* . -ast Un 4d Wbur tube.êa cadi Wl. *Pm do. h .omA Ms.1 5ÉwuIok .k w.'-' ~~'AI lmmwmI mur - - -,- - Furîtue.Furniture! i NQT*U:« IK FURtNITULL '5 WITM AU »TO.* q.bL SIt ND CUR~LIU ont h.7 anz mg I-wmg poekle e t » S-u b &M iy pariesW7 odbu.lmm Sid t Po myitot be wlthaut »- neldfit" atii. duil demieutsh, u" e. I Imm, k» Ith'n weight' MR u ts eas h N Moh~owl ewni *ult ot lmri, rom bamhuwcei stnd~ho tif t r'- barvel.sud woured îau~tt'thit nbaisto bc dot 1.11 ft Aw AitbdAO",tnd ti w as Ihe* tète wànit't. Cort Itle mtier "gýo$ 'fte 0* the' 1 OP lut mêle îb.Where ik May bave1 ~tttw, MdiiAl< î1~hlothé aitr enough tu 0ie r l<umolmm wek Qkx* i hlo ti.o i huu i< l t ny bl 4ippedd<lsl 1.s &hh ontI la pro.oed tLy lutht' kong eenluga wieathe» i. htIplitIIlitti. ho eoilersi 111~ting titile .1.. l b. doune. l thlghw bois, i broàdth abtix -FUI -l l bu IruPrlut til i1 *lx tgOeç *v Itilti#% d it tlt, m erl otofimt. Dry wood 1, sudtut (eihl Inlo pleme con. aââ i pi', e a the*ii.kitcîieu #0 ü lo # faboo km$ oha. hv.uàg aW0 Io sm>wl or watt kiltte Nt~ê1lu ttl'teepttnt~the lue g11,0411gh i ,un a iu4lury Whiefi hum tw h4)* i.ut ~ twhidp huntg l a mdo vn u joy. Aq o u .a4 la *hieti h itlu Im ttt tilot10a$ tii. hw .log le ( oi lt lthe l 41(1011bou, W iet an Mphtewtol.@ie w ui ilh tue] tleýett. u p4e&k tt uî#tbey btonth or b.àltmwe sitRld bo(lut Ihîtu tW&V or(Ifli.lt>pi.. chipesud lght -klotIige anne «s L4t1itlI~ l ~'~(ltandi l i îft' W Upro n uabondantce af a buL ~u1n. LiitIytitun the. trun itet ttt andpler tiielntbelotethat St <tt'isI1oîp, tutt elt'vt'îbi<te urrence. COur wl '1% Mxay b <t tw i it ek, thier i dl&l ln fia"1utitptasant wiieu we have eae. 0t V.i ith', or tikinK u t'ctÏ"'s udy futl" APPlotroc lirut fi -bouî t I_rt' i*, nYhtsi t'Pie, and bru#liIare neuly as vidltible a co o.Veryil.tktht" ould t, buwo mt:ki'.thé' kitelien asud IePark>i ehp etimm di tt', iud(dl'. Aitl" UtAthhr uP ithefraguwntb thAt à( pt.ce ,b<i1d w-':feoîn f itluîling L 01,-M..Paht Mlit' tti P1ve 4' ý i1~1),l 0 tsTtcit.-mIn vejly bttil end Ilttit. it" ilu. Inhi uîuov1ov< qnry tf 44 c;#dmuttl$ uîle10 whuft wi whi it m( bi - t f illg(t tlu the tvt waiu oit, li the' proportion of or, Wlutilt, r 4 . lit tl(IIokek. 'nit~rn<tiefnuf lu one, pOUof lui beois hu~It ~ Iia ><i1t(I.HuISIOr 0oL..Again in regsard tu budi id uh*îlls y<I îUIt'-elu Iz. -un kt buaboie grounti, 1 won w411 1xi>otiIle pivkJ0itit tlt!)