ii f it# wiItitý4ms*tNt.iY*Ipa -iý>«t*e ii .. . ',~ 1 - elL1.- . la Psss~li 0%I* 7 t<. INU14AU l CINQ tY S*.'h4s~~.~*QEs~ 1AM*uq£ffl kom lutd S V8M 8 ZIMAW4lell1UllU. at 4U#" 4luq Il*4,4ts i. l& 1'ti(tî4 q4ft *tif* et« '44 N atbuflbi W at= %rk *TI1Nd WA m imt "4 sl ta elle am* m @ha. MA<uloge Xt qk su f MA lle»mh - os YNIN'1oh4O tIn G I (' ù4écwi Iwo"*iod a Wb el.tu 6et 44W vid~ uesnpelhllem otO' bfý4#Rb al*tè ewq 1~. '~l'h P bi. sv (l*<.AU fait fgm4e iaO~~(444 4 i1vle , W4 .sVAW t bo£1 5* k'~5t-h, t51 bel1*$4 cIbn alle ~ ?~4., ehh~. .ul ~aaiu~teq4m f 4MI I 1.lMapsI~i& 'US. - I 1~w -X -q, cor. ..T 1 ia so.se -JitaInsuv los& 3 fa & 1.1 boa an e idm bbse O1~IIEPhI~Ik ag1 Roe. 4slIa gruauP Otq eubeï m ;e" m p.Sd Lsalr-u I ~7 1~h~ailvéah tfg'. OakI j{ fW en ~ .mli* i m u~.. a. i.,. i 1144 . #tA118iI UL OS bmi, p'lat ria'S 0i u l ii. - ~qw~ - - ~h.CbC fa H~ iuqe~ C lels 8 O~WWAT~ Paupslulm. 11?*U ROYAL >tAU ~TÂQ1~ LIAYU ~~W1~54 the 4 5o~mIe lesiet Ides A~qij4h,1iuiel <6. I.lbum Emias. sel mn*vseC dus 1w 6. waise 0.1 sel me~ *00l de. sel ..d~1, - *hu~ W. RAT. Peenus.a. -"Ut. 14 À a"Sl I *6 ~ au8,. a" -Wko mutvb bSsse fa Ai l oueM OII almT I. no àd'wse ltmM -MU O" o< P..w aét- SIxi, les. S?1ONTO wit; - - UN ý "* Imm àk$OM wuliw beI b. mRfor lb. or 8"e hm in -4p Wb&BO 8 Ses» *0 uou et-1 f mm- IMO 555 liii Ail .UAUP* lU 4-i huoU0. ~-~L vi...,1di~iLùlJÀ - - - lia. E I lisais u~ ala16-ma t W«%i atb ma mot plu KM 11pSA LL 8& é'im buC Pise.é~.mih ea. et péad« et ase V« m ith s fr hm e Tb* *bmlt« a nom&lI 11we I-i toi «1300» 1i is Mhmso ilbtNi I J. .$w4u New I&I. t» . m* tlliae uMi, m l C Sus sw.t'là i fBTUS nommi &zw * es- liép.lu" m bkiav -dJum -am thé Pis* Md «« 7«r.-M« PIWS-.at 1.6e * ut hfili1 tu« làd be1ui .lm au ai ut lb ta w 0"mu b0s MÉ&Wm, soi a ruab siset 1ulal put utaCa. u6KD~ 6. a aiitl t sseh .~eeumS.ibppty in lbenmm thle tuthauooet tlb sai TRI A E insa Tru. Copy of a uumetos ym u wI alte "tIi Coasty cf VfrtoaiaOfi ib TOWN HALL> LINDSAY,, ,IR lb.M seuloty, m the fn DIT 0orDUCEnwRIeu 86. ai t ebo of ON.o'CLOCX in tii Alte- *ooa, smls"ticand miplace à*. hbm eo il. Coud mes be.ui qmord i t amd, for SC. WOOD, 1 nay, A. 27, 1861. 14-lu DImISIO00GMTS fw *0 .Test 3261 - .....2 à Whe, Sa4 a . lie 3. Ne. 4. a. se 20 ' 17 .1 is 14 31) 31 i N.... *1~ .5. il Z UILNBEAM.Jmdr&: i i P~. Il. L. & B. RMLWAY. mokoba UU. T"v »miw 008 A.* BâU.i r" i pob 7lé.SaUML SORfTUZMRM ALWAY. 1-19 ad M MXD& SM.2am Muni .1 t.u lit- 'Imm~ T TWRLDE ww bem in Lu &ttî»e p ar C »Ver mém Ci La!O LII AMmm guvl% bMwSRe, dm god dope h un NIO, kio sthaayer.TIosANTRIei me.~~~h indu-*0 ap «4.ehlàuso Omasi h- sai auivuhl6, bg v ad, m oz-se mot î 0 a mto riwpu %vi@ ho Il~~mnb tus U -OUe ib bane iat but- imr in VIN a tvii a r .dief t azt sousi mihopbe- mta he lbb. -Mf£ am . iumeai tèsS.er *j e v m h mmh e mm" ~~em - wut eae h b .ti m i VOAi um.tC Nadulaluqu-Mse lb side» Ialbfuromeiio A» MlbpssNI.A IX-is obesea i rse al el aluofS. wy le- E~~~lp« the ais enii .il ar butlie a- e j Iula.mem biQvut a m~ ast. aaytpmbpe fo r ti. 1ULm»iSouh merflB, uF core&1m&dnta l a",~n lbdodnsgodUS.