawmaubl UINo ,lih t b. roi)of a *éB4ahcsgradnly becme bouder ùen fflk May ùl a c thueastfeeble ec:. > Tb* Wse eofmoètion eemedt te b.fron f*Seilationprduosiwvm at lboau htoesdvu sotme0vi ea mtkat oftM<b esolquakedcfJuly. I leteipehai"3rn0 tg 45a.oa" Dunvgaimu Ar Uu C oui.oDnm-u.- On TâWsdy les t h.evideuce lu tbh cum egaluatblom h o Mar litei<.massit on vie, tou l,sd 1 -ie o fso m o 1pmlPu" Wk vImm Prmeut aI lie late dinnot glemlt%**iO»Wlutimcmembemsof thieold NMev caile Dii t <ilwv«,vm lrcuglit to à close> amsaien weàdsy tb.detlsion wu te devel bi the si#iug mogirale..1 Tb"y fou*s nuit, Animnd deti <heifot trial At lis Qnees Betch. Elght-cf <beri sy - voe i tosa, vho gave. bL fr <hin Appearanceaa lie assiseg, muis àmp lace nOesuOtobe sena. Cýl t. Thoothentbue.aratpneset vapart BOOTLAND. TEE DOTÂQEa DComESIo? r raEî&&N-. -k statementbas again bee Umte.. in Some of the So *hern paperi, hich 18 nauthoritively contradicteil by the Biehop of Chiester, that te Dowager Duolicu of Sutherlanti las -e cetô< the Chutai of Rome.. * oa egymca et *< dby ly £6.ya umm ani 11à"eaitl, as m1 i te ettrtxpo" bof a. u as-"tv là,<b&%tm&bu Sw. Mr.ê sIa S m% ns U gis. ebowçd. To bareoly £"0a aWàr <'enhoops r' CI Order, ordr," 'ad S ou.) Mr.. RSect: "Whab hum êto#ovi*.hhbbuessof the pile *ater - toqet ýo ho put a stop 1." Mr. SàbeeUi(e.OW*)tilt 1<hall, Sott; you muean pboiso, ~04r and ougitt o hé calI- ed8c*! (proa.) ISay 1 la moot unis.. mm foes mes to hé going about lie streets Mm àe%* copetaIlont <bis say aroundt lem,? go ietowe.lt pas."'l(Laughton.) Mn. Ezbujm toorder. Hé protesteti againa Mn. S1*en's being- allowe t tego on in <hat v& a "wPnts salaries snd ladies hoops were uc4,,Insto bediscused in the' -improvie- mewt <dNatmâeut. (LAugiter.) Mr. Sicehan: ti saywbey are, i-I say they are. 1< la mstail *fQi those ladies <o bc going 'tiircugl tb. streets with sncb thinga .on. ('-'Oho id "rder, order," anti laugliter.) 'I kuot it, snd ted i4, air. I have eight daugli- b ers mpelt veaning ioops, seoI amn more con- k nectet i uti <hemn than tbey. (Lau.-hter and ruproat.) Mr. -EAJa-'again alleti on <ho -Mayùfo o:tIi>-cortinet, which mus tuniing 1the eiy Conseil jute ridicule. Mn. Shelvan a(wlth Veut violence): IlIt's a lié, sir. It's you eue le burlesque. 1 have the letton here."1 t(Great uproar anti confusi.on.) Tii. mai-or now naodsed th at iIif the Coundcil wished 'lihe iodd nov use bis atiority <o stop <bis. eMr. Bi Scott: I"It shoiild be stoppeti; it je -mout dgracefu." Thé Mayor: I"Weill it lafor >f the Cdseil nov to decide. If tbey decide <hat r1 sbo4d do au, lVIl have a stop put to 1.* rMn. Sýeehbaving resumeti bis seat, Mn. a Ceutilisa begged, as Mr. Sheehan mut now 1,b. serible ot shat lie liatidoue, -ht it lbc al- d loveti <6 passa<ils. time. The, otier - merabers k JUM o _bjtwtion> the juayor, adopted Mr, oni W Z sgestion. . G R4 n) in 01 bt el Danair oir l aDAaiaj.