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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 31 Oct 1861, p. 1

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ê~ Jû bAL [Tuma: i.sq, Uq 58011 ai.. IM p-.HUlT mgTN I*AWQOoul% mbumP vh.sl *udSwwu~ Md - &W w. é?k test aidWtUa Liut. vi tflte Oat , àpiuà6i Cham114f 'tt NllM iMity 11OLei 411p. l'WuMiiy m tu VE M i e onu d l ai t. % rie ett, ~rl, aub .iui Wz ~îI>iiîat ~oaudtlio N. Alesm SARRINGTR E T S'IL 'q 111TRIKET* LIN17-iQl l'altir-sud l .ttt lain a i. a d.tt lttkwby.- eiuIiS Itol I o f n i(*% t. w"Iti "duuîuIt i seqti.14l Wa. r u il ieîîlîîr î i ti .1 i A. . lA RIINToY, lirepnlt«. (0>ef >0' 0/ I>V40cd 1li.èm LiNd»Y.C. W. 1 NX, F.t ho.laie b"iru. the sultwiber baW te v hieh holu niaouwly tîtruibe.l n1eonln fll itttlupfoitt4 o.îtln-fviiitlles . III. ...'~ieiitiî te b.llwiu,, eÀltq mud i Iteîtetlîuog. atndlie $taie f * beavei*oa- t."d~ ~~ut MViI.ysis i Vîe iîor. 1,iu.la . ,14 5 ~.. 14f »( lit i imv)',s I r'I M L, 1iâ <'orOr> ol rc:ittedIlWfio«r sté 11avlliz adt1cîii*l w Ibe wng lA nutlié n halie îbt~i itolbxaiesaIt. Iii .'fluie.tiî.l uthe Motel there Il qextensive Sli.lug.- ulor . h arp efeli.an eaperl.e A, SAT V O (F T0WY, <. IXDaAY. ihi. ïritiottitamid hbitPublie gevierally. fer lb. vev l.rl urouta ire iaa eelq.bogs %0 ntli~iiltalit $and g<wl hilditStltho 811t îilNiig Rond aîtoabf, letîus. I li W itter. uifortablo. stylitsb CUTTEU aset SLE101I9 fll,&cii tcys b.lie tri 81MB.w rmm , lTrnsUaral, fomit -the flue.. 111iÙt lt IKMAS, Proprio«e. lil.a.(>ot. ll 186. - 14 !cA odc- t hEt >i*,Ts le. t< tindmatal Sept.ia, 1861. I ad * .~- r. ~ __ ~aii~im4~Imv.mussê ~àap. Sept P 1US~ NOBLE B. D8Â1l Kk &Â~LUIM>111N01t1 Wk Nfi M vldQui e *.owlN *of~ 14 li.uay.-1 VA»ul 8.elEa te t Ue »m% te ULLI »t mAriioe pt C I.I U"rer1 Quea 40h. hW YALM C*A hUIM ,mpamev le C.N"">Ct Bu.m tre iblem, h Ah. b tai oS. ath.Publie WeIm hawtu. t met Quaili'.l et"Oe Lai i iela the b oalWiu. sud ' LU1hIrFdu anMU>.~dhPler, e. & th" et.0 a aieUIUC o r, lule 11tf DANIEL ~ 3-4 liAl.1> VAM l~t~ELL. Va Blelgi, Pleisgh aid li~rvev SRiaeu Siaee~ Emavertua. AU eiders .aretull ami pieaipily ati.idsd le. 1-lt MjIRATrtIIn IIAMES (lenenùl llla.- amltb»e lt% sai s 014 id),eIoe ae.i. #rate tles. t-f AU enifts exeouleiLU"om.in o1)et h"a~itau, .LaVd Agent. Wilan y qpe*-&averioaa dW004ine. 1-tf 811STIIEIUANI>, Tailor, leti con. Tho- I1. rab, op *Ite bMr. Smithsbouse. (laie of Mvalr*ai) 'ouz reqwofuIly hfirm the PubliQ liAi ho ie prepared tg tuae 'Mrwork eutrutod tlu hl lauh l. i. ilyle aMd ai the lowest ruiua.eralqn prie«..-6 L. IERE W Axe, Auger, and (loueraI . SAM e- TQai IauutèeiurersiacoSreet. IWM!4 IIOUGQH, ous.e r1*uter aud Join, Manuht#uror ot appuowed Nanuls AN$.ON W. IIlRCHzARi) Biaksmitb, stand.) I*l*jb.e t u arknouace lu lIaantlset ' Tbomrband .surn1undiag Tuwniahips,,,ihat ho le pi.. 1-ared il, udoail biRMAN et eaI iWmlihig ou Ib. têboilest, oilciaid o enme'tMfaa.aahe tenus. Iieady-auade work oeusatly « b"am Hurs..shtwinxidons viit Mtins umd Pdispté (Izdred work wamrnted. laI4ulàag Peian ,wouid do w.ll leeut AM examins i vanlea. auiieles bfr uigelswbok. *1t $12MCOezSTPJIIITBEAVERTON, C.W. ru ftabove Motel ba,4fora nimber et yeaîo .L en ell kuovu ta lie insv.leg oaamulii &nBi publie lu general. le nov eoîuplel.ly r.ovat.d #md Altered»Osu a q uitth.eosafart Md require- taent,* utisdiifor. N.B.