~le i une va a omdin te me e tHEl S. L n *VM dpwm»tofhu anpaaiyto ir .deîm a«d mi. gv a fiee 1lbsadE amik .ml l it ei nd o!i f rt *0aXumeCordid uo% ASD &i t 21. Dodiy W.dd is themout omplete Cmmer- a OWmaim m pur publishel i.A eica. uni- 1 "im lb Un ooiramd Emgrer aMIpreserving e ab lb .ommnew Dl unMd mmiber disttictive feu- lassof et tbajosrsai. il bas beffome the pincipl .avrsmemlof tlb New York Auctioneem, ~gusm MordntsMA ibusinesmen geueraliy. Ib~~muo ad miilaet Reporte, together widi dt alsu bl mwoaatoe, ForeigmnamBd Do- nuis, ulut xperle, ami"t offig amiDemes- de ohip New%,are <tau. = ==;Te, mi!a.Wh"t ne Ba atulý àauru.in umuqmm nsithelbfallausaof its polMIti »ài mimmb"olaes sm% ilscresnd mons, &e, ho. lb as jiuhdosam impeial uquarto shosl, forgertua m yau uae-rent dady. 14 Sumay edithin primisimlanavigilant1 W" Mmivi hepier «i ts o?! -, exduldinag eve - q*limg sali h. rndms4 Tuas, per an, 8ix Danlism; Pua copies to eue addriés. Tmeuy DI>oUuz.To clergymen. Erre Dolla=sper amwaun. T»E SEN-wF.imLT WGEL». I edw i-WoeLpWMile. C algequarto mm âmeaim. lIe iaieulaiin; il n s neyas, S' ~ hUa @mm*euetosfmntlb ce= Mye % oi 'ai tera. Ils seb i.n&amidpeeusropouta Ma".i hg vadlma S sUry <imeor. .ITre.Doll. ars purasu: tw. copies te om bad- dans, P" Deulam; ive eon Ste omsaddruss, mflproubqler. T bzmTv.Dem TBI WIEKLY VOEU> Rie Wuap VaU uS.au ii b e"ltual ail 6 ai hpsuCi ut il l mu avr eus- gwlmi, e r m- brlflaïproiuetiom frin tlb - dh" à"ami- ,mdmeel vnra. laI me W vdtt bâ l pamod min . oauntry *m *m »&-t 'Omeaai Mad market mm p»M- »Minmes, es mbém.4 M& l dmamater moriej aùms- Paice Twe.Deoli aYeu; Ba« MOUsath. m mans, I6 . Dem, s;twelq 0uupss vmyDl lu. <Isroynu c emlwtuie b ekiy, single MW"àà flDdllr a Ier. Uogb qdls Pise ]%balIu" M5i aI Tuei . r a Club et ve iOIDe eataoWp; h. a Club of Tvety O* m iM u ilha is mlA tes4 1= 14 q1 baueI t enuro a Ma Cu~1b*rmaiu e -wi-le- S. .1- --lb b"0"a- wmeM, mtî Ntt iià. ~eil»usbe mom»mb« bush. -lia u.y ulph 4 du tm * lb lt a" lm mydme ho8 hAuwhaa Win bh. mml 1 heipsut.mi*th ar m m im PauI- usi.a hm .naii te L a"r1.hum al- ut,d. pedaUingt.li -.W7t i eau"paoily uhwain fon my **. me. Do>- -m nm vigh yda Immd &<bam u * -u ai hr<euïb&*î i u ismtis Anaieu; mbut of the i-uuvu-- ie1-u-m!- pb Mma hoi.g iU;,atad -its .dmn TEEM o» Dilar fer sda mena&ao»b. Duw Pafl r emcpîo - ye-.44 Prui.nmli Tus Tqimn.m- ... 