>t rtt«»nîtid hlilu buîlti a fran w1hie t4 e rguituiltunm'(If ln tiokm r 12 ftot igii, ne a los ono w mftiit4 dtféOyti ba lt tOt *t' mg nul ker w ;lo'w i card l o n lx, <i'uutt't. - tides ortii. ,îuddlng, aud fli iIl PAOII.-U' tti ltm LiYt'13il tween with ton or miwdltit. hI anti . ivo ergNVîytll ftf tt . l lg l AShiq rly. "*Wheher g cf suit 1101M 41tisî>uunt a>.' -Fme nd l5\r aNf.'lV anti p tett'tu)g>itelti'r~ itde ultingatio tun a an uaigrai piy ~a.idos lîyî' ultti btt it ~ ,appeir.rtm, but wilit a su e t 17t rt f >1rk intil u' tI Ill dfrkt'r lbtid, tandiIl Ile aten WOII fliit, -is~gt tesI11et'1( for flicw o' e u cti.Th ru top ilà lwmg and onsiieo Thekk'ht FOI q~th bitmin hotondeîtuti w1n as .ver>? dUfri.eut. il je a v itton ,indesukid reon t' M*se g tSs nig la tuits, t .'r.tlîy buititIl dlmu thougb tender Wha ou nUg la VI -u theiblIg*, with hking rpwttltnrd îc .ult t. WO W hou Ilc«M Ttngturitt eIt 1)ddy 11%w ate moîîtte 'frt>ui ,itle piét(Ift't5 ATaucs !RtpL'.-tt bMy ?ar it ft Ixe -i~itw'iiNwtîhuodret( Oi, tI4 alady,1 "I a g LIII iiy 1tit 4IINllldti tthe' <ol wili tiMy Cyue.'" Bpatiu 4'urt'UM. nadumi," lie repliet ,"7011IN l'aiQe Mge.1.-imiado frtuge oitlîlms fr a gPest deal wu4ht w~h ordtuti rlnaing ~ LAW CwrSD-Eoiî a plat of m îîaukve ' btaîtl. &ààwch paceîw m --k ~ ~iÉ ~ *~ lii WILUIAM MAROEClI bep hý ave to mwommuoi the inhabilsut d dsyminwulg it b4h.bas OPV» thatLAFRESOIV uICT TIIE? feqt a WPk h',.JTl, saFUIIIUlIE WAREROIl Iov.h bu shlwaya hud tb, aMdW PA Â.otmmuit u IOWithm l. t '1W s usM to âmmuf doUI b beofeFualtue fhnmIîstestutrwLi.à vork -uti»( W. X. ppaittelr alt.£o te i.NDECRTAKING. gr c4plieldmwpa W h.d sd as4d«. d lu @t~<,ki .1k b.Uu*tà<~W. IL kespaaRAME -M hud,- whch &u lI LIai., 004. iIIl, ui.f The CG&lasgow ELouse (UT£ I PST-OFFICE», WILLIAM-STREET. THF4Subohlbwwoel ,esecflIy intimalte tw thé rekietscf Linds T"F sud bi.ihylmaiw" lume u gsudo~inr mixea" bge sudveiwel antii ,*mb i or qusliti sd capes ao ..ule eLuu &tok in the-abie 910#kw « mli ei4t dpti hae un at barel l Ca4ada, . Tho 0os havi wîW% lmpi i utmr ncmdh lai usàulai ou ia hotee oamit el -by themsesa aY other hm as i utado IÀdIUMT FÂSITNS i ideee tW4m Ym Iot e, eI 1onea t.' E,, ut e. 'la t b I say cted 00fr g~.A ÂL 1 IS IreCTéveLLY SOLICITE». WILLiMSWEE.NE&Y. WHOLJ2SALE AN»D BTI Hrdware Store lAS REOPENIE!> iUMe. PATRICK'S EW BRICK BUILDIýNG, > iotlt. e s.W.-L . M &aldt (o.'a cheap Cash.Stfme, KEN<T STREET; and tii. i'.î'ntorf4 IW)Wv Ibo uly "y wa7 - eever "ilr e u k.hy the lae Fit. e 5SMAI>!