-Gýoud &«W»g " ad .etivt O.*. DAVID OLOVER, Prpri.er. IhavrioSep.5.1861. bl T1IE slE uffCRIIIER viu i hina ateidlance I-ai th. townaita, Beavertoa. ev«ry satur-1 uay. frein10 'lbek a.ffl untll3So'eloi, p>m.. fouir hSpo5. lui. 1i OPtte-In Walaae Book. Whilhy, sep & 1861. 1l A NOt'S RAY, ~ea a, Conveyii- ~, t.. tr oft arrflapLiseaseS, MWdTo>»U m'hi? <Clrk, EIduxp.P. 0, 16 tf 0-HA sBuraerad Attore~ Whtby. te*,., 186. t R. ~s nff Corn WRb, l 4. M. 1.,1%W A.SPRING, LkeuSd A*09mm,,,fQrt Ofrtoi eved Ai the. ifofe. thiis pei. Ail ommuaieatiupr>*ysiB . $*P.ibei. .124___ SIH.COCHJtANE., 1,L lfiihl'At- 1)unla.8, " W tby. Whtby, 844 61861. 1 H RAMER IENOD mSt Oomvym.. ., àWhllhy, C0. Iet O U Nbl m grl a e refut Ir. - Yhilhy, &op.& Vi. IIANKgS. Pmvew.u. 118-«f lAdEO ~<ow~M OODY! OOhhaig *t 181 em. *6 umm«% tb Md ai - PoRIu «% Md Oed Oili. uhai m uaw Md y e~la oam u * id ie» dke ipol éyesxs - bn*et u. epoana Rrm Mrd hplau. 8p avioetr.he. JOTTuNtiS07 ÀAVEWIAXULEk COtKSTIM lor' patiaollouaiAND Mo~wÂv-l hraenlsd tie front amI east .1.3e of àthe township of Verasi, uici lieu on tie nurth $ide of Stargec Laie, out the volt aide oethle Bobcaygeou Roéid, mand joius the. villa"e cf Bubtaygeuai ou the tartl-vest. The laid l in. " towushii of a auperior î1uality, being chied1 composet! ofa a baino, viti a large, qianitiy cf lime-aone, haut' vilci in v-er, few irtauncesintSerors iii the aper- allmonsettie iiuli.a ae.Theltownuhip ia aefied by a minet! pop"ltiola n, a ia Véry ptiuqeUtOUCondition. -7 ýÂV ml u lse4iectedQ lihe Ire graut o actual setlers on the Bub- caygeota Rond. -Thi road commences ai or inear lie village of Bobcaygeoii, sud a'uas nîrfh ibetwéesa the couchies of peteiborou'h aud Victoria, auit crumic ii its course thae .eîsar uand iealhy ates of-lhe flut Aui UtI al rivera, 1iunaMrable oier .,willer' streali of pure aid lim1'id spring valsi. Wtmaauanà.--I iravelled lu compapy vih the. obligiîig Goveruanei Laid Agenty R. HughesE4 cj., -of BO!>Çsygn, Wvi l nMs iîadfatigable a in bv orli of expluaing aud secnggoot ait! prodîuctive (ariasfur the oniigrants. Taua»rnr.-We started ucîtivards (roui the village of Minden, uhici is s Goveruhuent Ressrve, aid vilI h. seldby publie auielion tu the vllaeet Bobcaygeon, un the 23rd inat., in. lots (romn au acre le aiuliaf do., at anupsft priee oft (rom $50 doua la .