)USO, e o»»l oer W. PA . ,dey f so o ~the. IbbimaEt d Lindsy UOST COMPLET£ AMRQTMINTS INDSAY ET., INDSAY, tg ftpWC wlt& a feu qoy of Prwai 'rit' b f Juw Pm Io tlb~~R &Wji*,~é Mh 07 Md A, 177, Z L W4rbmbe&tomgaIlquy amk> hdr as bu mbr(b iw4Wo ' d >bIiC. ital-id" .~.i~~.g. e-v COM *gqu a, îà.*$ii.d au dsptnd, lIk 10 bilingtd e ais * ~ &-« .uuo tthuM..m pa-p ;cvrsu u aa ~ .. ~wrOplMMf m tbot.h ll a t h gr hnIfyw ii1 sacitulq ier - tea m two hou veraise- 'w 60 twmntf asuoeesfulueif-blner. oeane àthe à bfr i avea I. s timple bd ea ya bout ib o rs.-Rml N.w "' -1âttdIosdapfbleofbo- eat 3.abfa - Lam c&akdittébe-Tdalle uipecofli il- o#1ULDING Sd TABES cotof1swttl o batOl' ooi, mil 4100 d bid., l th mot kir 1 d.eprsolathM ed newhte ~ ~ 4VkUu r ratsaÉthofidet aflmer*"dMin iîa~1 lb.mubea bi e -"hlm'. much gnouud pieper abum Iiint o ie£t hnprun# nt làAcna ex* et eegther, it labia bil iwhiu the lt e cre Teul W as u tci Po tp n a i mto uve invis, latoe" to isa cût bev . sde a twie le iîhao ola Enoastri fruthîh cii Ws"bndg Uonca toesgrithe,~ frnwe of à u a ulan elatiug «epuuan& basltei thapplickatioeu wWààm.ocuant, hiablec lubie uwi u dgs-BotnJuai bo;'£As Àt îh, proprietor areleuifof th ~from cousructcdsud p On7 ADVÂWg O CtS or L, mE.-.TI pciorly ich«manpayeMU l tfor heltht Tii fnitotmniie ii wo iîc-ibonincen i. psatrid la baily.u u-oesnt uestable mb.10 ighlExean ie utdthe bal t phsiciu.li as vol as a r a u tabl wrm'tla ii flgnse l otthe ou. dvraw fn antitod-e eetacubl efirtuii;bot elatsteanniage.Cottn lan ar - bardiy e froingt@, mgore t ifl hne banfordcpto rThe morei h. dos.- Pre ar I esentii. thy inreae te1mreliefd her P bloti annI ecoe priiedwhua iliefmeia n uddrug; I ftlietfoi aestrm ere tng~rthele s w te apprsdlicat manues. NonigmhenougiiWlu r ntis , t nlthr n edsi es.n * h talle dea, rifteyare th t Lab o hu isasvil l son-b !,.M brnethéavensiandieuôt in thaled t buts expfi entce relbif g * lutb occuptee wltb, anti al b func-Weir uudeato, nu un oui. W(. Mr alons ut 11etarairnedead. p- .Lay Faor btte:il i 1owrkfo nu a at gr~ons dclar tha a. lose ~ ilhman paysuifer lb.ilforhaving e > stale, eipua maie shuns's ca bing b. A e ai aptilbe, eal- s. Th ue at i syliew in teore w.îî dise e thé, nc aee pyciruaion Tséluâsummetr. But iii ier ucb bos wot, ae emongthlie blusîgu ofen scWarfvuhnpliraob.logised. eaîunc labor.-Eiltoof provdes h. nima wlh logerliaithCURe, for PoctArTheDîurea- ant mrecfifl dtoe' t nTre publhere ia the caignti. tte om uriiwle wim- et e of edicalor.fenpaatd diuse.' ~ téirntich.lnkete bis .lîsirà an thuho osi eflicacous tgune atecv- &Q thd nd-glasefin -ugh 511tig bnds're dyb " ., f oruc y,"wh o ies. year ro. -The j#inoenhtu groom co lmsts u pressîu llda it ha-ul' theutgit lmnl f thhaout tontengh <s .ut rwedb is poewrtalehua Jt ly-fculr horsluàthbol sl rum ieai d ubl o ntaic iget lu~ic 'i ofns hist ns' îwu nov f ocupig afot lwidîî,t g on bth e r cf ueli staber udese po.Theynu uer. lanbcidIonb areinte*reanti the ant airte s u ic ar lim e r i4 o w umes otr noIpor lta kuct Uia dow.deWh at ndr, ail grwtu, abot the lut otJiy fer trdinlarie ti eY, closep, gand ad h aat pcum di or.mani thà almets! l9.v- nthbelweeudtiA ov aspesing e-r tnol ht thoybe rth-aus awtown EUichum s adiei sud w lit di troteeoc oiioat so h là oo $t "êaprovm0*"h Isd-nilse tduednt t bol la wuter sud sen. pTeh e I i ul hoed ar tii cler Ifthé àhooc eld b nought lu ise isfrteptaods M acin laced hs, emiab. fill cr bTheM-t -ccos noedso-e 811iothadhgors u .asta cuse il hortul by-64rC.