vin I 1 u; 4 aud ~.6bt ~I.teml la ~U ~#~Wupei&i W~. 4 mou 6B IIslhoiiuI ~us~mL &Imibu7. 1w. * Ouuultetl<u-4 ~.a. h I w*s ~ D ~ 4 MWiEIUB, frclow~ osa b. moeu*d ~ anas.'. lteua ftoe.~Ua~q~ I t>~ s&lodqy411 te lumo Sikmums, bm. ~t Si lUI. 1144 Imm W 00 » 6 et O*Nwo m lui ibq dosual p.,4Bugo Lladsy. - .- f«ish vr lutta i *W4 ' 1 &Pot"*W 1 9o fltft 9LAW&________o__________ Tfl' V'~lÏWWÀ hi u r n»I à »ML, Ku VIF, AIhII -I l WOIIK do" 4N#Atlj se-i ('e y theylb ImnvA Xr I4 Aa". hikl'lIIVATE i4.týilliil by >in, Jbhs 'L". àSJmét utomber té Ih..ilw aîk#i. Tenusadei. lowu o"saplkà W lNo up (tthe àM huiKl'a.Îyu t' hb l'tt ltbbe.LI b,. ui ht ofaet0 h4etç t brl* 1. s'n ft.m t ,u oiu l,~yIsy-.t 1 .5.aets . - - 4 be lui h" ,ff b'fim li5f ?shmTbst .41 whirs4%o th elyféhe<II auJ eoau10h abd ";@ibtean{'t Iae-dInî* %114 %4. $Ug» W41% #0ent titd Whithy *>d tt filte (1It. F IEP, or ai 1t, ptu'pn.isw. .4Ina, eetoc >4 1 11-I t Eshbeih#r box* te annu-mneet:. a tN,.vntd se-I ouItpltdl4ite big tf.nuet bild ipe, h*rvïg sàdda»e« og Ings-Ihb o M Pu " olet &t'ty ;.e,*UoteOu'ptlw air 110- h "a i îl" '-'*-l ri oa 1 îr - ji ~iliCfJ'i v thîe )o tt $tébling, usd5 1thehano 4etae *ipetI.Iid mi'Pubile g#*.u.tly. l t voty libéral rt.ugso ha. rae«o1e.4<-bop' 1 itat tttélé %k* h %leé-11>npleivum liWliwt mO*dt*lmgtsf Mz ~fL3SQ#Zogcil aIveym n vo- - làlâ "S40 i lu i arl-llO -~~~~~~ ~ eos. NiltAmiS lse ltv ".àEAAIPupse 1.Iméeyt3oLISi bush un'~ ait.vt 41éi. m cxP M 7"=ea CIU!0UB1WNbu AUeu uw 61auma .. mvue eI> enma . isedo d b«dh5tlillIe wtla mmd ai mt bu6q D JOU L A "m~ Ns. aretr LFÙuir mi h mt U WbN' âwqATls a ST umft « a, al- mi, - JOlf.4 WKAye gP ll .sl rab .rmêabo 3.4, < i' ±- ' Up. Qp-nevoreaai q$hh 1t --gmwoa la'm. orf Il ê.Casone band. Ii. B«» Wdktb to etss "Ita4-ad at .iat&Woia H<.emhs~< o ipth l X gl cli mml muralmo Wr«enoué" «Arilibi te hu$ag omoso- 14mw ai Iob<w . lov *A 1nmb, et $ lui.é 4 laitai lé to MI bé ]LU paw o ilUI. Wb" OLa mi ~i7à M"ptI0II yU. o« 6 NlI omit gt RéwF4 *ab* Imml~fl~O *lua w' e nsu *a b.- impmUpdI"opumsW 19a b a I. dw wuam*i ymu mi la w 1wt.k lmué te spoinq Pm e A SOlI FO1R SCOOL 01114 IrIs MMA0 toit"o l sl ar» Pgo roptaWb til"i vu 6 aae" sasilard c«lu 1"for ies 10 niake me fac e .coruu ru m lejult uIm 1spoho lfatados Krndo oinsl ou. "I ý thustoIN," clmin aitdoms "Sicde4glt5Jiu aoeimg 1Wr mtboniay, $ô oube ioo, o« e ironu' lbave lrs lAâm ory aMd me om tihe dmelt e, fR uisslg omor Ido ql om lu aithmsti" "Dou' jt y ikab sicldreaul e«o 1gum if ** dfhitq to eeliaeonnt of rhmd book@sçve oud ka ve be pntr eWl ua. -.4woadnWt àml 1w aanie* kuaLeti mak. a ssi os omssi.8 ev ry tua ic»â «ron, amdi ata. lSïgdrig ef maroul lI geO. diOh 1e6 1 Wi dé itt1Tu1M F.' clint in the volm la M elconL - PomrMin caponI 1w mac 60 -the iei Ioag-lun1hW gbplasu'faceimthey enteresi t soloolooa aIes liatoumy couanltut mi la a sretelow l ade lIaI lm 1 prett, mm Uttk um Iehsm loMPam te vlow. dlplaylng -a iog toc d. mai Auna Noy mitdW'bexansPIs; lIo 1 il-Sous.; &a ka, d lmtwo -mirmut1 cl. ho l "folloel m"i.Tiu, -4 ou oùl1efor a rulnmtfrm Xie Capm; i iintodm ma loMIbkO cllcllg ad pm F Sm Mandà laulu huppe1 bar s"men *eu, aMdi il ut butosoey«Mimà*vu ,l tsar r .4Pm M-te laiebmddyowmsbmmtog. . pbusqkon tlstuheaOlàd .1 11 md ie olev rutallus mil 4uIb bossusam wItao Sm lyYîm . lm"bsiew1t~ell &slamrooslbOlom ; W r grI. 94bq all miue si F, lonwg:B vdofk ab Ë& mn d mOb Iopoerh1 boAn 10 ý m- uempmk dlp0fldlmditepq mdl 0~. 