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Canadian Post (Lindsay, ONT), 21 Nov 1861, p. 2

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iIbo m mm rwlab. r 1640 m M5 -»WQê . 0001l-< M.tihcari *é mlmtm a tie bailutw.i# 0< ,wont, ea; mit If idke ew >190q w iê natm ait hoamm0 sati b tiit$ *W.a ..uUwW55.1414t1w IWI7 w t.huîL *yTmi là ou* ar"t oh etase o~wull7thtib nl. to hlihu. tu uiuld V#ut 'hall. ~elpw. s et 9a piti. *kuut po, Laa11n, - 1- " U * lew. Iwt&AjutWti hlgL'»44 eme tahu. eQ t 14 moi. balot 1#0 liai ireabl wtI.i en I.uad.t. cth# lIewth dso iyt«ts! we.artiil wds 14t1y& ai ith us . lwgm Jam tt sa oiaîî *;i' mN .t We<ia# ~w~m"i,~uw ko bh.d t" ab et tw- gi $ P-ea .Iwi *Wodm - e 1 f~E l Ù4. C"Wo l.le.*ib. h.p doe* shm aidthor wUbu e.t Piit i âemb o is*f TfrmI hesbe. hm w. lit yIih mshty hipuri ai la ..k of a ".iê *Ë « h la " h«l.petlaib iem bot le W* M uuctiabw fom*;uhai ma M Pm bm' lae qsvî ue te omtue *4- qu.v * l i mun et hUIP ANtI a(,« Ifl' N1LI<>l8(vt KIIIILjI lb. »W smies pm lï et viwc la4 'tlohila p.. n l.4psi ,ai, aboI 4e 1k bo e 1o u t* ai trie,1 Bpuin11U Io uat'sai fi n mu. ic t 1w tt yti*r si Vrmo m elwitt. e tht 5fo7, aidub#W oaawtio dsbo emait fmr A* tbopwdl * ra bgw-twis@ ituem icitaai « stsI w t7ao, ailrugo, féeet tomsa s iotsow for b toiia ung$1 p .0fo r u Nta <al*<i Exudki 4t (u o#t," but itio w Va-to t'a mgt'itoiaill tyle, ttc hal# Mauuhing Morta. l km51 I ilm. l'rd'tîu t,-W4ve barsta-tqu eiit«o ltl-> Tic ateai le. etfavciâlo4eM et#"uroh l tu tL li i oac' oe la tit oaa on rdy vw lu. 14à Sautan aà a4 1,liIdlaag le prepmd for tie Offie.. OëterM )PM.o u b hu scale. À eoulhbls quaritd onfen atei aQue- le e b Mw lnthmV. lest fi f* reporti laS bo.t"colvufl.Ta iafly fuwillyA t Tutqu46on h suiso te Thlit *mua'eM M"cf t 136m~4ma Iww MlasasrbW aycf L. <*fcf8. aa ronce* «U am i frntQabe ae" pmy la q.---- -- mr C«Beu a--â ual 75 aoun hm W40*s.l CM.~d ew1t la uqiPW.'s ustu. t. T h t . Io. 1 b d m i. s o , m mto thoawb4imat m Isoa «Mmu wit, wd tédi r" ljr u u2 e fil-a bmwm laIkd ronilemmuat ie. W. Wk Pubmn 0utk* au.8. Nos othMd ?WM 7 w ofllv.o&p th v f 1941 ài-ohul TicèjusosWafd 1 TkO& Ueo.ti uI jmWsotWd3 AsIjuuosi uta lOYi 0Dés. 1, 1861. GSO. BItTET.( arkL Tm Vra',w.CAit*&Mw IJ@I'UIAI. Aâ»Lo(I. Curre' Omauomd W u'. 1 AtiImi* ltn.iqv.t.1w 111à Anua, rlaon,IC..Jlni.vm VTotto Wat.C. Chwlîî k o-,eKin. s&rftt $4 Tniorv m 1,«A 0of li Imble ptk"blinh u cmO stabitegs va dâp. The ounowsl e b.o!g*a o0 t4 lgýil prowon Iun hbe Provine. Il is cmi,- MaI &W> <ily coi4ducs 0*blbuom; a"s toiatrlbuoa fîront mji parlé o0(C(:&"da&id In nimltlng lis cohina iaafuJlgoe laiw aye màd Iwo.dkm euof lis Varionscousi. W. hole mi dw rv joma h b.poilei