-ofHr-e part ubes draft ut Ifnati lt nedur el pn tue 2s1la-:1 ui pr s ouhlimpue mut eemeti 1h 0 inae oae narc earut boue luàsumentscaver iryoul rw'ivsed f igh$th hsavnd seeai wndeosuld li L wilfot olu.vaaont saeontâvases, ntÎartofhc a tSsuin t Lacis luandi.es c(taes andi torks thc bMay ag, hi.rnaY b. by making a ce- *~bh.tIUt,(eure'odnment et roYa sud btokus. )kat1 __ ~ the handie, sud pour la the. cernent 0"lu ioîa q te 04 veiy beL 1..1 engravera do ibis. Tin e utIlat ueh"ulti Ma littile lona au iaspirite oft a rfcat1 -&à àba6mttnm Will Té - lie W Ibo. dom . a m" efy m oum e n"tivimahi la, à quaà doctor adverimes te cure, Xog other <seurl. dieases, >fan- lof sthl>e lnud he via- k sâug ora stump in- a uvamp, p*Uedtbm r i fer hlm on ii# hoveu an The. oSutable a&i tbe falioviug rbt:"Sgî ie-coueruble--noast camaI- le-la swampum--up stumpumb- odlwheàsaMau . arond of ; la mmr, commun - la hean eir partie - rbusneM4 ddeem- 9 tbermlves uiuate because pîciiedtitt bl b. nccessty of ainiigàaliveiic. latiis spirit en, fret, anti labweuiy testroy ail tir. confort in their vor#. rnpteti by nmof.etbis compans piuok sm r ipe cherries tram a ee làs tather li forbitiden hlm to och.1 "You need nualb. ýafraid," id theyt I"foi if your tather saul ad you hati takeuîthem, he ise in,, h. vold Mt hurt yen."1 Tha la tbe. vey.reason,» repli- I the b$y" soldn1'ac cm It istruc mytather mayunoî urt me; y et my disobedieuce, oulti urt.my fîher, and tuat would be ane tu me than anyîhirug euse."1 Vus nul tliis u excellent reason ? LirEz ix ïmH SEA.-Briantul ut le aI ils surface, the sea -wauld bc ucumbered if ibat-prod igieus p ower fproduction wue nul kepî'sanie- bhat in check 'by tiec taoisi >over ut destruction. Oniy imtagine bat evcq ienning bas trom 50 ta 70 housand eggs! If every egg vas o piçducc a ierninganti every ber- ing_ fifîy îhousand .more, -were ici. nul an enonînous- destruction oi.ng on, the ucean vaulti very sean ie solifieti sud puîuified. The grealce- icea drive îbem lovardse he ae, !ver, sud anon diving m c tnks anti swaluwýing up wiole hubafu» of thein. Tiee vhiting eat teirfy; cati again devour tie wbit- ing. Yept, even bere, tie penril of tie êea, an exces f -.fecuudity,. shows itseif ln a étlii more- terrible shape. Th. cot bau Up te, nin. millions ot eggs, andti iis rMature, ot sncb for- nidabiepaea.ofmalernityr, bas nine mouths et love oui oft welvc. Nio vonder that the fiuheny" of Ibis pnduclivefiai bas created i lowns ànd colonies., But even tien, what grauld bc.the' power .eof in uopposed to sncb teenduty ? He is assisleti by others, amàou.g whiu* the sturgeon takes chici mut. Then, again, the sturgeenlitseit is a. ery fecund .fisi. This devour er of<ood lâimîeif fifteen bundred - thousand cggs. Another great devoure is nul propoetionately reproductive, anta.inthth e'.saak ; soa Michelet cal it l "Le. beau Man- l eur de la nturwe, maniUr aent, e, eun.ViviparousIue ouuished the' young siark la hie besoin, hlm feu dailicreitor, vbo is boru terrible andi ready aimedti, Hencé are sharke caliet in many -coutries sea-tiogs, antis w e lately saw lie Frencli chien de mer. litiraily tIraitet.