6qh..buwmd 6.bè irmm * ton6 vaiN r a n n y s b erD , 11«a t o v s és e ,dtx i màb 6 J . * mm% mi T , a but lut try UW ý Il. 1 ou ier oioe oo t Jade mo l S'pu Nél ver yu bue fclu~s- bt - 1 Ju dous -n ov Malae mmîR"m o I& Lt à o aonk» mm asn ngta tbedhso1bm 1. Mieé l POUibsd o thel. trobmlu. d l b. 1vua vouito VU thomau Mmd 60y ,mOtd4 bfsu cMtstly, to-do és ào ma tvmt uuoo.pamo4md ahe bitempffl iemuot Froposty, volai "Wmém ltb. umoIily hmwmaS»V of mulh.nsarb. I.good osirmd lcame appuMaion to &mti, m«A to w igg blk, bot mmuai a cos tumi mmlu b lhton Ils comjW* bfao utith gSis Wly ubboi ont îmowmylugit *ofo -MtO tri tO ms keep acCOWn - arcla Iuvis v oe m beru a* % l., " s *niht .w ud:- ,,y x i a aMW n" Y b- kmfOellmal i ort vu impatient wkh von 'i.Tour goSdi omdnct mncemcoyumsi Me à" 1 Mut la,be" in bult Ithaul F4 oua dom l, f« ypislomaiudindem%, and hm*e youvm * friefi illa froely s? " à Iulnlh.vm rrmad dby ail ù11.girls é i d bo Uf kh o.- "4W. ha" be boomvy viciai," mmi ar L.v1 i mÀ mit vu5ROtYm tfaat ea 4 1 tlO Liai 1>ma thnelalo h.vIl Sprt lth" Mampaine Wla latonm .Capon pt ber awuabout Mmul, m d im s Wsbe, 0&9 ie are the poac..n4I for thoy sii be Sàk e dllIiidiOGOd" in iWei Muy domw499 he adisi, "vile1vu ag r faoin f* ovuS or mules ?, 01e b * uabt,?1 loou kinbg, 4 "I è d m1 o migtlt ae a Iemmnfmonstbià 8to wSernouhormâl h o pis hov mc loo 1âeabad imkfo wW ingoodinm«-. f orybdy; Mmd o you du leip ta ma. botl ww itbe bio1% sfri .cUoe And " cIvoie.vopodd-Iuiuiff look lb. bai, am mionly for vbg ilu goo Imm ow bmoà do., ~ m àW~hum laumdasa4 â ~ya ~lu otr moduti d »P o iolu famt "umileo kW.laendb teUml mi rmlalf m m .. .-gsi u*mm l7, Im lm ily K.yu h ilsyé- y.. If b.mi'hn *thmp, e l wu !@lammi - - for ur Mt udimnh0o teth 11. pnPJy hant Choutmty, aMd ap* ythonste011. elem Oof mm al lheïrdmi, laine..Of lulclh tainy efficdsMcim m mn otuy veuMas ureb e Ste movwbWf&be *tosu -M& oveu bave ho IwaL .For yS -may ispeusi "on it, te lu mm -ra mm Who>praobuintaliew à, mdpmb m1vil iving .ympmath Mt% t1 poçindeo iok to hoar ULm LUPmmISIN ENGLAND, SCOTL&NI LItOn Of theuontmeeStinge of tle, Br k Àupçiaüm s(etI mancater), Mr.F. Pur4 id amhormt paper on tie reltivepmpe ala ngluai, 0B9001 aud i elad in arm e m en ing -in1860..Reo hocu ait M" coqmty Wauts 0cmpour lav ac - bmtive mwlineqr. Poorlai I.loi duvecmm for. mum twIo eS r., but in badeaud tiers vu-wotig in io nd u1& u EuglaJ-eff uber of Peupea vu. 892,M0, in Sel" 1,00; in Irelmd 96,000: or 3.9, 4.0, a .6 per Cent an tic populaton xeepctvel vuwa siat th thos o ad devoted tli ame toamt the .workicq of the EnglisalPo aw voe.oçpamed t tie zystem of