i4 i.alike eeîl1(eIg1o 1 t e*Odiurtoa eLênlact ilp the Provinm5 0rata'a Ât'ai 1". Pfta&iarlpli - L. A. Th* ee) linMnuabrttt c f (les/ty for thé Pr~ jn"yan.almoeca tuh latny one. Tie Paalatiah.rhWs bot Ofly kua1t mît busproinnhes, I'Ait h. lm done oa g«-twsdeal uM". -Tus luR Ibo resIm vIy v )Av# poeulhArpleAsure i., titie1aan sd rtoomridiag the Lvdra JBo* te cmi,.l frht.nl:Tinml*r irote us "éwittîire, t" l bilw c eecutor le tg y filue afa! hé ajoet et voflsei; the "Roin*' Pncsdly vititf " anh$ lb. f'nms Troc-" aire Lhotit sct, delauscuMdas!qna pjropriale. Tho Ihuataieîî plt for 12>ocmer le a àumasly luwttitg. It e<iaiftaius tsfull fbgim e.ne presetlng r wW eouumes;.ans, t t a is rewklr* us$/41 dy lnhw, cari bot <il te lac iuvatilo. Ilut apace UWittabt eaile a ruto etiamet. hwft *l tt, a, xtltivo of ien sus.4y usiMoes!, the pag« dcftti amy of <beau 1017 h, dMeu il.zedingly uxefai. Te smdW4m otrea - saivuld de Cr041 te aMI ngu% a, d va sa bih Toue. Au.awuhr«ujoeuu. Ne' Tà* 1W.Uhymtos ieée.Tenif the -a" aru0< aI muoally visi .a Irht.retmg. Camaid.*fImmn -euld& v"U tri~~ enesl ora r v*biob ould is cW #afy OVw. to tisa làIttflk mpUt -o totk. , Th eckom*Jruuu/làenductol 1 moni m iati, n!l g gbliy relaie. <i>vt. la lm vs la.1pps wad A " ldinai Aaeoltlu * Ovp sd, o uavi«! d,4 £200 «Mle iuleai I l. o*soSt for9* awOb" Ts mhr fs aua t0, m p<b e ,1* ..bdV tOus. IM 4 *bpIF msIbo Wvmoi- J~4~Cetb u, Nowa esuImmu < My ho 4wmï tbk aimé 0 n4*1 w~ i~.1 j- ~ ~4~uod h. Iéu-hI>lob. I~.tW.p; fr b. ~oe ~m Auwd~- Ile M. G -,Lod 8uo* GoomrGene) bi l*. Nm &im Tin L«" 0i4s" et<Oet.31uB ,ikMd Nova Bet, md-0<etld»!slud Pimace bwaa,md oeum Geo@" inm"d1 mmlofoulr*àmim lld d lm Iud NsiTsuaum-ula RmhBieivgb efor 1I. i osimble for plame ii>mby taxa tin like frociille t IoperT?-Popultio mau" leev, Md roue 0d t.alitaamuwfl kiohiag h"bouse »Masi to a mtest thc te- suli or a prematm estrmgglè for onei&dton »dns XreaUU&o liuaielparelief mueI «Mre, mO* iitly 10 Candiumspoaaion 'it lite aîmornreqtired la amd usai be. lied la siabeos a colord Wou"a ovO'0»lbon- dwed y.rs eorane. ùEh »Mevu alar iell, but a.v etsmm gnval 17 w ta~vie à'Ow m )Iaq. Vp b Io W" a ahurt peliosi of Werdeai% de svus remaria is for the igoVmand etmgliof lier ental and phyaimalfacUlul. Oea# a favorite vi*ww t "0h" t ost rouli bil in«mw toajç. short. b&~a~neIho in uin apo. A ~ ~ ~ ~~t oui.mioloigbHall, vent jb .1, latelyi, haSle porpose of Me 'Moý tb lai lad heen Ieft to hlm ilaa *at ba ig reum, ville cuushmýg 10 pro. iMM *ebt.at 11.ivay satiîon, the -viole ït ou mmeywus batracled fromi hià pocket, ~ w oo bu berna&«otof lie thief. TuE Qum ai Imm E£»,or à Poe.