2! Tw4y .. h...2 -*u ho MM ... e W.tez m mdCamffmiomyS orPm-oU.. amptak« at pSfer mscn.., ma subvibeuKM i_& Vse. Pulà m»mna j«sml-pu » Pa ube NEW VOiLUmxE ed lb tventy-butyero(iUexiatee; ie DAJLT TRIBUNE hoe mmewhateÈ sudmaihlbSEMI- WEMLLY TRINUIE somet i.Mar 1%r Mmre thaji tvtaty jeuia lb jo uin l chat ils eond.ictorshave fol t.ul be edf Na- maaity. Justie ma" Freom, eomvSig teu- lioram athe condition of tlb oppguu usiad mafort- Date, omoor a"I eeomageenamfuiOMRI"tila ubstover spei. sami S. pruma"u by &Umemane tlb cloral, xntetiect"a. Md! matesi a aivaacment of ourceatr. t haaimelt. h uiilrasier lm p<qx.lar, and tu espoza ad Um>l-day lbe :nrtb that ethers may »ot buwMling ta e ccpt titi to-mQrrtv. In puumag thî& cours mistaku s doubtles, been, Maie Mi fauita ommis; bat. haNia in ail tlump incited our readm aust.tbiim and judge for thermsIvsrmther tIen s*opt blinmêy aux owu or othors' coclnsa@s, me olleo m y irly caim for I"isjournail be audi t Utaving quaAied its readm e s eus«ctami xoe eitsS 0w m mb rrr.To deveoplb mimd. et l oab di. Mort <corral, thoroagh and liabui 9ucaiop --Md tuencuage sai am h rea tiv 1- llitry, through fxe .»b el utPublie là" te aetnai seMiers or ealilstir% aas boe gmet protectica cf immature ci p@eui&ady uo branches <rom to p»Owr~dezl&*i" tlb, tes.dady a"éial ms~a phai.ithrupy. As to the Civi Dw ur 0utr we hld it f, have WantOM, mxcked, me=mwu er buesr kx.omn,--a Rebeflin îw aterest c %utl ev agant temany-a Rbl n desigme l S ai bigler the mal, et este ami! liglt b .ab" ut opweuiu.'aruigdé"seauEWmecoula mitoa etmdr ovital pri"e ib .avol! lis. Ver, a"i mitussogi! le forbeazançemuehu»su amiln-s1- fering yul h h" lbeiode"aiGoweoueut sangla wo avert ils horrw% , vu lad it our clear duty, ith thst ot uvery mliii citiz en, . tand r by* nation and ils faily chosm ruiors% W amtsessi mith. a ai renergies tmbïr.5bste upWhe VUnion, lb CSestituùoàm i lb upmmefoet lb Lava. And, tu-eue t"bRebeléa -hba ecoe. through Usurpation, ieceptiss. tumabUN M so ala femfelystoMm e belivrs bu Aue"& Republic far srogur, and "'dolbmmmsom. earst et rus of loyal hiaiheurt iua mil aais its ovsrtb»v.,But on ai u ums a6 gli objeots, the Scaple. am" dusatieutIbisMaet extra- ordi ycoulualW*, me 6 le *" *l b . Avi- rîia peoph hbaie ciouthu i a ,1. holAdi uniby et puxposeam e aoim aiu mebin grave aa emergescy. In a criais llb tepuo..st, ou daumme uaibu Ma fr Uom, amu i uiue.h.bu et %a Umr liking inSetiL ,W.*601met, ho remit that adtleuto.Itsrtae, S.EuUm Aa.II5 ta, Aftliturai ProgreaS, tO C»oM wmbk à%4 mbiel basut dy, me trust, meS for theTDIEUNU au honorable pomitios amenc s eomnsa. Our main Objea isaMm shau f» t io à- . I prebensive Dmae -W r.lom Wu* iemm o tull rer May itema a riw miffa ai hhlàq ut thefm. set merely in the mmin ofACtio% b« t Oph e as.As o a Mlie, Or sai' nns_- malltinje»» vith Yeau%, me trami du@a ho- provemuat mlecaeluaajuim sup 111,1.. Md that, la lbe vmrey ai ,<tam if ligeaee aEud. me May mauiihope, S. -mn.ic day a cenlie on the laut" la bis bo*. e, m na a oellauamsaree generue z mutaspak'up lhithoaVU -accordea «rouijominl. DAIL? TRIBUNE (311 Ma. ur amm).- . Tro tLm-&uui- w«pU5: T»ioieq~5ds Pradahut w, maieV rbmgIubsiw Fpraisans ysrý Iodiai aM .y lagm x -à at 1Oe» euhl thémalad p.su labr. T.m le «O miiwa . T mite mq miAmu qoe,~ .1 Li W. -8111. 1