Ilont-do erýfi thie dficulty of tesinig the apF butS da, md froni tie féar that il mig ,perver to the depreesion of vag,,es Forco door puper in England, there vere six e me«; in Scotian 143i but in Ireland, .03 oW bkotgk pamperiin vu lovut in Irolind, - .1m ulin Scotlmni, vere nearly ie v.b in luout-dooler, ic tItrish iv pemlly pauperwus, for lin lu1a. lIter Mp but in Ireland auly 1lin 274. Mxdlg 'o the 1Most recent statisties thées v L%8160mpo humies in lie United Kingdc agland avin u30e5; scotimd 6,103;0 rolami, 5ét of th" unfortunateclans. "cl 0O0W of 1h. populatonEngland. 7, Scollni 17, mmad Ireland only, 9.1 cosmmianueres >, in 18M8, rporteci n h. llullnL utc ml,uatsithat th ,e 3,350 '&uns poor aI barge auuni vid.i for.' Tilu vg.i, if tiey wffl te imcl uioeaftsr mpapu, raïse the 1 ra" c.aiiaaby. With reference to- r it pponnd tinl 1 thetn yem u£9%,000, bed beu k lici. luaFnglad £T8,000C Icotlsd £4>SWý00>2 md Irelmnd £,0, But of,1h te un" hportion, 1600,000 b, pupm aquit.woonnected cul réfeli tho poor. The mm mctumly .pent ma"e h uaiw voi -uÉlmd £54,767,000; E laid, £518 w; d Ireland £6,S4,4 .iqu te a rueper h»Oi heepopul .stie 1&.90" 3!6 llodMmd 2U. 18le he - vu wmnewm r" ebt u Bugiamiandi it in s cilmd lia hicl mufmlesifor Ird Coups th siamou$ expenissi vilaI Mi-O, il 41ppouàrel lin lu9E àm llwf*la w % i nia 800d" pe ta& gbn; lurwbdclam,ça theotho?]1 îtvwu a.u60 pst oul. Iru. Tbo y oooporpauorvforziglamd"; So 45; mIrud4i7,. hlmd slnod h4 *hom bsus ,, ita lIa vin' s vu* do ma" eeoumniul mi k" doeid SFpmly4r" um umit, a empalum 1 mmkfr41 mru caohlg a 8 , bw *cli M for hé ud emt , T$!i wtatdsf 1 ia60pw d nt à" fa o v muo cri& Id. aMUaght mig la " 'M 4 k i bWo" ý 6. m« e im aetvuo" 1 - __ 1md-- a- _- _ . a à s i 'I s s i s, 1] on? Thu.. ela eut a u I" UJP te:** "à mitâe arriva t 6. Ardus e, umuik eixo m b tar vu $8m , t h M :fa X .&, I ch wmuthabnat Amuglua a lm et cas aI k»bM aup»i ,i M. oi.g lIe Bq1M1e l I¶?> coutan I or*a IL _ . ~~u g,~ mag ~uiamtLhOli' ca fr0 Stasn. -io of Congrus, The United oralm, te jt@oumo imposa'.igiimd "M lu chiéad bis__ m orm ada- ù*o .. npm pn e ~ ~ ~!r-fl~ amibeLxay lu. nuimoy ami ai lit MU- joly, 18e Md poceede to pnve, ani kme osmtYiitoeC< aU4- os pit, SmàW&etm4ats. l heticlboer place sue te- SpanisW004cool rmmi ýM, moe4 lin. nsaluoi antI Jay lu, Ieftaie taited en or high-ee eek e3 l. mm th n e 0PeMMl hmlesrL re.Being jriiàm.d for a t-IOf the lac now ai force*9*»- t at iehcvaft aMd - awcruise, leumc i ulrt m âde lb. li Ç. M 1 -ensesp M, Mi the e lo u Ia M l-yet been --- unvte éder mcl crntas , b Upsiead expWai. L AurutSatag-, ttceastzonoum'fh< ~ wi li .nlmira * tc xpeitonvufrom oues 10 <l le out >~g Tzz Bravaop SCàxM.