-Hea Gustousajsy in ber loog md of-epeawe p.domt~us an lb. Blalamà Of Scodmm,1 vm à kat o" orpui à-m Un e stom in b«, il 64910gm. Ttw itd, lbovevea, tho F~ Abot uo iepoue'MWi more on oIE peu ýammcMana, aeventy-one $ss oe tg%, wus pveeeding along Kin- 81n1 WMOuI44a hw daja bok, a lady mely .dmd pomd hlm very bastily, *msd b«r 4m u ethig ieslet, huoclced him down »ad brob.se glintwo plie. The " lady" roeeded oovuw vilioct o&ning eihier aid «OS yUPOhY lo Ïie uafoiuue mAm-B"r STE&U.UAIE l » ADS.ozs.-A «"limit- ed IiiilY» eompomy ha. sat.ute inLoadon for Mahia boots «m« h. by aleant. The *oles are futaboed Itelieappers lq asa.of merem!wmlo sud vhat voold oeçupy a mm, four houramd64ha9fàdome in -egit minutesa Tie boots and ahos tau so Le repared md re.soied vbea ïsqumin a Io or tlame minutes, The patent aehine i nov being used for mmkinx boots for thi arMr. ILluSor on mINÀ.Thsener- aienohitem w u 10 have preled, on Wed- nady, ai t hemeeting of the Unitedi Kingdom îlot hod7 reeves! a letter frum iUs lordsiip inllrmting is inabîiiy 10 Le preseait, on ace- cornaeiWc apoeitm. Thc nature of tic iii- nms unrod e iii i lords pl ahorin,-r is not glnbt inis letter he »m: 4- l reve to »my thiam an able tb set out fur lManchester. iaving homo under Mr. Taylor'a rtianierit tWeu two daym, sud getting vorse instead of kel.a,.~'if0Ur fet four oW - bearizag --%%0 &aatbdoo, fiin a simd plftked froi a lieId soppoeed tbeb. maiged eompietely for eeed ocw."et meea) Qf.the emp 9f 16,W" cb l M~s*rw .Wk aàLCiamieriananounta an "Au Ecnomic and Couipeeniie Dkelik=7 Co o sb e imsed iweekly numbems.The editor prauesto gwl $,OM wQogb<WW*s Dictoi ok mtainig oily 33,178, and SSi- dIeiooaq at the pzc. ever publiabed. CAM OP BIGÀT.-At a Sieriff Crimilami Court hel nEdiwhuilon Mondmy, befor SheTiff Hml1aVd Elizabeth Godfrey pleaded gmll te ba Charge ofbig"m, Mmd wus autesq- md to mine mtbds' iâMrummei She vws maraud on 'December 31, 1857, to Robin sue)l' , ih. and &gain on Joue 3, 1862 wh*leS*d w«va uli alinsto a a m md Gammon, a chimMey4vep. (%rau ,P&TILoxiGiis FOn SÂL-Under thb. itou vo Id a advertW.ment .à fie N~tABrtakMrris MnOuuig .1i sale of the fullowing paîromafl: 1, Kirkblll: Boleskirie and Abertaruff, 3,Kiltarlity; 4, Kil- morack; 5, Vicse-patronage of the firetcar of thre united parishes of Invernessa mmd Bons: 6, Vie-patronage of the Second charge of the said united parishes. Th ir ist four of tiuese wl tic Pl th la th w fo ýn tu i a] j, bg fi alioa ah re.ive lalus dluaag Doer.nHe vOn't lbeur Of m.y g-Ointv, and i uataaî'aimark* OtfhUb i. & >iâ ae wh l isqaite rigit. 1 look firward to hi- deatîlar.hsdetoredfo. ranih~ iail't .d op for aweet or teudama -the fiulsii atbtst"ofI /<" -sou i <P.LA" f yon aie n fmtartiisCouay, have alretay lIDollar, Claekmaanmnairp, tiere arem at îakoîater depaitmfuir orDIçi4t uju (,loi. premmeat (Oct. 26)> lahunuma l inllosen llmakaaa'a Laren Ilgiment, md <les.