$20, accordiug let aise and situation. Thils atm plot i. situaled on tie tlobcaygeon Road, ia the township of eit!e, itis jutiction viihie Guil River, snd. ealenda sotie distance on boi aides of lie mi!riveral. iasmevery appearance of à iealilyay ituation, .ani inl every respect cal- etet t be a place of mmci importance. Tiere lano doubi liai in the course of four or Lve yemna,. àil vli -h.esablisied. * The cuuty tou ofettb" t novcouuaty ulicla is i- itisisf a mile of tae touai Plot (tas nov laid ont) i. e.of thebeït vaten-pouera 1 ever- env.> ,ThM supply et valet in ieexlnaumible, snd lie pavr mretisu oqual ho any ameunt Of mn- iiaýer; liai e a oectet! for, years te come. 'Tbc vater le ta-ýriver, above lie (ails, i. ai situale t fat it un be ho uglai la ~flinae at a tiflieg*expene, compéred viii tbaI on sannl river.in Îhe.vestern pari of Camadri. Tbis vaher-power ilataipromeut ovuet!, hy a Serîhbeman efte esue c-f Cuneningu vhe i' nov eugagod ini ÏretdÎg -a.ý very large floua ait! sa.mg ltire. aones bigb. He lelends to havle k'complelet!. anitleoperat ion tlii comiag vinter. ,Permit ime tejoieliescîeus au tir oflresAed visi-es (on li eucess of 1 xt. cunmuws»m nobeterpriso; for, alhoiigl tieare m eve ris<tnlt ait!mnls onuthe line of rosç% yet the stIement la increaaing me rapidly, fiat hiers is ample rom for otiers. Fau,à.-W* veul no 1W northias lt juaiction vithitae Petersoà Unea; elien eut tîc ta twe lakes Utile and Blig Bueiai. Prom praonal eb.srv«tlou sut!information. ftoýn auvelorss &Mt-otierrelile sourcesIl&à full maknai fiat ibis oillerta sectionaef coutry uIlia*l7«11 beoniO ealyand pop iou. onoui telun te lia Village e iof ob qqOfyeo rad At *.maggsionoff mi. tn.t p i liRgies, vie ov,er appear. te (0el >tadanM epg as tierelàanaytb fin ltèrem to bea.vavviieia eattifals am Ritet, ieoai tue ud a Whait ales, in ~a.aI5i7 coles fi-. w e .r iveî ««M 6*OM7<W. md. XL . Ca,h $ab - ou a. b. hbo Oe4 miii 'Ti sglu li r a marse nmal ns tI-efamy m aid *0 bu aa UIC% Aadds et spe%auaoee ieigf lmyo*a tiesou mSD~?owu ~od Iaeeig .frth ÀI ild ltayckne aruS - qwap qe t*% lWid am sm% " lm long j w» opib~ j ibe4umoo& . Viestadin- ( tu i jIetg ily a.*'iag hou ie vols iand auo pintouthieUrgent ne- on7V" 4" e.~for' fluag up lias vacanc Smai ie Mr. »bhs'sretirement. Vo are noe M& in" la athesience Of the Pma bd hieton" U pubic."Dola inl db& l 'ave booces.pro'ierbiMand u!vo supjaue tey look tpo. hemsa the normal sa Of idage an fithmCourt. Wi bav recectly made mom enquiry as ta fie poetae eofthie Court, sudthsamovnt of buinea la it, believiuag liI "an unforts- as tuitor," -vian bIter appear.d j in oue-> lgun a feu dàjm age, does net stand abane, but as obry oa of A, rathir uweîm sclan. Flng Rie atate cf thiigm ove tomsetisai vm expecit!d, v. suimit te lie public a feu simple acts s the rewut cfOr invesfigation, sud ve ltaia after a poemI, tiere Wii net -ho Ivo opinions as te lis cenduci ef tie Gevera- ment le nsglectmng te nia".the appointment W. have solected tue perioda in eider te com- pare ths ameutiof biasmIneadoue, duing tie earlier period, visa tiere vN»tires Jtes, witi liat durig lither , wvisa lien have Imeonly two. Tien perioda ve bave me. WWet for tie fofleuing remtons. By the ,2o, Vic-, c. 5Ç, tie Judgesvo