- i'îtwrr auJnewO&Z wtu the Pubieo theStock of IIARDWAIE v~tsltl'> ~ BAND BAR AND 1100P IRONI NAIL IS, 14,PAINTS1 OIL$, PUTTYb GLASS, SAJ,>LERYe snd ait deseriptiofle uf SIIELF and HEAVY HIARDW ARF., otjrif' 5mnrLAtn ui ~r bfor *ofoin MLfmy. O um1 tau l 11l A" it ta bt w m tà~o give os a' ClIbefore pnrchaag item mborNO.40. CMSII PAID FOR »IIEAT. AT le9. if A...J. Bunsal & o0' WILLIAM STREET Foundry and Machine,Sliopsil Pl.OUGII S, CULTIVATORS, STUbIP.EX-TRA CTORS,, CHU RNSe TIII<ESHING MACHINES, FANNING MILLS, and otha« AGIUCULTURAL IMPLEWM arse beîug caawaty manutmmd sud B1O ?IIG O? AUL DUBOIPTOgS 09X 1ODMUÂTI OMM. ~"suifA. irk in au ite brmeu. '*' M P.r.<uwl od 0A.-3.BOUNSALL'S18 GOCEUT )ESTAIlR!SHMBNT previoua lee a m "l. se quuwso btlg cauh or fau r u!e te .F«ndaivithout delaya"sd VIC~TORtIA 8ITO §toiEt »4. -u e m * ot lbdotoo su tho beu «« mm s- itu Sem»Os" 08AuMSPP64 a1,06lu 'a,.~d ,ts,,, 4"IlSl.s $W« PW OUDO saau.as the 4 la »Mmnt. U1S I ta bX4btte"mtbe hag »» tafli"- a.6 ai ariai4at 4 '.u , FALI. & WENTER GOODS, of estew ewie n i tb." ais dotsttasé robave oet eeud,.6, brut-*tas aitiolo uW" tbsw11m -un aSt 0 suS "*bd felusi li*0a*Ob torleu »amos aU -. 0 il «OMaOR tbq mamtiss ma" W hwfli. »d imu ilbe bats b.dbe,,Wsa W <J.bqu &bere. W"ti*0tt aiW.uffl a SSet atel Wm#*W. me trsm. hOO. i vifi. h. ti *e . Wmtr iDBDUWi SA»" gin n A .*dB~" - GB~ÂT B0O1<B~ - - mauomwf o, w 21w-wff-fl O - mumjatic o!Philadelphia, Etc.. Etc. IN THE PROVINCE, jlyINO' GREAT WtJBK O TISE HOMSE 14b7S), ~Ih h.. omme o~f the 'ey b't M"184 y authe mubjeet <ver imred. Ilt ti5 Yeu oftho w cou sa; am in style, maSIEhof finish, duraiiliy ework- <gî . tr and d"utiY trité &£ Euu dptta, 111 smietewi1haujothr sduat< h ceD ~,'toBr»ed , ErEuk.?Fe". Sho. and mange ~ a a ~ C>~ p~Fla f~ iiifnd tg the r wgh hlm VUC14X ics andhow t. test 6uisa*om sdm ~ieuaUyatteded te; sd auj work not giving entirematisfse- nMent of Marty Ibo distincdiâeuesta bo-ro Mglts-to bwý6,eewkik ts udyrai r i r es, and i t*Me Lau une g> LLWOREMANSJ WRANE.f.m f Warranty. The whte beig th r- of thie habits. jeeullarties. wants a"i w.ahae LINDSÂY FURNITURE WAREII(}IJSE.ofti -lantà:euaim b4pgs halt-bouifd, $1 00 ;extra, $1l~ lOTE INHABITANTS OF THE CO. 0F VICTORIA. Tu ahlDctr them A COUNSELLOR IN SICKNEsâ otinues te ae bb&_ni s usc 't tit at ultla.superoorrkushp, sd at of te rçt retSfeti'g poicueh me, So6a. but"". C'onm()Ua, 1 tncandiSf Bedaeada; *a l r M dParoi, - tareCor~e Whatnu~.&c.&c . FI .