- mnul.as! paillaibloxon peaani straierlriet ailtha LMe .111 el fira l quarte?. Thc À hoy, marnaiDuaiel )i'Frlaao, died ai youag menWb* hame loft li.vicrly are c« a StirlingomuMondai frouathe eoEils of a kick lan l iai hid4 crtdit te amy CoQInty, MAdona thc belly, remicu rs!<om a compantion ai te qny ss-kervice b 5imlengage laimot c tient Lve l "In charges aithemntf hOLer Tic Doie of ArMlhmLaisaicepteafan invita- stiClititSOftCand uuat bte ~respcta ien u~te a d«Ener te hi pi-en bâti hy bi.4tenait t-1 quoa, a le pjuial ud iniel iarcieofry, la tie Argye Arans Hoîci. Inverari-. Tic theelactIes VM Dolnt lie long in wÙ: r dmjer-te take p kmon Ort. 2-. etu tb lu h v li o IS, 5 0 0 4 e mit n f 'be M a nsof D un n o tt âr, n a t î h t n a ~A oS il.>.- Wadsti* 7~N..b"et lt e 3Mr. Riduleli, a "enîaaan in For- fmihh,%et Ithe etrmrdinarv risc f £220 - IGLA ».above vital tic preScrt tenant (wbo«1S retintig, Tuaib Drmrgia mme IWoMai a r 1la i front ai unexpires!flise) pays. "aIl c00t1il 2,0oo, hb Len reeently disposs Wr mnar ov emloycvd I àlilduag 1, Of £ypiaeoutmtfi'400. aireetrosof over thm sepulcire of Matcaèhow. A i.uuta'Coîa.raînuvas inâagunttea ".Teoseatn Liebnrno- Loulon enWedodu. Po&-kie Bert, o edfren teflorexcýp1n&tie Icose -hlocks î IVMyC%ý Vte agr dros rih tvere uéod for closlng the entrantceof tie vallbammbems.A door sto Le put on uau.BaasrrnwoIt is t&tri ave i,,pu i ü ueti-aie .passage on the aide of thc mound. cliandi aa eoctt <of 4£1,M9, liesoie rigml te L PiLPEtUal-PC- Xph it g i o bj c a la c u e ti r ii of $ .pm neu a aapre a is to ma co riide rble xtent Ewarrn' i.geiag o aelve1 ir Y in ~Pertlalare, mnd in attendes! vîti viv ydL.a tb iru om hh Itbuentered. soute <of sbw wmud tie uqor1h, einx t10 se arefty ofthin e"ut lOk&S.Sa. fars baaveLbal -, '1 uo%,arMd i twoplage of tdu oitctdmot *ail lieïrmilci eowm, fronateln lt ifteaen allia IL lanuather, dcatroyed b7 th i k-e - « »*id ... .of U nî aer] . t -Oscat appuebeusions are lai ica ~tstW literature.ententim ines thle Higlalssidsictsfor the T» axGal Awus'tIi-t 'wus dees t commig vîntes, la moamequence of tie citer theruet metiigu li GrotOip oaqorn muceobaby hi..haibi en experienced lau l ér « m me i g ofthe0rmic i-est matrr eti ng thc tusfatum"suyaply of petit. in manyl alesàr ci.Itreaura yas c ffl tOe oie dnie fthe iresitdentâ for tlaaeviterle. t la eay tsay otute pour r w Ai mki of t th lmy* ani' o awolelse " e te, 1go and boycocaie, but iow aremny naies Iltoi, orcrl e li Siliîi~tiupoS»omi10 iepuaehaslisfuel vicia, as a ra é ~ tve etof .n t k. lrwmo*di l'a.'riai " U efl itBadenoci, moals coe £3, 5à. per - ~t--- ~ ~ > ~ ton ?