empoueredt lesi sepsraely for tie iearag of cauoas, and aise le, take cirts sud hoit!Courts for the eai Pâtion of vitneaaela in ach emunty en i troughoat tie Province M te> migit seé fit t direct aidappoint. Tic rett fiisoin fpoar circuit va. te bring the pretio f the Osai mrsdinecdy nimer the.notie t0< M t utuy ma"ili, vho tinapeaib at Me ils .UWis « @a s u7 ad se a 'aar ~~~~i. ~ ~ ~ cma, ofaf.Juius.abo mt iCourt ssi«submow e tOvmcf a c»ýeas UNS7b%ýgir boW kmpnsbltie wroog about 4,te .d..., * mit.ammt wbr .mii lse% or Md i t »W b.te Ottavaor Gotali* in a ioJde%,viti hie Id* f Wun h» »Pr &I, iom* fLd coll*,Wàt qu _T AU7 d a Ju4p iti in& &a Cbanib.my u'y day, i l my lie dimS of one retmridng te 1toun (ront bis cnt mui ca a riday ey.uig, umz gounSstudy, vlan the AccumnlaouCamber buainuofihe veel bu te la.diaped oÇmi mmm*cof lie Court um hlet cfliapecédlng T%" ma cm be overutk. TIAlU ssi noe-Court buai- e cc i tams comld betabmup1 anda&U tie casesfor8 fiat vs voie li traS over, se âtishle xt daY lie court mami bor evi hie busineu of tue eeha, viipatialmeurs of former day., avainthi Idge. le14 àsMY vonder th"i àa auci a mm.eft him le ere s "Y ase dimapellet mfiterst lait amy vouerq thi the Ivo Vc-Cac flor d on "Cmet overwlý"mhg, »aiod everceasing arrear of buamuseiglaing hemdouaiVe give hem aiu credit for de*àrin fakeep peeS villathi busineasof the Court, mait te diso f it as promptly au tke eu, but tiey ceinot accoat- pli a i s impoaaile; yet fer Ivo yean tiey lavebeen caeifflon, at!expecte t tedo ma. Tii. poutrs of tis huanan mmd, hue lieus of lie bodýy, bave & Boit beyond wvich th"e canot ho exer&Tt . inlaimpouible for ivo aien toecontinue long t!oing lie full verlb phy. ul or meoulu, efthre; tiey may for a time, but very soou sither part must be lefi undoie, or liey.mua hocrîaed beneatheloaiL It la trias vo hemrof castading oesMsd even tvo yeas w uitiug- for jirnaigaient ilano pros- pool of its bcing givem, but la tiat, as thingu ar, malter of surprise ? Those ,ho mnou eanyliinS cf judiciall à" khev that tie von c-f a J»4dge uiting in open Court as tlasta tPart of iL It lainathe privaey of bisi ouwn i tbraay fiat the reai vork mut ho dons.- Ilis >,ierethat he muta igl clmly »dt!deluber. - &Wly tae viduars addaSdto arrive na eardm rnovletgofet he (ctmýand mmliuapply the lau > te fss(cmaa.ocecan may requirs.Andl ! it, ishé mmclite expeat fnom SJudge, atiud IV on A tCOMOM liosw*.-If lavMy r!fa noqyeupfr znw.tpmqidtilt 1(m. Grandy mlsuthworM in feu" i ggu li erils of ap¶wo"t a la-s oeo.sbey 0v culO4V e tvIW -6bsua 4iadby-mmo1îedyaa le""aamaft on eue~g~l4~ O m£mitj gtir 4 o eb, speie vo ouuM no*âaa&mnitaaBW ger te me, eitier (ron m iedmuitie, tbsyue ed helliI lCTI o.Iamo ln mn o t liu ouibmuaeu tâmtint of thef neaghbour; and it in curiom '.visa ve lnov "a every-neigibauboo! poducejut fi" admace crep, tbu vs e,,oteltvath le flvers of life, sud net let le tixicas veeda pring Up and <die at their leu'r, vitiost li ntice of ouir rmntmenL-Fa»sy