-ig tat-i Chamn;Wastd, n Lin"na - -w - IO~TIEAL V .A -S I NORTH SIDE 0F rei*pctftiliy solitits a ta I from intending purehasrg. TIIO-MAS DEI XNEY, oRur . COFF I s, .f ail giies and cariots qualilies. - alu ys on ba d, or Dade to order. E THOMAS DEVANEY. *sept. 19 %.116-tf i%-IOLESÂhE fiAND 'MEAIL VKENT. STREET, LINVDS-Ay. 1 to, inform the inliahilants of Linds'ay and 1W e cotinty of Victoriai t4rat>, alhivûug al*pd the laI.' disitoua ie that destroved the town of Linidsay. th±y stî1 eccupy lte BRICK STORIE BELONGING TO DAVID BROWVN. verially a veTd bth t'y the .*arultv and <ti- er_«. In l a Iarîvsg, rt,-e fru;u medicil tevh;ealttC', i gir~ > u a.î.le reILed.<.. ta- UbtLItuned -.f' r thte .cur .e -C n Ce-n'e, with inm1,rtatit rites f.rj',re-et1 1-- thé Ilientb, anddrti-l for the ,i'k .c;b, andi the pri>per tvatmet f lte sick. T - Dise.ýeý! f Uh,1i'd. ti.. e Dtea-e-LI Nîi n- heoi. andi the bîeast' L uVi. k aa.e. &Il treated. i<a Cear .Ztdi tic!%a%. I war' at hand. uni rezaav t4.. ve .' *ý pe re»Ije -a ttis h..tk nuv >-. a. --Ve i vuliite. It i. ne-,îi îý ec l eé r type and iI1î;itrate'd witll A', t~ t .. I N ALL LT S 1B1R AîC E S B. M,- ErLz'ý. - Cturefudly Pu-ti.ed /sy -1!rs' '<. Il .ÙWrn 'ACT4JN'S MODERN -a(IRun!i'k* .2! ;. î;.uc iciîtb.ictu ft- an'd careX.-i' , -c,î,..rtht e re7 nat - cr inteii,-frm e. wi :r. i t ê.vu le un t- veJ aret i:,~ I iýl , *.f ýh, 31ra--. j Auýa'l p 1 - tr - h ;t o _e - t, al r-a a . î ' i-a In.îaîed '~ '~~- Iin -~àui.j,'C'e$1 2à.HI I i 'q I 4 ir o BEG8' The as w inl, tK e8S # tthi soa*r i h onr til htte cio m as MIOU tem hatthe uhae pot 1 arlarer tuvktliuer ~ou bad, bt. aveu TELY sTILL LOWEI1 TIAN EvER WÂ.4S SOLD BEFORE IN LINDSAY. 0 0U L WRI1) -t - 1) SA VI'IU R alnad iar . sto &,Ws D on w fuae l. a ur td t t h t t un o îer indu em ents tha t ha e ncever btBr R v.JaIIii. W l. fer b es tfredluthu own. They ha% e a ar -r tok adg~ Irvarity thau anY .éther ( rf l ' r-ecd Iy Rez..sr L,-~ ~ r threestore in îwn, iad fo cheaness urd upiý' i cannot 4 tsurl1asaed ceV in Mo.>ntrcf oToato.i uwadfu uTUE LffE OF CHRIT .ý ist!t Phf. qhvc Torm o. -reIgiýofi. It exiiibits the l'riiic 'i leà tv1 'r-:. - They have jut..toe's.alid iuuw o5ler for Sale, a ant nter 1uri vandbul Aït. It j- "]L*Y IGu' Eb grasg a, and b. cl1aBine4 ia.the an of al dscrptins,.hih fr goduse f qai ty ai:d su1eaiorutyof fuisb, canot ueThin'ielwre Lv;-nt.t o f ah a .io % w h Î : u r g o u e a s f q n u . u s 1 0 i n d t c b c d d e s r i t i o n sl . D r _t 'c e w t < be elalle( in twn.has &irangd theft in t-ne su U2" 'lth such e,Blit!tIts, ex an.Lzt,n' au1id iA- 1EA~.XAJB ULTEIN ?0RTEE ILLIN, dntal infrliatà-r as t" e,;nde it aihie;r t- of aU Sixe#, Putterna. aitd Quaatica bltt'O-h.lr.sDuhuui4 CroeeryIiadwar, I<.P'r a ~ 1itr <f the Jeit. and .ar F«.