-Invevaoe.CYounr. Itetheianoum of. 0,0*@M . 1OLamoOvCavmaAa- -i1»e paintes!in Ma.Ausauw vii~y <doas for tie caties!,.)lave arrived ,thec -ffls of Xa. Jais Temmmeui, et -& .RollexutofMr. ter, lb u presen es! a dos o m Of £1M W for theIc e u oe , f g u s i f 1J .m m Aiea. bu ofioa»,&,.Golf liii- of Ja "Gaummrs aru~"la oudsalas~bc à(Cimigenda. Thce sabjeeft illaistrate À Onuos F"Fmý" ý î 1AMse buh«in t ives of King Heuiahiand cf mbMre S tW ~mmàgu n 0( 00< , te liePtopbetv Eljai ndMi&i Tlh e.T wvole Iue davualei lin*qomîîl peapu monet 1W ofttïawinW»for limcenot ed moq Le eicpect- a. wllI ftia0 icWI1a.cdne sJ, end ampi progrem i. being A ÀWsàuuazMa laLesoa, uho U.tIy -VU a'J lia ge mut wvpresentes!by et tc Giot hiiâIoaCatlogu 0<181, Ntuo5.»tr Caà--7uu'imu.-On the h.b. 5e oa t- ~ 8he 1. u.mCauconaged 6, only fokWbles9 of eWaau. Cmon, gueeeper, Lytambuna, ueledby &«Maialmahdy, and, allir lis lut *W OPAIS Il bu ë 1W Ct id ount mwmdMsdeunis! bils ef- * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~M »<itivsla*7~ ~ ~ N Mae" ati'IbeU% ,agis! 12, * tIsu, be b Isoa. 7U0< lS '04 lea 111h lu tbe , ai d ma g oa emdenoi émiai Du*tklm OcISp" h55 - &bmw% Os %lm iiiii *efi'ay eM isbaiw * 1U*%wJê~I~» oeYOi~ 9#0s0),c ma em, iomSdl ilier ho ae »«W a bui y odNeo éi ol*4 *.Imds sUmebut u o Joh t. ýaisiu A"< Md1* ïohn181 ,g, 1eNalfo "îylie WARIIK ?L4T9u P J . Ti. Bes.~a.r,îçr hm Ai c Gov- Sruxmt iuviW bIalia Goieniment to h8ý_tbe tk.maem, tOmf lAs malitmry orgaau mü%mas tle Peu* fur iy ebentuihy by the lisMari. gisouMr SWuzmELIN-A lette ftrom Hog- peulýi, tb i êaaiçýTr itzemnd) nste- là"i gaeat qm&tWm of mw ha"e fim ethere withinthelmstfewday&.AIiecwavr whelmed a few days amice by m aalmache near Hcspenthal,but affil iipamaenw ere rescned Sairt. In the Grisons 200 sheep have beu lurkd nadir &aUaches, mmd 7(éO bead of e-at- dle Iôsi fron a similir emuse i the canton of Ticine. A Liir=nAur Gxvsau-The Italim Gene- Va- ibkidulU a twlà pIMAceMMuoglitenary soldlexs, as well m amon other heroms Hiè di.pm1ehe Mmd àleme la10bis mummeipal chief are remarkabl for tir spirit and orir- inelity. Their sairical tuma indite a qu"l- ty which belunged te the wrîter front bis early youli. When Cialina was -tdigmté maties under the Jesuits ai Regg,io, Ire was -x- pelled for making sa algebraie equmsiomwherc- inanau mu plured as being equal to a Jesuit- i. expulsion jqstffedthce ciamof the THE MASON AND SLIDELL CAPTURE.- InT eoxamentifl- ou the capture Of thesi gen jýIenrft. the Gliobe of Mondày morna, M.