Fers Ta s rwcmny rrv ,ocux. Lmm-Who a the prophe t fat saauncorer lieabysses o( oui acted lien, and pour adequatesahana. o eur mutual imptmitioas ? Snlles on eur (aeàsý vii euvy and jealonay underneafla; cordihy àa Our grasp, iti De couaecting Ume etucea t.i~umer snd tie Leari; defereacin lu r proeuois, illaneosuitable esteeai% ne <onu- iue respect, ne sacred aincerity; invitation la sued vila a id luring a in hirpohu-am 1n gsltiung theScmpay togeliesb, cci (ase- hood; greeting of indàiamamd extram vaganl vecoan, recipag theaiw" ii aier;' fmahions made up of composite lIhaiema orna- menting tieti viii anollier; cereaiaaie* et elaborale make-believe, susainig lieum ark diguily villa suoler; ani duliost regrets et the fameel, disnining lhem wiiàancheS- vie viii dans te affina tise de ne enter sr pailingly ite tahetaPie of viat ve sàme cvi- biset!anudeleganUT 1fWlaen l is herffled, luuti.spoakui., Clar"tia ime coming, viiel shaR tear open and rend àpart tlime guilty il- busicira, plantthe commmusacof sMdlvif iSaI on some.pure and justl feudaica, mai issore thae social v o iteà dumitve .dupviet siplicily ?-P.D.Hvigos HOW ýTO BEAUTIFY THE RAND. NOv, limu, afte r d gàmis.mm"i cw lia lewý= qbsn~ie1ods uet -latoi>b bie huittbeii £* MIdi mil ageh hIy1 det pUmmimi. Dam Scrop a i eugeuliLv ror laeb& m y atac t t hss<ru e ti "a onu eo t Ue aad.T.il osomnadiah arnbS 4 the 001luxu ran ma uafly aay 1"" Ie1vermv pop I(onaid exspd.> 1'b. 1eier ileng le mere td aid yciity, apwgi ey eorijiny0 Io th e siades. tft immad, lmalte Thecrp ein,"ou a snnm gettla kog temny leai W Meny, i"mof jeocop fln4ae ad p1ýâ ress M. teisi sieulite"oute daWBlyOytie le~~ ~~ myeoeer w li4tm lires ho te MYcham igooéà(fs ge C,)MAidsui ried in Mayrntal" oum i ban the wer sec uteione. A i inelb.1 iad -Im Lae bat!te AN ouhie te naiantad saw flst t sg i ouy a m lver MWdpeople Meesaye fr m aalbtnv hn IQuomd e, I am abe lubenauinongtare vilciandvieii ahomef*r mysef aid (M&ùIY~ of, no ir fee inepede *héa ers maw on ghthoae M Wil entertw 'hs yeudp mome u ueyerrayfiiy dlar e ine o M i, aid pea euoargiuof le tl tien hdmua at aurnsdsld neli pti" ave sm atteis 4arev s eeia maueSe, o heallh ehlAd en unuiîg iuiii d -have , sd to wvicantheafler limcut oyam haat tpget iounqt o moralcour Aedu Ohe Mift aisfo l fameei wit earge. ta ia oimyrpie, lastble twhei-Scl-ary frv dasesseswhslei ahoforfi wstrselt d iay, althutelf id aulyaieten, adre iwingali CrospucLaidnagen, an "Ai atnov i oy ge 0n acestef laiddeai f my boysu Q4r. Rigereieda aly t uouldien am rendhlwmyattltien asstais u hieper e Amfine e bddin ournhereagaffid ahâ tfarouel, av o proefecrdefut7 maqlie ofucaien. Od sem 1retark etie village o haveaygreonI as i o orl oed-vie b om r ofer t c. in.tA. book, uihciso lagenuai r a o pelle IL afre dm117 oin tn tue i tdscliou cf counlry-theobseretlersan . uinleo aevre vel aduate.:v'tIl Agem i ata cf Caa but ren er is part ellfa, roductive oefmily, te, a ayTO.prare lsg e sudw bandiu aeos aidIverAUof