-4J-We mm uinened ci<h aanlEsBquimsax en au cxpw o .ti8U o, tinkte aseba nmntl60I,1; 1 Dr. bymsasitiree usith 5indog sl lfi-ses à mOntai mmcol tMi, bouta, vent as far nort a m 0 5.Tihe bdfeinsegnee b nig1m -greméet e ohbePrenced vu 68 0 belo. os IriSes. W(om mr taI& ,vamm lly, wm .Tv@ enfs doccorries on of the s oneof 1thelaIn of theirnature; but tla 4 rv of mxteeu peumGm ley aboutd mot talk upite or malies; ----------_o@> -gruevom "p rrni o f u thle gi% asi r AN -U X BELL." tiioeaddiited te it l s,-,mefully ammeyint- Wlat spiritufflliquMorae for the Europe- Th" atOmiqlosta iuthog 6 a opim isfo th l o60d an C im-fnuit ju muslwrnrmi-Tic prndent âavod Mo ma-A oim al asil ule rv.A malte provision aiiitliuion aofmti ne.nrky lampes tlk terig n tarouge. t laItheir chief prey iluthe cendiul lie lov-rofed snffocstng to0>, lu chik aremadtrustin6.Bt6f iiabv 0cn t- paces ia~~aa~s, o roui cosientaiIcs ation of knoîing that efetamllY t6y are, ly covetesi viticoiISUattifl& md ivkii to, strange tbnt corn e mlb. mmrepmS ' r-1 oSmp.rtrnetaby nsesngof lbomboo-reed vain- baekbiting andi baclulklig lIame,as Mi vo g =6%,r- Tbe .opium umik ý wn d vo- Ceau ouly charitably supposta ienana mii men--lort t10ever muse Of'anoiesty, thmrvthe root of il &IL FansUy H«a W d t6emselve.laglyos 60e matting, md, theïr A Mlom's Lovm-Sme Of Our rendais »s hegd gmpIkrtod by a grea.y ensIo%. prepsie may recolleet a tlrlllis ml WW uel VU M- to inulgé u in ar "ing vice.Asmuali boru- vritten 0o60the * fa w ta c Wh" prié-- or- nsg lumpas plaeed on thetable,nosasto be odin te uovdhifts of th ' a mombhm f11 gomUiy reacici b mi the degraul-i vretelmes mothar bore au infant os ber bomsn,aid Ce vý isl o. . or elyàm u 6 fmas dcadi the m wamd id-ud miferions, IrPe iii, of opiumn.  pipe of bmmboorecd, di a to a mother' love, sic rent ber ov. garment,. a bowl al one end to contain the opium, is 'g..- and wrapped ticm around fier bébe. The Iy. erally maie t10 do service for tvo amokexu. A morningtoixm l es a corp@e, but babe ns, piece of opium, about thc aima ot a pea, costs survived. TInt babe grev tlu muhoci. Iov )or sixpence ( a is cages), but it is sufficient t 10 lgmS e his diongîta of tit mollet!1 mo lu by its fumes, th e meum fthîe amoker. How many a mollies is ticre tih ouen die pli. These fumes they inhae delibeaalely, retani g for ber son? LeI sous, cen fas acay from gbt tlem inthimoutb as long n they can, and home,on thland orse, wehe 6eye ofn xw henailoviug 60em gradually to, exhale tiog mother s as pon them, remember ler lovo% and 'ne be restrained by it from entering tle path of )ut- their naitrils Afles Ivo or three inbalations, ice.Le them ay nothing, do notlhiu, 17y. loveves, the opium is coumei, ansi tic pipe wduel a molar woufl net approve, snd 60y ,it~~~~~~~~~ fafou60ansfil ctmAtfirsI, neyer ciü briug down 1er- gray bairs di anl 6 susokers talkt 10 achothes lu a chapes 05Wl tcgae èe aScly anfdbe; but tIey sosn become stili NLiv'oEws ACuursvx&xDcr.-It rmy be re a- a. 60e demi. Tus dm11 m ues eyes grudually difficult to fix the point ai which the care of Ae- become brigbt mmd apmknlg; theis hBow peusonal appearance inumm or coman b.- rere eeela m eeuas ume a bemtly rounines; cores excesfive. It doca mo- unquestiosmbly OM, ai gleaun uoifa cion, »y of ecstacy, ligîl- vIes it engromes t60 mind t10the meglect oi Md eup t60fr co"nnSe as th" revel in ina- more important thinga.