-Ies the fuiowg.,sensible ",bservatioà .neveat haw just occurred whieh rmight. if handletl intemipermteIy, inroire îhe' tÀxitbd States and Blritainin lavery ser:,us eump1imr- lions. Au Ameriean steam frgate. the San- uz~ m me nanu on LOIU LOVaIa Rjuci mailu *L...rn ....-"-..r vho miso $sies witi the Ci-owu the presiata- on the bii, seas, and compelle i surrender io to the two last pariis.m' of Messrs. Maâ-o» and Slidell, dilomatie rep- Dracoviar or AScMzvrGluyu Di r ir- resentatives of the revolted States. o'n ticir wa'r> kEiIL-Some discovenies of a very rmara-to urope. llad the Br'tish omader b( ' I de characier have Weu naie reeentiy mlonegrain lessprdentî,îad herisked the !te~s Pertislale. Mfr. Paterson, fariner, Bana on of lais yesse) to secure the safety of hi5 as ai estae of Kincardine, in the course of re- sengers. and had the Sdit Jac»Irao ea1tailt Bom orne atones front a lin))ivhim. near ventur«ed lu tre upon lier, the a.pct of , :b, 'ho farznstead, a large flag, Of neariy a ton! matter would bave 4Jeen muehi uore z-krî:urý 'eight, wms conte upon, roder wvich a grave lt haWIt is Ujw p--. tet P'-zzý1:vtl& vas discovrered. The aides vire furmed of Ameïican ütieer wvuld nut bave prov-e-1:t to, rflahgoues, Plmced on edge,, and! a ainilar 1e-xtremities, buîtithe riticCIO' eônnandtr, - who- one tormel the bottmn. Il contained th re ever he was. at.i rig.htly in rieldinir for the nain$ *of a biran body.wvici must hav-e lain i envl aware as lie must ha-ve becn tha±, »"YW lundres! TCRXs.Thre spare viiea couhs Goverament would recti1fi-any error int- ained tihle ttniiabout thi-e feet and a.ju tc h C Chnit OeUnîRnud balf in Icagri. harely two feet la vidîh. and of Tliere can L.e no d&.L1t t it thec actio.. of &bout the sante d1t.It lu supposed the g tive Sas Jtiicu tmma::der vas anu('tti-4e 'a Romran one. Ani>ther ]Reman grave L n Othle Briti5sh I and an infrati In Inlater- titi discuvered wiian îwo mileà of thcse national law. There canrb no ostihe justi- place, on thi estalt of Bliarford. fication foi i. Thc individluais ar-esteti wer#_e - vova- in a vesse! of a neutraI Power. under the protection of its fia:z. cn,-azcd l ino, at IIBLAND. t of var. mioi3îinc u»law uh3{ .- '1 d Oct. ~ e a1,t,Ited tu tht-jr c Ye e, the ý et Ti r1hfriners haVe 1m1erailv xitdr-awn v~r~hi a tr~dw' e w~ ripties. as tîiev s>.V îhev ric o cae tis the lad!or&s, aho, carrrouf ail ftic rizes. ibr '~ -.-tpr anwvr -It is an actasta act uat Cotton ii '3are at .r ot!t i- tat l ; itut present bhei',; ade in iýe!t :fur t' keeWpence ie seî re 1V thiutli r-. each; nt lest atit 115'a. L;aM! îh.a is raidl;~ ~ h1 ~~~ fur more tItan three-t'ourths ctf a!! the wt-rkî:t-!îrir-. Tex emaiSuhr- require!. 1Tliat se.