-The Mar- pbioma o f Bma&athls.dWeon Weduesday,. t et otruao.lurotiPa*k Lans léondon. Mur 1 Ilsip vut lb . ltewe .ate -Georgea B&IQJ% bq of arrbso&l ,and vs tar riedto'ie b.KaruOf Breadalbes in l1821. Tii. Fry.Beooul, Nbmey.Seosd and SNiîe- ty-Tffl Highmidm ,b.v.jeut been given offcwiaýs b.delgiioW"bdshamelong cou- weudoealiy belhu -. *m o hi.. The. >orty.Se. cd nov."feruatllwýènY .urod smthe "Royal Higla< Ua*wý*b ;" 1 n.âe~ od Àt Unbugb, wi hobau *Matecheti betas e *mibrg4uI ns b alo ii 4,20 bitlong, vwe bèkA a t t -Cuatle dsily at on. WO'c4 Ma eh o>ectilin& a gus at the Oboatoe"Y lICalias RaEU vas th"at 1< U voeudrb" e tise instumlshere. Aecordigy àavu M tebeeti lear acroau aq.ck wývit.ot .Thse electri1c cumuot pem iago iw ** 9 owk'dçl.'hecesle, ahkk 84 1 o'cW* dtrops a weglt tksa- îb4 , Th« sât - n - u ita ackeà mo*#eg d, timvey lacemWate l. Thi 9 udo qmfébîètýehop orbe tise. utriugtris l1~'o rpaut dhli.te»1 rbo4,4n al .ibvutim<mdtot h* Dr.m *i mouaty. tb. weee t s m&i mtila~ <Umm5e~ gis ~ apfl~ex- t7~~ oénba thé 1g ie-l q a*âetug ThÈe foflowing are. the ternis up6n which the Go'rermr of New Zealand offers Pece to the lebes :i.'Thé'investigation of the titie to, sudl the murmev of, 'the land at Waitara, to be completed, vithout interruption,. 2. Every mu t> hé permitteti to state bis cdAims without interférence, and my decision, or. the decision of iuch persous as 1 shait appoint, to- be con- cluaive. 3. AU the. lanin lupgsaesion of Re M<ajeety8 fores, belong to those wha have borne mmn against Uer Majesty, to be dispos- ed of by me a1may think fit. 4. AUl guns belong18g tu the. Ooverumeut to hé rcturu- ed. 5.,Ail plumier taken froni the settiers tbe fuethwiti retnrned. 6. The Ngatiawa who bave be r m&agaiust the Goverument mus submit to the Qucen andi to the authority of tie Iaw, andi not resort to, force for the redtem of grie*mucs, =1a or imagiuar.. Office CNDA4poi, wedneeday, Sept. 25, 1861. FarMOM esot iaring threhed <heir grain, there il$ Do whegt offtrmng. Potatoos bring froui 2-5 tW30> oents. 19,Ts Oonta per doen. Batter 10 o 12j cent» Pei IL. NONIMEL WROTgl.E IC. rcs crutENT. Wuià-We houa of no transactions, ad do Mtl alteP quotations. Milwaukee CIlub, 1 16 ; U.C. la cri? -kds, 1.10 ta 1.121 ; Red W-inter, 1.20 to 1.26; WIiIe, 1.25 te 1.37j. PUîks.-&aee andi in domand aI '70e. to 75. Coai%.-Thrie cargm sbave borin soitat 55c0 b"tthat prkei culdinot bco obtai-nti inco reeipt of "nid sjess. * Poni...cs~o,.u<1well-sustained, aithougpi haInlYsoghsysedy sales at 5.10 to 5.12J ; sales for Dtober .16.5. Tho other grades are no- taýlnàl, tib.'m q s i&«10M 5 ui' to buse quotaticie, ma t6 ogim the w king prices would eften le".i endors a< a dastaneeastray ;Double Ex- tra, 5.60 te2B Extra, 5.40 1< 5.60; -No. 2, 4.50 ta 4.70; I'i >M~fi tu 3»8; gags, 2» 0ta 2.60. OniA.