ane auw Mie Hues umliemd tt est vudb apy tac rea'ner gadsuciaboe edmmla t is spower e feaa iy biae<Ouritaingasipendcammodiî ,f evea7-day 111h. Ait! vimnveigiing mi isi mhattpopyneruI a.forilà tled tehe oclçio 0, aof viiime n-Oy atu attelage Qt r (ar tahae C.L Aps.everanes aid shews thexai be-o pelaop hty amson viily - me init o t ZW"a bemup a ~ ~-Imm place. A furtior uncremsearome (rom lias ian bier of otaeat ugin crediter uts, following on lie financiai erlisitrougi vilci tie Province bas beena passing. This increase vau veil establlihed by the niddle. of .1858. We aceordiungly taie a.sor firsI period (rom lt Junas1.858, te lii June 1859, duriug ulaieh lime thers vers tiree Judgea 6n the Benci.. The Cislebo continuedt t attend in Court rsgulatby lnp ta the ouidcdNovember et e rly part of Decomber 1859. Vs linereforo posa over lie periot! duriigvihici -tare vere soune. Aimes lina and somotimes ouly lue Jtidges, and faite as eutr second petiot! frein lat June 1860, te Ist Jano1861. A comparlacu of liese tue perietis gives the felloing resut.Frein baJuins 1858 le lit Juta. 1859 ltom ber oetapications made te tie Court, iluding eider lis designalion aul Leurina, oxaminaiions ofinsss ataiTerol motions for dfferes, in fact every occasion oau vici otiasel appoaret! before fie Court, va. 1,52?, or if equally dividet! belveen lie MsInbera of lis Court, 509 for ssci ofthe tires Judge. Ie addition te finis tiers v as tie business on circuit,(of uhicla ve bave neO record before us, but ubieiomcpied tva of the Judges about six voeu lu is ae »uin cf 1858, nd the mi nnmber lu the sprneg of 1859, oee Judge gobjg to the eut, another teO libe weet, anthle tird remaiaiing la toua te dispose ofthe ordiffry business of tbe Court. Nor muei the illings la Chamnbers be over.- looket!, for aici Judgo Lidt letaie ià,.terniof presiiing trsamud traiaatig the business pt-cpet for Chambors e" 'ythid vocit,' bein# occûpie t vii Ise rom Oce te tare sud even fout heur aday. At!d toeal'"iisthe aillinon lu thieCourto etida, and aurely taere va. fail emyabeymmnî fer thire.Jugei. An &ver. 690 of 50 caes a yer, besidesotier business, for eu dtigs, or 10 cune a veek fat oser>- weekinu li jem,. AVoiene in novsasny- fluugof Cham«ey sies, boi invevet Mdt!in~. tnlce. gy ome- are, cm isaily se fiat s seat on i6eBeÎcbft Coot je nocnrèee. But wWi doci a giame at our second period show. Po u ue11,t sJn 81 tat mmentesof "aii açqlieamcebefore lie Court va. 1,467,. or if equbly dividet! bolveen tbaesJualg%.4U*>tiw*l. DuiaýIlap«îold, la"rteeliah#"vereexempt fr a foudaya, oùly twe Jùdgeaý, md tae m«e l in i "ha ameunt of baum anvua atuydlspoes of wu Mf MeV&. -1 MieoMlCmutocfti" eegmm mt -on fou daaaI ir*am b emus«w, elau - (roui tsa " scmo f ieineJedgeor om deeuisd of sudciet imparlmain to e b. signai be tb a.f DCourt ta fm ommslie. .TieCimu. Chsmuq I~im ut 44ys, and! isard ?5d or lu ta t Mm- 4àe .gas"4AiuMdstVice- <Ihmne«o-~ mg at 1Udans, mi emd #95, or »4 ume, -émAi. sSam .Boalia e