- But I suppose a -i gination lu thon mal delighta cw"chare tle mlireasonable peopIe believe lPaI acrupulon Wa consfitule -lIais Mahommedan Puaais.- attention t10 pomnonail elenlinm, tredshe The Aroumed, howveo, tram 60fr dyeama ans de- and neminem s l a Christian duty. Tic dayp qpou hlsons, the poteuc y oftthechant exhausted, are pat, aiaiteverywlere, in duel piet] heie driven traom t60f 6&heU", by ils prOpietOr!- cas 1.1lu ob. usocuicat ut. Nobodi pro- sec lIeun neit morning calking witlu fa*ter4 oulimention nov, sa. aprW oof oysaintly ý ub~ eteeeyes dunsln d, eheeks Iollovnascof- lumau being a, tia> for the -oveof God tlh ii,1 lIait wor-Ftiai' Magazine, le lad neyer vasbci inface os brusled hi 900. vu f1 luei 100; id of bd. *md 5 1 amrd Ivu o» lui& id w. WASHED.p For Mslubeabi e eobjecta clearly and i dwstnclly, iin lu ncessmry lIaI thce eaboli le kept moW Iand dean. For tà uasprpoee it bnfwà tuuiici la 11111e gland froein chà focs a cmlery -f§i (tars) w c iluspseai ' oves theeo by the id, andiisscept offly ib ani m.l hoga hl in lthebone lu tle muner surfaeutthe maie, viarethe varn ai esnroves it chic brealing evaporates it. WIinr uarked dtImi nu cl gland cam be founi in tiche d i fowthce eemients ilu ch ticy 'liv. m"wcua 60manipurposa. If the oye isd uinotm vu w dia liquisitoý i"asl il a - a -ip aogi; ugpouli appoar asbey dieh. b you bo" lIough -a dnty glue 'A3oot60de opof te yla e ragrstIF bsoflmatales or gblaml,. trom, v imu csanoalby substance, chiel apremiS«mthle Msurfac thle allai mdml hpm"oub Iaies t" rom beomiug. U cmor Md eti "l1 luamaps to keeptý tum wiahisà* à& Thosaimeal"nsix m id.M at»i od *othe l àb enables ns uaniis 60£6.atme eu yare caamie AlIsut is oosi oS ns.,mâe mcm-n pmlmlei om wewi*0 vi e lemm IUOmd11Wfrm et ai Oruamrbe m--tb t te beceln hte ut oetalsout ad" mam &tsaué » t» ý t a mom ceuup Df ty ày vas good Jobs WeslY; mand e conveyed lu the m" iof all who sawMm thenoion of a men chose tresue vu la 'id up beyond t11h werld, quitenasmach asif le ladiresed in mhe a fultion as Wo malte himmeif aunobject of ridicule, or as if le lia itoresoreuene of aoap. Some people faney fit maloveulineu of attire indicales a mind above petty 0&tails. 1 lave seen bu minent preacher asend the pulpil vit1 lin baudo lngg ves li right shoulias, lis gucn app."tly put on beg ipes upou hlm fro th60 vestry ceiuiegnu lit ha pparettlynnbsei for -mevernd weels Tiare vu nuoamsp'cios of affectation about laIgodman; .et I regarded Mesn- dinen s aadefrct, mmi i6asnn exSee H e gavea a s l oquent serman; jet I thanoeu il would have been ccD lad t60 lofty min thm t reates s admirably sonme of tic grandest' reaitim oft 11f. mi oft iammStality been ah" to addrm itaalt a BWthecase of mm musones aeDol forgotton lu make pro-il aien-tor theaccuata memameulof liae, mai Ms. lemnet ofLusigmt. 1111, '"dons,wi e ast vosi u"onacloci chié val b.e »citla làmutaîe stlgobjecte et tam ~lwm. Il ~~~~~Ia bu0putaué* , Pm" Ibo *mm - ~v , e 1 .- 1 .1 1 - ffl ýq Il MI - ýq