-111,0 ho 4.00. POna. 6.16to 16.50; PrimeoMMes 14»00b 14.50. Pim* 5.13.50. m-m ;god le.; gooti s<ore-packedliIC tellU&; lois.8 to10 cont. Am z Si-.? .9 *06.00; Poaii 6.M0to 6-. Market activé. T17L. il00 Wmlnemdu <o lo~n, i H. nid I vo~Unhe~ vpèr.q au Amenican deserter Cuam "tin I% ie uniforni of blue i liat bout aa<lree moulin $uedthat period, anti ufbci vabuthaMd desrtel ne R.vu at one de -*Ad'" suiôiws. Th 9.uâeumon tlthW5 v u epteti by -à. -Ber adum es. ufre. às intu iede mm"bio d mdtseaaaut- nom i fbe sugmmmt ON 11h rlm reiomliit eush' rnI.u noietuwxio% o t tasr iu *0 aj s mm 0<ray ,eud <.pesiu ornnsla Meic, udfoig- u tne" oà wpnyedfor hy keawoleà" eeicae&popCka<05a Vambiala viicS"ly copenat, à<lit 13" pamemeu<y ouiae"inoa 'daie Tu <. Ladosîuaketagnsvon at.Cof- ira. Tlou'Wquiet Ti to m ed, 1 front Fru FRANOR he Pays aunounees <bat an isereae uinte lery umarme wvil sioy taie place. he CornautsonreiBaya th ie milsion et 'reneh anthoities in tise Papal States la iake the integnty uftheic Ioly Se. respect- tai um ntain- ueu<raliy by berrng the lier to the passage out aermeti baud. WDlin laonjunetion siti Engiaud arnd ace,1 vill interfère mith lie affairs of Mcxi- 'y seikdixg roope frein Cuba. Tic naionalfte ai Naples passeti off splen- didfly. The King anti Garibaldi were loudly ceuered..a Gea. Guyon bas ordereti an invasion by lie Piedimontese of thi eitme occupieti by lic French , if they taL* ho repulsoti by force. At a meeting lun Palermo, a resolution vwu adopted, telaing<li-te temporal power utf lie Pope inecmpatable ith andi cotray te lie miasion of lie Catholie Churci. It was wSonreti that lie Minister outhti Unitedi States at Bruseela hati adtiresed a pro- poelto Gutibelda te akean important cour. maind in tie Federal aýmy, andt <at Garibaldi bati socepteti ntionrestrictions. The Empr,+rtof Brazil liasrocogniseti the kiagdom of ltay. w' froi J-udd rs ioyi Kl AUSTRIA. m the Lover MRoue ef Reicbstrati vits an dres to him. Re tianke t ter for the al manifestaton out hem ontimenla. TtTRKEY, Freh dtac1unents of Turkish troops bh4 arriveil nt Lentwr. Mohameti Pa&ha witli a coniderablo force had marched againat Realiz anti Trebogere in IlerzegoNina. It was thought thnt the Trkish troopa bail crosséti the Mouténegrin frontier. Ativice from Manchiester unfavourable. market is very &Mil andi prices declining. Breatistuffs-Fleîur not reporteti. Wheat firm at an ailvauco f 2d. to 3d. Corn quiet, but ail qualities aiianceti to a trifling extent. Pork casier. Lard firnier. Ashes firiner. PRINCE NAPOLEON.. Ili$ Imperial flighnem arriveti in Quebec about hulf-past ten o7cloek oit Fridav e1veningI. li la saidt tit, ini accordance with instructions from England, the Governor General wus about, to mark the Prince N\apoleon'a visit by a reception befittin- hi exalted rauk, but that Ilus LIperial Higlinesa deelineti the proffereti honor. Thé Prince wua received at Point Levi by quite a.crowd of ladies anti gentlemen, and Dr. Blanchet, the 3dember for tiie County, waà introduceti to andi velcomet i hm. 1ne waa greeteil with cheers sas le left in the. ferry. boat. At the aucient caplital ho mus received hy thio Baron Gaultireiloilleau, Consul of Fmrlice, andi M. Feer or,.