wN ,e*e4 br a-**v veelu, vie, i F *m0eller a the(CAaber minou, the tue viseObmeum bive «ehiutainlaCItant ben ew eu e e*, imotuat!ofet ve tifr -v« s.rmary, marn4 kv, <ee&.1*a oi 't% sse là taut um usfI8 6%, vs* ei.ouit of, Apt vue a.I.u , J, MA ---r -f r, 1 1 Car. hnou., eighl bours ea atzetela in open Court, liaI he saouldlie retire to, la privafe apart- me nt and ait dowu, (nu sant! vigoroîu, lethe perusa-.ofvobrninou papera, snd lie canai- derion of int.-icate questions of lav. It la tria thaIt tii.delay la extremnely prejudicial le lihe interests cf smitera ; fot merely ars lie1 kept for a long- period in suspeuse awaiting a decision, but, as vo bave shou.,-. even lie ieoring of themr cases la incertain, and aften postpoucd for weeka. Net rneaely la, thia pre- jedicial la tlaem, bai it is aiselihe occasion of los and ineonvenieuce te tihs Bar, compelled ta go la Osgoode Hall every day, lest tiers shouit! be a Jade siîling in Courlbefore vinon Iheir cases may bco esl e n, sud sitier laken up by the otier aide intisir absence-or struck out. Perhiape lie7 finen Judge, or, if Iluere la one, tlaey are itept vaitlng îantil Chambers (apparenlly at preseul lie serious 'business of lie Court) rise, and 'are tien éither informed lhat the'd:y iïtoo fiardvaiced ta begin lie Court business at all, or fiud ILat tier s lano prospect cf Iieîr cases set <lowe for that dat-, bein"-rached, owing te arrears of former . oexpect îpeedy, sud ai heu te tune souid decusions, trcai Judgcs situaled as tic Ivo Vice-Ciancellors afîe, la unreasouable. Eier tiers muai h. delay, tlllb; tic appoint- ment cf a Cincellor, the>- are relieved of smre part of lisir presel won aind have leisute le ceusider tic cases Iyiag before then, or lie>- rmust taise a superficiel and hast>- visvx of tien, idoing injustice le eue or other of lie p&&ies, ht ma>- h te balla. It is on tie saulders of the Gcverenl fia" aul the usine muit esL t. ll isteyvie Lave the pover of appointitig a Chanacellor, aid lieshsould do il iflout dela>-. Tho claims of justice requit. and urgently demand ai immediate appointinent, and the Gevera- meut, ZLy negktîtng tha duty, show cil ber lhiu utter indiffreice te fie aiterests of the pulie, or tintthlej are vaulouly aacriîicing liesfor lie saie e67eZove expediency. Tua BauriaitExpîa.-At lie Manchester m lo ft!c.Briti&hAeiain Mr. J. Hammci rst!paper onte recet ensns. àHe ai "In sixty yearstle Unitet! Kingdem P ad inereaset! in population 82 per cent, aud P1%,250,000 Lit! bçeadidote .nimbers ef à1801. DurinSeg hi rt lity yem o f tuis perici fie ia1Iëea.eladbies 62 Por cent, in tae scond criy 20 per cent; bot hofore 1831 daste va. 11111e erngrabtinulle a account 9 :of nerly 5,000,00 enigranta lad Igon taien 1b, the EmipmliouComnmioea aine s a Nd"e 'Th. maximum irats of incisas.wu aI- tsled in the dcde betveou 1811 snd 1821. Wafter- the peac. . li te lastteIn -y=as ilt! beon & per e*utThe ppuaofethle Bru- la mpie il, hovv= r ouy aap> prxuat olclalorcoeurl o ida vu enermona. According te him B=e-bomta hie lest officiaitulirit-ie No Srthi 4aer, isSu ceolnes com=ine! 3u "5 O 1 k~. . Mdthe Ausra)lu ntl Le. Ç" and0 aitafrlm' I - n Md th 1mei. sometiu- about tie treslmenh t f important member of lie buaan forim divine. 