- -n the Bootsand Sioe% *1vrdeccs tif tbe V1leIt aiý L4-nat-r V" cl they intend £o wdU ai eztrcel l w r;.t r Cash, lover, they belli re, than gocdà ir au2 i zcvùtri - c~slquityhaei ir. ttu 1 -Ad alit i iis ov. in CelIl ; Cltqh Ex'ra. . . . . ..... .2 t. Merinuxts ~itarnLHoliad. Nalkv'. iî MA 2i brillhant and fast cohw Ptiînté; 1Ltd.es' .t F~~h Manile ( euh; &1ar' &ud SafL-,Ia1c'-k are e. lielamxes, UAtàlXmere. Stol.ekan C itdGa-. ~ "~ ".........i adime; rw.dmillIinetry EItutîtt-'; ed)C s lU-kRIbù !Flowerm, Glove*, MtiI r. LaS...i sa-.nd eilâ, Musin Collars, Habits, ana Tl Seeves; Cbilre'â Ht1l~~.d a:~ ntl b.&.&.A GftOCERY j)EPAR'rMFNTx.-Tva, Su 'a' Soap. Cand!fes. Starch. Diue. Rice. Tobac- FOR FA MII.Y AM' 1'1.LPIT USEZ. ç%, ludig-u, Pepper, MtLstu;d, V-ai:a.. i -.('ua-it&tî. Nuté,M~e, S!nap,, Snti DritO O0C EPTTA1NS OF TuIE lIt 1.Y BIBLE are un- Apple*, sud everythitrlr4i5~i kiLet i ci t tii à tol'. ,1alIed fur îhe'r.dî rm1 .; t flt. eepée LIU )FýPARTMENTî>,)it and'.ht-rry Witie;Pie and Dark Branie ~ dynie11.01-1n, h aitîgcCfl5Ia.rý Porter. ~t rec 'ertherbi j-er f-c 'r -a e; cz,. Mud Uid Tom Glu; TWudd t' tunti WYt; -vPrtr e Ruza; aô,I~ -. ij. j ~ ,, e.,n i LEATIIER DEPA RTM N.'.- AlîrLeather, CafSk .Japcif. in M.tne., iîî-Ni ':0 Ni te.nr -- - -, n, *. *.e . c IBLe'...: Cx . Tbr.. T e rt, :; i b> batoior hotu ue nlàimk-sný, sa :cmenuit Il.dîal "ho pluehE otthx t ulc te etnlorse. lire then i.an.sd tlve li iii,-arre wu aortt u securin, vour cusitont byv- itg ood value for your ncmev. -gv - Tc> du atut (uote the p 'iï-- î of it.ir go.dŽ , ferrin.f te ]et pai tics W.anda examinie for îhenmselveu, lunwhelm casêe if g xes ttpries are'not saisfactory. '.iioranec.-!no ul i*-- l>srticular attention iu diu-e-terd tu 1'i*- W:îeDielp&.itwent ahicla is uow euî ansd gouda cmnte puch"datt hi -,toroe v ial cer 1htl iWy eau te laad citherut. Tomaîit' buocMon- To thme pesona <espeeially to thoý:e freunl the coîlntry) who so earctsraïde'd iern en the day of liefire, îhey he, îtt it ;.-petIMIV tu rituru iheir s.e-ot.