=mstre.s is an expert band si n acnada at :Lsmoment. anii if thue as who man complete one of thent in a day. fteZaJQitverIezLlou Tue IlQvEENýs C!ICi Xltuflulw'd hi no toane1 A ras "sm basý len l.rupused x b id'h r Q tn. ve irean a r c- i t heni ul fftw Fort La Sir R'n. Peel ha rpac 'Ieàete or Foi-tVbWarren. Tic matter does not ý£1200 t.> ho allocated tfor îht-ic suio!asi1t', ',.î: of dispute. Tb&,sezzu-e 'fM. -:'. 'if £0a bar catch for ien years. There ,col- ~tlu i l a 'm V. Zs a - w ni.:. n a:v u: Iees ar egiorâniag btuattract large imbers . --"a iivoffer tif zarizL4e if sridnts AtticB4Žfà.i eui-~. 13 fu~ he ic Uittd Suites Goienrurt. nd i :h. studttà'have cntiýr.-tL fo)r the î-cs.nt sesson. iealjon cf the CaliÉV:C' S. The ,Gala-lr Company Continue ta Cornsider the re.toration of" the SUbià-d v etaintîr. h P.US A. was stateil at a meetin~ of the sharoeholders. nLno Ynsna -:,iio lie' Mon M'.r.th:Lt coit.-acts have heen 1ian Lai-s atttwates -tC titc- ues in thât ,ntered mb o uaew .d1salla that tic cout- i-e lotr. Ad lhk',nal -deîtai.s ofthe- liree:ors autieipate thec assistar.ce efzeutlemen cliso with the studt7nts on the reppe-iirg f~~~~~~~~~~~~ ettiaeccadhd iaclstduI f the univershry show that the affiâir vas quite UV roFTue QrruïN S RIiLwày TaArXo IIN senlous. PBhw iv ere given by the îroe,sw-ith, IN IEAI-Her Majesîv. 1'ufore leaîing *tho utt 1 ti t d --us0" ,ali 1b1ood vms [rdand' dit-Žcted. throudli the etuî'tro-!ler oi týhed. 250 stuvient wer, arre-àted. licr househol d.that tic aaiiway conrv sho~uld The 1izian Zea.tuag states that a mini- send lin tlîir hll, and it vas 1.aid aIt te -sanie te.rial seret arv bas 1leen arrested for bavin, rate that the E.urlish, compnaaies receive vien eotect-d sLrnituree tu a petition. la bihl f o ber Majety trat-els-tliat is -à. per mile for i te students ai StPcerýsburzr. vlich wviitb le tie àpecial train, ket.. and ,izrst-e!ass fares for! piresenteti to thŽ, Emlier-or on his velurn t that ber attendants; utaI ares ifor carriages and ouei. horses. Tic viole bill 'vas CI. 000.-Free- i ears art, entertair'ed thai stormy sceetes, at- mufleJouril. end bt' :îeat masses of the ýeople, viii take Ci ars SPCa'.nr<oN a:OFn'X iwORa..-We place ':eerally ou thc eleuruof thi Emperor have had an opportunitv cf inispectinir the fliest to St. Petersburg. Tii artice lsa asplendidl counterpne, mau factdred by Mr. John PRoltinsotn. of Alexanderi st., ]Rîlfast.- who vais cn,-nszed on tie vornfo MA a I I E Ir S. tweîrcmonîths. It consista ot ne fewer tia Il Nv.1S61.- f. 274 saprmte squares of vaîriocie colores! <loti FIour-per bd ofg 1M6 ba. middlniar. -3.00 io 3-50 in Mom- Fi-tcptt.tSrî~ç~nin h ne .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . .. 