- QaîariwHoo.-Two yean ago I lest a valuable breeding om ant iz 7lice cug pi g: from quiuy. The siymptomanoied vers u ti ue:à. .Totaikamsofappette; bresliing hem; mvetubroalà; oaszdrable, Iw vaaiëseti 0 a rovel, c00> "id 0(the aeok d aq ythat b poiniiy of tcsilug aiad the v.auh WM !maie tbeth wi ruUA I. GAI dodue"osd etumt .o oni psb mosnd i w* omly Ag.mt te là"" »à C4O.. Vigola. sept 1881. 114-th OF TOlIoNT0 C.w. I~N I Til IN THE' PROVINCE,' -~ flnPl.uý 2 b «>"by u b.m mai e of v at e *rýim %jgood ~~--mbet b time or moet; md Uk uêyh. mtubouof dnabily of wok- Md -lW»Mof p.ice, will cmpote vuh My othe emablihmeut. PaEVhieI G0" Md lCMP p.F.rmifr, wlllfin4it tte fer mdmutagent i cKm-m *, #id gmIMaLit ofet before pwcmsg laWbere. Os*n ýom aa <kmspuimay tueubhl1md ate Lwork mtgi entzx mt.fi*cý msm u s ed, ubjecing.u m go e, vw"thia q& M.&AL JdRKMANSRP 'WARRANTED. LINDSAY FIJRNITUREWÂEOJS TO THE INHABITANTS OF« THE CO. 0F VICTORIA. T HE Su»cmmî beg toinfom ithe coninues 1 haveon bad, and mmmu&wtmre le order, ÂL fl 01PB O? UIBEOLI FOUITUREZ q d lhe beet materialaierorvo rkmaunship md ai BUrUeau; ommonFri4md Sofa Bedateada, CeIr, xtnson, ParIi.o~ Rohin ,cae #Band];omm . am&?Cup- boards, Cerne' WIit kehi . . BelievinÙtathie von viiigiv eveiy sddaclion, ho respect fu oicilma cSUifrein intendimg uhar. THOMAS DEVANEY, PRirPalTe. À i IBAAC C. GILMR, lq. >1. BOISIN, JOBeimA 9. ]EEAEIJMAMCSB SSIN, I&AAC O. (InOE, ITHOS. HAWORTU, JOHIN lMcMNI ,IROBERT GILMOR, ROBERT STANTON, ADI GEOROB imt 1 w. M1IEN»EEBoNqs. S.rear mdTrain EauW~CUA, BEG Banern--------au Umm a ANAZ>à. BIEJAX i S1zE, Inspeeto. HIEAD OPICE-ORUMCE ST., TORlONTO, IVit/i 4gee a a ve. PYWou . They 0-J Thei. Domn of "isComipay coufinod «-ex. r oIuaivoIy to the. lir Depatiment. Auurmuoff, *,,-d aaiat Ion or -damage by lire, on ail dueiipfimoncf Blilding sud mmtir coft- Ha tenta% on favorable terinU Mmd at rates of pftillim 4al.i si 1ev aM that et MW otte réaouuble Cvepmay. fort b» k? Trme i À~!~!.~ ~ ~ tr Ton formationpte i Kt 4 « e or Tor, -s----------pt -181 Agnt e BAVe1l ,[ UBA» OFYCE-TOIRONTO Preticient-Hon. John flhiyard Caineron. Vie.- PrOuent-J. s. Hovrd, Ea4t. DICTiiRS. lon. John '!. Cainero % - Lewis MKoI*at ls . Ion. George Crawford, George Duggan 'ion. Malcolm.Cmmncn, MJon Osineron, Esq. R. P. Cote%, Esq. IAnras Morriso. 14q. J.5iovard, Esq. L Poin, esaq. q M aer&Secret&My James Sydney rooker, Eaq. Assstnt SOM Ji - 1.J. Woodbeuse, %q. inmetor of11=4Z. G.LB.Spencer, rBq. Pire anli Marine Insurwwe! business -tranmated aetb the adOE2ce, Toronto, at lair sud -average j riS"& ELER Agent st Beavertoi ID. 7fME Subsciibersbeg te unform their Eriends J. and, the Public, tualt- ey have removod te the. large and ocomodions Store forinorly occupîeli by Mr. Moleau, aher. tiiey bave for. thc inspection of oustoinsmugoila Stock of SUImmER GOODS, botia 'for varlety»Am. quallty,. as tiiore l. lIntth. baek Country. Their stock et Boéts, 5he., and Beady-made Clothing la im o auI et. As for tudr Geoceries, they iresaid b aOU vho.buy thexute bc oupior te un' n he mighboth"c.. ElymltContinue toehmke Ibeir vutialdiscount of 10 par Cent. on-CaPurehams. Tiicy likevia. announce that pumtuat Poayng ostomera vWho bave .ettied fermr gmrna, Wii b.dealt ivihon liberal t1er.. J.B.