~ .and'! t1-tUre thet't It 1a their sets of kiuadices shall' never !,e forgttou. C lit C U LAIR. .eLÀE N NON he h«areoaxcmedbusix nes uthe WEST SIDE 0F WILLIAM1 STREETLINSY utm ere bu opened s GEN ERÂL M ERCHANDISEI DIL~ patofa&Oic mteo h.ed-styl Cotpullus W-deolh.,Tweeds, Satinetts, FanlCosig h ;Prints, Cobmzga MadiuDosase DumshTuieclth, o.llng otton Yarus,. WNÇI W ~A &m«!sUCEW Iluim toWba E LIenvS S L Asoagva* *Mdi». 4 eTtlsca,%=m-LI LumpCrlshed, adsudMscorado; log%, Cok%, Anw4q. tso 9ue, Suem lia i uawh: Ptansd Dart Brsuty;-Toddy mal .. Wés~P«tSmati mqwWie; ERu, Gin, Vlnegr, te. k.- Imam ffe arbi 3*1# adis, Fort., seltheaia, ell, , it Meir- -e-** mi" Ib4 fuei lodmoe 1~~ i * i ~ l.e'athr. M nrUde -atLtB LnI 10 Enatravngs. .. .. ..... -E Ib. Le-ttler. M:î:h. E.iîe.., A à: Nh-.~.l' (' -4 re-l Ena.v¾ jnFl! ltit Eazes E 'kandi r'ýi 14 rtee.1 2 t - . ,. î- Pq-er. rey M,. '.I.. . ~..nrir::c-.Maijz, a"I 111-M. . ' du kl--c U, 1b platcn., ,Mars, U Lntj. lti.u a ani "-' e aboive and c ther tair t: e,;- . duletinents ttu aill c arc Cx - IPZN- As thezFe be-k, t aïe'.aei1 icrcr e~ ton a ieUai- valu iat ear C, t t. a rtaiu and raFid isale ;-i-~ t-he;r n.c rerý whete. For i. çIt et-pics . r frt-'-- -.a; a. ter ;nf:i-1nAtie n. à jq'. - w. <e.: No. 6i7 '-~*1 -li-h.1- andi n rion inetzince has it fliled-t u k; voe' »" le th*. eeales.t in the'w wmd. It- i1,"e :., 1-lfty cntme, arvi e-tell 1-ttmce' .nt3i&S- dou,îký 2 îuautilv of dye e%>Draîned -n those Uuly si, :' TH1E ENF.TA~N DVE ~ bs ths ale . î-wa.n t<(Lu ties. t: rated wt tu iiajarm ththalc, or det scalp. ;:a 12, guites*t de'gree.1 TRE VENETIAN DVE SWoeks uith ra1aidîty su- eertâit.It ecîýz ný anROyatce etr noble lu îh.-se wu3.mo use, it. TRE VENETIAN DYE Proýduee% any vShade thrat nay bedeàireti - 1e ulil net fitîle, merk. or wa-li ont; tn. th*t le t-j) mutent ai lthe huar it'elf.- -TUE VeNEFTIAN DYE h)es nç-t. uin n manner, ,,,terfer-ewith the r.î'tns- aoftues-ý ufîbe air; ;t nether scorehec ,,r î,e -THIE VtENETIÀAN DYEý le 'he br't, Ani est , elfe"t. mrn<'ti .nverut, tuei auceerbrte .and iaost1-j-,rnhCD" le-ievzir L"Id THE YENETI-1tN DYE- Ravilir gainetiau extenieireptqdoti. the î- mme CACTIONED ýagalnsipetrhSsicD atYi' lu the mm i tyle. nnder tht saint Or lif.eret ÎS0a a, the7 ie nmtejutt4>5 n iPsMe tu d, 15 k 'y. Fer sale 1y ail- drýsoe35t5. Prereily by A 1. MTB~ BuffaN.l.Y.. ati Fert El., C.W. bPrinted au" P*biishd every Thuam7 ifU* by C. Mbam= UULNJ a a as sonuCs ma, oe' Pmp 55tW5, * CaeoBu **M- imno. W t 0 i »Mtk DRAKE a - FOLIT ,ai -1, 1 1 1 1 1 m 1 1 ýi il ] i 1 1 1 1 . - 1 tf -1