1 1 ic orkthe atî(,z!uý eprseninz he u:aif, XNo 2............... lautans of Several oft1theprntcipal Scertisi " - No 1-----------------a. . . r. Er................... 5 b. t.P br extm . .. .. .. .. .. .....) t tai.i, ar I of 2a----------400> MVsFT-raiîorsC'k;L-ýQute al eXCItemenl-t -a. j'er us' C SI.ring. . - -00l> va-a oc<.nsioaacd lin iis ovai on Suaaat- veven- LC i.Lit white ...........'L'i 2, -.1'. Red--------------110 Là pi'f' hast. h7 sone I-arties dise-oieiag b-vO te- ieie.rr6bsý.. .. .. .. .. .. ..0.65 0,' mnaIes la the oct cf makiîa- a grave, in viat Balev er à501............. .)045 0V la knovra as tie Olti Buial Grotins, near the PoC kra. p r io » s M " 15,Ï5.. .. . .. . 033 0 Georgian Bay Tannery. Wheai the vomen Prim . t 2.50 to 13.0, Prüme 1150 2.1 touas! tey vre dacoert, uic fie »~ Butter, jir lb, Inferior aM4ordinarY 0 0.0s ) foun thy wre iscve"the fid ito he air»Agdpd...........011 .? wooda adjoiulmg ans! is!tiinusilves. On titie Fi» unm<doe dairv..... 0,12 matter being biouigin uade7r the notice ftc rderl...........>019t 0 che~~.a.. . .............. 0.06 Coroner, lac proeeedcd aI once to the spot Tmhla.v. per lb................0,O't ,1 pointes! oui as the place vliere tbe vomîn acre4 L rýemtii-$piih Zce44.. t p b. 0.3 2a seen digglang, and )ad the grued dus! p2 Sin. No 1 O,?t aln-26 wicu a coffin preâ,entes! itself coauîairjia e -- po .0.3 t)s ',I .1- 7. bcdr u anitaitutnaetlycIts! an c . 1p.wh, U37uu0,43. du. stL,0.3%)~ boy.ofaninèuý»etl cu4a t roua the Calfskhza............... .- Ù.,4-.07o appearance of tie body, muast have Leu dciii. ltne............. 0? six. oruieven nsontlîs, and huies! ln uoe damp TROTO. place, tien nuises! auns!deposited hIy the vomisen ................ 1.(X) ro 1tf ins the&pot uhere tic7 veto discovert- -Spring wheat ..................1S ita>"" CWinIAwood Enleyprise. - eu...................... PBai.y--------------- . St TvawrsCa geeralykar ~ Butter per lb. 5mfef- to 1IT; Tub i> No1L2 t.'1 TynaiqT eaugenimly k-rn o iEggip r aixt ..................lisb tlesson uofhamaniîy, Unless il is WYl-P(tis5ibue........0t len broadly with the point of thel a~~~Bý swa'. v ii> ou IN A HabLWaT CuARguoL-' Tan elements of human happiness! Aut aituruce of liis uks!took place o n ~~~~~~~~~~ meloe1 d dman oe1 nday in rie foredooetraint oang -<on the am Ie t Go an rua, lve o o e « e w em , Tic mùàler wu a ,zni ' IwirEfan, andt e poeeion of a g-aiî tic a of e Fassr, ie1oubAg -ue icpaSMu bired girl. -tocf Pesty. it. happencil feluately -thmt twO Taux aimingi l11k li like 1 W"" m l decaveeithetnii~oi lmuuuig mna*mat"* We l~. e Ù ~a &iv8i *ÀeOO pl i osil tea sways lokaitt be-mgto(~~e< ei~n .16 -ghILbe hjajaitd- oaor*tlycr 1

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