1 eenfess tint te> mijglt id olier eut lint ties mors competenlte f eaci liais cepecial branch of manioloày; but stbI 1 viii tzy te give lien a lint or Ivo. Tie firat consideration, of course, la white- nms, aud ilt isb> ne meana tinsesest la at- taina. oue tiing las neccasry-"uamly, gboves. Kid gloves are lie besl; and the mare jeta veart hem tic sooner your inds viii becaime white aid soit. Meauwhalle, certain otier pro- cesses mn>- h. proseuted villi good effeet. A quntiî-v of bran lu varm-not lao-waler, vida emollient saap mach as glycerine, la the best preparallon -for vasbain If aiy romgi ness remailus, miter s forlni.gbl of gleving (pear- ticularly at nigil,) snd using ibis, employ cobd crean moderately.~, Thne practice of sleeping vith the a ris over lie beat!, as-is somelianes doue, us rminous. -The viitenes--or rather, the pallor--îhus confsrred ouI>- lasts for ani heur, aid resuits, shortly, lu a -pernaaent wrinkling aud-discoloration of the slàn. Tiemnils sbaud be stteided te as carefully as possible; nolig spoils lie appearnceofe a baud oliervise pretty, bue an W-cul or badl- trimmed mal. Around tie rects, viere tie skingreva up tomeetthe nail, tiere ofien ap- pear certain litile dry points, cracked off front the epadermisansd kuovia as 111ag-nai!s," Gr "bang, ails"-ime if neïglecled, main ýtie bèauty of su>- Luger-lips sud becomc excessiv- ely painful. To ,preveni lien, s bluI point shouit! h. paàd eàround th motoflef iamuai dail>-, la prevent lie epidermîs from groving 'tee fat sud f00 cloaely uponil. Tino sight fold of skiai, houever, tint bordera it siould never be cut avay. It isNatu 'rels ownand àp- proapristo finish. 1ý Tino mails sinouidt e .scraped vith a sharp. b"ad of aiy iad, cither on theîr surface or at the ends., For cleanlinea, me a stffbnuh ait! pbeuiy of soap sud valer. Vigorous tub- bing vith a atout tovel every time lias hpda are vasied, vill give the surface of lie mails a beautiful polashi and, by premotiug tieCWc culation beneath, a tosy linge aise, quile ne. ceuni-y o beaaaty.Cultisai visaiever fiey reaclathfi thestp of telieLger, sud- eut lien. exact>- le tie outihie of liat tip-nili- et- square, net pcunte, but oval, sa nearl 1k. the bine cf the toot as possible. T'he baud ta capa"leo! a machi more ana- lytican sd delailedt!aie, butthle Units of timaeand spaec ompel me to b. brie If I have Malt! yting istei laI muslm u& p- probation, or bave guvea yon s»Y 1.t dut may Rend tefa "ioab illati.of et too teef nieketet! organ,K hy-give Mas0 your band 1 I la -RuWsia very Ultile tuspentineor YWMbhlis ntSad in their pLaI&t.Te Msethe cud of milkmixM dwitfru cis tb" d ïb à î» 8, viçkm 1-1 nu W

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