îhe Conulate, anti proceedeti at once to the Clarendon Moteli his carniage. A. large rvd, lnluding mny ladies, hati assembled on he wliar-f to greet huru, and cheersi rent the air frornt every cor- ner as the carrnages droverlong to the C1uren- don. At nine o'clock o1, Oaturday moraing a sainte of twenty-one gruns as la ireti by the Royal Artiilery front Durhtou Terrace, in ho- aor of the Inîperial visitor. At ton o'clocb Lieut. Col. Irvine, A. D. C. <o Mis Exellency tii Governor General waiti spon him; and~ at two P. m., Ris Excelleucyj accorapa*iieti by Lieut. Col. Irvine anti Capu+4 Retallicky visit- .4 the Prince,.lIn<the-coux f <lie morninq -the. Hon. Mr.. Cartier, Cl. ;yter, and othi officems eùmmnanding corps W4.Vreaeted h) 5. aron Gaundree Boilleau. S.1memsber of the Ministry andi otier of etd10ixctiot called upon th~e Prince. Mis îori. Higb ne% afterwards visa"the eL~ Univeruit, "andti he Parliaient Bu Md atidroî4 through several of the pnisci abrueta. Ii e the evening the Prnice 4sedath r- " -e Jo fE etBi £xneb y Govemr bd oneral. AtmnoartysUWon ymon ,ng hateaided w aastieFut m èir&a mp by bb*4at. Âtrivo P.1 e hlietook luncheos et i~l~, ,â ~of tb. Bates Qados.ea Bd Wuam. Bu3 ss.14d n4 d WA t ,ýe Uovag o sdw0n pa0k Of i 1ha abon" WI Prisam -Pil coie d &go, 75,00 Muse Potoos ty of. about thie v Faîrri rais E <hein' Th espec State and i want, abon' for 51 B Ti Conf for 1 te*mteLa la tb eb e . .hl.Soopéed: tb. svita. ,âm ;'& xr of àt* dme aaimbh- & Ilaj4OM* pli e ysSfliJMora- à ve * P W B * W M p i" w tý Mmd in ~ am'boch mWDg.anti am tby ayervhs ein ina e, he Dose- The PkinS t*0sked <the ayor ve«Y My toi- bis poflet men steuticis, mui geti h. eabbe aiate repay shoulslie eA fka W Ne y"ekiy tis aoraiug. Wàmcnoi, Sept. 21. refigme fron the Confederates gives the wing aceomst etf<hein condition and mo*re- ~ a.aey& thenumber of troope fromt moud te the Potomac, ab J.eesburi, la'î fiecios, andi Acqula sud-Mathias Point etbe.nvyefety be pot down nt 11-5.000. )0 ut tiens vere.at Richmond tiree daya 005< llatMinsas, whiethe remaining » ere scattereti elong troin liaI point te on'n Mii, anti.from lie vicinity of No- sFerry to, Harper'a Ferry, anti on the ma~ seti of Alexandia, ram -the viemni- &c:i Creeli, and Mathias Point. j troops et Leeburg and Mathas number t5,900. Tiere are aise ab1out 5,000 in riinity ofN-olan£s Ferry. Tie force at rx Court House le quite siall. Gene-' > Beariregard anti Johnson make tuis place Sheati quarters. ie mes are generafly ieil clotheil. but suffer for tlie vaut of woollen i1othes, anýI ciaiy <hase oathentfrein extrenro Southerti Lmiels are very muci vwanteti at night, it is conslâreti impomil le o supply their he troupe have no siocas but thoue they ght frora home, andi most of theni are i useti np, andti lere la no posùible uîeans mpplying, the article. te cottun crop baà been plede.d for <hý ffdenate boan. It la not to ho reincved t r se-board cilles until ready for 'shiprnt. fear of seizurÉ.