-Tiie Failieare rep~u*U Inited to examine tudr Goodo, viietherUnmu os ibuaIs the. 1ime or ot. 1 ew Geood! New- 0" 1, rHE Suhacrber liaving removeilto thé c«Moaudlouapeeilses Ia"y o'oPed by Mr. Àrob. Caupiiet, VeauInters hi.Cutomnersand tii. Public, " h buasrecelv.d' ami b from time WAJI, C& 0ER a@L., miau pqctiam whi h."b » selli mtsilng Muchm-en. Wo s<M.. - NAU C OFF IN S, of ai dmzand a i os qualitiel, always on band, or made to order. Linday, Sept. 19, 1861. THOMAS DEVANEY. il G-tf NOMIIIL WHOULAE Â1XD RETAIL NORTH SIDE 01 sTORB, V-EN SRET rto -infomlie" inhabitants of Lindsay and the county of Victoria enrmfly, hat havitg escaped the lte disastrous fire that destroycd the town of Lindsay, thcy stili occupy the. BRICK STORE BELONGING TO DAVID BROWN. ry ire led to believe t"t their customers in the country think thattIhcy cannot porchase Ms iumi, or Mi former price, in Lindsayr, on account of. the great tire, but tbey beg to ,thera thbby have not oniy a larger stock than ever on hand, but even STILL LOWER THAN EVEI WAS SOLD BEFORE N LINDSY. ng j"uireturned frein Mortreal, they bae added over $7,000 worth of goode ho Leir j flg ock, and nov feel assured that theyy e ofer inducements thal have noyer Le- ou offered in Ibis town. They have a larger stock and greaier variety than mmvy other dorns iiilovna nd for cheapuessand superiority cannot be surpamed ma n li ontreai e6nte. They h ave juat opened, and nov offer for Sale, a of ail descriptioni, which for goodness of quality and uuperiority ot finish, cannot be equalled in lova. RIADY-KAfl CLOTENG JPOR TMI XILLION of au i zesPattern, ami Qmsalies. LIqzsU«iý ierisV rotkery, Hardwar, Leather, and kehichl inmImd to elloUaI extreinely low rates for Cash, lover, they beli@ve, thm gouda equal quality have hitherto been sold at in Ibis tova. Il the DRY GOODS DEPJUiTMENýT, may be found Silke, Satins, Cobourges, Delains, Merinoa,.Ginhazns, Rolland, N:ankeen, and Muslins; brilliani and fast color Prina; Ldies' Mantle Cloth; Square and Scarf Shawis in Silk, Barege, Delaines, Cashniere, Stella, and Gran- ailnes SravmmdMilinry onets Hcd-rcsesPaasosRibbons, Plumes, Feathers Fiovrs, love, liis, loseryUal-etsHoup andVeis olin Collais, iHabit, mdM (IROERYDEPATMET.-ea, uga, Sop, andes, Starch, Blue, Bice, Tobac- coInigo Pppe, ustrd Viegr, aiins Crrats NnsMolasms, Syrnp, Snuff Dried LIQUOR DEPARTMENT.-Port and Sherry Wino; Pale and Dark Brandy; Rolland and Oid Tom Gin; Toddy and Common Whiskey; Porter, Aie, and Rusa; also, Beer by tbc barrel. LEATHER DEPARTMENT.--SpIniah Sole, Upper Leaiher, Cait Skîns.