- ate service neàrlv ail the'-teams sud horseS 11.1 tlie villages of Virg,,inia. Farinens aiet deprived th e ie aa1 dvar:<aý_cs forii ~ thé grouni, preparatoiy ta suwmr,- .t1wir r wiea< anti corn crops. Forage for hors s is being rapidly bought up, showing ah.t: speedy moi-e ha about'to take place- My l-- formant beazueti befure ia n snsa . thc anticipatoti . adrance sut ho ruade s taneousI - at Noland'â Ferry. Akx:adria a- r-i a point between Aquin Cneek and. MathL!,;s Point. Tic moveorent at Alexardi-la ' probably hé a feint. Thoy have mýd e e attempt te induce Idajor General Cl-u to attack tbeir >nasked batteries,, but are now satiaiedti alhé vill sot. As t-1)myi- fýr ruant baviug heard <of a Plan<oast asn0 Major Geucral McCiellari, ho sâid b- ncter- dii, -but tint ho héard somethinIz i>about .- sinating President Lncoln wh,-nrt L*'.ý ass." t' be the iead anti front <of aIl their roul'e.lto- nays they regret tinat General MeCilun î>. i comuxaad, aud express tLie hûpe that C(5!. ruu Scott will a zain assume the c.nnard. liv- savs t1iatJefFerson Davis, aitIh3-1ýh fit(-t~t a-as quite futile whe3n bis d.Icah wt)JE â -. ed and Iliat bis heulhliw&s decJi,-Lu 1'a. TtLr- gentieman froui vioni the &al-rýe iu is obtaineil is a Vir'iiniau. bal ahigIL pvsYî ini lie Coul'ederate ornmv, anId î te - c- ont.ý dence of Beauregard. GE ENERAL, FREMQNT REMOVEDý-Tf-rF. FMANCIPATiON POLICY EPi- ATED BY THE AD)MLNý$riATlON',.. An important annouliccnwnt reaoùici sui fromn Washington, on the autliurîty of the New York Comniert-iid Ad ne rtse r. Geueîrai Fre- mont is to ho removed froni the commiand ini Missouri, on the groundti <at lie tratîscendeql hîs authority by the ptroeiania.tion i lancipat- ing the slaves of Confedtorates. Othèr of hi- mea-gures whieh thouse who kncw noi(thing (ý American politics have applautied -as ana-. gury of bis Succest appear aiso to havûEIe tucou ereti coudemnation id ashu .-ton. (Ouùrfé-,i ma8ter General Meitsa. wh suete t t cornmand at St. Louis, is a Cotîsorvative m-wa differiug widely frqm Fremout in h-ks re%ý upon the siavery question.. The statement is accompanieti by an rS- ance- of its trust.wor9xiness fron a. quarter tLt.. is entitlcd the credence. 'Wc have xw ate tire but 10 conclude, rfore, <bat !ei Iàneolu aiber's to te noiey iniiated hy' Pot- 1er anti adopte(Ccellail, in regard t slavery. That p y recoenizos thzý propt-:. rights of slave eow ors, aud, for thie present i.t least, extinguishes shate ver hopes Pmmin ti- action may have exciteti in the nuuds oft' ttî -abolitiosizs. in he M., IL THE SOCLLIST MOVE-MENT IN Till' NOILTUERN CITIL&S One does aot.kuow where to look for a 51-' lution of diffieultiâ which are sp Sgin, uir oa ail aides. Not tire k'ast of thent 1x the dunéwr-, oua socialist mû'veint, wbieh Mfreîoidl 5.-flI time &go, urnong lie wrinélasses in thco Nortierscilles, vliere VO nift7jet h-car the terribleer the FrencbeJLevolWton re-ûchoed by tise masse.siom te lie su i pluiiged intO pêvetye New York, Bastu, Philadeiphiý% %»Y VeIl grow paie at lie gwht Tes sasn metings w"ictenian e dor wr frets the Goverumeut menu %6gooti, but .5< rather thiis astual Fe@$eeand, Mea- «à h.e sImtue eof<*. ovenm>net la «êiiig puth0ae etf 4'm-illion two ha thossnti (,10% day th iï*,r s10~- ýie unchanged. 1 1 i WY 1 10.»*âb..f Il rrALY.

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