-I.aqecion. Ai they are weII acquaintod with the best markets, and have agents consatly on the look out for bargains at wholegalc, they are warranted in asserting that they cannot be undersold by ayother house in Lindsay, a statcment which ail who pnrchase from tbem are enabled to end11)me. Give thein a cmii, and they wil spare no effort in aeeuring your custom by giv- ing gooti value for your money. -Th do fot quote the prices of their goods, preferring to let parties cmii and examine for themsles, i wlich case if goôds and prices are not satisfactory, visitors nced not buy. Particular attention is dirccted to the Wholesalc Department which la nuow complete, and goods eau be purchaaed at this titore cheaper than they cau bc had either at Toronto or Mon- treal. To those persons <especially.to those -froni the country) who 80 generously aided bhcm on the day of the ire, they beg mnost reslpocttfnly to returu their Bincere thank, andi amure thoui that their acta of kiudnew, shal n ever be forgotton. [Zg ORDEIS SOLICITED ORDERS SOLICITED ORDERS SOLICITED' FOR EVERY FOR EVERY FOR EVERY KINDYOP KIND- OF KIND OF JOB PINTNG 1 JOB PRINTING! JOB ýPRINTING - WHICH WILL BE EXECIUTEIJ WHICH WILL BE EXECUTED WHICH WILL BE EXECUTED NEATLY, PROMPTLY AND CHEALY, NEATLY, PROMPTLY AND CHEAFLY, NEATLY, PROMPTLY AND CHEAPLY, BY THE SUBSCRIBERS. BY THE SUBSCRIBERS. BY THE SUBSCRIBERS. WE WE WE CAN CAN CANý PRINT PRINT PRINT CARDS, CARDS, CARDS,. ]RILL BILL BILL POSTERS, POSTERS, POSTERS, CIRCULARS, CIRCULARS, CIRCLTLARS, HEADINGS, HEAD INGS, - HEADINGS,; LAW BLANKS, LAW BLANKSI LAW BLANKS, MUNICIPAL MUN ICIPAL MUNICIPAL BLANKS, BLANKSI NS, NOTES NOTES PROGRAMMES, PROGRAMMES, PROGRAMMES, OF IANI). OF HAND, 0F IIAND, 1 NVOIC ES, IN VOICES, INVOICÉS,» CORPORATION PRINTING, CORPORATION.- PRINTING,. rSORPORATION PRINTING, AGRICULTURAL pRINTIG AGRICULTURAL PRINTING, AGRICULTURAL PIIIN-\TI-NG, ASSESSORS' ROLLS, ASSESSORS' ROLLS, PATH MASTERS' BLAN KS,, PATHMASTERS' BLANKS, PATHMASTERS'BLANKS, SHO0W BILLS, SHOW BILLS, SHOW BILLS, COMMERCIAL BLANKS, COMMERCIAL BLANKS,' COMMERCIAL BLANKS, AUCTION AUCTION IN IN htO annonce to. bis customers and tha gencrlpbic, that in consequenc of the de- -fM .PfL*m j ü ..a fe,rbA. el at terible n nwi la Ifmitv. 1 ho bas rccommenced businessfin 1h. WEST SIDE 0F WILLIÂAI STREET, LIN~DSAY,1 ithere be bam openeila GENEIIÂL ME ROJIANDISE, onciating iLa part et a choie asortmaent of tbe latent style 1Dl:R &OODS, Compsbig Broad-clotbs, Twees Satinette, Flannels, Cioakin, Shavw%,Priats, Cobuig, MolnDel&imes Dazmuks, Table-elotLs, Tovdling, Cotton Yen., Re voulil drect secialattention tle bs Eztusve Mmoog W" ~~ v1b. fourilTee, Tobacco, Sugar-Ljoaf, LumpCro.bei, md Koucovado Biee, OogàN 1 wloe Starela Spices ot all kinds. Ne ami Dan Brady; Toddy ami13040Wlaimkey1Port mmd Sherry Wine;Rana i, vinegar, " Le. umLEAMV.~hasSpmdsFonIaSOYliO% Pafl~ Le, witb~ s. hia stock ~II b. frmnil wert~y et inspectiosi, mmd b. ~uI~g - tint, for Qs.tie~ mmd £~ssjm.s, To'air Couity. BI LLSI BILLS, CONERLSLS CONCERT 'ILLS! CONCERT BILLS! FACT, FACT, - FACT, EVEftY EVERY EVERY PRINTING, PRINTING. CHEAPERG CHEAPER CHEAPER THAN THAN THAN ANY ANY DES CRI PTION DESCRI PTION DESCRIPTION AND) BETTER AND BE'1'Eit AND BETTEIL OTHER OTHER INTE IN. THE IN THE OFFICE OFFICE OFI COUNTY. COUNTI. REMEMBER! REMEMBER! 14ÉMEMBER! OFFICE "CANADIAX PosT." OFFICE "CANADJAN POST-." OFFICE "CANADIAN POST."-' LINDS AY. LINDSAY. LINDSAY. Ordon by Kail vil reWie pronlt* atumtioi - Alutim 3lib priated in am hou. Orders -ruec*biy olicited. C. BLACKETT ROBIqSON GO.- sou =re th LinDsty, Aug.,2,, 1861.. -- 1 1 1 - 1 -1 LINDSAY. 1